
This is a list of the holdings (documents, photographs etc.) of the History Centre. To search use the box below. The list includes a description of every item in the archive, but not the text of documents or the image of a photograph.  For the latter please contact us or visit the History Centre during its opening times.

2000:0001PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowJanet Gibson 1950sAt Pilgrims Farm
2000:0002PhotoCrime in Little BaddowCloggers farm. Postcard refers to double murder and suicide of Partridge family in 1908Photocopy of postcard. Details of the murder also in 2017.0031 and 2017.0032 reports in local newspapers.
2000:0003Doc2018-2020Printout of Ancestry recordFellow, Jiggins, Pledger, Joslin, Appleton, Wheeler, Maynott, Argent, Perry
2000:0004Doc2018-2020Printout of Ancestry listingHare, Saunders, Hordley, Yell, Handley, /valentine, Brugnell,
2000:0005Doc2018-2020Laminated printout of burial records for 1859Funerals conducted by William B Ady. Names: Elizabeth Lewis, Joseph Raven, Edward Pratt, Lydia Wood, Charles D???, Benjamin Horth, Harriet Humphreys, Graham Perry
2000:0006Doc2018-2020Chelmsford Petty Sessions - report of attempted suicide of Edward Chas. Porter (alias Belfore) by drowning.Display material - original location now known.
2000:0007Doc2018-2020Register of Electors sample, 1918Exhibition material, copied from Archives Online. Shows family names A - F
2000:0008Doc2018-2020Death duty index for Maria Ann Raven, died 8th April 1900.Copy of index, laminated and used for exhibition but original not found.
2000:0009Doc2018-2020Examinations record for poor reliefWilliam Calcraft and his wife, Hannah; George Ward; Thomas Bacon and family; Suzanna Campin;Susannah Linsell and child.
2000:0010PhotoCelebration at Well House; 1960s or 70s;Joan Barker's home at the time.
2000:0011PhotoHandbell ringers at Well House.Richard and Wendy Godden; Charles Cope.
2000:0012PhotoPostcard 'Little Baddow Girls'; 29th May 1909.Cloggers Farm.
2000:0013PhotoGeorge Enefer with gun and dogs.Probably at the rear of Wickhay Cottages.
2000:0014PhotoGeorge Enefer in Home Guard uniform, with bike.Outside Wickhay Cottages, North Hill.
2000:0015PhotoCricket1932 Cricket team, outside old pavilion.Back Row (L to R) - Mrs E M Warsop, F Ager, R B Warsop, ???, Marrett, Malcolm Scott, C Vanstone (umpire). Front Row (L to R) - Lawrence; Mordaunt Currie, W Wilde; G Joslin, T Enefer, S Enefer
2000:0016PhotoHockey Club on carnival float. Rex Hovendon as teacher with 'St Trinians' girls.Molly Wyatt, Mike Parker, Judy Pittaway, Bob Upson, Janet Burr, Margaret Gibbons, John Fowler, Gordon Callan, Ann Wyatt, Daphne Pittaway, Ann Sandiford, Mary Munn, Eddie Wood, Rex Hovendon.
2000:0017PhotoPeople and EventsMrs Turner and Miss Cooke in schoolroom; date not known.
2000:0018PhotoThe Old RodneyGirl on Heather HillsPostcard of girl, named elsewhere as Phyllis Boreham, c1908. 3 copies, one addressed to Mrs Edith Muirhead
2000:0020PhotoInterior of St Mary's Church, 2013
2000:0021PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Old ForgeApr-05
2000:0022PhotoThe Old RodneyEdwardian photo at gate between Love's Lane and Heather HillsShows family - details not known. Listed as 'Little Baddow No. 7'.
2000:0023PhotoPast and PresentB/W photo of Miss Sorrell's shop at the top of North Hill, taken c1900
2000:0024PhotoWalter Warsop and others batmaking(details not known)
2000:0025PhotoCongregational Sunday School Treat c1914Baddow Road Congregational Church Sunday School treat, on the Chelmer and Blackwater navigation, near King's Mill, Little Baddow
2000:0026PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSpalding postcard of Coleraines c1910
2000:0027PhotoPast and PresentNorth Hillshows Warren Cottage; taken c 1904; postcard dated August 19th 1911, from someone who had been staying at Coleraines
2000:0028Doc1967-1979 Parish Council PapersMinutes of Ordinary and Annual Meetings 1967-1979
2000:0029Doc1967-1979 Parish Council PapersParish Newsletters 1967-1979
2000:0030Doc1967-1979 Parish Council PapersVillage Activity Lists 1967-1979
2000:0031Doc1967-1979 Parish Council PapersThe Renewal Program 1970s Leaflet
2000:0032Doc1955-1966 Parish Council Papers1950-1955 Parish Council correspondence 1950-1955 Parish Council correspondence – W H Bromley (Witch Wood), Christian Berridge, Emily Everett, Mrs Balentine, Mrs Turner, A Tunstill
2000:0033Doc1955-1966 Parish Council Papers1962 Index of Village Organisations
2000:0034Doc1933-1934 Parish Council PapersParish Council Correspondence 1933-1934Mr A.E.Robinson (Firtree Lane), Advertisement Byelaws
2000:0035Doc1933-1934 Parish Council Papers1933 Transfer of ownership of “The Rodney”From Edward William Bickmore to John Vincent Goldsworthy
2000:0036Doc1943-1949 Parish Council Papers1943-1949 Parish Council correspondenceCharringtons, Sale of Pasture Land adjoining Memorial Hall( Mr W R Hood, Mr Frank Ager, Mr Wooder), Mrs Sapford (Almshouses), Rev W.F.G.Mitchell (The Rectory), Wickhay Cottages ( Mr Mead, Mr Partlett, Little Baddow Copyhold Allotments – Poors Wood (Joseph J Speakman, W B Blood, William Gooday Strutt, Jeremiah Pledger, James Tweed, Samuel Snow, Johnson Clark), Mr and Mrs William Brown (Oakworth Cottage)
2000:0037DocArchaeologyHandwritten notes on archaeology
2000:0038DocArchaeologyThe Medieval Tilery at DanburyEssex Archaeological Society Pamphlet by P J Drury, Chairman of Research and Fieldwork Committee, March 1974
2000:0039DocArchaeologyTwo Bronze Looped Axeheads found on Phillows Farm, 1974Photocopies of pages 146 and 147 from an unnamed source with “Work undertaken by Essex County Council Archaeological Section 1971-76” by Christine Couchman
2000:0040DocArchaeologyFossil Horns found at Paper Mill BridgeLetter from Colchester and Essex Museum, dated 26 May 1965, to Mrs P.T.Barker (The Ridge House) regarding Fossil Horns found in 1935 and late Bronze Age hoard.
2000:0041DocArchaeologyExhibition notes on archaeological finds in Little BaddowFinds from Site of Old Vicarage, Brick Making (16th/17th century), Bronze axe-head found near New Lodge
2000:0042PhotoChildren's Nativity Play, December 72
2000:0043PhotoCongregational Church Sunday School Treat at the Old Rodney 1904
2000:0044BookLittle Baddow in the Seventeenth Century by J Berridge (Reprints from Essex Review Vol 43, January, April, July 1934)Henry Mildmay, Richard Barrington, James Wheelhouse, Gyles and Dorothie Blake, Tweedy, Matthew Rudd, Thomas Fuller, John Newton, Susan Cooke, John Vessey, Maundeford Bramston, Gobert Barrington, John Oakes, Edmund Butler, Elias Pledger
2000:0045BookLittle Baddow in the Sixteenth Century by J Berridge.Reprints from Essex Review Vol 45 October 1936, Vol 46 April 1937
2000:0046BookJesse Berridge PapersLittle Baddow in the Middle Ages by J BerridgeReprints from Essex Review Vol 48 January, April, July 1939
2000:0048DocLittle Baddow History Centre2012/13 History Centre Exhibitions and EventsOur Village in the 20th Century, Fragmentation to Reconciliation 1662-2012, Read All About Us
2000:0049PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPoleighsView from North Hill
2000:0050PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillNorth HillFred Spalding postcard looking up North Hill to Miss Sorrell’s shop
2000:0051PhotoPast and PresentNorth HillNotes on the back of photograph are by Roy Warsop (the shorter of the two boys shown in the photo); Mr (Pigkiller) Ager and Mrs Ager (by Warren Collage), Harry Martin and R Warsop. Poss date 1911
2000:0053PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallAlbert Everett and farm cart
2000:0054PhotoArchaeologyTrack to Old Vicarage c.2020
2000:0056DocAerial PhotographsEssex Chronicle publication 14th September 2001 entitled Essex History from the Air.Top of Colam Lane, Little Baddow 1971
2000:0057PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationYe Olde Rustic BridgeBehind the original Paper Mill, just to the left of the far side of the present road bridge;
2000:0058PhotoAerial PhotographsAerial Photo of River Chelmer looking east (26th Sept 1970)Area to the east of North Hill, take from 6,000'
2000:0059PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFloodsPaper Mill Bridge;
2000:0060DocJames HarrisNotes on James Harris (URC Preacher of Woodham Walters) by Stella Waller
2000:0061PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Bridgebarge carrying timber
2000:0062FolderLittle Baddow Parish Magazines May 1940 - May 1944Little Baddow Parish Magazines May 1940 - May 1944
2000:0063PhotoEdwardian postcard of Old Rodney, with people seated on grassLabelled Little Baddow Number 1
2000:0065PhotoThe Old RodneyPhyllis Boreham on the Rodney (c 1907)Identified from the photograph of her at similar age on York Street.
2000:0066Doc1984-85 Little Baddow Activities and Services Leaflet
2000:0067PhotoJohn Vale standing in doorway of his shop
2000:0068Doc1986-87 Little Baddow Activities and Services Leaflet
2000:0069PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesNew Lodgec 1900; shows members of the Speakman family outside the front door.
2000:0070Doc1988-1990 Minutes of Ordinary and Annual Meetings
2000:0071PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesWoodlands, The Ridge
2000:0072Doc1992 Parish Newsletter
2000:0073PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock houseEarly years of 20th century;
2000:0074Doc1996 Information Pack (Activities List and Information)
2000:0076Doc2005 Little Baddow Parish Council Annual Report and Newsletter
2000:0078FolderParish Council Papers 1950-1952Parish Council Papers 1950-1952
2000:0079PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillFir Tree CottageNorth Hill; January 1st 1923 or 1925; Shows Poleighs in background;
2000:0080DocLittle Baddow History Centre2006 History Centre Exhibitions and Events LeafletThe Village History Exhibition, In Ages Past: Church and Chapel in Little Baddow, The Canal Age, Archaeology in Little Baddow, Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic
2000:0082ArtefactLieutenant Jesse Dell WWI Medals
2000:0083PhotoWI 40th Anniversary Lunch (for menu, see P2b17)Also shows original War Memorial Board.
2000:0084ArtefactArthur Evan Thomas WWI Memorabilia
2000:0086ArtefactFriends of the VillagePortrait and notes about Miss Mary Pyne and Margaret Kirwan (Gibbs Cottage)
2000:0087FolderPhotographs from the 17th century Faire, 2012.
2000:0088ArtworkLittle Baddow MillFramed print
2000:0089PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill, view across navigation, date unknown.
2000:0090ArtefactPlaque of Hartford MeetinghouseMembers of the First Church of Christ in Hartford, known as Center Church and founded in 1632 in Cambridge, MA, trekked with their minister, the Rev Thomas Hooker, to settle Hartford, CT in 1636, The meetinghouse was built in 1807.
2000:0091PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowJarvis family group, walk after Millennium Ceremony.
2000:0092ArtefactDeryck CollingwoodFramed photo 1985
2000:0094Artwork1909 Burleigh print of an area near Baddow RodneyFramed colour print
2000:0096DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Hockey Club 1956 ReunionHostess: Mary Martin : Longwood, Little Baddow, Elise and Pyev Carter, Annie Mountfort, Molly and Alan Hendricks, Daphne and Bill Green , John and Mary Munro, Eileen and Mike Akehust (did not attend, apology sent), Ron and Vera Puddephatt, Rita and Roger Byrne (did not attend, apology sent), Mary and Bob Rolton (did not attend, apology sent), Sheila Knight (did not attend, apology sent), Ann Tyrell (did not attend, apology sent), John and Jennifer Fowler , Eddie Wood , Bob and Margaret Upson, Judy and Ken Iliffe, Yvonne Vince (did not attend, apology sent), Noel and Chris Taylor, Pat and Bill Warner, Bill and Jean Windley (did not attend, apology sent), Pat Manaton, Judy Ashdown(did not attend, apology sent), Jean Hydes (did not attend , apology and donation sent), David Kiddle (did not attend , apology and donation sent), Jennifer Speakman (did not attend, apology sent), Janet Christie (did not attend), Richard Ratcliffe (did not attend, apology sent), Mike Parker, Mary Parker (did not attend), Margaret Parker (did not attend), Wilf and Nita Sizer, Goff West, Pam Baker (did not attend), Jill Stacey (did not attend), John Burgess (did not attend), Ann Dickson (did not attend), Susan Massingham (did not attend), Robin and Cynthia Fanshawe, Ron Holdcroft (did not attend ) , Benny Foreman (did not attend, apology sent), Fenwick Wilson (did not attend, apology sent), Gordon and Joyce Cullen (did not attend, apology sent – “love to all”), Bunny Rogers (did not attend), Margaret Burr (did not attend) , Janet Burr (signed Janet Gleghorn), Pat Ward (did not attend), Richard Bailey , David Gill (did not attend), Jack and Joyce Mills, Desmond Collins (did not attend), Mavis and Felicity Butcher (did not attend), Ian Peke (did not attend), Bruce Ratcliffe (did not attend, apology sent ), Mary Phippen (Holland) (did not attend , apology sent), Margaret and David Enders (did not attend), Mike Parry-Cook (did not attend), Bill Agar (did not attend), Rita Rom (did not attend), George Mins (did not attend), Richard Walkdene (did not attend), Malcom Godfrey and wife , Ray Olley and wife, Johnny Latham (did not attend), Susan Tubbs – (signed Sue Lidbury-Tubbs), John Muirhead (did not attend, apology sent), Henry Nurse (did not attend), Roy Hollowell (did not attend, apology and donation sent), Jackie Eavney (did not attend, apology sent), John Fillibrown (did not attend), Peter Andrews and wife (did not attend, apology sent)
2000:0098FolderRobert ShepherdRobert ShepherdBorough Council Election Material 2004
2000:0100FolderApprenticeship PapersApprenticeship PapersJames Juniper 1817
2000:0102FolderLittle Baddow Paper MillLittle Baddow Paper MillCopy of 1861 letter from Simon Snow (miller) to Mrs Aylmer re flood damage contribution
2000:0104FolderDeryck CollingwoodDeryck Collingwood3 Letters from Deryck Collingwood to Joan Barker 1990/91 mentioning some 17th century LB inhabitants
2000:0106DocPoliceBaddow Policeman Goes Mad on his BeatEssex County Standard article 16 Sept 1899 – George Jones
2000:0108DocWilliam Washington ArchiveChristmas card by William Washington showing a line drawing of St Mary’s ChurchDated Xmas 1952 and New Year 1953, addressed to Daisy Alcock
2000:0110ArtworkWilliam Washington ArchiveWilliam Washington line drawing of The Granite BridgeKingshouse, Argyllshire, no date
2000:0112DocWilliam Washington ArchiveWilliam Washington letter regarding Miss Alcock’s appealSent from Upper Norwood dated 26 June 1951
2000:0114DocWilliam Washington ArchiveWilliam Washington letter stating enclosure of cheque for £1.10.0Sent from High Garret, undated
2000:0116DocWilliam Washington ArchiveChristmas card by William Washington showing line drawing of Victory sign over Union Jack below lionDated 1941
2000:0118MountedLB Post OfficePainting by M W Merritt of the post office, North Hill, c1950s
2000:0120Doc1955-1966 Parish Council Papers1955-1966 Minutes of Ordinary and Annual Meetings
2000:0122Doc1984-1987 Minutes of Ordinary and Annual Meetings
2000:0124DocRoman and Pre-RomanThe Ford and Aspects of Roman FarmingNotes about Hurrell’s Lane
2000:0126PhotoProperties in Colam LaneSpalding photo of Little Baddow (No. 1746) with concise historyColam Lane; looking towards top of hill and Aldermanburgh;
2000:0128PhotoThe Old RodneyTennis Courts at the Old RodneyPostcard. c1930s
2000:0130PhotoAerial PhotographsAerial photo of ToftsFrom north, 19th June 2000 c.7pm
2000:0132PhotoAerial PhotographsAerial photo of Chelmer Cottage19th June 2000 c.7pm
2000:0134PhotoAerial PhotographsAerial photo of North HillFrom NE, 19th June 2000 c.7pm
2000:0136BookLittle Baddow Scarecrows 2009 Calendar
2000:0138BookLB & Danbury in Bygone Days Calendar 1985
2000:0140DocLittle Baddow in the PastLittle Baddow in the Past - notes on various housesResearch by Mrs P J Barker and Mrs and Mrs Warsop
2000:0142DocLittle Baddow in the PastCopies of documents relating to cottage near Manse occupied by Lindsell family
2000:0144PhotoCricketCricket Bat Making1946; Leslie Stubbings, Cyril Warsop, Walter Warsop, Noel Warsop
2000:0146PhotoCricketCricket bats for shipping to West Indies1957, Cyril Warsop
2000:0148PhotoCricket1949 Little Baddow Cricket club second XINewspaper cutting; Keith Miles, David Robinson, Brian Mason, Fred Kite, Tony Ketley, Ted Pizzy, Geoff Green, Ted Enefer, Cedric Joslin, Max Warsop, John Enefer, Don Seargent, Fred Enefer; 2004 photos of Cricket Club centenary;
2000:0150DocCricketHowzat for making a great cricket bat?Chronicle article, 2 June 2011 about Warsop Stebbing
2000:0151PhotoThe Old RodneyHeather Hills, looking westwardsc 1918
2000:0152DocCricketLittle Baddow Cricket Club History pre-1900Copies of Essex Chronicle articles 1790 and 1885
2000:0154PhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old Rodney c1905Photo with caption (from 'Postcards' book); previously the site of Warren House; Cock and Warren public house; Jordan; Pullen; Mecklenburg; Boreham; Clark;
2000:0156PhotoSpalding photo of The Old Rectory c.1905 (No. 1745) with concise historyButterfield, Ady, Taylor, Berridge
2000:0158DocWilliam KnightbridgeRector of St Mary's in 1536.
2000:0160DocParsonage FarmPainting, date unknown
2000:0162PhotoThe Cottage at Parsonage FarmC1900
2000:0164DocWarsop Cricket PapersCopy of 1851 Indenture Contract for Benjamin Warsop
2000:0166DocLittle Baddow WI 75th Anniversary Certificate
2000:0168DocLittle Baddow WI Christmas Luncheon Menu, 1988 (70th Anniversary)
2000:0170DocWalks and WalkingLittle Baddow Millenium WalkLeaflet describing circular walk around Little Baddow. Map and instructions on card. Circular walk 6.9 miles.
2000:0172PhotoHandbell RingersHandbell Ringers at Walters Cottage, Christmas 1993
2000:0174DocPeople and Events of Little Baddow1903 letters of Edith E Chaplin (Bassetts) to her daughter Audrey GregoryAyrton Chaplin, Mary Pyne, William E Ayrton, Herta Ayrton, Israel Zangwill, Margaret Kirwan, Isabel Heuvey, Henry Nicholson, Ursula Gregory, Lady Constance Baines, Jane Nicholson, Henry Chaplin, Christopher Gregory, Douglas Forbes, Elizabeth Marie Dixon, Sylvia Percival, Cuthbert Baines, Barbie Ayrton, Alice Grenfell, Alicia Percival, Edith Sadler, Edith Zangwill, Miss Baker, Lucy Pinniger,
2000:0176DocMarven Family InformationMarven Family MemoriesPhotos, memories etc
2000:0178DocVillage PeopleMemories of Jean Harman nee Bane, born 1930
2000:0180DocVillage PeopleJohn Mudd2011 Essex Chronicle article
2000:0182DocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1986 Order of Service for a Service of Thanksgiving for Thomas Hooker and John EliotMultiple copies, 1 autographed by Hooker descendants
2000:0184DocWar MemorialWar Memorial Appeal (2015)Leaflet giving brief history of Little Baddow War Memorial; Target of £15,000 for appeal.
2000:0186DocWar MemorialOrder of Service for Rededication of War Memorial, 2016
2000:0188TapeChildhood in Little Baddow in 1930/40sInterview with Brian and Pam Targrass conducted in 1997 about growing up and holidaying in Little Baddow
2000:0192DocJesse Berridge PapersComments on "G for Gas"Letter from John Medbury
2000:0194DocJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks at Little Baddow, notes by Jesse Berridge in Essex Archaeological Transactions, Vol 19, pp 199-200, 1930Follow-up to P12ac
2000:0196DocJesse Berridge PapersLittle Baddow in Middle Ages - key to mapInformation taken from 2000:0046
2000:0200DocMillennium Lunch1998 Little Baddow Activities and Information
2000:0202DocMillennium LunchMillennium papers“Essex Millennium Festival 2000” Brochure
2000:0204DocMillennium LunchMillennium papers“Towards the Millennium 1998 Update” Brochure
2000:0206DocMillennium LunchMillennium papers“The Village and the Millennium” Typewritten summary of Millennium Group plans by Simon Johnson
2000:0208DocMillennium LunchMillennium papers“Fantastic Journey” programme of the special Millennium Fund production by Little Baddow Drama
2000:0210DocMillennium LunchMillennium papersMillennium Committee Income and Expenditure from 2 September 1999 to 4 May 2000
2000:0212DocMillennium LunchMillennium papersList of drinks purchased / returned for unknown Millennium event
2000:0214DocMillennium LunchMillennium papersDetails of tickets purchased by individuals
2000:0216DocMillennium LunchMillennium papersLetter from Paul Smith (butcher of Stretham, Cambridgeshire) dated 24 April 2000 to Simon Johnson regarding food order.
2000:0218DocMillennium LunchMillennium papersLetter of thanks dated 12th June 2000 from Simon Johnson – Pat Breeze, Vicki Briggs, Mike Heard, Russell Hooks, Sian Hurrell, Jennifer Mead, Maurice Staines, Bob Shepherd.
2000:0220DocMillennium LunchMillennium PapersMinutes of Little Baddow Parish Council Annual Meeting of 4 May 2000 – Mrs M Martin, Mrs H Middelboe, Mr J Robinson, Mr B Welch, Mr M Staines, Simon Johnson, Mr T Thorogood, Mr R Goodall, Mr M Hurrell, Mr R Shepherd
2000:0222DocMillennium LunchMillennium PapersChelmsford Millennium Award correspondence from May 2000.
2000:0224DocMillennium LunchMinutes of Millennium Group Meetings Jan 1999 - May 2000Pat Breeze, Vicki Briggs, Mo Cartwright, Mike Heard, Russell Hooks, Sian Hurrell, Simon Johnson, Tom Mabbit, Jennifer Mead, Bob Shepherd, Maurice Staines
2000:0226PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowSpalding photo of Little Baddow (No. 1747)Colam Lane; looking towards top of hill and Aldermanburgh;
2000:0228DocWilliam Washington ArchiveDaisy AlcockAutobiographical notes plus copies of photos
2000:0230PhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsThree colour photos of aerial view of Paper Mill in Flood 2001.Chelmsford Weekly News 2001
2000:0232PhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsPhotograph of Rushes Lock, River Chelmer
2000:0234PhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsPhoto of unnamed section of river, showing flooding
2000:0236NewspapersRiver Chelmer PhotographsNewspaper clipping about a £25,000 grant from the Hanson Environment Fund to the Essex Environment Trust to help Chelmer Canal Trust get rid of Pennywort.Essex Chronicle 22 July 2004
2000:0238NewspapersRiver Chelmer PhotographsNewspaper clipping about a Dragon Boat Race for charity at Paper Mill Lock, Little BaddowNo date
2000:0240BookSick in Body, Perfect of Memory by John Bundock, 2010Little Baddow Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1500-1857 - Thomas Baxter (1494), Clement Smythe (1551), Thomas Blake (1599), Thomas Emery (1618), William Bridge (1635), John Hubbard (1638), Thomas Vessey (1637), Sir Henry Mildmay (1637), John Newton (1646), Frauncis Mildmay (1647), Richard Vessey (1649), Robert Bredge (1651), Ciceley Mildmay (1654), Thomas Reeve (1653), John Harvey (1655), Elinor Bretland (1657), Thomas Coales (1670), Dame Amy Mildmay (1669), Sir Gobert Barrington (1692), William Hunt (1697), Dame Elizabeth Barrington (1698), Robert Collman (1720), Thomas Jeffrey (1728), Michael Pittman (1727), Charles Gordon (1737), Elizabeth Waterson (1742), John Richarson (1743), Edmund Fowler (1750), Benjamin Harrington (1757), Robert Clerke (1763), Thomas Desaguliers (1777), Thompson Stoneham (1780), John Baker (1786), Rev John Steffe (1786), John Baker (1797), Thomas Hodges (1798), John Hale (1792), Mary Hodges (1805), Francis Burgess (1811), William Lee (1818), John Simmons (1819), Thomas Baker (1808), William Johnson (1830), Edmund Simmons (1826), Benjamin Livermore (1835), Susannah Sorrell (1835), John Raven (1840), William Goodday Strutt (1842), Frances Ward (1848), James Johnson Jeggins (1847), Rev Stephen Morell (1850), Robert Tweed (1840), Jeremiah Pledger (1854)
2000:0242BookLittle Baddow in the News 1750-1950 by John Bundock, 2012
2000:0244PhotoPost Office Stores c1920s ?
2000:0246BookUnited Reformed Church"Through the Seasons – Notes on the Churchyard & Grounds, Little Baddow" by Brenda Hooson2007
2000:0248BookUnited Reformed Church"Little Baddow United Reformed Church – A History" by Rev Dr R Buick KnoxUpdated and reissued 2007
2000:0250DocButler Trust Rules1909 Butler Educational Trust scheme rules
2000:0252DocButler Trust Rules1937/1938 Butler Educational Foundation scheme amendments
2000:0254DocButler Trust Rules1957 Butler Educational Foundation payments
2000:0256DocButler Trust Rules1908 Butler Educational Foundation correspondence
2000:0258DocButler Trust Rules1927 Butler Educational Foundation correspondence
2000:0260DocButler Trust Rules1930-31 Butler Educational Foundation correspondence
2000:0262DocButler Trust Rules1934-37 Butler Educational Foundation application
2000:0264DocElm Green School"Our visit to Little Baddow" booklet
2000:0266DocElm Green SchoolExtract about school from 1965 WI Scrapbook
2000:0268ArtefactMemorial PlaquePrivate John James Porter b. 1895
2000:0270DocCuckoos, Thomas HookerOrder of Service for 27th Annual Service in honour of Thomas Hooker and John EliotLittle Baddow Chapel, 7 July 2013
2000:0272NewspapersCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1986 Essex Chronicle cutting - 2 letters in response to previous article regarding Thomas Hooker 400th Anniversary
2000:0274DocCuckoos, Thomas HookerThomas Hooker and the DevilCopy of article by Alice Porter published in Connecticut Magazine, July-August 1906
2000:0276NewspapersMemorial Hall FireNewspaper cutting showing Rex Hovenden, Mrs M.E. Hood and Canon Jesse Berridge at opening of new Memorial Hall, 1960
2000:0278DocMemorial Hall FireNotes on the Memorial Hall by Alan AshfordFor the book "A Century of Village Life"
2000:0280DocMemorial Hall FireThe Destruction of the Memorial Hall by Fire April 1959Notes by Alan Ashford, February 1998
2000:0282DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowStrutt family holdings in Little Baddow 1677-1923Copied from original in cellar of Terling Place
2000:0286MountedHistorical Notes on Little BaddowMap and brief notes of Wickhay GreenWilliam Jolly, Samuel Jeggons, Nathaniel Perry
2000:0288ArtefactLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minute Book BoxMetal box for holding minute books, c1955
2000:0290DocChelmer and Blackwater NavigationChelmer Crusies Leaflet 1991
2000:0292JournalHistoric EssexEssex Archaeology No 7, Sept 1990Roman Villa at Boreham
2000:0294ArtefactMetal Box, Packet of 50 Craven A cigarettes
2000:0296:aArtefact2020 Papermill Lock RefurbishmentReplacement of Lock Gates - Pin from old Lock Gate workings
2000:0296:bArtefact2020 Papermill Lock RefurbishmentReplacement of Lock Gates - Section from Lock Arm
2000:0296:cArtefact2020 Papermill Lock RefurbishmentReplacement of Lock Gates - 'T' piece from old Lock Gate
2000:0298PhotoNational School Class photo, c1890s/1900sMiss Clench on left, Mr Thomas on right
2000:0300PhotoNational School Class photo, c 1890s/1900sMr Thomas on right
2000:0302Doc2018-2020Order of Service for Remembrance Sunday, 100th Anniversary of the End of First World War 1914-1918Little Baddow Memorial Hall, 11 Nov 2018
2000:0304NewspapersCricket"63 not out!", Essex Chronicle 17 July 1992
2000:0306NewspapersObituaries and Memorial Services"Dr. Armstrong Gibbs dies", Essex Chronicle 13 May 1960
2000:0308DocLittle Baddow History Centre2009/2010 History Centre Exhibitions and Events LeafletThe Village Churchyard - Old Names & Memorials, A Village Childhood, High Days and Holidays, The Origin of Place Names
2000:0312DocLittle Baddow History CentreLocal Museum Volunteers Nominated for SHARE AwardPress Release May 2015
2000:0314:aNewspapersLittle Baddow History Centre"Charting the waterways", Essex Chronicle 17 Aug 2006LBHC exhibition of Alastair Stewarts Canal Memorabilia
2000:0314:bPhotoLittle Baddow History Centre2006 LBHC The Canal Age Exhibition
2000:0316ArtworkThe Rodney Public HouseWatercolour of Rodney Public House by Jill Goodson
2000:0318ArtworkChelmer and Blackwater NavigationWatercolour of Little Baddow Mill by Jill Goodson
2000:0320ArtworkLocal ArtistsWatercolour of Sandford Mill by Jill Goodson
2000:0322ArtworkLocal ArtistsWatercolour of the Hythe, Maldon, by Jill Goodson
2000:0324ArtworkLocal ArtistsWatercolour of Riverside Inn, Chelmsford, by Jill Goodson
2000:0326ArtworkLocal ArtistsWatercolour of military person by Jill Goodson
2000:0328ArtworkLocal ArtistsWatercolour of Barnes Mill, Chelmsford, by Jill Goodson
2000:0330PhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsDanbury in Bygone DaysCopies of various Spalding postcards with concise history - Moore's Bridge 1894, The Street c 1890, The Old Bakery Runsell Green c1905, Danbury Common c1900 looking west along Sandon Road, Bell Hill c1895, The Chantry c1910, Danbury Village c1922, Woodham Road Danbury Common c1905, Danbury Church c1914, Danbury Main Road c1895, Danbury War Memorial just before its dedication, Belvedere Farm c1914
2000:0332PhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsTwelve B&W Postcards of Danbury, undatedIncluding views of Danbury Church, Danbury Common, Main Road
2000:0334DocJesse Berridge PapersExtracts from Parish Magazines 1917-1947 relating to Rev Jesse Berridge
2000:0336BookBurning Lamps - A Family History by Noel ClarkSamuel Maddocks, Elizabeth Revel
2000:0340DocMessage from George VI to School Children, 1946
2000:0342ArtefactBone Bangle, date unknownFound at Walter's Cottage, North Hill
2000:0344ArtefactTwo clay pipe bowls
2000:0346PhotoLittle Baddow School Folk Dancing TeamBack Row: Peggy Kersey, Doris Webb, Joyce Miles, Peggy Smith, Ruth Burton. Middle Row: Pearl Peacock, Peggy Banes, Pat Sergeant, Joyce Lightfoot, Joyce Jordon, Edith Rolfe. Front Row: Margery Knight, Glenys Scrivener, Pat Willett, Olive Enefer, Betty Joslin, Polly Whait, Peggy Peacock
2000:0362NewspapersObituaries and Memorial ServicesObituary for J D MorellIllustrated London News, 4 April 1891
2000:0368BookOutrage, the Edalji Five and the Shadow of Sherlock Holmes by Roger OldfieldStoneham family
2000:0370MountedRestoration of Poleighs, 199215 photographs
2000:0372MapMap of the Lands belonging to Mowden Hall, 1723
2000:0374MapCopies of 1677 map with field details
2000:0376MapMap of Springfield, Danbury and Little BaddowDate unknown c1950s
2000:0380MapMap of Little Baddow district showing sites from Berridge novels
2000:0382MapMap of Chelmsford district showing sites from Berridge novels
2000:0384ArtworkCollage of Little Baddow Chapel by Bet Ashford May 2006
2000:0386PhotoPhotograph of the Rodney, Little Baddow 1894
2000:0388Artefact"The Copper Beech Tree" by John MuddSculpture created from the wood of the copper beech tree that stood by the National School
2000:0390ArtefactOak Tree Section TimelineSection of oak tree blown down in 1997 with tree rings labelled to show historical dates
2000:0392MountedPlans from 2013 excavation at The Warren, Heather Hills in 2013
2000:0394BookAnne Berridge her Alphabet by Jesse Berridge
2000:0396BookSometimes a Soldier by GH Woolley
2000:0398DocButler Trust Rules1972 Butler Educational Scheme amendments
2000:0400Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7807 and TL 7907 published 1966 annotated with information about scheduled trees c1970sNorth Hill (Top), The Ridge (North End), Spring Elms Lane
2000:0402Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7607 and TL 7707 published 1967 annotated with details of scheduled trees c1970sColam Lane, Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane
2000:0404Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7606 and TL 7706 published 1966 annotated with details of scheduled trees c1970sThe Ridge
2000:0406Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7608 and TL 7708 published 1967 annotated with details of scheduled trees c1970sLB church, Wickhay
2000:0408Map6 inch map of Little Baddow showing footpaths, undated
2000:0410Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7808 and TL 7908 published 1966 annotated with details of scheduled trees c1970sTofts, Bassetts
2000:0412MapDanbury Conservation Zone, Major Habitats and Safeguarded Sites, Nature Conservancy Council c1970s
2000:0414Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7606 and TL 7706 published 1966 annotated with details of scheduled trees c1970sNew Lodge, Graces, Riffhams
2000:0416BookThe English Miss Today and Yesterday by Alicia C Percival published 1939Ideals, methods and personalities in the education and upbringing of girls during the last hiundred years
2000:0418DocLittle Baddow School Report Card 1955Stella Smith aged 6yrs 11mths
2017:0001PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationThe Fisheries3 copies of postcard + one photograph of card; One postcard dated 1906, others are blank
2017:0002PhotoWI Outing(?? Rodney showing drive, before extension. Copy of Spalding) Miss Everett (bottom right)
2017:0004PhotoBirthday cardBirthday card dated 1908, 'from Little Baddow', sent to Mrs Royce of Danbury
2017:0006PhotoWI OutingNo date or names
2017:0007PhotoThe Old RodneyRodney Swing Boats
2017:0008PhotoThe Old RodneyHeather HillsPath used for sledging 'Don Martin's sledging Hill'
2017:0009PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationWooden footbridge near Little Baddow lock c.1905
2017:0010PhotoNorth Hill, with signpost blacked out1940 wartime measure in case of invasion
2017:0011PhotoAt the Paper Mill, Little BaddowPostcard dated 1927, shows rustic bridge and backwater.
2017:0012PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPostcard of Fisheries - Wrongly labelled as Little Baddow Lock.
2017:0013PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPostcard of Fisheries and Paper MillPostcard dated 1932 but photo pre-dates this as it shows mill which sender describes as having been taken down.
2017:0014PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill in the snowPostcard, not dated.
2017:0015PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock HousePostcard looking west towards lock and house.
2017:0016PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesSpalding postcard No.575 showing Old Riffhams Long shot down Riffhams Chase to house
2017:0017PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld RiffhamsTwo postcard dated 1938, 1950
2017:0018PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams ChaseSpalding postcard No.565 (two examples), one dated 1920
2017:0019PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams ChaseSpalding postcard No.572 dated 1921
2017:0020PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld Riffhams HouseTwo postcards, one dated 1909
2017:0021PhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyPostcard showing 'heather hills'
2017:0022PhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyPostcard showing 'heather hills'
2017:0023PhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyPostcard showing 'heather hills'
2017:0025Doc2018-2020Hockey Club carnival float2 photocopies of photos, plus a newspaper cutting. St Trinians. Named: Molly Wyatt, Mike Parker, Judy Pittaway, Bob Upson, Janet Burr, Margaret Gibbons, John Fowler, Gordon Callan, Ann Wyatt, Daphne Pittaway, Ann Sandiford, Mary Munro, Eddie Wood, Rex Hovenden.
2017:0026PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPhotocopy of postcard "at Little Baddow" of lock and bargeDated 1890, from Essex Archives Online
2017:0027PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPhotograph of barge in lockNo date; shows the 'Bothy' and barge named 'Willie'
2017:0028ArtefactGirl Guides - Branker Cubitt Cup shieldHas names of winners from 1973 to 1989.
2017:0029ArtefactDanbury District Guides - Laura Cole Award.Winners on shield - 1993 - 2002
2017:0030DocCrime in Little BaddowPartridge murders and suicide - account of the funeral in the Essex Chronicle.July 31st 1908.
2017:0031DocCrime in Little BaddowAccount of Partridge funeral in the Essex Weekly News31st July 1908. Double murder and suicide of Partridge family at Cloggers Farm.
2017:0032DocCrime in Little BaddowPartridge murder and suicide at Cloggers FarmDigital printout from National Library of Australia. Original source not shown.
2017:0033PhotoTom Barker, Les Smart, Jervois Firmin and Jack Wisdom - photo dates 198? - in Memorial Hall, probably at Christmas Fair or similar event.
2017:0034Photo2018-2020Photocopy of Churchyard working party
2017:0035Photo2018-2020Photocopy of churchyard working partyCharles Thompson (second from right)
2017:0037BookLittle Baddow United Reformed Church - A History by Rev Dr R Buick KnoxPublished in 1976 with 1985 Addendum
2017:0039Doc2018-2020Guild of ArtsIndex to the Minute Books
2017:0040Doc2018-2020Protestation returnsLaminated sheet on returns for 1642, with explanation.
2017:0041Doc2018-2020William Denny, birth certificate, 1838Laminated copy of birth certificate, used for exhibition.
2017:0042PhotoSmall sepia print of group of 5 young people.Date, location and names are unknown. Found in accessions box in 2019, it has 'unknown' written on the back.
2017:0044DocSundry cuttings from Essex Chronicle about flooding; some already used for exhibition.Now added to the Browsing Folder on Severe Weather.
2017:0045Doc2018-2020Photocopy of page of Pigot, September 1839Comments on village, and lists inns, trades etc.
2017:0046Doc2018-2020Little Baddow Hall Arts Centre - brochureProbably produced mid 1980s, but not dated.
2017:0047PhotoPostcard of millstream at Little Baddow Mill, date unknown.
2017:0048PhotoBelle Vue. View of side of house. August 1929.Relates to John Vale and Mr Wooder; village butcher.
2017:0049Photo2018-2020Postcard of New Bassetts, 1928
2017:0050DocWWI MemorabiliaPhotocopy of postcard from Front in WWIFrom Albert Enefer to his father. Mentions The Rodney public house.
2017:0051PhotoWorld War TwoLittle Baddow and Danbury Home GuardSidney (Jigg) Willett, Joe Knight, Jock Robertson, Alf Martin, Sonny Mundon, Arthur Crisp, Stan Knight, Bert Balls, Pym Wiggins, Stan Carter, Chris Reeve, Les Winger, Jack May, Jack Phelby, Len Knight, Sam Williams, Ted Scrivener, Percy May, Side Enefer, Dan Allen, Charlie Wright, Alf Ager, Cyril Holland, Arthur Pilgrim, Charlie Hunt, Sgt Collins, Lieut Shaw, Lieut Harper, Sgt C Norfolk Stan or Fred Allen, George Gordon, Bill Windley, Walter Mead, Francis Thorrington, Arthur Clark, Sam May, Harold Foley, Cyril Robertson (Pyne), Fred Kite, George Enefer, Jum Vale, Ketley, Sonny Barker
2017:0052PhotoLittle Baddow in the PastPhotocopies of work on Water Hall, formerly Belmers, following restoration,.
2017:0053PhotoRoy Warsop, at Poleighs
2017:0054PhotoElizabeth Warsop at Poleighs
2017:0055PhotoPoleighs restoration, 19845 photos
2017:0060Photo14th century effigies in St Mary's Church. Dated 1340-50. Sir John and Lady Filiol.9 photographs
2017:0070PhotoMemorial Hall fire, April 1959
2017:0071PhotoMemorial Hall fire, April 1959
2017:0072DocWorld War TwoOrder of Service; Thanksgiving for Victory, 1945.
2017:0073PhotoWalter's CottageInvitation to tea, 2013, Walters Cottage.Showing photos of Walter’s Cottage in 1953/54 and 2013
2017:0074Doc2018-2020Journal article, October 2005, about Holybread Wood.
2017:0075DocSt Mary's ChurchLicensing of Rev Clive Ashby, 2013.St John the Baptist, Danbury
2017:0076Doc2018-2020Social Club, report of evening 1934.
2017:0077DocDrama ClubReview of St Roger Folk production, George and His Dragon, 1934Miss Margaret Paterson, Mrs Brodeur, Miss Mollie Luard, Mr W Balch, Mr H J Nicholson, Mr Mordaunt Currie, Mrs Gregory Nicholson, Miss Helen Black, Mrs Kenneth Paterson, Mr Paul Brodeur, Mr Walter Hood
2017:0078BookUnited Reformed ChurchHistory of URC by Brenda Hooson.
2017:0079DocLocal ArtistsSheet from Elizabeth Bourne about paintings by Geoffrey Burnand.
2017:0080PhotoHassocks at St Mary's Church - set of photographs from exhibitionFolder 'Church Hassocks' in 'New Stuff 2019' folder. Original laminated images to Margaret Martin for return to St Mary's.
2017:0081DocJesse Berridge PapersGhost story related to Cranley CottageDate unknown; author is Margaret ?
2017:0082DocBorough council Planning Applications 1984 - 1991Borough Council Planning Applications 1984-1991Planning appeal withdrawn 1989 New Lodge Farm
2017:0083DocPoliceCharles Calcraft Police record
2017:0084DocCricketCricket Club history
2017:0085BookLittle Baddow Calendar 2002LB Historical Society
2017:0086DocPeople and EventsReport on conservation of Emily Mulley's SamplerIncludes invoice and information on Emily Mulley
2017:0087DocLittle Baddow History Centre2010/11 History Centre Exhibitions and EventsArchives of Achievement, The Parish Chest Revisited, The Countryside Around Little Baddow,
2017:0088DocThe Rodney Public HouseRodney beer festival 21/07/2006Newspaper cutting
2017:0090PhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall on the morning after the fire, 12 April 1959
2017:0091DocArchaeologyRoman villa reveals village’s long historyEssex Chronicle Article, 4 Dec 2008 – Simon Johnson
2017:0092DocWalter's CottageSilver Jubilee celebrations 1977Photo and letter from Patricia Stewart
2017:0093DocUlrik Middelboe memorial service 01 Feb 20131929-2013
2017:0094DocPeter Willington memorial service 21 Feb 20151941-2014
2017:0095DocObituaries and Memorial ServicesGeoffrey Lionel Mills memorial service 6 Jan 20141925-2014
2017:0096DocPeople and EventsSilas Clifford-Smith newspaper cuttingEssex Chronicle 31 Mar 2016
2017:0097DocLittle Baddow History CentreHistory Centre dedication ceremony 4 Jul 2004
2017:0098DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowPilgrims flyer for B&B at the barn
2017:0099DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Gibbs and occupants compiled by John Bundock March 2010Mary Pyne, Strutt family, Margaret Ann Kirwan, Effie Forbes, Ernest Wells, Ursula Chaplin, Ursula Joan Gregory, Christopher John Gregory, Alicia Percival, David Athelstone Percival,
2017:0100DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowSheet music for "The Ballad of Semmerwater" by Armstrong Gibbs.Printed 1939
2017:0101NewspapersHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNewspaper cutting of fire in cottage by Gibbs, Spring Elms Lane, Essex Chronicle 6 March 2008.
2017:0102PhotoJesse Berridge Papers2 photographs of watercolours by Edna Adeline Berridge, 1928 / 31.
2017:0103DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowMagazine article on Pilgrims Barn; John and Sally Lowe; 2004.
2017:0104PhotoSt Mary's ChurchRestoration work, St Mary's Church by Bakers of Danbury
2017:0105Photo3 postcard sketches; no date; St Mary's Church, Miss Sorrels, The Rodney.
2017:0106Photo15 photos of building work on new cricket pavilion.
2017:0107PhotoCricket14 photos of cricket club centenary 2004
2017:0108DocVillage PeoplePenfold parachute jump, 1912; newspaper cutting, 2012; John Bundock;Captain Penfold, Sir Hubert Wilkins, Isaac Bundock
2017:0109DocDrama ClubNewspaper cutting of LB Drama Club production of 'Rebecca', April 2011
2017:0110NewspapersChelmer and Blackwater Navigation2012 Essex Chronicle article about the Chelmer and Blackwater NavigationChildhood memories; Steve Rush.
2017:0111JournalHistorical Notes on Little BaddowMagazine article on Old Riffhams, Essex Life & Countryside Dec 2002
2018:0001DocPeople and Events of Little BaddowChristmas Card, 1937Printed Christmas card from the Gregory Nicholsons
2018:0002PhotoSunday lunch, Memorial Hall12th November 2017; Barbara Teel and Jan Yuel
2018:0003PhotoSimon JohnsonSimon Johnson, his sister Margaret, and her son James, walking in Tofts Chase, 1st February 2002
2018:0004PhotoBarn DanceBarn Dance at Little Baddow Hall Fruit Farm, 16th June 2012; from left: Bob Shepherd, Peter Willington, Doreen Shepherd
2018:0005PhotoURC GardenShephen Harrod and Charles Cope; 3rd June 2007
2018:0006PhotoChristmas drinks party at IonaChristmas drinks at Iona, home of Keith and Lynda Ferguson; from the left: Geoff Houghton Keith Ferguson Gill Houghton, Nick Conner, Clive Ashley, John Atkinson, Chris Poulard, Bob Shepherd and Alistair Stewart; 24th December 2015
2018:0007PhotoJohn BowlesJohn, son of Harry Bowles, of Copeland Cottage; Bright House, 9th November 2007
2018:0008MapHand drawn map of field namesPhotocopy, showing names of fields north of Almanburgh and west of Tofts.
2018:0009BookChelmsford Centenary Year BookProduced in 1988; gives history and current amenities in Chelmsford
2018:0010JournalWar MemorialWar Memorial Event 2016Report of the rededication in Danbury Contact; Dec 16/Jan 17
2018:0011JournalWorld War TwoPoppy ProjectReport of the Poppy Project by Alison Harker; Danbury Contact Apr/May 18 about knitting/crochet/making poppies for Remembrance Day and drop in making sessions at the Little Baddow History Centre.
2018:0012Doc2018-2020Extract from 'History of Essex' by T WrightThomas Wright's 'History of Essex'; Baynard; Fillols; Barrington; Tofts; Middlemead;
2018:0013PhotoElm Green School leavers 1958Nicolas Sizer, Elizabeth Tubbs; Simon Johnson
2018:0014PhotoMemorial Hall Sunday Lunch 2002Suzy Opie; Vicky Briggs
2018:0015PhotoMemorial Hall Sunday Lunch 2002Beryl Thompson; Dorris Dancer;
2018:0016PhotoMemorial Hall Sunday Lunch 2002
2018:0017PhotoMemorial Hall Sunday Lunch 2002
2018:0018PhotoMemorial Hall Sunday Lunch 2002
2018:0019PhotoMemorial Hall Sunday Lunch 2002
2018:0020PhotoPost Office in 2002
2018:0021PhotoPost Office in 2002John Sheriff
2018:0022PhotoPost Office in 2002Liz Sherriff
2018:0023PhotoPost Office in 2002
2018:0024PhotoPost Office in 2002Liz Sherriff
2018:0025DocWWI MemorabiliaNaval signal for end of WWINaval signal given to Frederick Coxhead 1918, giving notice of armistice
2018:0026PhotoWooder, Sidney (?)Village butcher, standing outside his shop
2019:0001ArtefactMilk BottleMilk bottle from Aldermanburgh Farm - Norah Shipman
2019:0002BookThe Natural History of Little BaddowWildlife survey, dated 2009, authored by John Mc Crindle, with contributions from Brian Luscombe and Tim Gardiner.
2019:0003DocSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church Restoration Appeal, 1991Various lists and certificates relating to the appeal.
2019:0004PhotoEtching by William WashingtonSigned etching of St Mary's west doorway being restored in 1953.
2019:0005Doc2018-2020Memories of Little Baddow - paper by Gemma HooperDescribes village in 1940s and 50s. (Gemma Hooper is nee Cockerill; lived at Mill Mead)
2019:0006Photo2018-2020Photograph of St Mary's Church from front of Little Baddow Hall.Taken in 1956 by John Tarlton and published. This is print of the published page.
2019:0007PhotoColour tinted postcard 'At Little Baddow near Chelmsford'.Posted 17th Dec 1908
2019:0008PhotoPostcard of Baddow RodneyPosted Dec 15th 1906
2019:0009DocObituaries and Memorial ServicesPaul Ogden; Essex Chronicle notice of his death in 1971, plus account of his funeral.Includes colour photocopy of Paul, with sister Caroline.
2019:0010ArtworkWilliam Washington ArchiveLino-cut by G. Earmann.Found with William Washington’s cards and letters, no date
2019:0011ArtworkWilliam Washington ArchiveWater colour / line drawing by E.G. Earthrowl.Found with William Washington’s cards and letters, no date
2019:0012ArtefactBible presented to Hariet Enefer by the Butler Charity, 1866.Lists 4 trustees (Isaac Pledger, John Piggot, H J Eve, Alfred May)
2019:0013PhotoPast and PresentPhotograph of Well House, Spring Elm LaneLooking towards top of North Hill; Well House on right; taken c 1910
2019:0014BookLittle Baddow Drama Club; minutes and newsletters3 notebooks and a ringbinder, labelled a, b,c and d.
2019:0015ArtworkWashington Collection: Tall pot - 7, Ages of Woman - 'Diana'Shown at Chelmsford Library in 1992
2019:0016ArtworkWashington Collection: Sketch for 'Diana'
2019:0017ArtworkWashington Collection: Medium pot - late workWhite stoneware, engobes, multi-fired, catalogue number 1061
2019:0018ArtworkWashington Collection: Bowl - late workMulti-fired, catalogue number 1187
2019:0019ArtworkWashington Collection: Platter Type II, The Elements - "Earth, Fire, Water", 1968.Multi-fired (low), stoneware clay, engobes, ceramic fibre board, fibreglass fabric, yellow dot indicates catalogue number 1258.
2019:0020ArtworkWashington Collection: Pictorial Panel - framedCeramic fibre, metal, fibreglass inclusions
2019:0021ArtworkWashington Collection: Horse at water - etching
2019:0022ArtworkWashington Collection: Black Bridge - engraving, framed, RJW
2019:0023ArtworkWashington Collection: Clocks to Mend, etching, William Washington, 1955
2019:0024ArtworkWilliam Washington ArchiveWashington Collection: Coronation Memorial Restoration, William Washington, 1953West doorway, St Mary's Church, Little Baddow
2020:0001DocCricketSupper menu and Toast List, 1936 (2 copies, with autographs)A L Woodhouse, Lawrence Andrews, Capt Currie, Capt Willett, W R Wild, Rev J Berridge, Vice-Capt Lightfoot, G Joslin, Vice-Capt J Kennedy, Andrew Armour, J Watson, E Arnold
2020:0002DocSummer Lunch invitation, 2014
2020:0003DocBalloon stunt, Penfold, 1912
2020:0004DocPeople and EventsNorah Shipman identity card.1943 National Registration Identity Card
2020:0005PhotoPeople and EventsNorah Shipman and Sir Alistair Stewart; presentation of sampler.
2020:0006DocPeople and EventsNorah Shipman family tree.Printout and memory stick.
2020:0007PhotoPeople and EventsMargaret Shipman at Aldermanburgh
2020:0008PhotoPeople and EventsCowshed at AldermanburghWith Norah Shipman outside shed (village 'lock-up'?)
2020:0009PhotoPeople and EventsFarmyard at Aldermanburgh.Margaret Shipman?
2020:0010PhotoPeople and EventsConstance Turner's retirement 1960Mr Brice(then Chairman of Parish Council), Mrs Cook(school teacher), Daisy Turner, Mr C Turnerr, Rev Mitchell, Mrs C Turner, Mr Primmer
2020:0011PhotoSchool Photographs1960 Little Baddow School photograph - staff and pupils at time of closureMrs Turner, Marian Williams, Pat Knight, Carol Poulton, Hazel McGeoch, Kevin Stubbings, Gareth Williams, Joyce Vicary, Elisabeth Clarke, Martin Bradley, Sally Bell, Julie Cook, Pamela Last, Mrs Cooke, Kitty Clarke, Alan Mason, Clive Ellis, Alan Poulton, Nevill Cook, Helen Bell, Pauline Wells, Trevor Mason
2020:0012BookA Country Teacher Looks Back by Constance Turner 1980
2020:0013PhotoPeople and EventsConstance Turner 1955
2020:0014DocChelmer and Blackwater NavigationExample of George II Navigation authorisationA copy of 1737 act for making navigable the River Rodon between Great Ilford and Barking.
2020:0015DocChelmer and Blackwater NavigationCopy of the 1793 Act to establish the Chelmer and Blackwater navigation.
2020:0016DocPeople and EventsIndex and photocopies of photographs of George Enefer.
2020:0017DocNoral Shipman.
2020:0018DocSpring Elms Farm
2020:0019Photo2018-2020Photocopy of postcard and enlargement; North Hill; Cock Farm; Wickhay Green;Postcard sent in 1916, but photo dated 1910. Looking south up hill from crossroads.
2020:0020Photo2018-2020Enlargement of postcard of North Hill.Original in X9mi.
2020:0021Photo2018-2020Enlargement of postcard looking south up North Hill.
2020:0022Photo2018-2020Enlargement of postcard of the Rodney Inn
2020:0023DocMemoriesNewspaper cutting ”Charting the waterways”LBHC Canal Exhibition
2020:0024DocMemoriesThe Spirit of Christmas 10 Dec 2011LBHC Leaflet
2020:0025DocSt Mary's ChurchFestival of Flowers St Mary's Church, Sep 2015
2020:0026PhotoSt Mary's ChurchChristmas Greetings from Little Baddow Churches flyer, undated
2020:0027PhotoSt Mary's ChurchCelebration of Marriage booklet, undated
2020:0028PhotoSt Mary's ChurchConsecration of extension of churchyard booklet 18 Jul 2004
2020:0029PhotoSt Mary's Church2 Photocopies of glass engraving of St Mary's Church by Bert Collis
2020:0030DocJesse Berridge PapersPhotocopy of Anne Berridge confirmation certificateLists Godparents
2020:0031DocLetter from Patricia Stewart
2020:0032DocScouts, Hockey and Sports Field2011 Letter from Elizabeth Bourn re donation of shields
2020:0033DocPeople and EventsNewspaper cutting of funeral for Fiona Stevenson Aug 2005
2020:0034DocPeople and EventsNewspaper cutting "Baptism makes History" about baptism of Jessica HackettFirst baptism at Cuckoos Farm since time of Hooker
2020:0035DocPeople and EventsWalter & Audrey Fell Golden wedding celebration May 2015
2020:0037DocUnited Reformed ChapelNewspaper cutting of 400th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Hooker URC
2020:0038PhotoSt Mary's ChurchPostcard of St Mary's Church
2020:0039DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNewspaper article by Stan Jarvis 13 May 1977
2020:0040DocSt Mary's ChurchRenovation to St Mary's Church towerNotes by Alastair Stewart, 2017
2020:0041DocSt Mary's ChurchJohn Bundock research on organ and Psalm 96
2020:0042DocSt Mary's ChurchPhotograph of St Mary's Church by Tony Counsell
2020:0043DocSt Mary's ChurchPhotocopy of article on fontFrom Essex Fonts and Font covers (Norman to Nineteenth Century) by W Norman Paul, 1986
2020:0044DocEventsMusic at Little Baddow Hall 1980 Programme
2020:0045DocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1952 The Essex Countryside article “An Essex Missionary and his work among the Red Indians”About John Eliot by Lily Titman
2020:0046DocCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
2020:0047DocCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
2020:0048NewspapersNewspaper accounts of hurricanes of 1897 and 1987Newspaper cutting of flooding at Paper Mill Lock 23 Jan 2014
2020:0049DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowPhotocopy of photograph of Katherine McDonald, Little Baddow Fruit Farm, undated
2020:0050DocProperties and Residents - North HillArticle on Walters Cottage from parish magazine July 1967 revised 2017 from comments by Patricia StewartMiss Langford, Mr Davies, Nora Shipman, Charles Mulley, Mr Walter Crook.
2020:0051NewspapersWWII MemorabiliaEssex Chronicle article on RAF Pilot Wilfred Sizer, 12 Jan 2012
2020:0052DocLetter from Patricia Stewart on the creation of St Andrews Room
2020:0053PhotoThe Rodney Public HouseWalk or race, from the Rodney PH.Probably 1978 or 1980. Black and white photograph. 'Walk round to Woodham Walter'.
2020:0054PhotoThe Rodney Public HouseAfter the tug or war' - men in the Navigation?Following event at The Rodney, as shown on 2020.0053? 1978 or 1980.
2020:0055PhotoChristmas event at HC, 14th December 2008Andy Coppell, handbells, Suzie Opie, Alison Harker,
2020:0056PhotoHistorians exhibition, December 2008.Corner representing Jesse Berridge.
2020:0057PhotoSummer fete at HC, 3rd July 2010, 16 photos
2020:0058PhotoSummer fete at HC, 2011, 10 photos
2020:0059DocHarding family; 17th century; immigration to the colonies.Note sent by Diana Presciutti to Mary and Michael Klaber
2020:0060DocSearch for the Lost Barns of Tofts (research project)Produced by STEVE DRURY
2020:0061PhotoSt Andrew's; 2015
2020:0062PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillGeorge Newman and Bill Marsh, roadman, outside St Andrew's, North HillTaken c1925;
2020:0063PhotoNational School, North Hill 1893
2020:0064PhotoSchool PhotographsNational School class photo c1890sMiss Clench on left, Mr Thomas on right
2020:0065PhotoSchool PhotographsElm Green School, 1957Mel Thompson, Peter McDonald, Rosalind Dancer, Martin Wintle, Richard Sizer, Caroline Digby,
2020:0066PhotoSchool PhotographsElm Green School, sports day 1963Steve Thompson
2020:0067PhotoSchool PhotographsElm Green School, classroomSteve Thompson
2020:0068PhotoSchool PhotographsElm Green SchoolSteve Thompson
2020:0069PhotoElm Green SchoolElm Green School sports day, on cricket fieldLine-up for mothers' race, 1973.
2020:0070PhotoThe Old RodneyCows on Rodney CommonNow Heather Hills
2020:0072PhotoThe Old RodneyPostcard showing people on the Heather HillsDate unknown
2020:0073PhotoPostcard showing the Heather Hills; print not found.
2020:0074PhotoEssex Wildlife Trust work party.Geoff Pyman.
2020:0075PhotoPost Office Stores
2020:0076PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPost Office, postcard, 1970
2020:0077PhotoParish Council: General Proceedings 1918 - 1939Coloured postcard of North Hill, by Rodney PH.
2020:0078PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillBlack and white photo of Post Office Stores interior, 1998
2020:0079PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillAlmshouses on Mount Pleasant; 1987
2020:0080PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillDouble glazing at Mount Pleasant, 1987
2020:0081PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillBrambles, North HillPostcard; 1900 - 1910; marked 'Little Baddow, The Stores';
2020:0082PhotoThe original 'Parish Chest'; digital image taken outside the HC
2020:0083PhotoView toward the top of North Hill.
2020:0084PhotoFire at the Memorial Hall
2020:0085PhotoFire at the Memorial Hall, showing the original arch.
2020:0086PhotoFire at the Memorial Hall.
2020:0087PhotoSchool PhotographsChildren on the steps of the Memorial Hall 1950s. Used as school canteen.
2020:0088PhotoWI Anniversary lunch, 1958.Nita Sizer (President)(back), Dorothy Thompson (ex-president)(left); Miss Everett, organist at the Church (right).
2020:0089PhotoWI dinner, Memorial Hall.Memorial to the fallen of WWI on right hand wall.
2020:0090PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowPresentation to Mrs Turner in Memorial Hall.From rt Mr Brice (Chair of Parish Council), Mrs Cook (teacher), Daisy Turner, Mr C Turner, Rev Mitchell, Mrs C Turner, Mr Primmer (?)
2020:0091PhotoCricketCricket club dinner, in the Memorial Hall, Nov 2nd 1956.Mrs Puddephatt (centre)
2020:0092PhotoCricket1957/58 Cricket TeamBack Row (L to R) - Umpire, M Patrick, J Hepworth, D King, P linnett, T Ketley, B Brazier, P Burr. Front Row (L to R) - R Brazier, J Hurren, T Enefer, J Bowles, G English
2020:0093PhotoCricketGeorge Enefer outside Cricket Pavilion, 1988.
2020:0094PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowGeorge Enefer and his Granddaughter Debbie sitting on the memorial seat to his wife on the cricket ground.
2020:0095PhotoMemorial Hall, October 2011.
2020:0096PhotoMemorial Hall, digitised image. Date not known.
2020:0097PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowElizabeth and Roy Warsop; Easter Breakfast in Memorial Hall; 1980s.
2020:0098PhotoDeborah Freeman, Merryn and Stephen Beard; fancy dress for village fete.
2020:0099PhotoFishing.Merryn Beard, Judith Stewart, Caroline Digby, Deborah Freeman, Stephen Beard, Mr Stewart and Rover, the Beard family dog.
2020:0100PhotoDeborah Freeman with Paddy Digby at Spring Cottages.
2020:0101PhotoHolybred Farm. Perry Carr Deborah Freeman Merryn Beard Timmy and Sally Carr. Robert Carr on tractor.
2020:0102PhotoFishing. Judith Stewart, Caroline Digby, Merryn and Stephen Beard, Deborah Freeman, Mr Stewart and child.
2020:0103PhotoJoan and Deborah Freeman Merryn Beard and Caroline Digby at the ford.
2020:0104PhotoDeborah and Susan Freeman Fancy Dress for village Fete.
2020:0105PhotoDeborah Freeman back row 2nd right at Elm Green School c1962.
2020:0106PhotoMrs Dale's Diary star opens bazaar.
2020:0107PhotoHolybred Farm. Deborah Freeman Perry and Timmy Carr Merryn Beard Sally Carr.
2020:0108PhotoFloods in Church Rd late 1950s (2)
2020:0109PhotoWater Hall. Deborah Freeman Merryn Stephen and Murial Beard
2020:0110PhotoMaypole Dancing at the Rectory village fete. Deborah Freeman centre. Mrs Honeyball right. Marion Harris left.
2020:0111PhotoDeborah Freeman Elm Green School.
2020:0112PhotoRowan Cottage
2020:0113PhotoFloods in Church Rd late 1950s (1)
2020:0114PhotoFloods in Church Rd late 1950s (3)
2020:0115PhotoButcher's shop in days of Sidney Wooder.
2020:0116PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillJohn Vale's butchers shop1990; John Vale in doorway;
2020:0117PhotoMiss Sorrell's shop (Hilltop Stores).Date?
2020:0118PhotoHilltop Stores, Miss Sorrell's ShopNewspaper cutting of Miss Julia Sorrell outside her shop at time of her retirement in 1970
2020:0119PhotoHistory Centre Exhibition re-creating Miss Sorrell's shop.
2020:0120PhotoHandbell RingersAldermanburgh Farm (colour photograph) 1/3
2020:0121PhotoHandbell RingersAldermanburgh Farm (colour photograph) 2/3
2020:0122PhotoHandbell RingersAldermanburgh Farm (colour photograph) 3/3
2020:0123PhotoProperties in Colam LaneSpalding postcard of Little Baddow (No. 1746)Colam Lane; looking towards top of hill and Aldermanburgh;
2020:0125DocUnited Reformed ChapelRecords for the 17th Century Faire held in Little Baddow in 1990.
2020:0126PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationLittle Baddow MillAlso known as Kings Mill; early 1890s; burnt down in the 1890s and partly rebuilt;
2020:0127PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillBowling Alley HouseDemolished in 1972;
2020:0128PhotoSt Mary's Church, view eastwards from the road
2020:0129PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallSt Mary's Church and Little Baddow Hall before 1915
2020:0131PhotoHandbell RingersAldermanburgh Farm from the crossroads.
2020:0132PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSpalding photo of Bridge at Paper Mill Lock (No.386)Showing barge carrying timber and bargees
2020:0133PhotoWilliam Calcraft - line drawing as public hangman.
2020:0135PhotoLooking from crossroads towards North Hill and Colam Lane, 2005.
2020:0136PhotoVillage Green, Millennium sign and Colam Lane, 2005.
2020:0137PhotoHistory Centre, 2012.Taken by Pauline Gilhooley.
2020:0138PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillMiss Langford, outside her shop at 57 Hillside Cottage, North HillPre 1950s
2020:0139PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillRose Cottage from Walter's CottageTaken by Patricia Stewart; Winter 1954; Shows Bowling Alley House to the right of Rose Cottage;
2020:0140PhotoTop of Mill Lane, from The Ridge.Poor quality image, date unknown.
2020:0141PhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC painting by Rev S MorellPainted in 1815, showing front of the Manse and chapel, Morell family on lawn. Boys waiting to go home for the holidays from Manse School
2020:0142PhotoVillage PeopleJohn Matravers 21st Birthday PartyMemorial Hall; 1938;
2020:0143PhotoView looking down lower part of North Hill, taken from near the Rodney (not shown)Copy of a Spalding postcard, c1905
2020:0145PhotoView down hill to Cuckoos.Copy of Spalding postcard; Edwardian.
2020:0146PhotoThatched Cottage, top of Riffhams Chase.Notice gate at top of Chase.
2020:0147PhotoExhibition in the History Centre, June 2016.
2020:0148PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Forge, showing Everett and othersPhotocopy of photo used on front cover of 1999 Village book
2020:0149PhotoGirl on Rodney Common.Edwardian.
2020:0150PhotoHeather Hills; postcard 'Celebrated Beauty Spot'Edwardian.
2020:0151Doc1908, Kellys directory listing
2020:0152Photo1914, Kellys directory listing
2020:0153FolderBBC Essex visit; March 2015
2020:0154FolderBerridge Evening scripts; 24th April 2015
2020:0155FolderBig draw photos, 2018
2020:0156FolderBook covers; 7 images
2020:0157FolderChurchyard Exhibition and photos
2020:0158FolderConservation Society AGM poster 2017
2020:0159FolderConservation Society Documents
2020:0161FolderFamily History Exhibition, 9 photos
2020:0162FolderGuild of Arts documents and photos
2020:0163PhotoThe Old Rectory c1905
2020:0164PhotoSir Eric Eastwood, CBE, FRS
2020:0165PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSpalding postcard of ColerainesPostcard dated 1904
2020:0166PhotoThe Thatched Cottage, Riffhams Chase
2020:0167PhotoThe Forge, photo showing girl with stool, plus car.
2020:0168PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Hoppett
2020:0169PhotoPattentees, Danbuy Road, in the 1920s
2020:0170PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPoleighsPhoto dated 1927, taken by Mr A H Trigge or sent same year from Canada to Mr Stracey, then occupying the house;
2020:0171PhotoCol J D Richardson OBEfrom Guild of Arts collection
2020:0172PhotoArmstrong Gibbs, composer
2020:0173PhotoAlfred Bennett BamfordOld Riffhams 1909; painting by Alfred Bennett Bamford
2020:0174PhotoCottage in the Bush; paintingUsed for exhibition.
2020:0175PhotoGiles Tuker, Thorn Farm, 1936 (from Guild of Arts collection)
2020:0176PhotoGibbs, Spring Elms LaneExhibition sheet.
2020:0177PhotoGladys and Douglas Richardson and familyAt Perry Field; Guild of Arts collection.
2020:0178PhotoCottage in the Bush, about 1900.Reproduction of book page.
2020:0179PhotoHerbert and Catherine PatersonLived at Barber's Orchard. d.1954; Guild of Arts collection
2020:0180PhotoJ W GregoryGuild of Arts collection
2020:0181PhotoLittle Graces; painting
2020:0182PhotoRevd David King, 1974
2020:0183PhotoBeryl Thompson, Ted and Betty Grace, Doris DancerIn costume. Memorial Hall? Date? Occasion?
2020:0184PhotoBeryl Thompson, Betty Grace, Doris Dancer.In costume. Memorial Hall? Date? Occasion?
2020:0185PhotoBeryl Thompson, Doris Dancer + two othersIn costume. Memorial Hall? Date? Occasion?
2020:0186PhotoGroup photo; marked 'Emmie and Geoff'Nita Sizer, Beryl Thompson, John Murrell +
2020:0187PhotoSally Botcherby, walking with frame in her garden.Date?
2020:0188PhotoChoir in procession at St Mary's Church. Late 1950sMel Thompson (carrying the cross); Mr Puddephatt; Elizabeth Warsop, Edith Hunt; Alban Webb; William Reeve; Roy Warsop.
2020:0189PhotoSid (Arthur) Enefer and Dick Bickmore unknown
2020:0190PhotoSidney Enefer and [?] Adolphus Eneferdate unknown
2020:0191PhotoGroup, including Brother Robin Warsop, Beryl ThompsonOccasion? Date?
2020:0192PhotoChurchyard working party at St Mary's ChurchDate?
2020:0193PhotoRoyal Visit (Essex County Show?; Warsop bats?)2 photographs; 1st shows Queen and Prince Philip; 2nd a demonstration of bat-making.
2020:0194PhotoLocal person with axe.No details with this photo.
2020:0195PhotoMarriage at St Mary's Church of Beryl and Charles Thompson.7th September 1940; Eva and Charles Vanstone (parents of bride)
2020:0196DocNote on the Unwin family in Little Baddow.Compiled by Mel Thompson, September 2020
2020:0197Doc2018-2020Lost Barns of ToftsStudy of farmyard and agricultural buildings by John Drury, 2019
2020:0198DocLittle Baddow Historical Society"Talbor's 'specifick' remedy for malaria" by Alan Ashford, Historical Society Newsletter July 1993
2020:0199DocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society, committee minutes and accounts, July 1994
2020:0200DocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyConservation Society newsletter, 1972Records 'The Danbury Ridge' approved by County Council as conservation area.
2020:0201DocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society Newsletter, August 1988Article or Sir John Smythe-Tofts (1534 - 1601) by Pat and Michael Herniman
2020:0202DocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society notes by Cecile RodgerHistorical Society notes by Cecile Rodger. Henry Mildmay; The Pennings; The Barringtons; 17th century 'cures'; 17th century in the village
2020:0203DocLittle Baddow Historical Society"Wartime Memories" Historical Society Newsletter July 1996Wartime Memories by R J Carter, Adventures in Arabia by Mark Rowland, Wartime Memories from Scotland by Barbara Angus, My VE Day by David Dagwell, War Service of George Hart, Alfred Willett, Geoffrey Pyman, D-Day Remembered by Leslie McMillan
2020:0204Doc2018-2020Roman treasure found on farmland; newspaper article13th March 1992, Essex Chronicle, re Woodham Mortimer find.
2020:0206Doc2018-2020Jesse Berridge, by Olive Berridge
2020:0207Doc2018-2020The Rodney PH, booklet and menu
2020:0208PhotoArmistice Day poster, 2018
2020:0209PhotoBygone Baddow poster, 2018
2020:0210PhotoBygone Baddow poster, 2017
2020:0211PhotoChristmas Lunch poster, 2015
2020:0212PhotoCream Teas poster, 2018
2020:0213PhotoCascade and field of poppies, Memorial Hall, 2018
2020:0214PhotoMarks Hall poster, 2019Little Baddow Society visit
2020:0215PhotoOur Farming Community, exhibition poster
2020:0216PhotoPeople and Places Remembered, exhibition poster
2020:0217PhotoShadrach Unwin and Arthur SmithPhoto taken in 1944; Shadrach Unwin, Arthur Smith,
2020:0218PhotoBattle of the Somme, exhibition poster, 2016
2020:0219PhotoHistorical Society posters and brochures
2020:0220PhotoHistory Centre exhibitions and eventsGeneral folder
2020:0221PhotoWinn Buckler, Marjorie Fowler and Mrs Green in Memorial HallSunday Christmas Lunch, 2002.
2020:0222BookArticle on History Centre by Alison HarkerThe Essex Family Historian, August 2020
2020:0223BookUnder Moonlight by Silas Clifford-SmithJoan Clifford-Smith; Little Baddow Hall; Art Centre
2020:0224Artefact2 Elm Green School capsGiven by David and Nigel Bennett, twin sons of Olwen Bennett
2020:0225PhotoRita Puddephatt (left) and Anne ?, by gate of Sorrels (Anne's home)
2020:0226PhotoRita Puddephatt (right) and Anne ? In garden.
2020:0227PhotoSimon Johnson on tractor with ? And ?Clear-up at the Ford, 2004
2020:0228PhotoSimon Johnson and Suzy Opie at Little Baddow Fruit FarmPrior to the barn dance, June 2012.
2020:0229PhotoDoreen Shepherd (back left), Margaret Johnson, Bob Shepherd (front left) and Peter WillingtonPrior to the barn dance, June 2012
2020:0230PhotoLittle Baddow Post Office, North Hill, October 2003
2020:0231PhotoLiz Sheriff in Little Baddow Post Office, May 2002
2020:0232PhotoJohn Sheriff in Little Baddow Post Office, May 2002
2020:0233PhotoDoris Stebbings, Richard Godden, ? , Kenneth StebbingsOutside the Memorial Hall, Election Day, 15th March 2003
2020:0234PhotoWalk. Going down Graces Walk, April 1st 2002Right back (red coat) Jean Sergeant; front right Elizabeth Bourne, with daughter Gabriel to her right.
2020:0235PhotoCoffee Morning at Walters Cottage, 12th Dec 2020, showing Covid masks.From left: Madeleine Robertson, Suzy Opie, Sarah Streatfield, Elizabeth Willington, Rev Jacqui Jones, Duncan Robertson.
2020:0236PhotoCoffee morning, 2020, run by Michelle Rogers (wearing visor)Elizabeth Willington (left) and Suzy Opie (centre)
2021:0001FolderWoodhouse family at ToftsNotes and photos.
2021:0002Photo2021-2023Choir ladies at West Door of St Mary's Church (photocopy)Eva Mason (2nd from left); Ada Puddephatt (5th from left);Edy Hunt (2nd from right) pre 1953.
2021:0003PhotoNorman Wilson and John Murrel, 'The Museum' chez Glen OpieNorman Wilson - 'Fly flying boats in the Pacific. Bombed Japanese tankers, just before the surrender. John Murrel, H.M.S. Anson. Tea or wine with sandwiches Suzy asked  John. Wine please!
2021:0004PhotoKatherine and Steward McDonald, 1940.
2021:0005PhotoSheila Ogden, at home.
2021:0006FolderGroups and Clubs G - ZGirl Guides; Little Baddow Cricket Club; Little Baddow Family History Group; Little Baddow Guild of Arts; Little Baddow Historical society; Little Baddow Horticutural Society; Mothers' Union; Little Baddow Open Group; Little Baddow Playgroup; Ridge Runner; Boy Scout Movement in Little Baddow; The day of the Great Escape; Sunday Lunch Club; Little Baddow Sunday School; Little Baddow Tennis Club; Little Baddow Sports Field/Club; Little Baddow Women's Institute.
2021:0007FolderEventsCrash Landing of Captain Taylor Penfold in from balloon in Graves Walk Little Baddow; Laminated notice from Essex Standard regarding employees from Messrs S Courtauld & Co outing on July 3 1891 to the Rodney Little Baddow which at the time was occupied by Mr Mrs E A Hulme ; Invitation to Celebrate 400 of Village History Sunday 6th July 2014; King George III Jubilee Celebration Danbury 1810; The Coronation of King Edward VII Danbury and Little Baddow 1902; Coronation Celebrations 1837 in Danbury and Little Baddow; George VI Coronation 12th May 1937; King George V Coronation 1911; Celebrating Empire Day in Little Baddow; Queen’s Silver Jubilee plus quiz from local parish magazine; Copy of poster for Diamond Jubilee Treasure Hunt 2012; Coronation Memoirs – folder of ; Country Market – photo of people at Longwood 28th June 1958 ; Julia Cook and Madeline Long photograph receiving cup Sept 1958 from Major Hitchcock; Copies of newspaper pictures (including: Janet Mayer and Shirley Millstead of Little Baddow Nov 1978, Rose Marvin and Rene Williams at church bazaar (no date), Maxine Swan, Priya Sathy, Nadika Sathy, Caroline Hoosom, Andrew Swan (no date), Alec Merritt playing Henry VIII Friday June 15th 1951, Fund raiser at house of Mr Mrs D Gray of High Pastures Lt Baddow (no date)); Copy of Side Shows Willowcroft Runsell Lane Little Baddow 31st Oct 1965 detailing stall and gross receipts; Details of Rodney Round-Up on Saturday in aid of Alms Houses Improvement Fund no date given – from text pre decimal currency as revenue given in shillings; Old Rodney Round-Up 4th August 1962 Receipts and Payments Account; The Rodney Round Up (with a western theme) April 2005 Recollections and plan by Simon Johnson; Two pictures showing Mrs Peg Hovendon and Mrs Mary Martin (one set with a date of 1962 the other no date); Photos from Children’s Garden Party Walter’s Cottage 1988; The Duck Race Sandon Brook in aid of St Mary’s Roof (no date) 1; Black and white picture of Macphenson’s stall – no details of event or date; Newspaper cut out entitled Try Your Luck showing Sheila Howa and Alison Howard (no date); Newspaper cut out entitled Friar Tuck went to Little Baddow at Long Wood (no date) ; Village Roundup from the Newsman Herald Oct 1973 detailing Lt Baddow detailing villages; Copy of poster for 17th Century Faire at Cuckoos Farm on Saturday 9th June (no date); Millennium 2000 Family fun day photo of tug of war and barn dance; Little Baddow 17th Century Faire 8th June 2002 photo of Simon Johnson, John Gibson and unidentified others.; Cover of The Village Emporium magazine Nov/Dec 2012 with unidentified 6 people; Photo of Rowan Tree being planted ceremony at Aldermanbury in memory of Francis Thorrington for his services to Little Baddow showing Sylvia Stunt (?) Herniman, Edwin Shuring, Mr Mrs Bacon, Simon Johnson; Photo of unidentified people at the bookstall for the World Biggest Coffee Morning held at Walters Cottage October 1997; Photos of the official opening of the Playing Fields Spring Close with no date showing Peter Miles slide.; Photo of the Village Fete in the gardens of the Old Rectory no date given; Two photos taken at Sally Botcherby 100 birthday event 2009 – no names given; The Pig Race An extract from the memories of Joyce Thornton, The Hoppet Chapel Lane ; Press cutting from Weekly News May 18 1989 regarding Colonel Ralph Welson’s Regiment re-enactment at Little Baddow Hall Farm ; Promotional material for the Little Baddow Fete Sunday 6th July 2008 held Chapel Field Church Road with many photos ; Macmillan Coffee Morning 2015 many photos of event – no names on the photographs; Laminated notices of various events from previous exhibitions.
2021:0008DocPost Office Directory 1845 (transcript)Butcher: Thomas Dennis; Publican and Beer retailer: Mary Pullen, Charles Smith; Boot and Shoe Maker: James Edwards; Baker: Samuel Hardy, Charles Smith; Carpenter: Thomas Jaggs, John Murrell; Farmer: Henry Josling , Jeremiah Pledgers snr. and jnr., William Ratcliff, George Taylor, John Simmons, Little Graces; Miller: Edward Benjamin Livermore; Thatcher:Piggot and Son.
2021:0009DocPost Office Directory 1862 (transcript)Farmer: Charles Lucas Esq., Hollybreads, Jeremiah Pledger, Hammonds, Henry Ager, Farm bailiff to C.B. M’Lachlan Esq.,, Joseph Brown, Middlemead, Charles Forster, George French, George Grave, Warren, William Hunt, Riffhams, Hy. Joslen, Phillows Farml Thomas Joslen, , Jeremiah Pledger, farmer and landowner, Hammonds, John Raven, Middle mead, John Simmons, New Lodge, William Simmons, Rumbolds, Simon Snow, farmer, Middle Mead, James Tweed, Little Baddow Hall, Joseph Yell ; Boot and Shoe Maker: Thos. Brown, Middlemead, Philip Hills; Butcher: Mrs. Sarah Ann Dennis, Middlemead; Publican and beer retailer: James Gibson, Thomas Jaggs, The Generals Arms (also Carpenter), William Thake; Carpenter: John Harris, Middlemead, Thomas Jaggs; Miller and oil cake merchants: Piggot and son, Little Baddow mill; Well borer: Sammuel Purkis; Wheelwright: John Riley; Breeder and dealer of gold and silver pheasants: John Riley; Bricklayer: Richard Saward; Baker: Charles Smith; Shopkeeper: Stephen Sorrell; Post Office: Mrs. Susan Horth; Carrier: Bundock (from Little Baddow to Chelmsford, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdays and Friday, returning same days.
2021:0010DocPost Office Directory 1894 (transcript)Thomas Brown; Charles Fleet; Lois Smith; Herbert Smith; George Smith; James Mulley; John Bearman; George Enefer;
2021:0011FolderGroups and Clubs A - FCarpet Bowls Club; Danbury & Little Baddow Horticultural Society; Edward Bear Club; Games Between Boreham and Little Baddow; Little Baddow Brownies; Little Baddow Cricket Club; Little Baddow Drama Club; Little Baddow Family History Group; Little Baddow over 60’s Club; Little Baddow Tennis Club; Little Baddow Women’s Cricket Team; Scout Camp; Archery; Brownies and Guides; Carpet Bowles; Cricket; Drama Clubs; Essex Field Club; Family History Group.
2021:0012FolderEssex and LondonGeneric Essex place names and their meanings; Maps of Essex; Gt. and Lt. Baddow parishes; History of Beeleigh Abbey; Bicknacre and Priory/manors; Billericay train station and drawing; Boreham; Brentwood/coaching inns; Eastern Counties’ railway pictures; East Hanningfield war hero article; Hatfield Peverel; Ingatestone; Maldon; Sandon; Woodham Walter; Generic London place names and their meanings; Maps of London; Areas of London; Pictures of London stations.
2021:0013FolderBlue Folder Surname ListingsApprenticeships; Hearth Tax 1571; Kelly’s Directory 1914; Kelly’s Directory 1917; Kelly’s Directory 1906; Kelly’s Directory 1908; Kelly’s Directory 1910; Kelly's Directory 1926 (transcription); Kelly’s Directory 1947; Key to names on 1677 map; Key to the Award; Map for Parish of Little Baddow; Listed in Kelly’s - date after 1861l; Militia in Little Baddow January 1826; More Troublesome Parishioners in the 1600’s; Notes on the Early Population ; Post Office Directory 1845; Post Office Directory 1848; Post Office Directory 1862; Post Office Directory 1867; Post Office Directory 1874; Post Office Directory 1882; Post Office Directory 1886; Post Office Directory 1894; Registers of Electors Polling District of Danbury and Parish of Little Baddow; Session Rolls Epiphany 1642 & 1665; Settlement and Removal Papers; The 1681 Protestation List; Unruly Villagers 1607; 1881 Census Little Baddow Surname Index; 1881 Census Residents of Chelmsford Union Workhouse; 1891 Census Listings.
2021:0014FolderHC Events and Exhibitions, 2021 - 2021Visit England 2011; Our Farming Community (no year date); Fragmentation to Reconciliation 1662 – 2012 November 2012; Read all about us – stories from local and national press about local people, events & places. March 2013; Summer Lunch 2012; Our Village in the 20th Century; The Audio Project 2014; Rev. Jesse Berridge- Little Baddow in Fact & Fiction (no year date); Trades & Occupations (no year date); The Battle of the Somme 1916 (no year date of exhibition); Highways & Byways (no year date of exhibition); Midsummer Cream Teas, 2019.
2021:0015FolderHC Events and Exhibitions, 2010 - 2011The Spirit of Christmas 2011; Discovery Day 2011; Warsop Film Night October 2011; The Parish Chest 2011; Our Countryside – in and about Little Baddow Photo Competition; Strawberry Tea 2nd July 2011; First newsletter: Friends of the History Centre; Victorian Christmas Extravaganza (no year date) but photographs; Little Baddow Discovery Day October 2010 Marconi Companies and their people – a talk by Peter Turrell 2010; Archive achievements celebrating the contributions of local resident in Science, Arts, Technology and Society, 2010; Strawberry Tea July 2010
2021:0016FolderOld RiffhamsMaterial on families + extracts from John Bundock's book + history of house
2021:0017FolderGreat GracesJohn Simmons family; Assault trial 1842; Joseh Yell; Henry Mildmay;
2021:0018FolderSurnames A - BAbrey, Ady, Aldous, Algar/Alger, Allen, Andrews, Armstong Gibbs (see also Gibbs), Auger, Aylett, Almer, Bacon, Baker, Balls, Bamford, Barker, Barard, Baron, Barrington, Bartle, Bassingthwaighte, Bateman, Beckwith, Bernand, Bickmore, Blake, Blanks, Bond, Bone, Boreham, Boutwood, Bowles, Brazier, Brewer, Brooks, Bull (also see Hicks), Bullen, Bundock, Buntockes, Burnand, Burrell, Bush, Byford (for Berridge, see separate folder).
2021:0019FolderSurnames C - ECalcraft, Came, Campion, Carter, Chaplin, Churchill, Clark, Clarkson, Clench, Clifford-Smith (also see Glass), Cockley, Cockerell, Compton, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Cranies, Cross, Curtis, Courtman, (Collingwood - see separate folder), Day, Davies, Dennyey/Denny, Dennis, Desaguliers, Dice/Disse/Dysse, Digby, Duffield, Eastwood, Eckersley, Eddis, Elliot, Emery, (or Emerie), Enefer, Everett.
2021:0020FolderSurnames F - GFelton, Flaxman/Flexman, Fleet, Foley, Foster, Fothergill, Francis, Freeman, French, Gamble Gardiner, Geyer, Gibbs (see also Armstrong-Gibbs), Gibson, Gilderson, Gilson, Gipsies, Gladwin, Glass (also see Clifford-Smith), Goodson, Gompertz, Gough, Grace, Grainge, Greaves, Gregory, Grimstone.
2021:0021FolderSurnames H - JHardy, Harrington, Hart, Harvey, Havis, Hedges, Hicks (also see Bull), Hillary, Hilliard, Hills, Hinton, Hole, Hollingham, Hollingsworth, Holmstead, Hood, Hooker, Hooson, Horsnell, Horth, Houghton, Hudgell, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Jarvis, Johnson, Jones, Hoslen/ Joslin.
2021:0022FolderMemorial HallPlans for the Memorial Hall; Opening of The Memorial Hall Rex Hovenden, Mrs ME Hood and Canon Jesse Berridge; The History of the Village Hall; Butler Charity School; The British School or Lancastrian School; John Orton The Village Constable; The Memorial Hall; Information on duties of Mr Nunn (memorial Hall caretaker?); Letter from Divisional Education Office to the Parish Clerk, Miss EM Everett re: Little Baddow Voluntry School – school canteen. Dated August 1949.; The Old Memorial Hall; Letter from James Elliott & Sons to Mr Vanstone regarding chairs for the old Memorial Hall; Photograph of children attending school (village hall? ) undated; Various photographs of the original hall after the fire – burned down April 1959; Description of the old hall by Greta Pettitt (undated); Photograph of a cake to celebrate The 1st anniversary of the Carpet Bowls Club (undated).
2021:0023FolderOur Natural HistoryLittle Baddow Hall Fruit Farms 2015 -History and Wildlife Sightings; Wildlife sightings list 2016-2019; Wildlife Observations 2019 Selected Highlights; Flora and Fauna ID cards; Little Baddow wildlife survey 2009; Miscellaneous Wildlife Information.
2021:0024FolderDomesday EssexEntries for Little Baddow, Boreham, Danbury, Hatfield Peverell and Woodham Walter.
2021:0025FolderLandscape and VillageMaps with field names and boundaries; Key to 1677 map including Ridge-and-Furrow at Little Baddow; 1919 photocopy of map for Little Baddow; 1932 Map ; Ariel view of north of the village taken in 1989 by Ian Chalmers; Ariel view of Little Baddow and the Chelmer 1970; Ariel view of Little Baddow 1971; Little Baddow Archaeology; Four photos of Hill Fort, Heather Hills; Chelmer Cottage and North Hill June 2000 from air by Ian Chalmers; Iron Age Settlement 1066 and 1086; The Domesday Survey; Copies of pictures of Heather Hills, The Olde Rodney, Rodney Common; Photo of view of the junction in Little Baddow showing the sign post to Woodham Walter and Boreham; Photo of Spring Elm Lane; Photo of North Hill; Copy of North Hill showing people including Agers, Harry Martin, Roy Warsop; Photocopy of The Rodney; Photocopy of Junction of North Hill and Gravy Lane; Copy of painting of Blakes Wood artist unidentified ; Photo of Twitty Fee street sign with explanation of origin of name; Copy of 1926 Bye Laws of Little Baddow; Copies of postcards of Little Baddow; Map of Colam Lane in 1920’s with notes on history from Jesse Berridge including notes various houses.
2021:0026FolderThe Napoleonic PeriodLittle Baddow at the time of Waterloo article by Joanne Phillips dated June 2015; Militia in Little Baddow Ref Essex Record Office L/Dcr 10 L.B. Hist centre N59Fe; Photocopy of John Hales of Little Baddow and Jacob Warwickor (?) of Boreham requirement to serve in the militia 17th May 1782 ref Essex Record Office D/P 35/17; Photocopy of the Observations and enumeration abstract, 1811 sourced from; Transcription of the Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registrar for 1815; Text of the church memorial to Rev Arthur Johnson; Map and description of Part of North Hill houses 1813 by Sheila Rowley; Details of Three Napoleonic War Heroes; Notices to Constables in Little Baddow including:- details of instruction to constables re Invasion ; Plans re the threat of a French Invasion; Paragraph about the 1801 Census taken by William Mihill 10th March 1801; Paragraph about Burying the Dead during the Napoleonic Wars; Paragraph about Financial Hardship during the Napoleonic Wars; Extract from the publication The French are Coming! The Invasion Scare 1803-05 by Peter A Lloyd 1991.
2021:0027FolderParish register transcriptsThe Parish Register of Little Baddow 1559 -1785 transcribed by Rev Jessie Berridge including alphabetical index 1559-1788; Transcription of Little Baddow Parish Church Register 1789-1819 including baptisms, marriages and burials.; Transcription of Baptisms 1813-1983; Transcription of Marriages 1837-1983; Transcription of Burials 1813-1935 (This is a photocopy and badly copied as last entry on every page is missing – could the original be somewhere else); Also Sept 1935-Dec 1986; Church Electoral Roll 2001, 2002,2004.
2021:0028FolderSchools - National (Vol 1)Summary of LB’s Educational History; Pictures of the Village School; Village School at Christmas (school log book 1863-1954); Notes on Edmund Butler and the Butler’s Charity; Paragraph of Harvest Holiday in LB; List of The National School - Managers and Teachers including pictures: Archdeacon Ady, Admiral Johnson, Mr Tweed, Rev Taylor, Rev R H Witherby, Mr and Mrs Boldero, Mr Woodhouse, Rev J Burgess, Rev Jesse Berridge; Notes on The Horth Family at the National School; Copies of a Sample of pages from the National School logbook held at Essex Record Office; Details on The National School Pupil Teacher Mr Frederick W Clench, Clara Raven; Details of Anne Bertha Clench Paid Monitor 1879 aged 14; Copy of Teachers Certificate for Mary Jane Buckley dated December 1880 with details of inspections of her teaching from 1882-1890; Laminated article on Difficult Children 1875, 1876, 1878; Notes on Magic Lantern Shows held at the school; A Year in the Life of the school 1874; Extracts from the School Log Book 1876 including the following names, researched by Alan Ashford: Arthur Dace, G Perkins, A Bright, Rose Jenkins, William Mulley aged 12, Charles Clark aged 12, William Tyler aged 13, Arthur Dace aged 11, George Perkins aged 10, Hugh Clench aged 9, Emma Smith, Eliza Smith, Frederick Niven, Fred Perkins, Charles Watts, Emma Harding, Elizabeth Miles, James Gibson, Thomas Perkins, Jason Loveday, Joseph Nunn, Jason Kimm, Walter Minett, Jason Box, Lavinia Byford, Dorah Perkins, Alice Lewsey, Clara Lewsey, Alice Freeman, Edith Nunn, Albert Dace, two boys from Woodham Walter-Linge admitted; Extracts from 1877; Jane Hughes, Grace Swallow and a Miles, Walter Felgate and Edgar Linge, Alice Linsell, Fred Oliver, James Gibson, Fred Oliver, Alfred Unwin, two Bennetts, Ellen White, George Coe, Joseph Loveday; Extracts from 1879: G Brignall, Maria Miles, Alice Linsell, Bertha Clench, Charlotte Loveday, John Shykles, Ellen Lindsell, Emma Smith, George Linsell, Charles Wood, and Charles Nunn; Extracts from 1880: Emma Brown, John Shykles, F Wood, Eliza Smith, Ellen Brown; Extracts from 1881: Rose Huges and Ada Huges, George Bignall and Eileen Lindsell, Florence Shipman, Emily Mynett, Edward Denny, Ellen Lindsell, Ellen Brown, C Davis, Sartah Loveday, Alice Foster, Mary Watts; Extracts 1882: Alfred Burton, Minnie Burton and Ernest White, Charles Davis, Ellen Linsell, James Foster, Harry Baker, Elizabeth Mecklenburgh, Ellen and Alice Perkins, Emily Mynett: Extracts 1883: Newman boys, Ellen Brown,Anne Byford, Elizabeth Shipman, William Gozzett, Frank Buck, Six Smoothys including Ada, Florence, Frank, Fred, Maria Miles, Gertrude Peacock: Extracts from 1884: Alice Foster, James Foster, Alfred Mason, Frederick Shipman, Albert Everett, Thomas Coker; Extracts 1885: George Newman, James Woodward, Ethel Woodward and Percy Goldsmith, Lydia Starling, Edward Tweed, Ellen Linsell, Samuel Lucking, Alice and James Foster, Agnes Linsell; Extracts 1887: Ada Unwin, A Everett, W Wood; New Admissions; Pictures of School; School Memories by Mr H Miles 1959 sourced by ERO T/Z 25/168; School picture 1928; Details of The School Building and upkeep; Details on subjects taught; Attendance details ; Weather; Salaries at two schools for teachers; Treats and entertainments; Clothing; Recreations; Memories of Mrs Vanstone dated 1974; List of the National School caretakers; Memories of Bill Miles; The School in WWI; Various pictures of school photos; Extracts from Little Baddow Archdeaconry Chapel Schools notes by Sheila Rowley Essex Record Office ref T/P 254/2.
2021:0029FolderThe Forge 19664 photographs; showing forge after death of Miss Everett.
2021:0030FolderSurnames K - MKerr, Knight, Langden, Lamb, Lambert, Larcher, Lawton, Laydon, Lazell, Lightfoot, Lince, Lindsell/Linsel, Ling, Livermore, Lodge, Loveday, Lowther, Luard, Luckin, Lucking, Lyall, MacDonald, McMillan, Mabbs, Maddocks, Maltravers/Matravers, Marks, Marsh, Martin, Marven/Marvin, Mason, Mead (see also Pettit), Mechlenburgh, Mildmay, Miles, Miller, Mills, Moody, Moss, Mulley, Murrell, Kerridge, Lagden, Loveday, Middleboe, Morell, Murrill,
2021:0031FolderSurnames N - ONewell, Newman, Nicholson, Nunn, Ogden, Olmsted, Opie, Orton
2021:0032FolderSurnames P - RPackman, Palmer, Parmenter, Parry, Partington, Partridge, Pasfield (see also Perkins), Pattterson, Payne, Peacock, Pease, Penfold, Penning, Percival, Phillips, Pitman, Pledger, Poole, Popham, Pratt, Pryor, Purkins, Purkiss, Pyman, Pyne, Quill (see WWI folder), Raikes (see WWI folder), Ramsay (see Shortt), Rand, Raven (see also Nunn), Ray-Jones, Rayleigh (see also Strutt), Richardson, Rigley, Roberts, Rolfe, Routledge, Rowland, Rowley, Royce, Rumsey, Spencer Philips.
2021:0033FolderSurnames S - SmSames, Sargeant, Savill, Saward, Shean, Shaw-Kennedy, Shipman, Shortt, Siggers, Simmons, Sizer, Skinner, Smith, Smoothy, Smythe
2021:0034FolderCommonwealth War Graves Commission Commemorative CertificatesWWI: Private Alfred Barker, Second Lieutenant S T Baron, Private George Brazier, Private Joseph Brewer, Lance Corporal George Destas Clark, Gunner L Day, Private F Enefer, Private J C Gamble, Private W J Hedges, Private W G Hole, Sergeant Percival Robert Humphreys, Captain Gordon Henry James, Private H W King, Private A E Lodge, Second Lieutenant Pilot George Ernest Martin, Second Lieutenant William Harrod Martin, Frederick Hedley Marven, Sydney Marven, Harry and Charles Parmenter, Gunner G B Peacock, Private John James Porter, Private William James Rose, William Albert Sargeant, William Shipman, Airman Arthur Evan Thomas, Private R Wiggins, Private R Wood, Captain Lionel Mostyn Woodhouse, Flight Lieutenant Mosley Gordon Woodhouse, Rifleman Herbert Martin Woolley, Geoffrey Harold Wooley.
2021:0035FolderSurnames Sn - SzSnow/Snowe, Sorrell, Speakman, Stankovic, Stebbings, Stewart, Stokes, Stoneham, Strutt (see also Rayleigh), Sturt, Sutton, Swallow.
2021:0036FolderSurnames T - ZTaylor, Thompson, Thorogood/Thorowgood, Thorpe, Tubbs, Tuker, Turner, Turnidge (see also Harris and Purkis), Tweed, Unwin, Vale, Vesey, Videler, Wade, Walker, Warden, Warren(?), Warsop, Washington, Webb, Westmacott, Wildman, Wilks, Willet, Wilson, Wire, Wood, Woodhouse, Woolley, Wright, Yell.
2021:0037FolderSchools (Vol 3)First schools (Cuckoos, 1630), other schools to 1837. Woodlands School (Postman's Lane), Elm Green School, article by John Mudd.
2021:0038FolderSchools, National (Vol 2)Diary entry of the War Years for WWI, Photos of Little Baddow Church of England School, A school photo 1910-1920 X18b , School Photo c 1927 Little Baddow Church School, School Stool-Ball Team 1931-32 ref X18p6, Sports Trophy 1930s ref BZ1iii, children outside Little Baddow School 1920s? 1930s?, Folk Dancing 1935, Little Baddow School and School House 1930s, Listing of Events at the school from 1930s -1938 including August 21st 1930 prize giving with list of recipients , teaching staff 1931 ref B21 vii, Little Baddow School Country Dancing Team 1931/32 , Little Baddow County Dancing group 1933 (?), boys cricket team 1935 B21 viii with a few , Statement regarding Maldon District Sports Day 1936 , Flower Fairies of Spring 1938 , children with Sports Trophy in 1930s Ref BZ1 iii , Country Dance girls team 1930s ref X18p4 , Little Baddow School Winning Sports Team Essex 1937 with a few names, Image of Miss Peggy Kersey educated at Little Baddow Church School who qualified as a nurse dated 1940s, Picture of School Pupils 1940s no names, Between the Wars information, Little Baddow School Sports Team 1936, Little Baddow School Late 1920s/early 1930’s, Little Baddow School either 1920s/1930s or 1930s/1940s ref BZ1 ix , Picture of 1936 School Play , Reception form for Fred Woodridge and John Babbs to be billeted with Mrs Clark at the Rodney 1st September 1939, Details of the Village School during WWII, Photo of Village School evacuee children from Tottenham queuing on steps of the canteen., Tottenham Evacuees outside the Chapel Vestry , message to school boys and girls by George Victory re WWII, pupils Little Baddow School 1940 , Headmistress’s Report CL Turner 21st Sept 1945, photo BZ1 xii5 with note Margaret Reid on back, Mrs Turner’s Anniversary Party July 1955, Paragraph about School Attendance 1940-1960, The Last Students and Teachers of Little Baddow School 1960, Little Baddow School Class Play1956, Pictures of the School, Essays by Jean Herbert aged 9, R.McGeouch aged 10, B Martin aged 9, Jean Brayier aged 8, Michael Hope aged 8, Jean Scott aged 8 years, Greta Pettitt aged 10, Margret Heard 10 years old, Hillary Redhead aged 9, Mrs Constance Turner Headmistress 1930-1960 , Data on closure of the school.
2021:0039FolderWWI Great War Heroes G - NGamble J C, Gibson R J, Hammond F C, Hart G, Hedges W J, Hicks A M (Mrs A Bull), Hilton B, Hilton P, Hole W G, Hollingsworth G, Humphreys H 'Harvey', Humphreys P R (Punch), Humphreys W H, James G H, Joslin G, King H W, Learmount N R, Levell J W, Lightfoot W L, Lindsell F, Lodge A E, Martin G E, Martin H E, Martin W H, Marven E, Marven F H, Marven J, Marven S, Mason H L, May P D.
2021:0040FolderWWI Great War Heroes N-SLNash T, Noakes A J, Nunn B, Nunn F G, Parmenter C, Parmenter H, Parmenter S J, Peacock G B, Peacock N L, Peacock P C, Perry P, Porter J J, Pryor A G, Pryor B S, Rose W J, Russell G, Sargeant E C, Sargeant W A, Saunders T, Scott I J S, Seels V E, Shipman A H, Shipman E G, Shipman P, Shortt H N H, Sleet A (? not included in Little Baddow Heroes list)
2021:0041FolderWWI Great War Heroes Sm - ZSmith B, Smith S, Speakman E G, Speakman R P, Speakman J C, Stevens C W, Stubbings W (Bill), Thomas A E, Thomas L G, Warsop C W, Warsop E, Westwood A A, White H V, Wiggins R (Charles Rodney), Winger B E, Wood H, Wood R, Woodhouse J (Jack) H, Woodhouse L M, Woodhouse M G, Woolley C L, Woolley G H, Woolley B, Woolley H M, Wren H.
2021:0045FolderShopsMiss Sorrel's, Post and Telegraph Office, Hill Top Stores, Post Office, Essex Chronicle, Butter Token Scheme, Post Office and Stores, Little Baddow Delicatessen and Post Office, John Vale (butcher), death of Miss Sorrell, Little Baddow Post Office, Post masters / mistresses, Miss Langford's shop, Dennis Bell, Ambleside grocery shop, Bracken Hill Tea Rooms, French's Stores, Burgess (Chemist), Butchers 1845-1957, The Old Slaughter House, Butchers of Belle Vue, J C Vale (butcher).
2021:0046FolderSevere WeatherEarthquake, Tornado, Floods, Hurricane 1987, Snow and Frost.
2021:0047FolderPublic HousesAlehouses and Victuallers (Sheila Rowley), Alehouse recognizances 1769-1828, Census Sharles Smith TheRodney 1841-1901, Census The Old Rodney 1841/51/71, Trade Directoriy Entries, Census Generals Arms 1871-1901, Census Queen's Head 1841-1971, Census Beershop Chapel Lane 1871- 1881.
2021:0048:aDoc"Carpenter risked life trying to save boy", newspaper cutting 1956 Kenneth Mead
2021:0048:bDocInfluenza Deaths, 1860 Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern CountiesWife and son of Robert Mason bailiff to Lord Rayleigh at Warren Farm
2021:0048:cDocBoy Blinded in Shooting Accident, Freeman's Journal - 15 September 183714-year-old son of a labourer called Bush injured by Dodd the keeper to Sir Brook Bridges
2021:0049FolderColerainesGeneral folder on house and events.
2021:0050FolderHooker and ElliotBackground details on them and the religious situation in 17th century.
2021:0051FolderGroups and Clubs
2021:0052FolderNatural HistoryLB Hall Fruit Farms 2015 History and Wildlife sitings; Wildlife sitings 2016-19; Wildlife observations 2019; Flora and Fauna ID cards; Miscellaneous Wildlife information.
2021:0053FolderDiamond Jubilee Event 2012Collection of photographs of the event.
2021:0054FolderFarms and FarmingHistory of Farming; details of labourers; statistics of village population related to farming; Dairy farming records; Aldermanburgh; Cock Farm; Apsfield Farm; Cuckoos Farm; Gilbson's poultry farm; Hammonds Farm; Holybred Farm; Little Baddow Hall; New Lodge Farm; Parsonage Farm; Pheasant House farm; Pilgrims; Tofts Farm; Warren Farm.
2021:0055FolderDanburyVillage news; roads and road signs; Businesses; schools; Danbury Palace and Park; Carnivals; Houses; Wildlife and countryside; Maps; wartime heroes; artists; inventors.
2021:0056FolderChapel China
2021:0057FolderTrades and OccupationsAgricultural community; Apprentices; Bakers; Blacksmiths; Bus service; Carpenters; Wheelwrights; Cricket bat industry; Doctors; Milling; Oil / paraffin; roadmen; shoemakers; tailors; shops; social scale; thatchers.
2021:0058PhotoHolybreads Farm, 1945.Harry Brook (right back); Ellis (Tommy) Brook (his father, centre); Horace Brook (his brother, right); Sidney Brook (left front, his brother), Ron Robinson (his cousin).
2022:0001FolderWorld War OneWWI memories; Parish Magazine; Batallions of the Glousester Regiment Army Corps; Roy Warsom memories.
2022:0002FolderLittle Baddow Hall Arts CentreLittle Baddow Hall Arts CentreClifford-Smith, T Barker, Summer Exhibition 1977, 1971 Festival Magazine, Bruce Ogston, Barbro Jansson, Julian Byzantine, Jack Winerock, John Doubleday, Jonathan Clifford.
2022:0003Doc2021-2023The medieval wooden tomb effigies at Little Baddow (Essex)Article by Nigel Saul, in Church Monuments, Vol XXXII (2017)
2022:0004DocChelmer Valley Historya report prepared by Nagel Brown
2022:0005FolderNewspapers Showing Royal and National EventsNewspapers Showing Royal and National Eventsa-d) Daily Sketch, 1936, George V; f) Evening Standard, 1936, George V; f-g) Daily Sketch, 1936, Abdication and George VI; h-k) 1937, George VI; l) Hitler's demands, 1938; m-s) peace plan, 1938; t) Germans to leave UK, 1939; u) 1973, Wedding of Princess Anne and Mark Phillips; v) 1953, Ascent of Everest; w-ab) 1953 coronation of Queen.
2022:0007BookGreat War Heroes of Little Baddow by Alan Ridgeway and Joanne Phillips
2022:0008Doc2021-2023Guild of Arts - meetings 843 and 844(843) 'A Woman's Life in the Army' by Lucy Lewis; 'All Steamed Up' by Rowan Francis.
2022:0009Doc2021-2023Listening BenchDetails of bench, plus tracks available.
2022:0010MapRAC Touring Map (Linen Backed), Sheet 15 (Chelmsford area)Date between 1907-1913 because the Tollesbury Pier Line is present (opened 1907) but the Thaxted branch is absent (opened 1913). Shows village called Chatley that no longer exists.
2022:0011Doc2021-2023Little Baddow Platinum Jubilee PicnicItem in 'The Focus'
2022:0012Doc2021-2023Dawkins FamilyPhotocopy of pages from D Gilmour 'The British in India' re their retirement to Little Baddow.
2022:0014Doc2021-2023Tragedy of the Partridge family, 1908 (see also surnames folder under Partridge)Researched by Pauline Gilhooley
2022:0015DocLittle Baddow History CentreNomination certificateSHARE Volunteer Award nomination in 2015.
2022:0016DocEmily Mulley (part of family tree)Emily Mulley produced the 'sampler' on display, at the age of 14. Grandmother of Nora Shipman.
2022:0017DocJohn HarkerBilletted in Little Baddow n 1914
2022:0018ArtefactGravy Lane and Pilgrims by Mr GilbertCopy of watercolour c1924
2022:0019DocClara Gibson and Mr and Mrs GilbertDetails attachd to painting (2022.0018); Pilgrims; Hen Farm; Clara Gibson (nee March); Walters Lodge.
2022:0020Doc2021-2023Guild of Arts, 800th meeting, 2012Brochure with brief history of the Guild.
2022:0021Doc2021-2023Thomas Hooker at ChelmsfordPhotocopy of article by Robert Anderson; Essex Journal, 2016
2022:0022DocOur Village a century ago or thereabouts - notes compiled by Joan Barker from Parish Newsletters, 1966/7, together with later notes by Roy WarsopTwitty Fee (H Hockley, William Twitye), Clarkes Farm (S Bryant), Cottage in the Bush (W R Wackrill), Pattentees (G Ager), Awkward Square (George Burr), Cherry Tree Bungalow (J Foster), Woodlands (P Boldero), Fern Cottage (W Knight, W Martin), Old Riffhams (J R Spencer Phillips, Leonard W Woolleys), Little Graces, Great Graces (Darcy, Henry Mildmay), New Lodge Cottages (Daniel Spradbarrow), Belmers now Water Hall, Harwoods, Mill House, The Vicarage, Rose and Crown, Little Baddow Hall, Lindsell’s Cottage (William Lindsell), Heards now The Forge (John Hierde, Everett), Cuckoos (Hooker and Eliott, John Puttoe, Richard Rand), Langores alias Joppes (Josiah Smith), Holybred Farm (Pledger, Mr Edwin Green), Generals Arms (Thomas Jaggs, A Clarke, William Goodaye Strutt), Parsonage Farm, Aldermanburgh (Charles Shipman), Old Post Office (Eliza Sorrell, Julia Sorrell, Julia Campion), Boarded Cottage aka Pitt Cottage(Arthur Clarke, William Hart), Old Bassetts, New Bassetts (Giles Blake) Cloggers (George Enefer, Mrs Maymott), Gibbs (Stephen Gibbe, Saward, Misses Pyne and Culver), Gibbs Cottages (A Clark, R Heard), Wedlock Cottage (J Woodward), Ashcroft (Ernie Baker, J Simpson), Sunnymead aka Ashcroft’s Bungalow (E Hopward, Richard Hopwood, Nelly Clark), Old House Wedlock Green (Mrs Pyne), Pheasant House Cottages (William Bundock, H Bundock), Duke's Orchard (Nicholson), Loves Green (John Lof), Mill Lane, Ridgehurst (Walter Warsop), Rodney Gate (W Boreham, Charles Orris), Hockham Hills also called Heather Hills, Warren, Rodney, The Rodney, Well House/Cottage (Richard Saward, George Ager), Monks Garden (Charlie Lucas, Hockley), Bellevue Cottages (Major Mulley, George Aylett), Cockleys (Agnes Ager, Harry Pryor), Hood's Old Cottage (Horne), Ann'e Cottage (George White), The Rectory (Rev Taylor), The Bungalow (Rev Weatherby), Hill Cottage (Mrs Louise Bearmain), Policeman's House (PC Hagger), The Memorial Hall, Almshouses (Jimmy Good, Mrs Wood, Mrs French, Mrs Parmenter, Mrs Andrews, Thomas Saward), The National School (William Thomas), Cranleigh (Miss Clench), Shoulder Stick Hall (Joseph White), Brick Cottages (W Clement, Jacob Bundcock), Littlecotes (Mr French), Hillside (Mr Peate), Ambleside (Mrs Boreham), Boarded Cottages (Mr Enefer, F and G Barker, Miss Saville), Holly Cottage (James Eaton), Warren Farm (Mr Spokes), Warren Cottage (Mr Bearman, Mrs Cranfield), Pair of Cottages (Buck Humphreys, Mr Green), Three Boarded Cottages (Dowsett, Mrs Short, Mrs Marsh), Two cottages just above the Rodney Inn George Peacock, Mr Harris), The Rodney Inn (Mr S W Wager), North Hill Cottage (George Peacock), North Hill Road – originally called Robjohn's Hill, Cock Farm (Richard Sea, Peter Forster), Hen Cottage, Old Rectory (John Wood, Rev Ady), Walters Cottage / The Lodge originally called Watts (John Oakes, Rev Ady), Lees Cottage, Post Box, Wickhay Green, Bowling Alley House, Wickhays later named Pilgrims (John de Wickhey), Spring Close also known as Wick Hay or Vica cottages, Coleraines (Simon Snow), Poleighs, Firtree Cottage, The Willows, Papermill.
2022:0023BookEight Centuries of History in Essex RecordsPublished by the ERO, 1951
2022:0024BookEssex Churches 600 - 1800Published by ECC, 1966
2022:0026FolderLittle Baddow: the Story of an Essex VillageBook by Mel Thompson, published in November 2022; word file of text and images; cover photoshop file; front cover jpeg.
2022:0027DocNotes on volunteering at the HC (for young people)Made by Grace Doubell in 2022, following work at the HC for her Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
2022:0028DocNotes on Lower Common by Grace DoubellPublished in 2 parts in Little Baddow News. Grace produced this as part of her Duke of Edinburgh's Award project.
2022:0029FolderWoodways (AKA Lordlands)Woodways (AKA Lordlands)1910-1965 conveyancing deeds – Miss Elizabeth Perry, Miss Mabel Foster-Melliar, Mr J K Foster-Melliar, Geo Wright, Mrs B F Wild, Philip Vyvyan, Dr R R Bomford,
2023/HammondsFolderDocuments related to Hammonds FarmFrom 1704, legal and financial documents. Notes provided by Duncan Robertson, 2023
2023:0001PhotoAxehead and spearhead (A12 / A13)(digital image of artefacts in collection)
2023:0002DocMarriage settlement, 1735Notes on deed, produced by Duncan Robertson, February 2023.
2023:0004Doc2021-2023Parish Newsletter, Spring 2022
2023:0005MapFootpaths 1986 and 1989Agreed maps of public rights of way in the village on those dates provided by the Parish Council.
2023:0007BookThe History of Old Riffhams by Jim LeaverPrivately published by W A J Leaver in 2021
2023:0008FolderDocuments on Old Riffhams
2023:0009FolderNovels by Jesse BerridgeSundry digital files from the new editions, 2015.
2023:0010DocBackground notes of legal documents ('Hammonds'Made by Duncan Robertson, submitted January 2023. Legal information of leases etc
2023:0011DocNotes on legal document 20th May 1704Part of the collection of documents being examined by Duncan Robertson as of Autumn 2022.
2023:0013DocMr Bell the Paraffin ManNotes from interview with Tony Bell, 19th July 2018, taken by Mel Thompson
2023:0014PhotoSketch of the URCUnknown artist.
2023:0015PhotoPostcard of Bracken Hill, Spring Elms LaneBracken Hill tea rooms.
2023:0016DocDocuments from 1745
2023:0017DocAmy BullSuffragette; died at General's Orchard, The Ridge; commemmorated by blue plaque; notes from national biog database.
2023:0018PhotoThe Old Rodney, Children's CornerPhoto of postcard.
2023:0028Doc2021-2023The 50s in Little BaddowMemories of David Martin, April 2023 plus school reports etc
2023:0031DocDocument from 1765
2023:0032DocCricketA Brief History of Little Baddow Cricket Club
2023:0033DocPeople and Events of Little BaddowVillage of the WeekEssex Chronicle, 4 Dec 2008 – John and Jenny McCrindle, Simon and Margaret Johnson, Mary Buckley, John Robinson
2023:0034DocPoliceGreat-great-great-grandfather’s other jobArticle by Richard A Jeffery, Family Tree Magazine, September 1995
2023:0035DocPoliceNotes on William CalcraftVarious sources including Dictionary of National Biography, Baptism records of Little Baddow URC
2023:0036DocDoc I from 1765Document of 1765; William and Sarah Tagell; assignment of mortage dated 1745
2023:0037DocDoc J from 1766Mortgage of 1766
2023:0038DocDoc K from 1772Letter dated 1772
2023:0039PhotoImage of doc K from 1772Image of letter dated 1772
2023:0040DocWorld War Two2016 Rededication ServiceEssex Heritage News article Spring 2017
2023:0041DocWorld War TwoDiary of Blakes Wood during WWIISyd Enefer, John Dawkins, Miss Hudson, Mr Bradleys, W Scrivener
2023:0042DocLittle Baddow History Centre2008 History Centre Exhibition
2023:0043DocLittle Baddow History CentreLittle Baddow History CentreArticle from little Baddow Newsletter, March 2011
2023:0044DocLittle Baddow History CentreLittle Baddow History CentreA Local Jewel in the Crown, The Journal article, unknown date
2023:0045DocLittle Baddow History Centre2004 History Centre Dedication CeremonyProgramme for Annual Hooker/Eliot Memorial Service at Cuckoos Farm and History Centre Dedication Ceremony at Little Baddow Chapel
2023:0046DocLittle Baddow History Centre2005 History Centre ExhibitionFlyer for Faith History exhibition
2023:0047DocLittle Baddow History Centre2003/4 History Centre Fundraising Appeal
2023:0048DocOur Village a century ago or thereabouts - notes compiled by Joan Barker from Parish Newsletters, 1966/7Twitty Fee, Clarkes Farm, Cottage in the Bush, Pattentees, Awkward Square, Cherry Tree Bungalow, Woodlands, Fern Cottage, Generals Arms, Aldermanburgh, Old Post Office, Boarded Cottage (Pitt Cottage), Cloggers, Gibbs, Gibbs Cottages, Wedlock Cottage, Ashcroft, Sunnmead, Old House, Pheasand House Cottages, Duke's Orchard, Rodney Gate, Hockham Hills, Well House, Monks Carden, Bellevue Cottages, Cockleys, Hood's Old Cottage, Ann'e Cottage, The Rectory, The Bungalow, Hill Cottage, Policeman's House, Almshouses, The National School, Shoulder Stick Hall, Brick Cottages, Littlecotes, Hillside, Ambleside, Boarded Cottages, Holly Cottage, Warren Farm, Warren Cottage, Two cottages just above the Rodney Inn, TheRodney, North Hill Cottage, Horth Hill road - original line of Robjohn's Hill, Fern Cottage, Cock Farm, Old Rectory, The Lodge.
2023:0049Folder1677 Map of the Manors of Little Baddow and Toft drawn by Ralph Dowsett for Sir Gobert BarringtonColoured photocopies of parts, includes typed key
2023:0050DocLittle Baddow History CentreList of exhibitions and brochuresList of exhibitions from 2008 to 2019, along with History Centre brochures 2008 to 2014 (2011-12 missing)
2023:0051PhotoSt Andrew's Rooms, North Hilltaken in 2015 by Mel Thompson
2023:0052Doc2021-20232005 Little Baddow Village Design Statement
2023:0053PhotoSchool, North Hill, showing bomb shelterPoor quality scan from newspaper; date unknown.
2023:0054DocWildlife, Nature ReservesLittle Baddow – The Annual Ford Clean UpUndated copy of newspaper article re fourth annual clean up
2023:0055PhotoOriginal Parish Chest used for display.
2023:0056PhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldBrownie Pack c1953
2023:0057ArtworkLittle Baddow History CentreWatercolour of the History Centre by Jill Goodson
2023:0058DocCricketLittle Baddow Cricket Club – Club Fixtures 2015
2023:0059DocDeed dated 1776
2023:0060DocWWI MemorabiliaLetters from Uncle Joe compiled by Jeg RoastExtracts of letters written by Joseph Brewer to his family during 1916 and 1917 whilst serving in the Great War
2023:0061DocLetter dated 1772
2023:0062DocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIILetter to WWII evacuee’s family from Little Baddow host
2023:0063PhotoPhoto image of 2023.0061
2023:0064PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher ShopQueen’s Jubilee 1977, shop with Union Jacks in window
2023:0065DocDeed dated 1774
2023:0066PhotoMemories1958, 'Belle Vue’ house in the winter before shop front built on left hand side
2023:0067Doc4 deeds, August 1781Labelled as Doc M
2023:0068PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop1957, John Vale cutting meat
2023:0069PhotoSt Mary's 'Churchyard Gang' 1996(Back row from left) Geoff Pyman, Ted Grace, Tom Coxhead, John Whitehouse (front row) John Murrell, John Vale, David Briggs.
2023:0070PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop1959-60, John Vale with new A55 delivery van
2023:0071PhotoSt Mary's 'Churchyard Gang' c.1999(from left) Ted Grace, John Murrell, Geoff Pyman, John Whitehouse, Cliff Hazell, David Briggs, Tom Coxhead.
2023:0072PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher ShopJohn Vale with an Xmas turkey
2023:0073BookAlbum of photographs of Elm Green School, 1965 to 2000Compiled by Ruth Olwen Bennett
2023:0074PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop1983, outside shop
2023:0075DocElm Green SchoolElm Green School - the Early YearsTalk by Michael Tubbs, 11th May 2017.
2023:0076PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher shop1983, inside the shop John and Douglas? making sausages
2023:0077DocSt Mary's ChurchCedric Arnold (organ builder)Note on history of organ building in Thaxted. Arnold built the organ at St Mary's.
2023:0078PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop1983, inside the shop showing the back of John making sausages
2023:0079DocDiamond Jubilee celebrations, 2012Quiz and Treasure Hunt walks. (Folder ref 2021.0053)
2023:0080PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop1970s, new shop front
2023:0081Photo2021-2023Group photograph in Memorial Hall(no details yet - enter into photocopy)
2023:0082PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop1970s, new shop front and house
2023:0083DocFurther developments at Hammonds in 1781Labelled as Doc N
2023:0084PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher ShopNorth Hill 1957/8
2023:0085Doc2021-2023Newspaper cutting: memorial of George BrazierOn war memorial dedication, 2016.
2023:0086PhotoMemoriesJohn Vale's Butcher Shop Xmas 1962, shop front before enhancements
2023:0087DocUnited Reformed ChurchDocument on Little Baddow Chapel folk1901 list of church members, their ages and occupations – Rev Joseph Stanley, Laetitia Morell, Alice Morell, Mrs Comp, Mrs Ann French, Lydia Murley, Jane Stanley, Mary Stanley, Vira Stanley, William Raven, Elizabeth Raven, J Wilfred Pledger, Ethel Pledger, Alfred Gamble, Ada Gamble, Fred Finch, Lily French, William Henry Burdock, Jane Burdock, Sarah Harden, Sarah Courtman, David Marvin
2023:0088Doc2021-2023Copy of certificate of burial for Thomas HodgesBuried 22 October 1811, copy of entry in Church Register
2023:0089Doc1795; Will of William Hart SeniorLabelled as Doc O
2023:0090Doc2021-2023Letter To Mr Gregory of Widford Hall from Mr Gepp, solicitors, relating to the signing of a fine for RolstonsDated 16 June 1772
2023:0091Doc1798: Will of Samuel HartLabelled as Doc P
2023:0092Doc2021-2023Certificate of Acknowledgement of Deeds by Married Women1866, for sale from Elizabeth and Denney Fitch to William Bull and Charles James Skill
2023:0093Doc3 deeds of 1804; Mary Hart, Jeremiah PledgerLabelled as Doc Q
2023:0094DocBlakes Wood by Mr W R HoodPDF of booklet by Mr Hood, who donated Blakes Wood to the National Trust.
2023:0095Doc1804, two deedsLabelled as Doc R
2023:0096DocLittle Baddow History CentreLittle Baddow History Centre - Architect's Plan 2000
2023:0097DocIn 'Other Documents' folder.Labelled as Doc S
2023:0098Book2021-2023Chelmsford Borough Centenary Cookery Book 1888-1988
2023:0099DocIn 'Other Documents' folder.Labelled as Doc T
2023:0101PhotoPhotograph of organ in St Mary's Church before taken out of service, 2023.
2023:0102DocObituaries and Memorial ServicesKathleen Andrews ObituaryMay 1980
2023:0103PhotoSt Mary's Church11 colour slides of St Mary's Church, 1962, Patricia StewartIncludes a slide of Maypole Dancing, 1962, showing Mrs Honniball, wife of the Rector.
2023:0104DocList of persons of significance from Little Baddow
2023:0105PhotoCuckoos, Thomas Hooker5 photos of descendants of Thomas Hooker at Walters Cottage, 1986
2023:0106PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesLittle GracesDate unknown
2023:0107PhotoOld Riffhams, viewed across Riffhams Chase
2023:0108ArtefactSchool Pen Nibs
2023:0110Doc2021-2023Little Baddow's Dramatic PastScript of play by Caroline Ogden performed by Little Baddow Society at St Andrew's Room on 16 November 2023
2023:0112Doc2021-2023Knit in at Little Baddow Parish Church, 1984Essex Chronicle newspaper cutting of 6 April 1984 describing fund raising event for parish church restoration fund - Peter Martin, Dr Kerr, Fred Francis, Richard Godden
2023:0114PhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Football Team c1930Sid Enefer ((back row, second from left), Jesse Berridge (back row, right), Charles Vanstone (middle row, second from left)
2023:0116PhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Football Team c1930Sid Enefer (fourth from left), Jesse Berridge (in suit), Charles Vanstone (fourth from right)
2023:0118PhotoHarold Foley c1930sSon of John Foley, postmaster. Was killed towards the end of WWII when a bomb fell on the factory where he worked.
2023:0120PhotoJohn James FoleyRan the Post Office in the Little Baddow in the 1930s. Buried in the churchyard with his wife Elizabeth.
2023:0122PhotoGrace Foley (nee Carter)Daughter-in-law of John and Elizabeth Foley, who ran the Post Office
2023:0124PhotoHarold Lionel Foley and his new wife Grace (nee Carter)Married 16 May 1937 by Rev Jesse Berridge at St Mary's Church, Little Baddow
2023:0126PhotoLittle Baddow Mill, 1984Also known as King's Mill
2023:0128PhotoLittle Baddow Mill, 1984Also known as King's Mill
2023:0130PhotoGravestone of Benjamin Brooks Horth
2023:0132PhotoGravestone of Susan Elizabeth wife of Benjamin Brooks Horth
2023:0134PhotoPhilip Charles Perkins, Mary Perkins (nee Unwin) and Frederick Thomas PerkinsPhilip Charles Perkins - born 1 July 1844 Little Baddow, died 16 July 1923 Chadwell Heath; Mary Perkins (nee Unwin) - baptised 22 August 1847 and Frederick Thomas Perkins (their grandson) born 28 July 1891 Highwood, Writtle, died November 1983 Brentwood
2023:0136PhotoFrederick George Perkins and his son Ernest James PerkinsFrederick George Perkins born 19 August 1867 Little Baddow, died 20 April 1933 Bow; Ernest James Perkins born 4 March 1902 Poplar, died 16 January 1981
2023:0138PhotoLooking down North Hill from around Walter's Cottage 2009Similar view to other photos e.g. 2000:0027
2023:0140PhotoChelmer and Blackwater navigation at Little Baddow under maintenancePostcard showing workmen in front of a barrier of sandbags, date unknown probably early 20th century
2023:0142PhotoSidney Enefer and one otherAt Parsonage Farm, c1925. Sidney is on the right.
2023:0144PhotoLittle Baddow Mill, 1984Also known as King's Mill
2023:0146PhotoRavens Farm House, Woodham Walter
2023:0148PhotoLittle Baddow WI 90th Anniversary 2008
2023:0150DocLittle Baddow WI 90th Anniversary Lunch Menu3 July 2008, Three Rivers Golf Club, Cold Norton, plus other memorabilia
2023:0152DocLittle Baddow WI 90th Anniversary Certificate
2023:0154Photo1977 Jubilee Party at Walters Cottage15 slides
2023:0156DocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealSketch of Holybred Wood by S E DavidsonHolybred Wood Appeal
2024:0001Photo5th Essex Regiment (1939/40?)Charles Thompson, 11th from left, top row.
2024:0002PhotoBeating Party - possibly Edwardian, possibly ToftsSidney Enefer (3rd from left), Adolphus Enefer (4th from right)
2024:0003Photo5th Essex Regiment (1939/40?)Charles Thompson, far left, second row from bottom
2024:0004PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPhoto of post box outside Walter's Cottage, North HillTaken by Sue Ruskin, mounted on card
2024:0005Doc1937 PC letter to Mrs Eva VanstoneSalary increase to 8/6 per week
2024:0006ArtefactWhistle Chain WWIPiece of chain found at Jock's Lodge, The Ridge in September 2023 while gardening. Believed to be part of chain that would hold a whistle. Jocks Lodge was built on the remains of an Army Camp known as Danbury Camp One during WWI.
2024:0007DocConveyance from Lord Rayleigh; field for Wickhay Cottages, 1938Sold to Chelmsford District Council
2024:0008ArtefactLittle Baddow Fruit Farm Sign
2024:0009PhotoPipe organ in St Mary's Church, 2023Built by Cedric Arnold; decommissioned in 2023.
2024:0010ArtefactLittle Baddow Fruit Farm - Pick your own basket
2024:0011PhotoHollybred FarmSent in by Steve Barber, December 24; date unknown.
2024:0013PhotoRiffhams Chase under snowDate and provenance unknown
2024:0014DocArchaeologyReport on Roman Pottery found at Water Hall, Little BaddowEssex Archaeology and History Transaction 1993, 24 pp 218-219
2024:0015PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationWaterfall Below Paper Mill LockSpalding Postcard No.560. With barge
2024:0016DocMemoriesMy Memories of Little Baddow School during WWIILetter from Marjorie Bennett (nee Taylor) 23 August 2007
2024:0017PhotoPeewitt Patrol, 1st Scout Troupe (on bikes)Christopher Lima, David Money, David Cannon
2024:0018Artefact1950 Ration Coupons and Papier Poudre Papers
2024:0019PhotoPeewitt Patrol, 1st Scout TroupeBrian Rominson, David Cannon, Billy White, Phillip Hedgcock.
2024:0020ArtefactSewing kit
2024:0021PhotoLittle Baddow Scout Troupe, after taking swimming badge.David Money, David Cannon, Keith Raynor; Philip Hedgcock, Christopher Lima.
2024:0022ArtefactARP MemorabiliaIncluding arm bands, civil defence buttons, medal
2024:0023PhotoWI visit to the Britvic Factory in ChelmsfordBetty Leakey, Edy Hunt, Dorothy Thompson, Mrs Bates, Mrs Digby (marked on back of photo)
2024:0024DocScript of "The Cradle Song" a play by Little Baddow WI, Adjudicator's Copy
2024:0025DocCopy of email from Humphrey Berridge about his grandfather's books.Includes decision to loan Dell Berridge's medals to HC.
2024:0026ArtworkFramed watercolour of Beacon Hill, The Ridge possibly 1970sHome of Eric and Mrs Cahagon until 2017. Painting signed B Filbey
2024:0027DocDocuments relating to the publication of 'Little Baddow: a century of village life'Includes publicity sheet and invoices; November 1999
2024:0028DocEvents2021 Little Baddow Festival and Film Night programme
2024:0029DocMemories of Margaret Stamford (nee Paterson)Herbert Paterson, Edith Paterson, Barbers Orchard (Northfields, Colam Lane); Blakes Wood; Mr Pettit; many other comments and names.
2024:0030NewspapersNewspapers Showing Royal and National Events"Wed - but they need an interpreter" - article reporting wedding in Little Baddow Serbian communityDaily Express, 4 July 1938, Page 5
2024:0031PhotoContrasting photos of orchard and Little Baddow HallFrom 1989 and 1999, showing change of use, along with exhibition caption.
2024:0032PhotoArchaeology Exhibition 2006by Simon Johnson
2024:0033DocOriginal Parish Council minutes 1956.Included proposal for new village hall, plus severence of Mrs Everett as secretary.
2024:0035PhotoInformation on scouts from David Cannon.
2024:0036PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColam Lane / Spring Elm Lane cross road, top of North Hill date unknown showing sign to Maldon
2024:0037PhotoPast and PresentManse and Chapel, Spalding postcard c1900
2024:0039PhotoGracys Walk, 1906Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0041PhotoThe Old Rectory (side view)Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0042DocCopy of Michaelmas 1670 Hearth Tax Returns for Little Baddow
2024:0043PhotoGreetings Card; 'Just a Card', 1924.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0044DocMemoriesMemories of Anthony PayneLived in Little Baddow c1939-1945. Neighbours of Rev and Mrs Berridge
2024:0045PhotoGreetings Card; Christmas GreetingsCopied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0046BookAway & Home - World War II (Somerset and Essex 1939-1945) by Pat HernimanThe story of a young girl growing up in England during WWII
2024:0047PhotoGreetings Card; MultiviewCopied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0048PhotoLittle Baddow Fun Day, 26 June 2010
2024:0049PhotoInterior of St Mary's Church, before ceiling removed and shows gallery.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0051PhotoSketch of St Mary's Church by Henry Martin Luyken, 1935Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0052DocArchaeologyLate Bronze Age Hoards from the Chelmer Valley, Essex by D Buckley, Antiquaries Journal - London 66, 1986
2024:0053PhotoLittle Baddow Hall.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0054DocArchaeologyNotes and sketches of Bronze Age Hoards found near New LodgeLetter from Henry Mothersole
2024:0055PhotoOld Riffhams, from garden.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0056DocArchaeologyResistivity Survey of field to rear of ChurchMaldon Archaeological and Historical Group, 2006. Accompanying letter from Simon Johnson
2024:0057PhotoPainting of Little Baddow Mill, John Kinnaird.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0058DocArchaeology2002 correspondence with John Fairclough re Little Baddow Archaeology
2024:0059PhotoBy Little Baddow Mill, looking towards Boreham, 1915.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0060DocDanbury Notes and PhotographsNeolithic and Iron Age Pottery from Danbury, EssexExcerpt from Antiquaries Journal, Vol 13, Issue 1, January 1933, pp59-62
2024:0061PhotoThe Old Rodney, across hills, 1904.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0062PhotoArchaeologyAerial photographs of fields north of St Mary's ChurchShowing possible archaeological features
2024:0063PhotoA Pretty Spot' by Little Baddow Mill.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0064DocArchaeologyList of archaeological finds and sites, listed buildings etcGenerated from Historic Environment Records (HERs) for Essex (see also M119)
2024:0065PhotoPaper Mill, looking towards lock from bridge.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0067PhotoPaper Mill, old mill building.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0068PhotoTop of Colam Lane
2024:0069PhotoGenerals Arms.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0071PhotoThe Old Rodney, with car showing.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0072BookAround Danbury and Little Baddow, Book One by Jill Goodson
2024:0073PhotoSchool and School House.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0074ArtefactMap of Essex divided into HundredsFramed copy of Half sheet County Map by Emanuel Bowen (1694-1767), Geographer to his late Majesty, and Thomas Bowen
2024:0075PhotoPaper Mill, visitors in summer of 2020.Prohibitions of foreign travel, plus good weather, brought people to the navigation.
2024:0076DocPlans for new house at Dukes Orchard, 1945Previous house damaged in V2 attack in WWII
2024:0078PhotoNicholson / Gregory Family Photo AlbumPhotos and watercolours of family at dukes Orchard from early 20th century, including pictures of rebuilding in 40s/50s.
2024:0078:aPhotoDukes Orchard ConservatoryBuilt 1912, opening off dining room. Photo from Mary Ackhurst
2024:0078:bPhotoDukes OrchardSteps east of dining room. Photo from Mary Ackhurst
2024:0078:cPhotoAmy Hooper, Dukes Orchard long-term cookSteps east of dining room. Photo from Mary Ackhurst
2024:0078:dPhotoDukes Orchard DriveLooking north up drive, infant chestnut tree almost hidden by gatepost. Photo from Mary Ackhurst
2024:0078:ePhotoHJ Nicholson, UJ Gregory, CJ GregoryAt Dukes Orchard 1904
2024:0078:fPhotoCJ Gregory, JW GregoryAt Dukes Orchard 1904
2024:0078:gPhotoOld Bunduck, Harry's father c.1911 at Dukes OrchardNB Stone lion on terrace but no conservatory. Photo from Mary Ackhurst's papers
2024:0078:pPhotoJane and Martin Gregory c.1950
2024:0079PhotoMildmay Tomb, St Mary's Church
2024:0080BookDukes Orchard Christmas Masque, 1899Two books owned by Mary Ackhurst containing sketches, poetry and prose y Mrs Gregory Nicholson for masque. Participants - Miss Dorothy Nicholson, Mrs Harry Nicholson, Miss Edith Ayrton, Miss Maggie Nicholson, Mr H J Nicholson, Miss Isabel Jackson, Miss Barbara Ayrton
2024:0081DocNotes on Hen Cottage, Wickhay Green.Prepared for planning appeal, 2024.
2024:0082DocMisc documents relating to Gregory propertiesInclude letters between Audrey, Christopher Gregory and Ursula Gregory c.1940
2024:0083PhotoPostcard? St Mary's Church early 20th centuryRailings round graves suggest pre-WWI.Copied from 'Chelmsford Remembered' Facebook Group
2024:0084DocDocuments relating to rebuilding of Dukes Orchard
2024:0085BookThey lived here for a Time by John Bundock, 2008Notes on some Little Baddow Homes and Villagers 1840s to Early 1900s
2024:0086DocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowSheet Music for "Dusk" by C Armstrong Gibbs
2024:0087DocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyContents of Parish Chest and filing cabinets, 1994Listing produced for the Historical Society, August 1994.
2024:0090PhotoExhibition of History and Arts and Crafts, Silver Jubilee Celebrations 1977
2024:0091Doc2021-2023Woodlands, The RidgeDocuments and deeds, provided by Mrs Molloy and available for public access. Researc carred out by Duncan Robertson, December 2024. Names: Buttle, Meggy. Johnson (Arthur, Livermore, Baron Rayleigh, Luard, Hindmarch, Seager, Mc Coy, Molloy.
2024:0092DocWWII Memorabilia1953-1954 Ration Book for Helen Black
2024:0094DocRecollections of Phylis Lilian Stanley (1892-1918) by Ursula Gregory From her time working on farms in Little Baddow in 1915
2024:0096DocWWII MemorabiliaRota for manning of Warden's Post J1, 1943
2024:0098BookHandwritten novel, undated and unknown authorIncludes list of Little Baddow persons as dramatis personae
2024:0102BookHassock GroupRecord of hassocks made 1977-1989
2024:0110Map1:10560 OS Sheet TL 70 NE published 1970Little Baddow
2024:0112Map1:10560 OS Map Sheet TL 80 NW published 1960Woodham Walter, Langford
2024:0114Map1:50000 Geological Survey Map of Chelmsford, OS published 1975
2024:0118PhotoChapel Lane after the 1987 Gale6 photos
2024:0120PhotoFloods in Hammonds Lane, date unknown4 photos
2024:0122PhotoAnnual Cuckoos Service commerating Hooker and Eliot, date unknown2 photos
2 photos
2024:0124PhotoGroup outside Tennis Hut, Old Rodney, 1984Charles Cope (fourth from right)
2024:0126PhotoHandbell Ringers at Mansion House, Christmas 1995Jenny Atkinson, Charman May, Charles Cope, Lady Mayoress, Lord Mayor, Paul Robertson, Lynn Button, Mark Button, Joan Atkinson
2024:0128Photo17th Century Re-enactment, undated probably 1980s11 photos
2024:0130DocArchitectural Plans for Pyne Cottage, Spring Elms Lane by P Stewart, 1980s
2024:0132BookA Reproduction of a Map of the County of Essex 1777 by John Chapman and Peter Andre published by ECC, 1950Reduced to I inch to 1 mile
2024:0134MapOS 6 Inch County Series Essex Sheet nLV NW revised in 1919Hatfield Peverel, Boreham
2024:0138MapMap of Little Baddow, date unknownProbably dating from sometime between 1973 and 2016 as shows EU boundaries
2024:0142BookJinny the Carrier by Israel Zangwill 1919
2024:0146ArtefactWooden BierReputed to have been acquired by Frank Johnson of Little Baddow Hall Fruit Farm for transporting his coffin to the church
2024:0148DocRegister of Buildings of Local Value in Little Baddow, Chelmsford City Council, April 2024Rowan Cottage, West View Cottage, The Hoppet, New Hall Park Barn, The Forge, Hill Cottage, Cranley Cottage, Annes Cottage, High Pauls (formerly The Bungalow), Mill House, Chestnut Cottage, The Generals Orchard, Memorial Hall, Memorial Arch, St Andrews Church, Yew Hedges, Stanhill, Rose Cottage, Coppins, Warren Cottage, Claren Cottage, The Return, Little Walters, Pledgers Cottage, Fern Cottage, Fir Tree Cottage, Bothy (Paper Mill Lock), Tea Rooms (Paper Mill Lock), Ryefield House, Elm Green Preparatory School, The White House, Chase Cottages, Well House, The Old Rodney, Froggs Hall, Birchwood House (formerly Greville), Gibbs Cottage, Cloggers Barn, The Generals Arms, Sorrells, Pattentees, Awkward Square
2024:0150PhotoAlfred Wire 1901Alfred Wire (1839-1914) was headmaster at Little Baddow School in 1863
2024:0152Map1677 Map of the Manors of Little Baddow and Toft drawn by Ralph Dowsett for Sir Gobert BarringtonBlack and white digital image
2025:0003DocCricketLeaflet for Twenty20 Cricket Match 12 July 2015Little Baddow Sports Ground - in aid of Royal British Legion
2025:0005DocCricketFlyer for Twenty20 Cricket Match 27 May 2012Little Baddow Sport Ground
2025:0007DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Sportsfield Terms of HiringElm Green School 1979
2025:0009DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Sportsfield and Pavilion Terms of HiringLittle Baddow Hockey Club 1977
2025:0011DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Sportsfield and Pavilion Terms of HiringLittle Baddow Cricket Club 1977
2025:0013DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldDraft Proposals for Agreement between Little Baddow Parish Council and the Sports Club c.1985
2025:0015DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldLittle Baddow Sports Club Constitution, undated
2025:0017DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldConstitution of the Little Baddow Sports Club 2006
2025:0019DocCricketLittle Baddow Cricket Club Rules, undated
2025:0021DocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldCorrespondence re Tennis Courts at Sports Ground 2008
A1ArtefactCricket bat made by William Warsop 1907 for W Hilliard
A2ArtefactStoneham Crest Car Badge
A3ArtefactSilver Jubilee King George V Plaque from Jubilee Oak Bench.Sited on North Hill, replaced 2004
A4ArtefactGlass Bottle (1/4 pt cream) inscribed M&U LtdFound on Heather Hills April 2005
A5ArtefactBox of 5 slate pencils used in National School
A6ArtefactFinds from the Old Vicarage off Chapel Lane which fell down in the 19th centuryFound by Mr and Mrs Digby
A7Artefact3 Musket Balls (late 18th, early 19th century) found on Lingwood Common
A8ArtefactFragments, possibly of roof tilesFound west of Old Vicarage, south of Fruit Farm in ploughed field, possibly windmill
A10Artefact2 pieces of terracotta drainage pipe found in Mill Field
A11ArtefactTerracotta Drainage Pipe
A12ArtefactFlint SpearheadFound in St Mary's Graveyard
A13ArtefactNeolithic Flint Axehead (4000-2000 BC)Found by Tony Jarvis in St Mary's Churchyard (TL777803 TLZONE TL5720)
A14ArtefactClay pipe 1620-1640Found 2001 north of junction of The Ridge and Wayside
A15Artefact3 spent bullets found at the Danbury camp site (WWI) on the Ridge
A17ArtefactTile and brick fragmentsFound on ploughed footpath near site of Harwood (demolished)
A18Artefact17C Oak Panelled and Carved DoorFound in Woodhill House on Danbury / Sandon boundary
A19Artefact5 Hop Picker Tokens
A20ArtefactSampler embroidered by Emily Mulley aged 14 in 1804
A21Artefact16th century buckleFound on public footpath that runs diagonally across Mill Field near north end. South of LB Fruit Farm
A22ArtefactOil lamp from St Mary’s ChurchFixed at end of each pew. Removed when electricity installed in 1950s
A23ArtefactMiniature cricket bat signed by Walter Warsop
A24ArtefactHeathcote School souvenir Teddy Bear in School Uniform
A25Artefact2002 Golden Jubilee China MugPrinted by McLaggan Smith Mugs Ltd.
A26Artefact1947 wedding medallion given to children at St Anne’s PNEU School, London Road, Chelmsford (now St Cedds)
A27ArtefactKodak camera c1930
A28ArtefactLittle Baddow Millennium Walk metal sign
A29ArtefactRoman hypocaust tile found in a field east of St Mary's
A30ArtefactShaped sandstone found in a field east of St Mary's
A32ArtefactPiece of Tudor brick found in a field east of St Mary's
A33ArtefactLathe and Plaster taken from Pilgrims (Pilcherines)
A34ArtefactChildren's rake believed to be VictorianFound in a shed at the URC, Little Baddow
A35ArtefactJesse Dell Berridge WW1 medals
A67ArtworkWatercolour of the Black Bridge 1 Aug 1950
B1Book"The Village of Little Baddow", School Scrapbook 1953 - essays and photographsRobin McGeouch, Greeta Pettit, Wendy Arden, Jennifer Reader, Jean Scott, Michael Hope, M Read, J Pheby, Peggy Stubbings, Jean Brazier, Margaret Heard, M Stubbings, G Rayner, Jean Herbert, B Martin
B2BookThe World of Fred Spalding, Photographs of Essex 1860-1940, ERO 1992Edwardian shooting party at Old Riffhams
B3BookLittle Baddow The History of an Essex Village Part I by Sheila Rowley.
B4BookLittle Baddow The History of an Essex Village Part II by Sheila Rowley
B5BookLittle Baddow The History of an Essex Village Part III by Sheila Rowley.
B6BookLittle Baddow Congregational Church, A Brief History by E Eldred Marks, 1930
B7BookSome Aspects of the History of Little Baddow by Sheila Rowley 1970
B8BookJust the Ticket by David Thornton (Essex Bus Companies).
B9BookGeorge Henry Saward - His ancestors and descendants 1600 - 1982 by Delma R Carne
B10BookMaldon's Links with America by Fred H Laws, 2nd Edition 1977
B11BookDomesday Book Essex edited by Alexander Rumble
B12BookHistory of Blakes Wood 1930-1954 by W R Hood
B14BookThe Stronghold by Jesse Berridge
B15BookBettina by Jesse Berridge
B16BookGracys Walk by Jesse Berridge
B17BookThe Tudor Rose by Jesse Berridge
B17ABookBrother John by Jesse Berridge
B17BBookLittle Things by Jesse Berridge
B17DBookUna Breakspear by A D Martin
B18BookHeraldic Records from the Church of St Mary's Church, P. B. Rushbrook, 1989.
B19BookLittle Baddow WI 1989 compiled by Christine WoolnoughPhotos of events
B20BookLittle Baddow WI Scrapbook 1918-1998
B21BookOur School, School Scrapbook 1953 - Essays and photographsRobin McGeouch, Greeta Pettit, Wendy Long, Jennifer Reader, Jean Scott, Michael Hope, Margaret Read, John Pheby, Jean Brazier, Margaret Heard, Jean Herbert, Beryl Martin, Gerald Abbott, Hilary Redhead
B21iiiPhotoLittle Baddow School Sports Team 1936Back Row: Polly Whait, Henry Whait, Ken Peacock, John Murrell, Ronald Joslin, Albert Webb, Cecil Wiggins, Vera Clark. Middle Row: Marjorie Knight, Dorothy Burton, Phillis Parmenter, Brenda Passfield, Olive Targrass, Joyce Lightfoot, Front Row: Gordon Sargeant, Sidney Ford, Bernard Peacock, Pat Sargeant, Pat Willett, Joyce Jordon, Cedric Joslin, Dennis Ford
B21ivPhotoLittle Baddow School and School House
B21ixPhotoLittle Baddow School, late 1920s/early 1930s(Back row) Mrs Turner Peter Cranfield Henry Whait, Cecil Wiggins, Gordon Sargeant, Miss Fox (Middle Row) Joan Westwood, Margery Turner, Isabel Enefer, Pearl Peacock (Front row) Doris Webb, Joyce Jordan, Edith Rolfe, Amelia Stankovitch
B21viPhotoLittle Baddow School Sports Team 1937Back Row: Bernard Peacock, Gordon Sergeant, Cecil Wiggins, Albert Webb, Sidney Ford, Laurence Mason. Middle Row: C Joslin, Edith Rolfe, -, Dorothy Burton, Pearl Peacock, Joyce Jordon, John Murrell. Front Row: Betty Joslin, Joyce Lightfoot, Pat Sargeant, Brenda Passfield, Peggy Banes, Pat Willett
B21viiPhotoTeaching Staff 1931Miss Pickering, Mrs Turner, Miss Fox
B21viiiPhotoLittle Baddow School Cricket Team 1935Names identified - John Webb, George Brazier, Don Sargeant, George Kemp, Kenny Winger, Peter Sargeant, John Pheby.
B21xiiiPhotoJulia Cook and Madeline Long receiving Nature Diary award from Major Hitchcock, Sept 1958 Danbury Village Hall
B21xvNewspapers"All clubbed together for their popular teacher", Essex Chronicle 1955
B22BookNotes on Parish Council Meetings attended by Patricia Stewart (architect and Conservation Society member) 1971 - 1978.
B26BookGrowing Toward Greatness by D CollingwoodFourteenth Thomas Hooker Lecture, 9 Oct 1987
B27BookBlackberry Corner by Sue Bazell, 1968
B28BookEssex (The County Book Series) by C Henry Warren 1950
B29BookHistory of St Lawrence Essex by Herbert Brown 1928
B30BookJ. W. Gregory a sketch by C J Gregory 1977
B31BookParish Council Day Book 1932 - 1951Footpaths in the Parish.
B32BookA Corner of Essex by Julia Cartwright from the National Review
B33BookAgricultural Machinery Catalog 1898 - 1899Also contains a notice to farm occupiers from Home Office 1916 on the notification of accidents
B34ArtefactBible presented to Josiah Smith by Butler Charity, 1 July 1840Printed in 1837, Presented by trustees William Allen, Isacc Pledger, John Piggot
B35BookLittle Baddow Clothing, Coal and Boot Club Payment 1907-1948
B36BookLittle Baddow Branch of the Mothers' Union 1927 - 1963Record of meetings plus Service Book and Official Card
B38BookEssex Review: July 1911, Jan 1927, July 1930, April 1933, July 1933, Jan 1934, Apr 1934, July 1934, Oct 34, July 39, July 1955
B39BookEssex Archaeological Soc 1920, 1922, 1923, 1928, 1929.
B40BookColchester & Essex Museum Annual Report 1929, 1931.
B41BookThe Story of the Lyon, Part of the Hooker StoryIssued by Braintree Council
B42Book"Pilgrims and Adventurers, Essex (England) and the Making of the United States of America" by J R SmithERO publications, 1992
B43BookReflections of a Country Teacher 1930 - 1955 by Constance Turner, 1956
B44BookA Country Teacher Bows Out by Constance Turner, 1977
B46BookElm Green School, Brochure 1985
B47BookLittle Baddow Historical Society Scrapbook 1986
B48BookTourism / Leisure Information for Essex
B49JournalThe Ringing World 24 Aug1984, 10 Oct 1986Articles on bell ringing at St Mary's church
B50BookEssex Countryside Jan 1983 - S Jarvis on LB
B51BookEssex Countryside Oct 1965 - LB lock gates
B52BookEssex Countryside Sept 1966 - Tudor dress
B53BookEssex Countryside Jan 1967 - Congregational Church
B54BookEssex Countryside Feb 1967 - Congregational Church
B55BookEssex Countryside July 1968River at Little Baddow
B56BookEssex Countryside - March 1965 Churches about Chelmsford.
B56ABookEssex Countryside 1986 James & Jane Nunn of LB, 1890s photo.
B56BBookEssex Countryside 2000, Century of Village Life review.
B57BookOver 60s Club Register 1959 - 1978
B58BookOver 60s Club Register 1978 - 1991
B59BookOver 60s Club Register 1992 - 1996
B60BookOver 60s Club Minutes of Meetings ?1996
B61BookVisitors Book to Over 60s Club 1970 - 1987
B62BookThe Place Names of Essex by P H Reaney, 1969
B63BookThe Official Guide to Chelmsford, Rural District Essex, c1958Photo and brief description of Little Baddow
B64BookSchool Information Pack 1990
B65DocSt Mary's Church Restoration Appeal Jan 1984
B66DocReport on Bells 1983
B67DocDescription of Maintenance Work St Mary's Church 1983
B69BookBeeleigh Abbey Souvenir Programme of the 750th anniversary of the founding of the abbey 28 June 1930A series of nine historical episodes
B70BookRural Areas Local Plan - Consultation Document, Chelmsford Borough Council 3 Sept 1985Contains maps of proposed developments
B71BookChelmsford Rural Areas Local Plan, Chelmsford Borough Council 7 Sept 1987
B74BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt and Payments book, 1927 - 1934.
B77BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt book 1910 - 1928.
B78BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt and Payments book, 1928 - 1931.
B79BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt and Payments book, 1931 - 1934.
B80BookReport of the Advisory Committee on Sand and Gravel, Ministry of Housing and local Government 1953Final General Part
B81BookReport of the Advisory Committee on Sand and Gravel, Ministry of Housing and local Government 1948General Survey, Greater London
B82BookReport of the Advisory Committee on Sand and Gravel, Ministry of Housing and local Government 1954Middle Anglia, East Anglia, Kent and East Sussex
B83BookSt Mary's Church Structural report 1984 with photographs and negatives.
B84BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt book, 1943 - 1947.
B85BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt book, 1947 - 1952.
B86BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt and Payments Book 1952 - 1957
B87BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt book, 1896 - 1927.
B87ABookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt and Payments book, 1896 - 1910.
B88BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Ledger 1942 - 1955
B89BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Petty Cash Account 1
B90BookDanbury & LB Horticultural Society, Sports Committee accounts and minutes 1906 - 1924.
B91BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Ordinary and Annual Meeting agendas 1951 - 1957.
B92BookMaldon, a Thousand Years Ago by F H Laws 1952
B93BookMaldon's Links with America by Fred H Laws, second edition 1977
B95BookLB Parish Clubs Account book 1948 - 1953
B96BookBrief Guide to St Mary's Church & the URC Church, by Roy Tricker, 3rd Edition1987.
B97BookA Brief Description of Little Baddow Parish Church3 different editions
B98BookSt Mary's Church Restoration Appeal 1991 and fundraising events.
B99Book"Essex Church and Chapels" by members of the Friends of Essex Churches published 1996
B101BookChelmsford Borough Local Plan - Deposit Draft, Chelmsford Borough Council, Mar 1993
B102BookChemsford Borough Plan - Consultation Plan, Chelmsford Borough Council March 1992
B103BookChemsford Borough Plan - Consultation Plan - Proposals Map: Village Insets, Chelmsford Borough Council March 1992
B104BookRights of Way, A Guide to Law and Practice by Paul Clayden and John Trevelyan, Ramblers Association 1983
B105BookRights of Way Act 1932 - its history and meaning by Sir Lawrence Chubb 1938Text of the act with commentary by Humphrey Baker
B106BookA Guide to Definitive Maps of Public Paths by Mary McArevey
B107BookA Practical Guide to the Law of Footpaths by Ian Campbell, 1972
B108BookGreen Rights and Responsibilies, A Citizen Guide to the Environment, Dept of the Environment c.1990
B109BookOutdoor Advertisements and Signs - A Guide for Advertisers, Department of the Environment
B110Book11 booklets published by the Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservation Society c1940-1950Rights of way, footpaths, commons, access to the country side etc
B111BookRamblers Association Publications c1990Public Paths
B112BookOut in the Country by Countryside Commission 1992Where you can go and what can you do
B113BookA Guide to Definitive Map Procedures by Countryside Commission 1992
B114BookWaymarking Public Rights of Way by Countryside Commission 1992
B115BookA Guide to the Law of Commons by Ian Campbell, Commons, Open Spaces and Footpaths Preservation Society 1976
B116BookRights and Obligations of Landlords, Tenants and Owner-Occupiers of Agricultural Land, HMSO 1949
B117BookLord Rayleigh's Farms Incorporated and Strutt and Parker (Farms) Limited, Some Facts and Figure April 1983
B118BookOur Common Land - the law and history of commons and village greens by Peter Clayden, The Open Spaces Society 1985
B119BookCommon Land - Your Rights and Interests, Ministry of Agriculture 1966
B120BookParish and District Councils by Michael Pease 1949What they are and what they do
B121BookThe Parish Councils Review, Winter 1951
B122BookThe Parish Councillor's Handbook 1991
B122ABookParish Councillor's Guide by F L Edwards 1946
B122BBookParish Councillor's Guide by F L Edwards 1950
B124BookMiss Pyne: Aunt Mary by Alicia C Percival 1975
B125BookMaiden Voyage by Denton Welch 1914 reprint 1945
B126BookFavourite Nursery Stories 1910 Signed by Harry Bowles, aged 9 in 1916
B127BookThomas Hooker Father of American Democracy, D Collingwood, 1995.
B128BookJinny the Carrier by Israel Langwill 1919
B129BookLocal Council Administration by Charles Arnold-Baker 1975
B130BookThe King's England, Essex by Arthur Mee 1947
B131BookOne Hurricane - One Raid by Geoff Rayner, 1990
B132BookLittle Baddow Parish Council: Treasurer's Receipt and Payments Book 1947 - 1952
B133BookThe Sleepers and the Shadows Vols 1 and 2 by Hilda GrieveA history of Chelmsford
B134BookRetirement book of signatures; Ada Puddephatt from Elm Green SchoolRetired 1961/2. Died 1966 aged 84
B135BookParish Government 1894-1994 by K P Poole and Brian Keith-Lucas
B136BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Dec 1919 - Oct 1929
B137BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Nov 1929 - Oct 1942
B138BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Dec 1942 - Aug 1950
B139BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Sept 1950 - March 1957
B140BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Apr 1957 - July 1962
B141BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Sept 1962 - Jan 1968
B142BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Feb 1968 - May 1972
B143BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books June 1972 - Sept 1978
B144BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Oct 1978 - April 1985
B145BookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books May 1985 - Oct 1992
B145ABookLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes Books Oct 1992 - Mar 2000
B146BookBrownies Scrapbook 1986Thomas Hooker Commemorations
B147BookHarare West Farmers Association 1892 - 1992 Memories In Red Dust, by Rilla Kirk.Bayley; Ward; Opie;
B148BookLittle Baddow: A Century of Village Life by the Little Baddow Historical Society 1999
B149BookCongregational Praise 1950With a dedication to Mr and Mrs Charles E Gosling
B150BookPastimes in Times Past - Friends of Chelmsford MuseumsNetball Club
B151DocPapers on John Eliot presented to Little Baddow Historical Society by his descendants
B153BookWorking the Land by Len Sharman 1987Farming in East Anglia c1900-1960
B155BookChelmsford at War by Andrew J BegentChronicle of town during WW2
B156BookEssex Countryside No 27, July 1979 More developments on the Chelmer, J Marriage.
B157BookEssex Countryside No 98, March 1965 Notes about Edward Thomas.
B158BookEssex Countryside No 201, Oct 1973 The Fiery Essex Puritan (Thomas Hooker) by Jesse Berridge.
B159BookEssex Countryside No 49, Feb 1961 A Walk around Danbury Hill, R. S. Green.
B160BookEssex Countryside No 273, Oct 1979 Recreational Boating on the Chelmer, by J. Marriage.
B161BookEssex Countryside No 272 Sept 1979 Essex's Elizabethan Church, by P. Ellis.
B162BookThe Livermore Bequest Book
B163DocHooker / Eliot PapersJohn Eliot descendants, Eliot family genealogy, Thomas Hooker writing, Hooker descendants
B163ABookHooker Genealogical Material compiled by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1986Presidents with Hooker ancestry, Hooker descendants, Hooker manuscripts, Hooker ancestors
B164BookLet's Git Up Agin the Table by Basil Slaughter 1992Social history of diet and cooking in Essex and East Anglia
B165BookMillennium 2000 Photograph Album (1)Coloured photographs of the new Village Sign and the official opening of the Millennium Walk 24 April 2000
B166BookMillennium 2000 Photograph Album (2)Photos of family fun day, barn dance and flower festival at St Mary's
B167BookNinety Years of Building in Essex by Peter CameAn account of the history of Baker & Sons (Danbury) Ltd.
B167bBookA History of Bakers of Danbury Ltd by Peter Knott and Peter Came
B168BookA Century of Building in Essex by Peter CameAn account of the history of Baker & Sons (Danbury) Ltd.
B169BookThe Mead Family - Three hundred Years of History by Daphne Mead, March 2001
B180Book17th Century Faire 2002Folder of correspondence, photographs and banner
B181BookHolybred Wood - file of papers relating to purchase of Wood for Village 2000
B183BookFeet of Fines for Essex published 1913 - 1932 by the Society of the Castle Museum, Colchester11 volumes
B184Book1881 British Census and National IndexSet of CDs
B185BookEssex Journal - Autumn 97, Spring 1998, Spring 2000, Autumn 2004, Spring 2005, Autumn 2005, Spring 2006
B186BookThe Letters of Edward Thomas to Jesse BerridgeEdited by Anthony Berridge, Enitharmon Press 1983
B188JournalPeriod Living & Traditional Homes June 2004 - article on Pilgrims Barn conversion.
B189BookDown the Chelmer and Up the Blackwater by V Clarke
B190BookHooker and EliotBook of itineraries, tours relating to the Hooker and Eliot story. Heritage Tour 1987
B191Book1959-1999 Watching Over Essex, 40 Years of Essex Wildlife Trust by John Crookes
B192BookDanbury and Little Baddow in old picture postcards by Peter Came
B193BookChelmsford - A History by David Jones, 2003
B194BookSt Mary's Sunday School Photographs1984- 2003Compiled by Liz Willington
B195BookDanbury - Historical Notes and Records by Mary Hopkirk 1945
B196BookDanbury and Lingwood Commons by Peter Came and Peter Corrigan, National Trust1968 and 1985 revision
B197BookDanbury - Story of a Hill Village by Frederick Roberts, Danbury Society 1989
B198BookThe Danbury Society Handbook compiled by Eleanor Bowker, Danbury Society 1975
B199BookA Village History of Woodham Walter by Patricia M Ryan 1989
B200BookGreat Baddow Oral History compiled by Allen Buckroyd
B201BookBoreham - History, Tales and Memories of an Essex Village 1988
B202BookMore about Boreham by E Burgess 1996
B203BookA History of Springfield by Ian Clark, 1985
B204BookIn and about Maldon by Robert S Brazier4 volumes
B205DocPhotographs of Hartford Church taken Nov 2004
B206BookBarstable Books Catalogue 28 - Eastern Counties
B207BookFriends of Essex Churches, Annual Report and Accounts 1988
B208BookLocal History Recorder Scheme - List of Recorders 1986
B209BookRomford Record No.18, 1986Papers published by Romford and District Historical Society
B210DocChelmsford Tourist GuideUndated possibly 1995
B212BookEssex Family Historian 2002-2005Nos. 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115
B213BookRoman Roads in the South-East by the Viatories
B214BookMap of Roman Britain, Ordnance Survey Third Edition 1956
B215BookMonumental Inscriptions - United Reformed Church, Essex Society for Family HistorySurvey completed 1995
B216BookMonumental Inscriptions - St Mary's the Virgin, Essex Society for Family HistorySurvey completed 1996
B217BookBrick in Essex from the Roman Conquest to the Reformation by Pat RyanComprehensive index of Essex Villages, Houses and People
B218BookBrick in Essex the claymaking craftsmen and gazetteer of sites by Pat Ryan
B219BookEssex by L Burleigh and AR Hope Moncrieff publisehd 1909Page 135 gives an account of the village followed by a colour plate of Danbury. Cover signed by EL Jones
B221BookDanbury Park - A Guide to the Historical Landscape by Kate Felus 2007
B222BookDanbury - Historical notes and records of the village of Danbury in the county of Essex by Mary Hopkirk published 1945
B223BookA Foot in Essex by Frank DawesP40 shows walk from Danbury to Maldon passing through Blakes Wood
B224BookLittle Baddow - The study of an Village by C H Filbey 1970Contains statistical information
B225BookFrom Meteorite to Man by Professor JW Gregory and Others published 1930
B226BookUr - The First Phases by Sir Leonard Woolley 1946
B227BookDigging up the Past by Sir Leonard Woolley 1956
B229BookAround Danbury and Little Baddow, Vol 2 by Jill Goodson
B230BookAround Danbury and Little Baddow, Vol 3 by Jill Goodson
B231BookUr of the Chaldees by Sir Leonard Woolley 1952
B232BookMorell's Complete Manual of Spelling by JD Morell
B233BookA Series of Graduated Exercises by JD Morell
B236BookThe James, Pyne, Dixon Family Book compiled by Alicia C Percival
B237BookBoyes Dictionary of English and FrenchInscribed: Helen Ramsay Shortte "Little Baddow" April 2nd 1872 from dear Mrs Fortescue 1869
B238BookOld Hall Boreham - Archaeological Excavation by ECC Field Archaeology Unit, Sept 2008
B239Book"Images of Essex, Photographs of Alfred Wire 1875-1913" by D Maunder 1995
B240BookA Grammar of the English Language by JD Morell
B241BookSunday Lunch group 1979-1988List of members, menus and accounts
B242BookAbraham Harding Family BookBorn Little Baddow, died Massachusetts, Ancestry, family and descendants
B243aBook"Chelmsford - Birthplace of Radio" by Janet Olivia LeeChelmsford Borough Council, 2001
B243bBook"Guglielmo Marconi", the Marconi Company Ltd 1984
B244BookThe Secret of the Forest by E ChapmanEdith Chaplin (nee Pyne) lived at Bassets and wrote under the name E Chapman
B245BookThe Spy Catcher Trial by Malcolm TurnballTrial of Peter Wright, Colam Lane
B247BookA Woodham Childhood by Mary Radford 2004Account of life in the early years of the twentieth century in Woodham Ferrers
B248BookTrenches to Trams - The Life of a Bristol Tommy by Clive Burlton
B249BookThe Rivers Chelmer and Blackwater by Stan Jarvis
B250BookThe Peregrine by JA Baker
B251BookBoreham Histories No. 3 - The Sussex Tomb by William J T Smith
B252BookThe Life and Work of Professor JW Gregory FRS (1864-1932) - Geologist, Writer and Explorer by Bernard Elgey Leake
B253BookThe Essex Weather Book by Ian Currie, Mark Davison and Bob Ogley
B255BookParish Council Attendance Registers Apr 1957-Oct 1982Contains signatures of councillors and those attending meetings
B256BookMr Hart and Cleaners wages book for Memorial Hall and Pavilion 1965-1975
B257BookConservation Society Minute Book 1975-1981
B258BookConservation Society Minute Book 1969-1975
B259BookParish Council Newspaper Cuttings Book 1957-1976
B260BookParish Council Newspaper Cuttings Book 1976-1980
B261BookParish Council Newspaper Cuttings Book 1986-1990
B262BookParish Council Minute Book 1949-1958
B263BookParish Council Minute Book 1982-1989
B264BookParish Council Minute Book 1989-1999
B265BookParish Council Account Book 1973-1984
B266BookParish Council Account Book 1984-1994
B267BookParish Council Account Book 1994-2004
B268BookParish Council Account Book 1994-1998
B269BookParish Newsletter 1982-1996
B270BookAround Chelmsford by Russell ThompsonShowing old photos of Chelmsford and surrounding villages
B271BookEssex Family History, A Genealogist's Guide to the Essex Records OfficeIncludes parish papers and registers that are held in the archive of the ERO
B272BookThe Village Kitchen Cook Book by Mary Klaber 2010Contains recipes sent in by villagers
B273BookThe King's England - Essex by Arthur Mee
B274BookFarm and Cottage Inventories of Mid-Essex 1635-1749 edited by Francis W Steer
B275BookChildren's favourite recipe book by Elm Green SchoolWith some pupil names and classes
B276BookQuilt Windwers and Pod Shavers - the History of Cricket Bat and Ball Manufacture by Hugh Barty-KingFeature Warsop family
B277BookThe Journal of the Maldon Archaeological and Historical Group Edition 28, 2015P.17 Excavation at the Warren by Brian Riley
B278BookThe White Altar by Jesse BerridgeCollection of poems plus some more from Parish Magazines
B279BookLittle Things by Jesse BerridgeCollection of poems
B280BookTerling HistoryThe Terling Fever 1867, Terling in the 1840s Parts 1 and 2
BF/ChapelFolderChapelCopy of photograph of board in Chapel showing Ministers of the Church from 1662-1980; Abbreviated notes on William Parry Minister 1780-1799; Abbreviated notes on Reverend Stephen Morell 1773-1852; Copy of print of Chapel by Mark Rowland; A summary of the life of Reverend Deryck Collingwood 1916-; Service details of the service for the Ecumenical Covenant held June 12th 2005; Pictures of the Chapel and Manse postcard by Fred Spalding ; Copy of the Role of Honour board in Little Baddow Congregational Church (later known as the United Reform Chapel); Churchyard Management plan by Brenda Hooson; Summary of prizes awarded to URC by the Rural Community Council of Essex 1919-2009; Description of the churchyard and the flowers to be found including plant hunt on March 2004 and April 2011; Notes on “Through the Seasons - Notes on the Churchyard and Grounds” by Brenda Hooson; A picture of The Congregational Chapel Sunday Treat at the Old Rodney 1904 showing James Burgess the Minister; Picture showing the Sunday School Workshop 1998; A picture of Little Baddow United Reformed Church Sunday School in The Manse garden 29th May 1977 taken by A.V.Sharman; Picture of Brenda’s Blue Christmas The Chapel 2001; Picture of URC Sale of Work in 1988 showing Shirley Gibson and Hazel Rowland
BF/Ghosts and WitchesFolderGhosts and WitchesLaminated map of the Witchcraft Prosecutions at the Essex Assizes 1560-1680; Witches of Little Baddow 1560-1680 including Alice Swallow who was accused of bewitching Alice Bastwick wife of William Bastwick and Elizabeh Goores daughter of William so they died. Also John Dagnet husbandman and four horses belonging to John Franke. She pleaded not guilty at the 1570 assizes but was hanged.; Alice Bambricke, spinister, bewitched Richard Hawkes aged 7 days he died 1st September 1569. She was found not guilty.; Hauntings at Cuckoos house reference to a Puritan man being seen in the lane near a hedge one reference from Joan Arkle ; Alice Mildmay and a ghostly sighting at Graces Walk extract from A Ghost Hunter’s Guide to Essex by Jess Payne.; Gemma Hooper reference to 1950 ghost in Graces Walk taken from; Heather Chaplin seeing ghost in 1973 taken from; The Ghost of Graces Bridge which appeared in Coasts Cuttings a newsletter published by the Chelmer Canal Trust.; Two black and white pictures of Little Baddow Grace’s Walk in 1903 and 1906.; Report from the Echo Newspaper published Saturday 28th July 2001 referring to Little Baddow couple’s ghostly experience.; Laminated picture from The Chelmer Trust of the “spooked” Graces Bridge.; The Haunting of Suzannah Andrews who lived at Walters Cottage with her niece in 1901.; Black and white copy of picture of Granny Andrews.; Samuel Shaen of The Crix Hatfield Peveral regular attendee of the Chapel at Little Baddow and the story of a ghostly dog that haunted his house.; Narrative of The Old Lady of Colam Lane by unknown author and undated.; Narrative of a ghostly couple on the Lingwood Mound.; Details from M Hernimans talk 2007 regarding ghosts in Little Baddow.
BF/Houses/2FolderCottage in the Bushoverlooks Patten Well and Danbury Village; Hedge; Burchell; Balls; Wackrill; Armstrong Gibbs;
BF/Houses/3FolderPhillowsalso knows as Filiols; Sir John de Bohun; Cecily Filiol; Richard de Badew; Sir Robert Southwell;
BF/Houses/4FolderPilgrimspainting; phots from 1953; modern photos including Gravy Lane; Pilgrims Bard B&B sheet; drawing of pargeting on Pilgrims; Lowe; Shuring;
BF/Houses/5FolderPoleighsPhoto and 2 paintings; Paulyn; Fort; Roger de Poleye; Fermer;
BF/Houses/6FolderPost Office StoresNorth Hill; 5 photos in folder;
BF/Houses/7FolderOld Rectory
BF/Houses/8FolderRetreat CottageNorth Hill; photos from 1930s a nd 1997;
BF/Houses/9FolderNew Lodgephoto of house; Bremner
BF/Houses/10FolderRodney InnFishing Gazette advert 1892; Smith
BF/Houses/11FolderLittle Baddow MillPhoto with caption (from 'Postcards' book); Johnson; Piggott; Morgan; Smith; King;
BF/Houses/12FolderPaper Mills BridgePhoto with caption (from Postcards book); Rennie;
BF/Houses/13FolderGunbiesNow Fern Cottage; North Hill; photo dated c1925 with caption; Pledger; Gunby; Everett; Adam Eve; Bob Martin; Gerard Peacock;
BF/Houses/14FolderThe RectoryRectors of the parish owned Parsonage Farm; Ady; Butterfield; Tayler; Berridge;
BF/Houses/15FolderSt Mary's ChurchPhoto with caption (from 'Postcards' book); Mildmay; Berridge; Rayleigh;
BF/Houses/16FolderThe Forgeoriginally known as Heards; Gowlett; Riley; Willers; Everett; Prior;
BF/Houses/17FolderUnited Reformed Churchphoto also shows the Manse; Barrington; Leavensley; Parry; Morell; Hollies; Stanley; Burgess; Learmont;
BF/Houses/18FolderHolybreds Laneshows Chestnut Cottage (formerly Langores then Cuckoos Cottage) and Cuckoos; Scotchman; Hooker; Eliot; Newton; Gibling; Smith; Enefer; Baker; Addison; Wilde;
BF/Houses/19FolderBowling Alley House2 photographs
BF/Houses/20FolderOld RiffhamsSpencer Philipps; Smoothy; Woolley; Paterson;
BF/Houses/21FolderColraines (aka Coleraines)Photo with caption (from 'Postcards' book): Colraine; Barrington; Hodges; Johnson; Dennis; Snow; Conbrough; Peacock;
BF/Houses/22FolderHuskards Mill (Paper Mills)Photo with caption (from 'Postcards' book); Hodges; Livermore; Snow; Cantrell; Byford;
BF/Houses/23FolderLock CottagePhoto with caption (from 'Postcards' book): Marven family
BF/Houses/24FolderWedlock Greenalso known as Loves Green and then Whitlock Green; shows Sunnybank; ref to Loves Lane, renamed York Street; Woodward; Came; Hopwood; Thorrington;
BF/Houses/25FolderOld Riffhams2 paintings and caption; Richer de Refham; Richard de Capernore;
BF/Houses/26FolderColam LaneSpalding postcard reproduced with details; shows Ann's Cottage; Aldermanburgh Farm (also knows as Andanburies Farm); Pledger; Smith; Shipman;
BF/Houses/27FolderNorth HillPhoto with caption; Gibson; Ager; Humphries; Howard; Dowsett; Langford; Marsh; Short; Peacock;
BF/Houses/28FolderThe Dairyon the New Riffhams Estate; now known as The White House; Spencer Philipps; Hinton; Richardson;
BF/Houses/29FolderLittle Gracesmay originally have been called Dales; known as 'the Wood Yard' before 1910; Mildmay; Hayward; Fletcher; Burchall; Bridges; Simmons; Mason; Oliver; Saunders;
BF/Houses/30FolderThatched Cottagealso known as Fern Cottage in the 1890s; Dancer; Bains; Binder; Puddephatt; Arnold;
BF/Houses/31FolderWoodlandsMeggy; Livermore;Boldero; Ady; Luard;
BF/Houses/32FolderColam LaneMap showing lane in the 1920s
BF/Houses/33FolderPaper MillPhoto across pool to mill
BF/Houses/34FolderGreat GracesLe Gras; D'Arcy; Mildmay; Bridges; Simmons; Yell;
BF/Houses/35FolderSorrell's shopSorrell; Campion; Aylett; Puddephatt; Marven; Rasch;
BF/Houses/36FolderLittle Baddow Hallphoto and caption; Tweed; MacDonald;
BF/Houses/37FolderMill Cottage (and Mill)Postcard and caption; Rotherham; Richardson; Craneis; Ager; Smith; Lucking; Hilton; Warsop; Holton;
BF/Houses/38FolderPattenteesName derived from Patten Well on Lingwood Common; originally called Hammonds; Docwra; Ratcliffe; Enefer;
BF/Houses/39DocColam Lane (notes)Aldermanburgh; Jipps; Gattons; Anns Cottage; Cockleys; Hill House; Butler's Charity Cottages; Cranley;Saward; Strutt; Jaggs; Bundock; Campion; Shipman; Fleet; Clark; Everett; Gipps; Bentley; White; Clench; Prior; Pledger; Moss; Barnard; Barnes; Sanson; Lu
BF/Houses A-GFolderA-GSketch of Little Baddow in the Middles Ages; Aldermanburgh (Andanburies) Extract about this property from A Century of Village Life by Mel Thompson; Ann’s Cottage also called Mosses; Balshams; Bassetts; Belmores; Belvue; Bowling Alley House; Little Baddow Sanatorium; Brambles 1908; Bubbs; Chelmer Cottage; Chestnut Cottage; Cloggers and Cloogers Barn; Cock Farm; Cockleys; Colraines (aka Coleraines) - Colraine, Barrington, Hodges, Johnson, Dennis, Snow, Conbrough, Peacock; Cottage in the Bush - Hedge, Burchell, Balls, Wackrill, Armstrong Gibbs; Cuckoo’s Farm including Barn and Gravel Pit Field; Dukes Orchard, Spring Elms Lane. Photograph after V1 attack 1944 ; Eastmans; Fern Cottage (was Gunbies) - Pledger, Gunby, Everett, Adam Eve, Bob Martin, Gerard Peacock; Firtree Cottage; Gibbs; Fishes; The Forge (was Heards) - Gowlett, Riley, Willers, Everett, Prior; Gattons; Great Graces - Le Gras, D'Arcy, Mildmay, Bridges, Simmons, Yell; Great Salts;
BF/Houses Q-ZFolderQ-ZOld Village Stocks; The Rodney Inn - Smith; The Old Rodney - Jordan, Pullen, Mecklenburg, Boreham, Clark; The Old Vicarage; The Rectory - Ady, Butterfield, Tayler, Berridge; The Return; Riffhams; Rye Field; Ropers; Rose Cottage; Shouldersticks; Smugglers Barn; Sorrells - Sorrell, Campion, Aylett, Puddephatt, Marven, Rasch; The Stores North Hill; Tofts; Little Baddow Hall; The Old Vicarage; Huskards Mill (Paper Mill); Water Hall (Belmers); Walters Cottage; Warren Cottage; Well Cottage; Well House; Wedlock Cottage (aka Loves Green and then Whitlock Green) - Woodward, Came, Hopwood, Thorrington; Whitwells; The Willows; Yew Tree Cottage; Luard’s House; Woodlands -Meggy, Livermore,Boldero, Ady, Luard;
BF/Woodlands/1FolderWoodlands, Landscapes and Wildlife, Vol 1Bassetts Wood; Blakes Wood including death of Mr W R Hood, and poems of Alice M Sadler; Holybred Wood -1620-1742; -Sale/Appeal; -Holybread Wood Secured
BF/Woodlands/2FolderWoodlands, Landscapes and Wildlife, Vol 2Map of Woods and Nature Reserves of Little Baddow, Danbury and Bicknacre by Jill Goodson; Poster entitled Woodlands of Little Baddow; 1909 Burleigh print of area near Baddow Rodney (ref 2000.0094); Photo by Tony Counsell of Woodland no date given; Danbury Ridge; Rare Flowers in Blakes Wood; Timber Sales 1878; Rodney Common; Photo of Heather Hills; Photo of Mrs Pyman widow of Geoffrey Pyman MBE; Badgers in Poors Piece; Map of Lingwood Common; Enclosure Acts; Beacon Hill – photos; Ling Heather; The Ford in Hurrells Lane; Parsonage Common; Pheasanthouse Wood; Danbury Common; The Squire Oak; Boundary dispute with Danbury; Boundary of Little Baddow; Shooting Box for sale 1811; Essex Wildlife Trust – Help to Save Fir Tree Wood brochure 2023
BF/World War IFolderWorld War IMemories of WWI, Lt. Baddow parish magazine, The Battalions of the Gloucester Regiment Army Corps, Roy Warsop WWI memories, Misc.
E60MountedYugo-Slavia In EssexNewspaper cuttings about Little Baddow colony
J1JournalElm Green School
J2JournalDrama Group
J3JournalDisco for South Africa
J5JournalCinema Club
J6JournalC.G.M. Mechanical Services
J7JournalCensus 1891
J9JournalChampagne Tasting
J10JournalFamily History Group
J11JournalHolybred Wood
J12JournalLittle Baddow Hall
J13JournalKen Goodson
J14JournalParish Council
J15JournalOpen Gardens
J16JournalLittle Baddow Fete
J17JournalFarleigh Hospice Fund Raising
J18JournalMemorial Village Hall
J19JournalFamily Drama in River Chelmer
J20JournalLittle Baddow Fete
J21JournalLeisure and Sports Club
J22JournalHorticultural Society
J23JournalKick Boxing
J24JournalWomens Institute
J25JournalHistorical Society
J26JournalConservation Society
J28JournalMillenium Walk
J29JournalRodney Public House
M1dMountedCricketer Article on Brian Warsop, October 1985
M1eMountedArticle on Cricket Club 75th Anniversary, Newsman Herald May 1979
M5MountedDrawings by H M Paterson and G Hall10 mounted copies, (Paper Mill Bridge, Chapel, Memorial Hall, Cuckoos x 2, Bassetts x 2, Forge, Sorrell's Corner, St Andrews) all drawings are late 19th / early 20th cent, also a mounted copy of LB Meeting House (URC) by G Hall, 1889.
M17MountedLB Cricket Club 1950s11 mounted black and white photos of celebration dinner in Memorial Hall with presentation to George English, Dr Brazier (highest batting average) and J Bowles (taking 105 wickets)
M18MountedWater HallOne photo of the hall and 9 of the timber structure models, by Mrs P Ryan
M19PhotoAldermanburgh11 mounted photos from 1930s to present, includes Shipman family and farmyard
M20PhotoRemoving St Mary's BellsJanuary 1986; 9 mounted colour photos
M21MountedRemoval of St Mary's bellsJanuary 1986, 11 mounted photos + 9 mounted photos (filed under 21a) + 14 mounted photos (filed under 21b) + 11 mounted photos (filed under 21c)
M22MountedViews of Little Baddow16 mounted photos: Holybread Farm(1986), Pilgrims (1964), Lees - next to Walter's Cottage (1985), Bowling Alley House ((1973), West View (Rose and Crown) (1985), Cock Farm (1985), Copeland Cottages (1985), Little Meadow (1933) 2 views + now as (cont...)
M23MountedAldermanburgh14 mounted photos of tree planting ceremony to honour Francis Thorrington, March 30th, 1985
M24MountedCasting St Mary's BellsCasting at Whitechapel Bell Foundry, 3 new bells, Feb 1986, 10 mounted photos
M25PhotoCock FarmHarry 'Bodger' Davies seen at gate, died in 1907, buried 13th Nov aged 58 years. Ex policeman, stepfather to Edith Langford.
M26MountedCopies of four William Washington wood block engravingsLittle Baddow Hall 1953, Old Wooden Bridge between Rushes and Paper Mill Locks, Eve's Corner pond c1950, St Mary's Church
M27Photo1934 print of 'The Cricket Bat Maker' by William WashingtonWalter Warsop
M28PhotoPeter Woodhouse3 mounted photos; conservatory at Tofts; P Woodhouse c1940-50; P Woodhouse c1914, Conservatory 1930.
M30MountedEssex History FairAt Tilbury, 1988, 14 mounted photos
M31PhotoWeldon’s “Regiment of Foote”Training / Display at LB Hall Fruit Farm, 13th and 14th May 1989; 9 mounted photos
M32MountedHistory Fair at Colchester11th June 1989, 6 mounted photos
M33MountedDuck race at Water Hall FordSeptember 2nd 1989, 5 mounted photos
M34MountedLarge Album of Photos of the Pageant ''Essex Through the Ages" by Janet Ross 6 June 1951Including autographed programme
M36MapPhotocopies of parts of John Chapman and Peter Andre Map, published Oct 1st 1777
M37MountedCopy of 1970 Aerial photo of Little Baddow centred on New Bassetts.
M38Map1677 Map of the Manors of Little Baddow and Toft drawn by Ralph Dowsett for Sir Gobert BarringtonBlack and white photocopy
M42MapOS 6 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII surveyed 1873-4 published 1881Little Baddow, Danbury, Woodham Walters
M43MapOS 6 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet nLV SW surveyed 1873 revised 1919 published 1924Little Baddow, Woodham Walters
M44Map1:10000 OS Sheet TL 70 NE published 1983Little Baddow
M45MapMap of Little Baddow, Tofts, Warren House, New Bassetts, Holybred, Paper Mill.Date uncertain.
M46MountedSouthend Water, Sections & Plans of Little Baddow, November 1923
M47MountedLarge scroll of the list of Little Baddow men serving 'with the colours' in WWI
M48MapPlan of Warren Farm
M49MapOS Map of Little Baddow (? 1920s)
M50Map1:2500 OS Sheet nLV.10 surveyed 1873 revised 1919 re-levelled 1920 published 1922With field names
M51MapEssex CC map (1:10560) of footpaths, public bridleways etc, 1949.
M52Map1:10560 OS Sheet TL 70 NW with 1963 public rights of way, ECCChelmsford & Springfield.
M53MapColoured map of Essex 1610 showing the Essex Hundreds by John Norden augmented by I Speede
M54Map1:10560 OS Sheet TL 70 NE, date unknownLittle Baddow showing parish boundaries
M55MapSketch map of Little Baddow
M56MapMap of Little Baddow, unknown dateProbably dating from sometime between 1973 and 2016 as shows EU boundaries
M57MapSketch map of Little Baddow footpathsIllustrated with places of interest
M58MapSmall map of Chelmsford Borough and RDC populationShowing populations 1967
M60MapLarge scale photocopy of map of fields adjoining The Ridge 1813ERO D/DRa 622
M62MapJesse Berridge PapersConjectural sketch map of Little Baddow in the middle ages.Shows parish and manor boundaries
M63MapSmall scale map of Chelmsford and surrounding parishes.
M64Map1:200,000 Map of Essex by John Ogilby and William Morgan, 1678Copy by ERO
M65DocPlan of St Mary's Church Belfry, 1985
M66MapColoured map of Essex Parishes 1987.With parish register commencement dates.
M68MountedLarge copy of Old Rodney adverts and house
M69Map1:2500 County Services OS map LIII surveyed 1874 revised 1895 published 1897Jesse Berridge Map
M69AMapPhotocopies of parts of the 1897 map taken from photographs.
M69aPhoto1897 map photosRidge and part of Colam Lane (6 photos)
M69bPhoto1897 OS map photosNorth Hill
M69cPhoto1897 OS mapSpring Elms; 3 photos
M69dPhoto1897 OS map photosTofts Chase and Bassetts Lane
M69ePhoto1897 OS map photosColam Lane and Holybread Lane
M69fPhoto1897 OS map photosRiver, Little Baddow Mill, part of Church Road, part of Hammonds Road
M69gPhoto1897 OS map photosHusketts Mill (Paper Mill)
M69hPhoto1897 OS mapHolybread Lane, Church Road
M69iPhoto1897 OS map photosChapel Lane, Graces Lane
M69jPhoto1897 OS map photosRiffhams Lane
M69kPhoto1897 OS map photosPhillows Farm
M69lPhoto1897 OS mapPheasant House
M69mPhoto1897 OS map photosNew Lodge Farm
M70MapMap of River Chelmer from Chelmsford to Maldon 1765 by Thomas Yeoman
M71MapReprint of the 1st edition of the OS Map including LB 1863
M72MountedPrint of Engraving by S E Brown of Boston of Court Square, Springfield, Mass.Shows congregational church and some other buildings
M73Map1:50000 OS map of Chelmsford Borough showing Traffic Calming Nov 1996
M75MapOS 6 Inch County Series Essex Sheet nLXIV NW published 1924Danbury
M76MapOS 6 Inch County Series Essex Sheet nLV SE revised in 1920 with additions 1938 (provisional)Woodham Walter & Maldon
M77Map1:10560 OS Sheet TL 70 NE published 1960 (provisional)Little Baddow
M78MapMap of Colam Lane c1920 by Jesse Berridge
M79MapBassetts Farm Field Details 1912
M80PhotoPicture of Walter Warsop bowling 1907With a copy of letter from Warsop to Graham ? 23 Sept 1931
M81MountedPicture of Mr & Mrs Jim BowlesParents of Harry, James, Edie Marks and Minnie Blatchford. Mr Bowles came originally from Ulting
M81AMountedFramed Picture of Mrs Jim Bowles
M82MountedLists of Little Baddow Listed Buildings, Categories BII and III.
M83MountedPhotograph of awards won by Stuart Macdonald of LB HallAt the Imperial Fruit Show in Liverpool and the Essex Fruit Show in 1936. LB Fruit Farm planted by MacDonald in 1927/28
M84MountedOil sketch of St Mary's Church Aug 16 1960 by J P Michael.
M85MapFramed Map of Essex 1594 John Norden
M87Mounted2 engravings by William Byrne of the NE view of the City of Durham 1799.
M88MapDeveloper Plans for Aldermanburgh site 1977
M89MapLittle Baddow, Essex Heritage 1989Map of Little Baddow showing positions of the old houses
M90MountedSt Mary the Virgin Baptismal Roll 1951 - 1958
M92Map1:25000 Map of Chelmsford and District c1940 Sheets 59/22 NE 62/22 NW
M93MapUnder Drainage Map of Hammonds, Rumbolds and Potash Farms, undated
M94MountedBoard listing police in Little Baddow 1885 - 1924
M95MountedFramed photo of LB URC Sunday School in the Manse garden 29 May 1977By A.V.Sharman
M96ArtefactBrass plaque presented to B Langford 1883 - 1905Found in a field opposite Little Walters c.1984.
M97PhotoUnframed photograph of HMS ASTREA
M98DocWallpaper samples
M99MountedOld Rodney Roundup poster 4 August 1961
M100aMapOS 6 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII NW surveyed 1873/74 revised 1895 published 1898Little Baddow and Springfield. In original envelope with George V stamp
M100bMapOS 6 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII NE surveyed 1874 revised 1895 published 1897Little Baddow and Woodham Walter 1897. In original envelope with George V stamp
M102PhotoAerial photos of Little Baddow, Maldon, Danbury.English Heritage Monuments Record Pack containing details of local listed buildings, earthworks and archaeological finds
M103MapOS Map Chelmsford (East) 1:25000 1984
M104MapOS Map Maldon 1:25000 1984
M106MapPlan of Hammonds farm 1851
M107MountedParget Work in Little Baddow at New Bassetts and Pilgrims
M111PhotoFramed photograph of St Mary's Church and Little Baddow Hall, 1894
M112PhotoSt Mary's Church from Church Road, 1893Framed print
M114PhotoLarge photo of Holybread Woods 2001-2
M118Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7806 and TL 7906 published 1966Little Baddow (east) and Woodham Walter
M119Map1:10000 OS Sheet TL 70 NELittle Baddow showing sites of archaeological finds (index in 2024.0064)
M121MountedHouses of Little Baddow and some of their history
M122MapThe Little Baddow and Danbury Complex of nature reserves
M125MapParish Council copy of Public Rights of Way Map for Little Baddow produced by OS and ECC dated 19491:10560 mapping
M126MapDanbury Society map of Danbury and Little Baddow based on OS published 1975
M127ArtworkSketch Map of Little Baddow Woodlands, undated
M128Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7805 and TL 7905 published 1966Danbury and Little Baddow
M129Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7607 and TL 7707 1967Little Baddow (Holybred Wood to Sandon Brook)
M129/1Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7607 and 7707 published 1967Little Baddow (Holybred Wood to Sandon Brook)
M129/2Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7708 and 7608 published 1967Little Baddow (River Chelmer to Holybred Wood)
M130Map1:2500 OS Sheets TL 7807 and TL 7907 published 1966North Hill East to West Bowers
M131PhotoAerial photograph showing Spring Elm Lane, Tofts, Mill Lane, Rye Field and High Pastures 1971
M132PhotoAerial photograph of part of Danbury and Little Baddow 1971Mill Field Danbury -> Ryefield, LB (Little Baddow Road at top)
M133PhotoAerial photograph showing area from Sandon Brook to North Hill 1971
M134MapSt Mary's Churchyard Plan
M135PhotoAerial photograph showing part of Danbury and little Baddow, possibly 1971New Lodge on the left, Danbury in the top right-hand corner
M136MapOS 6 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII surveyed 1873-4 published 1881Little Baddow, Danbury, Woodham Walters
M137Map1:2500 OS Essex Sheet nLV.14 published 1922Little Baddow (southern part), Woodham Walter
M138MapCopy of 1:2500 OS Map Essex Sheet nLV.10 published 1922Little Baddow (northern part)
M139MapPlan of proposed bell floor for St Mary's Church with written explanationP Stewart 1959
M140MapOS 25 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII.7 surveyed 1874 published 1897
M141Map1 inch OS Essex Sheet 24I published 1886Chelmsford, Witham, Maldon
M142MapCopy of OS 6 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII surveyed 1873-4 published 1881Little Baddow, Danbury, Woodham Walter
M143Map1:10000 OS Map of Little Baddow 1983 with fruit farms and reservoirs marked
M144aMap1843 Little Baddow Tithe Map
M144bMap1843 Little Baddow Tithe Map with field names
M145MapMap of North Hill / Riffhams / Firtree LaneSection of OS 25 Inch County Series Map Essex Sheet LIII.7, surveyed 1874
M146aMapWildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Definitive map for Little Baddow 1986Paths, rights of way
M146bMapWildlife and Countryside Act 1981 - Definitive map for Little Baddow 1989Paths, rights of way
N25hDocWorld War TwoTyped excerpt from the Essex Weekly News May 18th 1951 about impact flying bomb in Duke’s Orchard 1944 on Drama SocietyMrs Gregory Nicholson
N52aDocDrama ClubCast list from the "Fairy Queen’s Workbasket" by Mr and Mrs Nicholson (October 1927 - July 1928)
N52adDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Charley's Aunt", Little Baddow Drama, 30 Nov - 3 Dec 1983
N52aeDocDrama ClubPoster and Programme for "The Waltz of the Toreadors", Little Baddow Drama, 17 - 19 March 1983
N52afNewspapersDrama ClubShort review of "Gaslight", Little Baddow Drama Club, Nov 1984
N52agDocDrama ClubFlyer for "The Magical Land of Green Ginger", Little Baddow Drama, 15 - 18 November 1989
N52alDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Fumed Oak" and "The Real Inspector Hound", Little Baddow Drama, 21 - 24 April 1993
N52amDocDrama ClubProgramme for the "Dame of Sark", Little Baddow Drama, 18 - 21 April 1992
N52anDocDrama ClubProgramme for "How the Other Half Loves", Little Baddow Drama, 7 - 11 April 1992
N52aoDocDrama ClubFlyer for "Ghost Train", Little Baddow Drama, 17 - 20 April 1991
N52apNewspapersDrama ClubEssex Chronicle cutting "Masters of comedy set the scene at Little Baddow" a review of "Visitors from London" and "Red Peppers" by Little Baddow Drama, 24 Nov 1995
N52aqDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Deathtrap" Little Baddow Drama Club, 19 - 22 Nov 1997
N52arDocDrama ClubFlyer for "Bedroom Farce", Little Baddow Drama, 23 - 26 April 1997
N52asDocDrama ClubProgramme for "An Evening with Jame Austen", Little Baddow Drama Club, Feb 1997
N52atDocDrama ClubProgramme for "The End of the Pier Show", Little Baddow Drama, 9 - 11 July 1998
N52auDocDrama ClubProgramme for "The Happiest Days of Your Life", Little Baddow Drama, 12 - 15 April 2000
N52avDocDrama ClubProgramme for "The Proposal" and "The Bear"Not Little Baddow Drama
N52awDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Waiting in the Wings", Little Baddow Drama, 4 - 7 April 2001
N52axDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Rumours", Little Baddow Drama, 21 - 24 November 2001
N52bDocDrama ClubCast list for "Oliver Cromwell" by John Drinkwater (Thursday 29 March 1928)
John Drinkwater, Mrs Stracey, Mrs Puddephatt, Miss Paterson, F.W. Robinson, F. Nunn, H. Shortt, W.H. Stubbings, L.D. Dorkin, F.F. Thorrington, E. Arnold, J. A. Kemp, Rev. J. Berridge, W.F. Phoebe, Roy Warsop, B. Warsop, K C. Rolfe
N52cDocDrama ClubScript for the nativity play "The Guiding Star" by Jesse Berridge (performed 1923 - 1924)
N52dDocDrama ClubProgramme for Festival of Britain "Essex through the Ages" Pageant, June 1951
N52eDocDrama ClubLeaflet for a drama called “The Late Edwina Black” (13 – 16 April 1955)
N52fDocDrama ClubProgramme for a performance of "Waiting for Gillian" (20 - 23 November 1957) performed by the Little Baddow Play Reading and Dramatic Club
N52gNewspapersDrama Club"Essex through the Ages" Pageant - Essex Weekly News review, 18 May 1951
N52hDocDrama ClubProgramme for “The Poltergeist” by Frank Harvey performed by the Little Baddow Play Reading and Dramatic Club (26 - 28 April 1956)
N52iDocDrama ClubFlyer and large poster for a thriller “Love from a stranger” by Frank Vosper performed by the Little Baddow Dramatic Club (26 - 28 April 1956)
N52jDocDrama ClubProgramme for “Ladies in Retirement” by Edward Percy and Reginald Denham (7 –11 April 1959)
N52kDocDrama ClubPoster for the play “Separate Tables” by Terence Rattigan performed by Little Baddow Dramatic Club (21 – 25 November 1961)
N52lDocDrama ClubA programme for three plays called “One and One and One” by Harold Pinter (The Dumb Waiter), Christopher Fry (A Phoenix too Frequent) and John Mortimer (I Spy) performed by Little Baddow Play Reading and Dramatic Club on the 20 – 24 November 1962 at The Memorial Hall
N52mDocDrama ClubA Programme for a play called “Under The Sycamore Tree” by Samuel Spewack from performed by Little Baddow Play Reading and Dramatic Club (26 – 30 November 1963)
N52nDocDrama ClubLeaflet, programme and prologue for a “Saturday Supper Show” performed by the Little Baddow Play Reading and Dramatic Club including a revue “Our Village” by Murray McLaren at the Village Hall on 26 November 1966
N52oNewspapersDrama Club1969 newspaper cutting mentioning LB Playreading and Dramatic Club
N52pDocDrama Club"Billy Liar" (27 April 27 - 1 May 1971) - flyer, programme, poster, newspaper cutting
N52qDocDrama ClubFlyer for "On Monday Next", Little Baddow Dramatic Club, 21 - 25 November 1972
N52rDocDrama ClubFlyer for "Wait until Dark", Little Baddow Dramatic Club, 25 - 29 April
N52sDocDrama ClubFlyer for "In All Directions", Little Baddow Dramatic Club, 5 - 9 May 1970
N52tDocDrama ClubFlyer for "Spring and Port Wine", Little Baddow Dramatic Club, 2 - 5 May
N52uDocDrama ClubFlyer and Programme for "The Caretaker", Little Baddow Drama, 6 - 8 October 1977
N52vDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Aladdin", Little Baddow Drama, 25 - 28 January 1978
N52wDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Spider's Web", Little Baddow Drama, 20 - 23 April 2005
N52xDocDrama ClubProgramme for "Bedroom Farce", Little Baddow Drama, 23 - 26 April 1997
N52yNewspapersDrama ClubReview of "Way out West", 26 Nov 2005
N52zDocDrama ClubProgramme for "An Inspector Calls", Little Baddow Drama club, 18 - 21 Nov 2009
N52/41DocDrama ClubProgramme for "When we are Married", Little Baddow Drama, 20 - 23 Nov 2002
N52/42DocDrama ClubProgramme for "Amy's View", Little Baddow Drama, 21 - 24 May 2003
N52/43DocDrama ClubProgramme for "Gaslight", Little Baddow Drama, 19 - 22 November 2003
N52/44DocDrama ClubPoster for "Doctor in the House", Little Baddow Drama, 21 - 24 April 2004
N52aq1NewspapersDrama ClubEssex Chronicle review of "Deathtrap", 5 Dec 1997
N52aw1NewspapersDrama ClubEssex Chronicle review of "Waiting in the Wings", Little Baddow Drama, 13 April 2001
N52az1DocDrama ClubProgramme for "Fitting for Ladies", Little Baddow Drama, 18 - 21 Nov 1998
N52az2DocDrama ClubProgramme for "Absent Friends", Little Baddow Drama, 21 - 24 April 1999
N52az3DocDrama ClubProgramme for "Black Coffee", Little Baddow Drama, 22 - 27 November 1999
N52z1NewspapersDrama ClubEssex Weekly cutting "A bravura performance by enigmatic inspector" a review of "An Inspector Calls" by Little Baddow Drama 26 Nov 2009
N59AaaDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowShort note on Blakes in America in 17th century
P1CaDocWarsop Cricket PapersLetter from B Warsop to Ted Grace, 19 July 1990Includes cameo of Frank Ager
P1CbDocWarsop Cricket Papers"The Cricket Match" a true story by Brian WarsopCricket pre-1900 - Albert Enefer, Harry Short, Sidney Wager
P1CcDocWarsop Cricket PapersHistory of Cricket Club 1919-1930by B Warsop, 14 pages
P1CdDocWarsop Cricket PapersCricket at Little Baddow (circa pre-1900-1914) by Brian Warsop
P1CeDocWarsop Cricket Papers"I Played at Lords" a true story by Brian WarsopCirca 1912
P1CfDocWarsop Cricket PapersCricket Board of ControlThe differences between Packer and the Board of Cricket Control
P1CgDocWarsop Cricket PapersLetters re Cricket ClubVarious letters from Brian Warsop to Ted Grace, 1990
P1ChDocWarsop Cricket PapersWalter Warsop - an outline history by Brian Warsop
P1CiDocWarsop Cricket PapersPhoto of Bradman's Warsop batUsed to score his first test century in 1929
P1CkDocWarsop Cricket PapersMax Warsop and bat makingThe Investor magazine article
P1ClDocWarsop Cricket PapersPhotograph Archive of Warsops and StebbingsMax Warsop, Cyril Warsop and Harry Stebbings; stills from the 1957 film 'Cricket Bat Making' - see DVD 6
P1CmPhotoWarsop Cricket PapersModel of Cuckoos FarmModel by Max Warsop
P1CnPhotoWarsop Cricket PapersPhoto of badgers feeding and Warsop's store.Photo of badgers feeding with Warsop's store and part of the cricket bat workshop rear left
P1bPhotoCricketCricket Club 1924Photo + names and cutting from newspaper; Alec Nicholson, George Joslin, Sid Enefer, Walter Warsop, Billy Wild, Theo Andrews, Roy Warsop, Frank Ager, Brian Warsop, Les Tonbridge, Harry Shortt, George Joslin
P1fDocCricketWarsop batsAdvert for Warsop, Cricket Bat Makers, 1922
P1gDocLittle Baddow Cricket Ground
P1hDocCricketMr Ernest ArnoldFormer secretary and treasurer of Cricket Club
P1iDocCricketPhotos of 1921 Little Baddow cricket teamNewspaper cutting; George Joslin, C Vanstone, A Smith, James Bowles, E Enefer, H Short, T Enefer, T Andrews, W Wilde, Mr Tunbridge, C Davis, F Ager
P1jDocCricketCricket bat makingNotes made by Roy Warsop
P1nDocCricketCricket Club history 1904-1939Letter from C Warsop to Trevor Blayden
P1oDocCricketFirst XI, 1990
P1pDocCricketWarsops and Cricket ClubHistorical notes by Roy Warsop
P1qDocCricketA Village Cricketer 1900-19302 pages about Frank Ager by Brian Warsop
P1tDocPhoto of John EneferWearing his cricket gear, 1996, his 50th year of club cricket
P1uDocCricketAda PuddephattNewspaper cutting of Ada Puddephatt and her support for the Cricket Club over a long period.
P1vDocCricketCricket Club 75th Anniversary Match Programme1979, including sheet of autographs of Essex CC players.
P1wDocCricketR IraniNewspaper cutting, 2003
P1xDocCricketWarsops Web SiteNotes on cricket bat manufacture, 2006
P1yDocCricketCricket Club newspaper articlesFolder of articles, 2004 – 2007 including 1978 photo of Mid-Essex team with Little Baddow players Trevor Blaydes, Nigel Hinton
P1zDocCricketWarsop StebbingChelmsford Weekly News article September 2005
P2B4DocWI history, extracts 1918 - 1930
P2b1DocWI extract from parish magNovember and December 1940
P2b2DocWI letter about jam makingDaily Telegraph letter about photos of jam making at the Generals Arms in 1940
P2b3DocWI history, early days
P2b5-7DocEssex Chronicle notes on WIJune 12th 1990, May 4th 1990, 1958-59
P2b8DocWI lunch menu, Diamond Jubilee, 1978
P2b9DocWI Diamond Jubilee, 1978Cutting from Essex Weekly News
P2b10DocWI Annual Report, 1985
P2b11DocWI donation to Lord Mountbatten's FundLetter from Anne Ross to Mrs Tiplady, 14th April, 1956
P2b12-16DocWI 70th Anniversary
P2b17DocLittle Baddow WI 40th Anniversary Dinner Menu, 3 June 1958Lady Rasch, Mrs H Black, Miss M E Huntly, Mrs E Hunt, Mrs J D Sizer
P2b19DocLittle Baddow WI 50th Anniversary Dinner Menu, 6 June 1968
P2c1BookPeace Offensive, a comedy in one-act by Michael PertweeEnglish Theatre Guild, 1953
P2c2BookThe Social Half-Hour HandbookNational Federation of Women's Institutes Booklet, 1950
P2c3DocMildmay Group Carol Service Programme, St Mary's Church 1998
P2c4DocThe CentenaryShort play, 1970
P2c5DocJerusalem - notes on hymn by Gertrude Lampson
P2c6DocLittle Baddow WI Quiz - Nursery Rhymes
P2c7DocLittle Baddow WI Recipes
P2c8DocLittle Baddow WI Christmas Lunch Menu, 1998 (80th Anniversary)
P2c9DocDaily Telegraph Article, June 1999WI joins call for five-year ban on GM crops
P2c10PhotoLittle Baddow WI 40th Anniversary, 19587 large photos
P2c11DocEssex Chronicle article reporting WI meeting, 22 September 2000
P2c12DocPoster "Life Begins at 60", 2003
P4aDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowVI attack on Dukes Orchard, 20 September 1944Two letters by Helen Black to Marian Gregory describing the attack written 20 and 26 September. Explanatory notes from Mrs Gregory on some of the terms used - Frances Perry, Mary Huntly, Miss May Sadler, Ethel Knight, Mary Ackhurst, Nancy Nicholson, Christopher Gregory
P4dDocPeople and Events of Little Baddow2002 Chelmsford Life article on Mayor Maurice Hurrell and Mayoress Monica Hurrell
P4gDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowMaurice HurrellNewspaper reports from his year as Mayor of Chelmsford, 2002
P4hDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowKenneth Stubbings2002 Essex Chronicle article about Community Reporters
P4iDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowGladys Gregory, 1920sCopy of photo in car outside Griffin Hotel with notes
P4jDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowVarious articles regarding the life and death of Prof. John Walter Gregory, noted explorer and geologistNational Library of Australia, Australian Dictionary of Biography, Oxford Dictionary of Biography
P4kPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowThe Martin family at Longwood House and the three Martin brothers
P4lDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowNewspaper report on Mr C Shipman's narrow escape from injury at Chelmsford Railway StationEssex County Standard, 5 January 1895, copy
P4mDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowNewspaper report of disturbance by Ms Lucking, Turner, Perkins, White and Simmons of New LodgeThe Essex Standard and General Advertiser for the Eastern Counties, 26 August 1842
P4nDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowJohn McCrindle2011 Essex Chronicle article re award of a medal of honour for wildlife book
P4oDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowLetters from Edith Chaplin to her daughter Audrey dated 1903
P4pDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowNewspaper article of Roy and Elizabeth Warsops' Golden Wedding anniversaryE/W 5.10.78
P4uDocPeople and Events of Little BaddowJohn Vale's retirement, 1991Essex Chronicle article
P4vPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowSilver Jubilee Party, 6 June 1977Arranged by Sir Alastair and Patricia Stewart for the village at their home, Walters Cottage
P5FolderWoodhouse FamilyWoodhouse Family
P5HqvDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesExtracts from ERO records D/Dra L13Mr Strutt, Thomas Taylor, Elias Pledger, Richard Sorrell, Sarah Pledger, Wm Gladwin, Jn Mayes, Jas Jordan, Thos Hodges, Rev Evan Jones, Thos Saward, Andrew Bowles, Wm Bentley (1798 Poor Law Rate assessment). S Saward, J H Strutt, Th Orridge, J Simmons (1823/24 Taxes). Haward family (1759-1772). Rev J B Stane (1838).
P5aJournalWoodhouse FamilyArticle about WWI service of Lionel and Mosley WoodhouseCross & Cockade International Journal, Vol.34 No.3 2003
P5bDocWoodhouse FamilyWoodhouse family correspondence relating to Mosley's death in 1917Letter from Lionel to father describing brother's death, letter from H Fawcett (Sq Commander) to Mrs Woodhouse, letter from Christopher Courtney to Arthur Mosley
P5lDocWoodhouse FamilyLetter from D W Empson to Rev Turner stating his interest in the Woodhouse familyc.1993
P5mDocWoodhouse FamilyArticle about Woodhouse brothers and David Empson's researchEast Anglian Times, 3 November 1993
P5nDocWoodhouse FamilyPoster advertising David Empson's interest in Woodhouse Family
P5oDocWoodhouse FamilyPoster advertising pageant at Tofts, 18 June 1922
P5pDocWoodhouse FamilyCopies of advertisements placed in the Times by Mrs Woodhouse of Tofts1914-1939
P6FolderOver 60s Club Christmas Dinner 1974Over 60s Club Christmas Dinner 1974
P7bDocVillage PeopleCorrespondence between Christopher Suckling and Alan Ashford re land use in Little Baddow, 1998
P7cDocVillage People2002 correspondence between Alan Ashford and Mrs Brewer on BramblesGertrude Boreham, John McCormack, Miss Marriage, Miss Riley, the Motts, Mr and Mrs Feetcher
P7dDocVillage PeopleNotes on Maddocks (Maddox) / Algar families2001 correspondence between Alan Ashford and Noel Clark
P7iDocVillage PeopleNewspaper cutting of wedding of Vicki Wisdom and David Briggs, 16 January 1965
P7jDocVillage People2002 Essex Chronicle article "New turn for meals on wheels"Joe Sutton, Vicky Briggs
P7kDocVillage PeopleEssex Chronicle article, 5 April 2002 describing launch of Real Essex CampaignCouncillor Peter Martin
P7lDocVillage People2004 Essex Chronicle article re F1 number platePeter Martin
P7mPhotoVillage People'City Gents' Sponsored Walk for Shelter, c1970 photoJock Luard, Jack Wisdom, Frank Johnson, Bob Alston
P7oDocVillage People2005 notes about Francis Thorrington, Sylvia Stunt, Lizzie Stunt, Barbara Stunt
P7pDocVillage People1737 Will of Rev Charles Gordon of St Marys
P7qDocVillage People1896/7 The Era Notices - Miss Edith Housley appearances as an actress
P7rDocVillage People1970 Newsman Article describing trip around Little Baddow – photos of Julia Sorrell (Hill Drop Stores), Jack and Jane Constable (The General’s Arms).
P9cDocProperties and Residents - North HillColeraines research including sales details from 1327-2003Richard Pickard, Widow Lyeman, Lord Coleraine, Lord Barrington, Rev Arthur Johnson, Thomas Dennis, William Goodday Strutt, Simon Snow, John Conbrough, Joseph Speakman, Frederick Johnson, Sir James Neville, Nigel Seymer, John Hoare, Frances and Maud Houghton, Barry and Yvonne Welch, Walter and Aimee Brinzer
P9dDocProperties and Residents - North HillLittle Baddow Stores – Jam/Pickle Lid CoverShowing front of store, c1990?
P9eDocProperties and Residents - North HillAbstracts of deeds and transactions of Rose Cottage, North Hill; Photos of Ambleside and 5/6 Hillside CottagesWalter Smith, Georg Lightfoot, William Fullman, James White, Charles Henry Canfield, Ronald Jack Bailey, Algy Royden Hope, Peter James Baker, Stephen Wassell, Brian and Jean Kendall, Mr and Mrs Taft, Mr and Mrs Robertson, Maureen Wright.
P9fDocProperties and Residents - North HillSketch map of North Hill from Papermill Lock to the Generals Arms showing the houses and families that lived in them between the wars by John Murrell 2011Siggers, Luhman, Stracey, Warsop, Dawson, Capt Johnson, Kersey, Holland, Unwin, Stokes, Williams, Herd, Reeve, Mason, Mead, Stewarts, Wood, Gibson, Everett, Langford, Peacock, Ted Bickmore, Page, Pasfield, Woodhouse, Ali May, Willet, Boles, Winger, Mason, Short, Barker, Enefer, Hope, Johnson, Gibson, Foley, Ager, Puddephatt, Targass, Wood, Shipman, Sorrell
P11oDocProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesPrecis of the deeds of the Meadow aka Tofts 1864-1983Adolphus Piggott, Joseph Alfred Piggott, Robert John Strutt, Henry James Nicholson, George Gordon Thomas, Herbert James Martin, Joseph Stanton Massey, Jessie Clifford Pryke, Elizabeth Mary Jackson Warsop, Sir John Thomas Davies, Bessie Davies, Edith Emily Currie, George Raymond Scott, Duncan Thomas Robertson, Sideny George Pearce, Clifford Edward Hazell; Article on Old Riffhams – Mr and Mrs Leaver, Sir Robert Clarke, John Roberts Spencer-Phillips.
P12ADocJesse Berridge Exhibition mounts
P12aDocJesse Berridge Papers“Wall-painting in Little Baddow Church" by Jesse BerridgeEssex Archaeological Transactions, Vol XVI, pp 210-212, 1923
P12aaDocJesse Berridge PapersPhotocopies of two postcards from Jesse Berridge. Front of postcards show LB church and manse with writing on back.
P12acDocJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks at Little Baddow, article by Jesse Berridge in Essex Archaeological Transactions, Vol XVI, pp 301-303, 1923
P12adDocJesse Berridge Papers“Little Baddow in the 18th Century”, article by Jesse BerridgeEssex Review Vol 40
P12aeDocJesse Berridge Papers“G is for Gas”, article about use of gas in WWIFrom Chemical Soldiers. Mentions experiences of Dell Berridge
P12afDocJesse Berridge PapersThe Pirate's ABCCopy of favourite poem of Jesse Berridge
P12ahDocJesse Berridge PapersCopy of letter to Annie Berridge with poemCock-Crow, a poem by Edward Thomas (1878-1917) a friend of Jesse Berridge
P12aiDocJesse Berridge Papers2008 letter from Sue Pitt (granddaughter) containing photos of Jesse Berridge, Edna Adeline Dell, Martin Pitt, at latter's christening
P12bDocJesse Berridge Papers“Colam Lane, Little Baddow” by Jesse BerridgeEssex Review Vol 36, pp 29-38, 1927
P12cDocJesse Berridge PapersA Relic of the Coaching Days – Mr Joseph Yell (Great Graces)“Notes and Queries" from Essex Review 1929
P12eDocJesse Berridge PapersCopy of introduction and epilogue from "The Letters of Edward Thomas to Jesse Berridge"
P12fDocJesse Berridge Papers1966 Obituary of Canon Jesse Berridge from the Essex Journal 1(2), pp51-52 and other itemsPlus press cuttings 1947 (wedding) and 1941 (25th anniversary as rector)
P12gDocJesse Berridge PapersCopy of entry for Jesse Berridge in Who's Who in Essex, 1935
P12hDocJesse Berridge PapersNotes on Jesse BerridgeCover ordnance survey maps, 1921 acting performance, reviews of historical novels
P12iDocJesse Berridge PapersExcerpts from “The Letters of Edward Thomas to Jesse Berridge” by Anthony BerridgeShows Berridge to have been the other man in Pursuit of Spurs
P12jDocJesse Berridge Papers1970 notes on “The Discovery of St Christopher” by Jesse and Christian Berridge in 1921
P12lDocJesse Berridge PapersBook review of “The Letters of Edward Thomas to Jesse Berridge” by Anthony BerridgeBy Dominic Hibberd in TLS, 1983
P12mDocJesse Berridge Papers"Jesse Berridge" by Olive Berridge, Historical Society Newsletter 1993
P12nDocJesse Berridge PapersNotes on “Colam Lane”, a 1926 talk to the Guild of Arts given by Jesse Berridge with map
P12qDocJesse Berridge Papers“’Butler’s Charity’, Boreham and Little Baddow”, article by Jesse BerridgeEssex Review 1945, Vol 54, pp 11-15
P12sDocJesse Berridge Papers“Thomas Hooker and John Eliot, Part 1:Hooker”, article by Jesse BerridgeEssex Review, pp 65-73
P12tDocJesse Berridge Papers“Benet Canfield: An Essex Mystic”, article by Jesse BerridgeEssex Review 58, pp 35-42, 1949
P12uDocJesse Berridge Papers“Thomas Hooker and John Eliot, Part 2:Eliot”, article by Jesse BerridgeEssex Review, pp 112-124
P12yDocJesse Berridge Papers1995 autobiography of Jesse Berridge from A Century of Village Life
P12zDocJesse Berridge Papers1924 talk on Historical Research by Jesse Berridge as reported by Essex ChronicleResearch by Jane Rigler, 1999
P14FolderMillennium LunchMillennium Lunch
P14aDocMillennium LunchNotes on Millenium lunch of 1 January 2000 at Memorial Hall
P14bNewspapersMillennium LunchSpecial edition of Essex County Chronicle, "Millenium Essex", 21 May 1999
P14cDocMillennium LunchMillenium Committee Papers 1997-98
P14eDocMillennium LunchMillennium Papers
P14fDocMillennium LunchMillennium PapersMillennium Barn Dance Ticket, 10 June 2000
P14gDocMillennium LunchMillennium PapersEssex Millennium Festival Leaflet, 2000
P15aDocDanbury postcards, BassettsArticle from Danbury Ruridecanal Parish Magazine, October 1902 describing Danbury and Little Baddow Flower Show
P15oDocDanbury postcards, BassettsMemoirs of Danbury by Mrs Vera May Vale
P15pDocDanbury postcards, BassettsNotes on oak panelling at Bassetts in Oak RoomA speculation by I Chalmers
P15qDocDanbury postcards, BassettsDescription and diagram of house at Bassetts.Brenda and Elphin Watkins plus plan of the timbers by B Watkins, 1996
P15sDocDanbury postcards, BassettsLetters re Bassetts to I D M Chalmers from Gilbert Boyce (1992), Richard and Jeanne Blake (1992), Sheila Rowley (1990), Gus Edwards (1990)
P15uDocDanbury postcards, BassettsAdvertisement for freehold of Bassetts Farm from Sporting Gazette, 12th June 1875
P16gDocThe Old RodneyShort note on Rodney Pleasure Gardens
P16hDocThe Old RodneyVarious letters referring to the Old Rodney, 1923-19491949 letter from J P Stunt to Parish Council regarding proposed Crusader outing to the Rodney. 1923 letter from H J Martin to Jesse Berridge regarding public rights of way. 1925 and 1938 correspondence with Jessie Clark regarding sale of Old Rodney, 1944 correspondence between Jessie Clark and the Parish Council regarding repairs to the Heather Hills gate.
P16jDocThe Old RodneyAdverts and Tariffs for Old Rodney1885 (E Mecklenburgh), 1920-1940 (Mrs J Clark)
P16kDocThe Old RodneyPoster of Heather Hills Bye-Laws.
P16lDocThe Old RodneyPapers on tea at Old Rodney, 1959
P16mDocThe Old RodneyHistories of the Old Rodney by Olive Gibson and anonJames Jordan, John and Mary Pullen, Elijah Mecklenburg, William Bortham, Wright family, Clark family, Dr G M Kerr.
P16nDocThe Old RodneyEssex Pubs listing for Old Rodney 1925-1937
P16pDocThe Old Rodney2005 listing of holdings in Essex Record Office relating to Old Rodney.Including lease 1925, Sale catalogue 1919, Heather Hills byelaws, Sale catalogue 1918, Inventory of furniture and fittings 1853
P16sDocThe Old Rodney1891 report in the Essex Standard describing an outing to the Rodney by employees of Courtaulds
P16tDocThe Old Rodney1893 report in the Essex County Standard describing an outing to the Rodney by the London Road Congregational Sunday School children
P16uDocThe Old Rodney1965 report in the Essex Weekly News describing the Rodney Round-up.
P16vDocThe Old Rodney1965 Essex Weekly News account of the Rodney Round-up Preparations
P16xFolderThe Old RodneyHeather Hills Bye Laws1965 correspondence regarding Heather Hills bye-laws revision
P16zDocThe Old Rodney1906 booklet for the Rodney Inn Friends-in-Need Benefit Society.
P17g10ArtworkProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallCopy of 1914 sketch of The Hoppet by Joseph Pike
P18tArtworkSchool PhotographsDrawing of Little Baddow School by Jill Goodson
P19aDocScouts, Hockey and Sports Field2001 Essex Chronicle article re Scout Sleepover Challenge at Paper Mill Lock
P19hDocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldHockey Club Fixtures List 1956-57List club members
P19iFolderScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldTennis Club Correspondence 1949-1974Minutes of committee meetings and AGMs. Other correspondence.
P21FolderProperties Spring Elms LaneProperties Spring Elms Lane
P21a1DocProperties Spring Elms Lane1933 letters from the count of London Electric Supply Company to H R Knight notification of intention to erect overhead power lines across property (Pheasant House Farm)
P21a2DocProperties Spring Elms Lane1960 financial statement for H R Knight (Pheasant House Farm)
P21a3DocProperties Spring Elms LaneC1950 grocery receipts issued by Oliver Parker (Luckin Smith) Ltd for Mrs M K Marks (Froggs Hall) and Mr Knight.
P21ixPhotoLittle Baddow School Pupils and TeacherMrs Turner, Miss Fox. Back Row: Peter Cranfield, -, Henry Whait, Cecil Wiggins, Gordon Sargeant. Middle Row: Joan Westwood, Margery Turner, Isabel Enefer, - Pearl Peacock. Front Row: Doris Webb, Joyce Jordon, Edith Rolfe, Amelia Stankovitch
P22aDocWildlife, Nature ReservesAward for the establishment of 5 nature reserves around Danbury1971 Essex Weekly News Article describing unveiling of a plaque at Poors Pierce Reserve by Sir John Ruggles-Brise
P22bDocWildlife, Nature Reserves1993 Essex Chronicle article about new butterfly glade at Little Baddow Heath
P22cDocWildlife, Nature Reserves1993 Essex Chronicle article about wildlife sanctuary in United Reform Churchyard maintained by Brenda Hooson
P22dDocWildlife, Nature Reserves1983 Wildlife Survey of Churchyards for United Reformed Church and St Mary's Church
P22eDocWildlife, Nature ReservesCopy of Report by Essex Ecology Services Ltd on 1996 Survey of Bassetts Wood
P23aDocAlfred Willett, POWA 1940 posted missing notice sent to Alfred Willett's family
P23bDocAlfred Willett, POWAn old German banknote
P23cDocAlfred Willett, POWIdentity card for Alfred Willett from his time at Stalag VIII-B after a POW march across Europe
P23eDocAlfred Willett, POWDocumentation (pay slip?) for Alfred Willett from a Polish coal mine in which he worked as a POW
P23fDocAlfred Willett, POWRegister form Alfred Willett as a recovered POW, 29 April 1945
P23qDocAlfred Willett, POWNotes on Alfred Willett POW photos and documents
P24aDoc1977 Silver Jubilee1977 leaflet for Silver Jubilee events
P25AaDocWWI MemorabiliaFive pages handwritten memoirs of the Great War 1914-18 from by Roy WarsopAlso one-page handwritten copy of extracts from LB Parish Church Magazine 1917 and Essex County Chronicle 1918. Also one-page handwritten list of men of Little Baddow in Essex Regiment 1914-18
P25Aa1DocWWI MemorabiliaSix typed pages (and some handwritten notes) of memoirs/family history research on Mr Roy Warsop and members of his family and involvement in WWI
P25AbDocWWI MemorabiliaRevised Instructions to Parish Emergency Committees in Case of InvasionDefence of the Realm leaflet Sept 1916 from Chelmsford Local Emergency Committee
P25AcDocWWI MemorabiliaOne page handwritten notes on George Hart
P25AdDocWWI MemorabiliaFour pages computer printout of an email from Clive Burlton (?) to Christine Day regarding family history research on George Pine in WWI. Includes two photocopies of photos of troops in LB and a photocopy of a piece of dried Little Baddow ivy
P25AeDocWWI MemorabiliaComputer printout of memoirs of Winifred Teresa Mary Gosling of her WWI farming service in and around L B.Original diary was donated to the Imperial War Museum
P25AfDocWWI MemorabiliaWWI service record of Stanley James ParmenterPhotocopy of PRO WWI Soldiers Documents WO363 - New Soldier’s Record for Stanley James Parmenter of Essex Regiment including photocopies of two photographs of a soldier with (presumably) his family
P25AgDocWWI MemorabiliaWWI service record of Jesse Dell Berridge
P25AhDocWWI MemorabiliaWWI service record of George Hollingsworth
P25BaDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1955 - July, Sept, Oct.
P25BbDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1956 - May, Dec.
P25BcDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1957 - Feb, Mar, Apr, June, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, plus a blank reply slip for the Civil Defence for various activities and a letter dated 28th March 1957 regarding Civil Defence Recruitment.
P25BdDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1958 - Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr.
P25BeDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1958 - May, June, July, and two loose sheets regarding Civil Defence events/other notices.
P25BfDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1958 - Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec.
P25BgDocCivil Defence Instructions 1950sDocuments relating to Civil Defence by Chelmsford Borough and Rural District Council - Notices 1959 - Jan, Feb, and a timetable of weekly Civil Defence classes.
P25aDocWorld War TwoDocuments relating to evacuees 1939 and 1940
P25bDocWorld War TwoSeveral documents that relate to the photo of the Little Baddow Home Guard 1939-1945 and with the name of each person on it, and information about the Little Baddow Fire Guard
P25cDocWorld War TwoTyped extracts from the Parish Magazine May 1940-July 1941.
P25iDocWorld War TwoNotes on Commander McMillan RNVR.
P25jDocWorld War TwoDocuments relating to Little Baddow Roll of Honour 1939-1945.
P25kDocWorld War TwoTyped information on Peter and Donald Sargeant in WWII
P25lDocWorld War TwoBrief notes about WWII in Little Baddow.
P25mDocWorld War TwoMemories of the day in 1940 when P.O.Westmacott was shot down and landed by parachute near Colam LaneLittle Baddow Parish News September 1984
P25nDocWorld War TwoInformation relating to "The Secret Army" in Danbury
P25oDocWorld War TwoBritain's Defences Against HitlerNotes from TV broadcast March 2006
P25pDocWorld War TwoInternet print outs from BBC websites on ‘WWII People’s War- An Archive of WWII Memories’ on memories from Essex.Leonard Clark, Tom Pullen, P Martin, Ralph Hill
P25qDocWorld War TwoHandwritten note on mine/bombs at Cuckoo’s Farm and Tofts Chase
P26aDocWWII MemorabiliaH L Stracey Air Raid Warden card (issued 5 June 1940)
P26bDocWWII MemorabiliaAction Stations Rota for manning of the warden's post in Sector J1 November 1941
P26cDocWWII MemorabiliaCitizens' notes on how to beat the incendiary bomb
P26dDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes for guidance in dealing with Air Raid Incidents, 31 March 1941 - From Air Raid Wardens' Service - Essex (Central Area) to all residents
P26eDocWWII MemorabiliaLetter to Mr H L Stracey from police announcing disbandment of Civil Defence Wardens Service, 2 May 1945
P26fDocWWII MemorabiliaLittle Baddow Invasion Committee leaflet - Notes on back as to "How to make a Slit Trench"
P26gDocWWII MemorabiliaEssex County Council Civil Defence Wardens Mutual Benefit Society Notice of AGM, August 1944.
P26iArtefactWWII MemorabiliaTwo WWII medal ribbons of H L Stracey
P26jDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes by Mrs Hood from Little Baddow Parish Magazines July 1939-April 1946.
P26kDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes relating to Air Raid Wardens.
P26mDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on rockets, doodle-bugs, landmines and high explosives in village
P26nDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on WI, 1940-44
P26pDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on Territorial Army, dummy targets
P26qDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on secret resistance
P26rDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on Food and Pig Club.
P26sDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on National Savings and War Savings
P26tDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on men in armed services
P26uDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on Invasion Committee.
P26vDocWWII MemorabiliaPoem written May 1940 by Joan Barker.
P26wDocWWII MemorabiliaNotes on ‘Houses Occupied’
P27aDocChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPrecis of talk given by John Marriage in 1997 to the Historical Society on the Chelmer and Blackwater navigation
P27bDocChelmer and Blackwater Navigation1973 Leaflet “Chelmsford Rally of Boats” by London and South East Branch, Inland Waterways Association.
P27cBookChelmer and Blackwater NavigationThe Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation by Peter Came
P27dBookChelmer and Blackwater Navigation“The Story of the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation through 200 years” by Col J F Cramphorn and A M St J Cramphorn
P27eDocChelmer and Blackwater NavigationExcerpt for Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation from Navigable Rivers, Canals, and Railways throughout Great Britain by Joseph Priestley, 1831
P27fDocChelmer and Blackwater NavigationNotes for the 2001 Historical Society Chelmer and Blackwater calendar
P27gBookChelmer and Blackwater Navigation“The Chelmer and Blackwater – Navigation and Surrounding Area” by the Company and Proprietors of the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation Ltd
P27hDocChelmer and Blackwater Navigation2001 Hatfield Peverel Review cover with reproduction of ink drawing of Little Baddow lock in winter
P27iDocChelmer and Blackwater Navigation"Days of Tranquillity along the Towpath",1993 Essex Chronicle article with 1950s tow-path photos – Fred Hoy, Steven Hoy
P27jNewspapersChelmer and Blackwater NavigationCopy of 1895 Fishing Gazette article describing fishing in the Chelmer.
P27kJournalChelmer and Blackwater NavigationArticle in 1891 Essex Naturalist Vol V, Jan-Dec 1891 describing an excursion by barge from Maldon to Chelmsford, describing plants and aquatic mollusca observed.
P28acDocChelmer and Blackwater Navigation2003 Essex Chronicle article ‘Motor barge era’ by John Marriage about motor-powered barges on the and Blackwater canal in the 1950s to 1970s.
P28adNewspapersChelmer and Blackwater Navigation1993 Essex Chronicle articles on bicentenary of Chelmer and BlackwaterIncluding canal memories of bargee Len Poole.
P29gNewspapersRiver Chelmer PhotographsPage 4 from ‘Go’ section of Essex Chronicle, Thursday April 8th, 2010 on a walk on the Chelmer Navigation entitled ‘Tales from the Towpath’.
P29hNewspapersRiver Chelmer PhotographsCopy of newspaper article entitled ‘Disastrous fire near Chelmsford, £10,000 damages’ about the fire that destroyed Paper Mill 1892Bury and Norwich Post, Tuesday 7th June 1892, p.8.
P29iPhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsA4 colour photocopy/printout of a photo of Smugglers Barn from the River Chelmer 1980s.
P29jNewspapersRiver Chelmer PhotographsNewspaper cutting about the barge the ‘Susan’ and The Susan Trust entitled ‘Care and Attention for Susan’, includes colour photo of the barge.Essex Chronicle, 16 February 2006
P29kNewspapersRiver Chelmer PhotographsNewspaper cutting entitled ‘Choking weed threat to rivers’, includes colour photo of John Marriage from Friends of the Chelmer and Blackwater Canal.Essex Chronicle, Friday 20 November 1998
P29lArtworkRiver Chelmer PhotographsWatercolour of Paper Mill Lock by Jill Goodson
P29mArtworkRiver Chelmer PhotographsFishing on the Chelmer, watercolour by Jill Goodson
P30aDocWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921National School personnel c.1836-1921Handwritten list of names of teachers, pupil teachers/monitors, assistant teachers, managers and caretakers
P32BFolderScience and Religion groupScience and Religion groupPaperwork from URC Science and Religion Group, 1975-1990
P32aDocUnited Reformed ChurchThomas Hooker – an Essex Chapel which Nurtured American Democracy”, Historical Society, 1986
P32aaDocUnited Reformed ChurchCopy of The Link, Summer 2001Magazine of URC in Chelmsford
P32abDocUnited Reformed Chapel2002 Order of Service for Cuckoos Farm Service.
P32acDocUnited Reformed ChapelFlyer and programme for the 17th Century Faire held in Little Baddow in 2002.
P32ad-afDocUnited Reformed Chapel2002 Order of Services for URC.Michael Powell Induction Service, Easter Day Service, Maundy Thursday Service
P32aiDocUnited Reformed ChapelNotes on Edward and Anne Cook2005 Newsletter of Little Baddow URC
P32ajDocUnited Reformed ChapelPhotocopy of Morell Family treeTaken from Memorial of John Daniel Morell by Robert M Theobald
P32akDocUnited Reformed ChapelHandwritten notes on Rev Stephen Morell (1773-1852) by Ronald Bond written in 2005.
P32alDocUnited Reformed Chapel2006 Arts and Crafts Exhibition
List of paintings exhibited plus photos
P32cDocUnited Reformed ChurchHandwritten notes on William Parry, Pastor of Congregational Chapel, 1780-1799
P32eDocUnited Reformed ChurchCopy of “Little Baddow and the Morells, the Huguenots in England” by Rev J G Hughes, Essex Review, 1892
P32fDocUnited Reformed ChurchMagazine article “Don’t write off the rural churches” by John Geyer, Minister of Little BaddowReform, January 1978
P32gDocUnited Reformed ChurchNotes on Garden Party at Hill Cottage, 12 September 1958
P32hDocUnited Reformed ChurchThe Living Church by Rev Rowland Joiner
P32iArtworkUnited Reformed ChurchPainting of URC by Mark RowlandPlus A “Pilgrimage Prayer”, notelets with sketch on cover
P32jDocUnited Reformed ChurchLittle Baddow United Reformed Church - Profile of Church from 2000 plus Annual Reports 1996-1997 and 2000-2001
P32kDocUnited Reformed ChurchLetter to Congregation from Deryck Collingwood, 1986Re Hooker and Eliot celebrations
P32l-nDocUnited Reformed ChurchURC meeting notes 1999-2002
P32p-qDocUnited Reformed ChurchLetters to URC congregation, 2001-2002
P32s-tDocUnited Reformed ChurchNotes on URC Church by Ron Bond, 1999
P32uDocUnited Reformed Church1989 Order of Service for Hooker and Eliot commemoration at Cuckoos
P32wDocUnited Reformed Church1987 Order of Service for Hooker and Eliot commemoration at Cuckoos
P32xDocUnited Reformed Church1988 Order of Service for Hooker and Eliot commemoration at Cuckoos
P32yPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchCopy of c1852-1888 black and white photo of chapelTaken when Thomas Morell was minister
P32zDocUnited Reformed ChurchAdvert for URC Fayre, Nov 2001
P33FolderAerial PhotographsAerial Photographs
P34aArtefactClubs and GroupsTea Towel showing hand prints of the children and babies in the Toddler Group Autumn 2009
P34bDocClubs and GroupsLittle Baddow Open Group programme 2008/2009
P34cDocClubs and GroupsLittle Baddow Guild of Arts - Celebration Dinner Programme ‘To mark the 90th Anniversary of the founding of Little Baddow Guild of Arts in 1909’. Names on back- John and Sally Lowe
P34dDocClubs and GroupsLittle Baddow Area Groups and Information leaflet 2006, published by St Mary’s Church, Jan 2006.
P36AaDocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealNewspaper clipping from Essex Chronicle 27/7/90 on Francesca Amato from Little Baddow about her accident treatment and fundraising for hospital equipment- includes her photo
P36AbDocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealNewspaper clipping from Essex Chronicle Fri Aug 3rd 1990 on treasure hunt and garden walk in Little Baddow for Mencap Mini Bus Appeal (includes b&w photo of Mrs Rippon handing over cheque and several people from the Gateway Club)Includes b&w photo of Mrs Rippon handing over cheque and several people from the Gateway Club
P36AcDocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealHolybred Wood Appeal - invitation to attend handover of deeds for Holybred Wood to Little Baddow Parish Council from Sir Alastair and Lady Stewart and Mrs Wendy Phillips, Fri 21st Sept 2001,
P36AcivDocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealEssex Environment Trust - Certificate of Merit awarded to Holybred Wood, Little Baddow
P36AcvDocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealEssex Environment Trust Report 2002including a note on the purchase of Holybred Wood and funding, with pictures (P12)
P36B3FolderButler Trust Rules1938-1962 Butler Educational Foundation correspondence
P36B4FolderButler Trust Rules1935 -1941 Butler Educational Foundation accounts
P36B5FolderButler Trust Rules1942-1946 Butler Educational Foundation accounts
P36B6FolderButler Trust Rules1947-1965 Butler Educational Foundation accounts
P36B7aDocButler Trust Rules1910-1949 Butler Educational Foundation Minute Book
P36B7bDocButler Trust Rules1961-62 correspondence relating to the sale of Charity Farm
P36Ca-hDocPoor's Wood Charity1937- 1970 Parish Council correspondenceIncludes correspondence regarding leasing of woodland to Mr W Burr of Danbury for the purpose of growing willow trees along the watercourse (1937-38), correspondence with Mr Brooks regarding clearing of Poor’s Wood (1954), correspondence concerning leasing of land to Gordon Wellington (1967), correspondence regarding gift back of land to parish council (1969-70)
P36CiBookLocal Charity AppealsCharity Commission Scheme for the charity of Unknown Donor (aka Almshouse scheme) and Charity known as Copyhold Allotments, June 1971
P36aDocLocal Charity Appeals1919-1923 War Memorial Fund receipts, cheques and correspondence
P36a-o-9DocLocal Charity Appeals1920 British School Trust correspondence
P36cDocLocal Charity AppealsEssex Chronicle article on Holybred Wood Appeal, 2 Feb 2001Yvonne Welch, Lady Patricia Stewart, Duncan Robinson, Sir Alastair Stewart, Freddie Milz, Wendy Phillips, Barry Welch
P36dDocLocal Charity Appeals1914-1949, 1972 Pledger Foundation
P36eDocLocal Charity Appeals1946 Hatfield Charities
P36fDocLocal Charity Appeals1953 Lord Mayor of London's Flood Distress Appeal
P36gDocLocal Charity Appeals1951 Almshouses Fund Whist Drive
P36hDocLocal Charity AppealsChelmsford Rural District Flood Relief Appeal 1958
P36iDocButler Trust RulesNotes on Josiah Smith
P36jDocLocal Charity Appeals1925-1975 Memorial Hall Appeal Funds and Village Hall repairs
P36kDocLocal Charity Appeals1907-1909, Unknown Donor Charity
P36lDocLocal Charity Appeals1920 Little Baddow British School Trust
P36mDocLocal Charity Appeals1987 URC Restoration and Endowment Appeal brochure.
P36nDocLocal Charity AppealsFarleigh Hospice Fundraiser, 2003Little Orchard, Postman Lane, Little Baddow
P36oDocLocal Charity AppealsTools With A Mission, 2003St Andrews Room
P37aDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsOld House, Spring Elms Lane1993 sales notice
P37bDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsHouse in Spring Elms Lane1992 sales notice
P37cDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsGenerals Arms1990 sales notice
P37dDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsCottage in the Bush1989 sales notice
P37eDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsLittle Baddow Hall1989 sales notice
P37fDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsRodney Inn1989 sales notice
P37gDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsAcorn Lodge1992 sales notice
P37hDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsSandpit Cottage –William Sargeant and family1987 sales notice
P37iDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsTofts 1938 (1987 Essex Chronicle article)Albert Morrish
P37jDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsThe Pilgrims Way, The Ridge1988 sales catalogue
P37kDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsSurvey of British School and School House, 1919
P37lDocSale notices and newspaper cuttings1920 Auction Catalogue of properties in or near Little BaddowLot 13 - Firtree Cottage let to Mr Chas Walter Stevens; Lot 14 - Arable land opposite Lot 13; Lot 15 - Pasture forming part of Huskett’s Common Mead let to Mr J Wood.
P37mDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsGraces1966 sales catalogue
P37nDocSale notices and newspaper cuttings1810 Terrier of Little BaddowExcerpt describing “An old Vicarage-House cover’d with Tiles, a little Garden, a little Barn, a very little Stable and a little Hay-House, all thatch’d, two little Orchards and a little Garden-Plot”
P37oDocSale notices and newspaper cuttings1935-1936 Post OfficePlan and handwritten notes
P37pDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsCedar Park, Graces Lane1991 sales catalogue
P37qDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsTofts1998 sales notice
P37rDocSale notices and newspaper cuttings2000 Property to west side of North Hill to north of village shop.2000 sales notice
P37sNewspapersSale notices and newspaper cuttingsNorth Hill property near shop2000 sales notice
P37tDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsEdwardian house in Spring Elms Lane2000 sales notice
P37/00DocSale notices and newspaper cuttings2000 Property Sale NoticesWickhay Cottage, !!!
P37/01DocSale notices and newspaper cuttings2001 Property Sale NoticesColeraines
P37/02DocSale notices and newspaper cuttings2002 Property Sale NoticesColeraines, Fern Cottage, Wickhay Cottage, !!!! and others
P37/04DocSale notices and newspaper cuttings2004 Property Sale NoticesRainbirds (Paper Mill Lock), Ryefield, Great Graces Brewhouse, Wickhay Cottages, Jarvis Field
P37u-wDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsHigh Pasture2001 sales notice
P37xDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsTiolman, High Pastures2001 sales notice
P37yDocSale notices and newspaper cuttingsChelmer Cottage1997 and c.2000 sales notices
P37zDocSale notices and newspaper cuttings2002 Coleraines2002 sales notice
P38aBookSt Mary's Church Architecture1999 leaflet entitled “Pilgrims Guide” by the Diocese of Chelmsford.Mention of St Mary's and the URC
P38hDocSt Mary's Church Architecture1992 Essex Chronicle article “Rare Mural is Found” describing Devil Fresco.
P38kDocSt Mary's Church ArchitectureCopy of the Saint Christopher wall paintingEssex Review Vol XXXII, January 1923
P38mDocSt Mary's Church Architecture1994 Record of Wall Painting Conservation: Nave North WallDevil Fresco, see photos X11a1-11
P38pDocSt Mary's Church Architecture1994 Essex Chronicle article “The devil of Little Baddow is revealed” describing Devil Fresco.
P38qDocSt Mary's Church ArchitectureSt Mary's Church NADFAS, 2003Record of Church Furnishings by the Mid-Essex DFAS Group commenced in 1999 including descriptions of monuments and dating of architecture etc
P39AFolderSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church
P39AaDocSt Mary's Church1984 Mildmay Group Carol Service programmeRev R Turner, Rev D Collingwood, Mrs L Cole
P39AbDocSt Mary's Church1983 Mildmay Group Spring Meeting AgendaMrs H Wells, Lady E Binney
P39AcDocSt Mary's ChurchLetter from William B Ady to ArchdeaconConcerning a controversy over parishioners' proposal to erect a screen inside the church door to keep off draughts
P39AdDocSt Mary's Church1949 Order of Service for the Institution of Rev A D King to East Horndon
P39AeDocSt Mary's Church1966 Order of Service for the Institution of Rev Arthur David King to Little BaddowAlso invitation card for the service
P39AfDocSt Mary's Church1986 Leaflet “English Martyr’s Church, Danbury – The Early Years”Also letter from Peter Cullen on the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the English Martyr’s Church
P39AgDocSt Mary's ChurchOrder of Service for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 1986
P39AhDocSt Mary's ChurchOrder of Service for United Church Service at St Mary's Church, Good Friday 1985
P39AlDocSt Mary's ChurchFlyer for Justice and Peace Group
P39AmDocSt Mary's ChurchRecord of known gifts to St Mary's Church, 1884-1999
P39AnDocSt Mary's Church2000 Essex Chronicle articles on retirement of Rev Robin Turner
P39AoDocSt Mary's Church2000 Order of Service for licensing of Rev Canon Christine McCafferty
P39ApDocSt Mary's ChurchNote on Free Will Offering Scheme (pre-1988)
P39AqDocSt Mary's ChurchMeeting re Pilgrims to URC and Church
P39ArDocSt Mary's ChurchHistorical notes on St Mary's Church for Pilgrims
P39AtDocSt Mary's Church2002 Order of Service for Golden Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
P39BaDocSt Mary's Church History and MonumentsHenry Mildmay monumentHandwritten sketch of monument and copy of headstone inscriptions
P39BcDocSt Mary's Church History and Monuments1955 note on historical details inside and outside church
P39BdDocSt Mary's Church History and Monuments1986 letter from Roy Warsop to Rector regarding the restoration of a coat of arms over the south door of church.
P39BeDocSt Mary's Church History and Monuments"St Mary the Virgin" Historical Society Newsletter 1993About the period (Late 13thC) when the church was founded
P39BfDocSt Mary's Church History and MonumentsTypewritten note describing wall paintings in church
P39aDocSt Mary's Church1925 Little Baddow Church Bell Appeal leafletJ Berridge, A L Woodhouse, J J Speakman
P39cDocSt Mary's Church1992 Order of Service for thanksgiving service for restoration work.
P39eDocSt Mary's Church'Music for a Summer Evening' programme, 1992In support of St Mary's Fresco fund
P39fNewspapersSt Mary's Church1986 Essex Chronicle article “Baddow Bells go Silent” about renovation of St Mary’s bells.
P39gDocSt Mary's ChurchBlack and white photos of bells during renovation.
P39hDocSt Mary's Church1986 Order of Service for thanksgiving service for repairs and dedication of new bells.
P39iDocSt Mary's Church1986 Village Activities ListLetter to Mr Cooper about including an account of removal and rehanging of bells
P39lDocSt Mary's ChurchExcerpts from various sources about St Mary's church“The King’s England” (1942) by Arthur Mee, Essex Review July 1911 regarding consecration of church graveyard and unattributed source describing church trough.
P39oDocSt Mary's Church1996 Parish Information Pack
P40iDocSt Mary's Church1946 booklet "A Brief Description of the Parish Church of Saint Mary the Virgin Little Baddow"
P40mNewspapersSt Mary's ChurchNewspaper cutting "An evening of trivia to raise church restoration funds"1991 with photo of Rev Turner
P40sDocSt Mary's ChurchNotes on history of church from 1090
P40tDocSt Mary's Church"Church of St Mary the Virgin, Little Baddow, Essex", 1955 and 1964Notes on objects of interest in St Mary's church
P40uDocSt Mary's Church"Objects of interest in the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Little Baddow"Undated
P40vDocSt Mary's ChurchCopy of pages "Baddow-parva, Rectory, Vicarage" from Repertorium Ecclesiasticum Parochiale Londinense: An Ecclesiastical History of the Diocese of London....... Vol 2 by Richard Newcourt, 1710Includes excerpt from 1610 Terrier describing the Old Vicarage House, lists of rectors and vicars, description of the chapel at Graces
P40wDocSt Mary's ChurchPoster - "Prayers for Peace", 2003
P40xDocSt Mary's ChurchEvents at St Mary's ChurchPoster - "Treasure in Clay Jars", 2003; "The Bible" Lent study course; Christmas Service leaflet; Flower Festival 2000;
P40yPhotoSt Mary's ChurchPhoto of Parish Chest with note from Margaret Martin
P40zDocSt Mary's Church"the Women of War", 2014 Celebration of Women throughout WWI concert at St Mary's ChurchLeaflet and poster
P41aDocMemories1927 letter from A H Trigge to Mr Stracey re Poleighs’ photo (2020:0170)
P41bDocMemoriesLetter to Janet Shave from Roy Warsop, 1981Trigge, Loveday, Thorrington, Blake families
P41cDocMemories1999 Letter from Janet Shave to Mel Thompson re Old Cottage / Poleighs and Fir Tree Cottage and reply
P41dDocMemoriesSerbs in village in WWII1969 notes, Notes on schooldays by Roy Warsop, undated newspaper cutting
P41eDocMemoriesTranscript of Mr Bowles memories of village
P41gDocMemoriesLetter from Daphne Mead concerning the Mead family and reply from archivist
P41hDocMemoriesPenning familyNotes on Penning family of Kettleburgh; Copy of Last Will and Testament of Anthony Penning 1630; 2001 letter from Patricia Christy re Penning family to Little Baddow Historical Society and reply including De Bohun and Penning family tree (c1450-1600); Photos of Penning memorial at St Matthew’s Church, Ipswich
P41iDocMemoriesNotes on the Hood family and photograph of Dora, Mabel and Walter Hood
P41kDocMemoriesMiscellaneous notes on Barrington and Mildmays
P41m-pDocMemoriesBrazier FamilyInsurance on the Laurels 1952, Photos of Brazier family 1940s-1950s, Photo of Stanley Brazier 1957, Notes on V2 explosion 1944 near the Laurels (extract from In and About Maldon Part 3), Poem by Bob Brazier “The Pea Pickers”
P41rDocMemoriesLetter headed paper “H L Stracey Coach Proprietor” with chronological memories from daughter Janet Lyon Stracey
P41sDocMemoriesCopy of English School Exercise Book by Jean Brazier aged 11. Diary of her activities at Little Baddow School from 1953-56Diary of her activities at Little Baddow Village School from 1953-56
P41tDocMemoriesUndated photograph of employees of Bakers of Danbury employees
P42aDocElm Green School1989 newspaper cuttings about Elm Green School Tennis Champions
P42bDocElm Green School1986 visit to URC chapelThank you letters from pupils to Rev Collingwood
P42dDocElm Green SchoolLetter from principal in reply to a request for material about schoolIncludes copies of photos of various school activities
P43aDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-1905Programme for the Essex and Chelmsford Museum Grand Scientific and Musical Soiree, 22 Jan 1879
P43bDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19051905/6 prospectus for evening classes at North Street Council School, Colchester
P43cDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19051828 list of Chelmsford Philosophical Society lectures
P43dDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19051935/6 prospectus for Domestic Science Department, Mid Essex Technical College & School of Art, Chelmsford
P43eDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-1905Copy of the Chelmsford Chronicle, 10 August 1764Issued 2001
P44DocJ Greaves, Robjohns Field
P44a-bDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19051987/88 letters from Colin Flint to Jimmy Greaves re Edwardian school house in Little Baddow and Robjohns Field
P44iDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19051990 newspaper article re houses owned by Jimmy Greaves (includes one in Little Baddow)
P44jDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19051991 Radio Times article - "My Kind of Day" by Jimmy Greaves
P45DocOpen Group
P45aDocLeaflets of events and classes 1832-19052001/2002 programme of Little Baddow Open Group
P46aDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1989 letter from William A O’Neill, Governor of Connecticut to people of Little BaddowOn anniversary of Hooker's birth, describes Hooker’s contribution to creation of American democracy
P46abDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerLetter to Deryck Collingwood from URC History Society, 1986Contains information about their library holdings
P46acDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1986 letter from Rev Deryck Collingwood to Dr George Redmonds (Family History Institute, Univ Leeds) re Hooker and EliotMentions installation of blue plaques in Chelmsford and Little Baddow in 1986
P46adDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker“Blakes of Bassetts” handwritten notes by Ray Warsop 1985William Blake’s influence on John Eliot
P46aeDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerExcerpt from Dictionary of American Biography Vol VI Page 79 for John Eliot
P46afDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerExcerpt from Dictionary of American Biography Vol VI Page 607 for John Eliot
P46agDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerExcerpt from Dictionary of American Biography Vol IX Page 199 for Thomas Hooker
P46ahDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerExcerpt from Dictionary of National Biography Vol IX Page 1189 for Thomas Hooker
P46aiDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerNotes on history of Little Baddow United Reformed Church
P46ajDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker“Lydia Gaymer, the Wife of Humphrey Turner of Scituate” by Vernon Dow Turner, New England Historical and Genealogical Register Vol 151 July 1997
P46alDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker“Cambridge - The Nursery of New England” by Prof Frank Thistlethwaite about Puritanism at Cambridge in the 15th/16th centuryPuritanism at Cambridge in the 15th/16th century
P46anDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerJohn Eliot, Apostle to the IndiansNotes by D Collingwood
P46apNewspapersCuckoos, Thomas HookerHartford Courant article "Hooked on Hooker, Briton to speak her", 8 Oct 1987Deryck Collingwood
P46aqDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerThomas Shepard, Lecturer at Earls ColneNotes by D Collingwood
P46arDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker“Thomas Hooker – The Predecessor of Thomas Jefferson In Democracy” by C S Thompson1935 article from The Cheshire Chronicle
P46asDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker“Thomas Hooker – The Predecessor of Thomas Jefferson In Democracy” by C S ThompsonNotes on paper by ?, 1986
P46atDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1986 newsletter of Roxbury Latin School, MassachusettsReporting 400th anniversary events in Chelmsford and Little Baddow
P46auDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerExtract from letter from Pat Herniman to Roxbury Latin School about John Eliot and his contemporaries
P46cDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerPostcard of Boston Massachusetts, 1987
P46dDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerCard from Alice Kettlehawk to Little BaddowHer ancestors built new Bassetts before leaving England in 1630
P46eNewspapersCuckoos, Thomas HookerJuly 1986 Chelmsford Borough Council Leisure DiaryAdvertising Hooker Memorial Service and Little Baddow connection with Connecticut
P46fDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerPoster for Thomas Hooker Service, Chelmsford Cathedral, 7 July 1986
P46gDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerLeaflet / Order of Service / invitations for Thomas Hooker Service, Chelmsford Cathedral, 7 July 1986
P46hDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerAdvert for book "Thirty Godly Preachers in Essex under Elizabeth I and the Early Stuarts" by Gordon Hewitt, 1986
P46iDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerUS Postal Service card "Settling of Connecticut, 1636"Signed by 9th generation Hookers
P46lDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerMenu for Thomas Hooker 400th Celebration Meal4 July 1986, Little Baddow Hall
P46mDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerThomas Hooker, Founder of ConnecticutNotes by D Collingwood
P46nDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerNewspaper cutting describing 400th anniversary celebrationsIncludes photo of Hooker Service at Cuckoos, 6 July 1986
P46oDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerProgramme for Evensong at Cuckoos Farm, 6 July 1986
P46pNewspapersCuckoos, Thomas HookerNewspaper article "Tracing an American founding father" on Deryck Collingwood
Essex Chronicle, 27 June 1986 by Anne Fitzgerald
P46qDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerPoster / card advertising Rev Alan McLean's Thomas Hooker 400th Anniversary LectureMemorial Hall, 5 July 1986
P46rNewspapersCuckoos, Thomas HookerNewspaper cutting describing 400th anniversary celebrationsMaldon and Burnham Standard, 24 July 1986
P46sDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1986 US Postal Bulletin Describes stamp commemorating settling of Connecticut in 1636 by Thomas Hooker
P46uDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerItinerary for American visit for 400th Hooker Anniversary, 4-8 July 1986
P46vNewspapersCuckoos, Thomas HookerEssex Weekly News article "Thomas Hooker remembered"3 July 1986
P46xDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker1986 Historical Society leaflet on Hooker and Eliot
P46yDocCuckoos, Thomas HookerCollection of Historical Society papers relating to 400th anniversary events
P46zDocCuckoos, Thomas Hooker“Some Little Baddow Anniversaries in 1989” by P Herniman, Historical Society Newsletter August 1989Including Walter Mildmay (d1589), John Harvard (university named after him in 1639), John Eliot, Sir Henry Mildmay of Graces (d1639), Barringtons of Hatfield Broad Oak and Tofts (Toleration Act 1689), John Oakes, William Parry
P47aNewspapersNewspaper accounts of hurricanes of 1897 and 1987Essex Chronicle, 23 October 1987
P47bDocNewspaper accounts of hurricanes of 1897 and 1987Essex and Braintree Chronicle, 23 October 1987
P47cNewspapersNewspaper accounts of hurricanes of 1897 and 1987Maldon & Burnham Standard, 22 October 1987
P47dDocNewspaper accounts of hurricanes of 1897 and 1987Derby Mercury, 7 July 1897Copy of article “The Tornado in Essex”
P48aDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Seminar on convalescence facilities in Essex for discharged patients “After Hospital What Next?”, 28 June 1989
P48bDocGood Neighbours Scheme 19891990 Chelmsford Counselling Network Directory
P48cDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Notes on Good Neighbours Scheme Meeting, 1988
P48dDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Letter to Link Helpers of Good Neighbours Scheme, Oct 1988
P48eDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989List of Social Services Contacts
P48fDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Offers of Help List
P48gDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Electoral List of Village, 1989
P48hDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989List of Link Helpers 1989
P48jDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Invitation to Link Helpers to attend meeting, Jan 1990
P48kDocGood Neighbours Scheme 1989Note to villagers about scheme, 1989
P49FolderPast and PresentPast and Present
P50AFolderMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition material
P50BFolderMemorial Hall FireMemorial Hall Fire
P50BaDocMemorial Hall FireVillage hall, Little Baddow -1961 The Architect & Building News article
P50BeDocMemorial Hall FirePlan of new Memorial Hall showing position of sign
P50aNewspapersMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialEssex Weekly News article, "Little Baddow's Hall Destroyed in 5 am blaze", April 1959
P50cNewspapersMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialEssex Newsman-Herald article "An Even Better Village Hall", November 1960Frank Ager, Rex Hovendon, Mrs E Hood, Canon J Berridge, Mrs Berridge, Mr Bernard Martin
P50dNewspapersMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialEssex Chronicle article "Villagers bought a Hall", 18 November 1960
P50/3DocMemorial Hall FireAdvertising leaflet for Memorial Hall as an event venue
P51aNewspapersHilltop Stores, Miss Sorrell's ShopNewspaper cutting of Miss Julia Sorrell inside shop on occasion of her retirementEssex Weekly News, 27 March 1970
P51bDocHilltop Stores, Miss Sorrell's ShopNotes on the Post OfficeFor the book "A Century of Village Life"
P51cDocHilltop Stores, Miss Sorrell's ShopHandwritten bill from Hilltop stores for goods supplied to Memorial Hall 1955-1956
P53BFolderStoneham PapersStoneham PapersCoat of arms. Silhouette of Captain Thomas Stoneham. Copy of Chapman and Andre 1777 map showing Whitwells in occupation of Capt Stoneham. List of sundries delivered to Capt Stoneham. 1789 declaration of intent to marriage of Robert Thompson Stoneham and Elizabeth Steele. 2009 photos of Stoneham lock. Monumental brass of Lady Katherine Howard, 1535, Lambeth Church, Surrey. 1789 marriage license of Robert Thompson Stoneham and Elizabeth Steele. Stoneham family crest of arms. Photo of Whitwells. List of clothes in two chests and sundries delivered to Capt Stoneham 1743. 1780 list of farming stock and utensils belonging to Thompson Stoneham.
P53aDocPeople and EventsWeekly News article 'Bringing a village history to life', 16 Aug 1979Sheila Rowley
P53aaNewspapersPeople and EventsEsses Weekly article 'Sir John presents Queen's medal to director', 30 June 1977Sir John Ruggles-Brise, Dr Eric Thompson
P53abNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article on retirement of Mr Linton Newman, 1 June 1979
P53acNewspapersPeople and EventsWeekly News article “Memories of a schoolteacher”, 23 Oct 1980Constance Turner, Nita Humphries, Joan (or Dorothy) Wright, Lily Westwood, Beryl Vanstone, Jean Ager, Phyllis Lightfoot, Ron Hart, Monty Peacock, tom look, George Brazier, George Kemp, Ken Winger
P53adDocPeople and EventsNotes on council houses built in 1914Jim, Eliza, Harry, James, Edie and Minnie Bowles, Liz Willett
P53aeNewspapersPeople and Events1964 Braintree and Witham article “Hospital operating theatre open again”Dr and Mrs J Muir
P53afDocPeople and Events1936-1941 electricity meter reading card for S B M Bremner, NewAlso 2 labels for fruit grown at New Lodge
P53agDocPeople and EventsNotes on H M Paterson for “A Century of Village Life”
P53ahNewspapersPeople and Events1955 newspaper article on retirement of Ada Puddephat as cricket club tea lady
P53aiDocWilliam Washington ArchiveMaterial on Robert Washington Exhibitions 1998Notes on William and Robert Washington's time in Little Baddow; "R.J.Washington - Nine exhibition tributes to local artist and educator", The Danbury, Bicknacre and Little Baddow Journal Issue 115, October 1998
P53ajDocPeople and EventsNotes on Samuel and Rebecca Shaen
P53akDocPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “Parents rescue boy or five in ‘Red Sea’ ordeal”, 3 Apr 1998Rescue of Charles Andrews from Paper Mill Lock
P53alDocPeople and EventsMemories of Joyce Thornton (nee Briscoe) whose father built HoppetsIncluding article entitled "A day to remember" about flower show at Woodhouse's, correspondence and a plan of the house c1914
P53anNewspapersPeople and EventsThe Independent article “A fell and burn mission to rescue cricket from its cleft stick”, 6 June 1991Ken Cutts inspector for willow disease
P53apDocPeople and EventsLetter from Joyce Dunnatt (nee French) of Australia describing her life in Little Baddow in 1920s/30sJames and Clara Gibson, Rodney Gibson, Gertrude Gibson (Hen Farm), Misses Crook, Miss Wood, Fred Wood (Walter’s Cottage), Miss Langford
P53aqDocPeople and EventsStoneham and Edalji families1999 letter from Roger Oldfield and replies
P53arDocPeople and EventsNotes on William Blake of Bassetts by D Collingwood
P53asDocPeople and EventsPhotocopies of photos of Bowles FamilyMrs Eliza Bowles, Mr and Mrs James Bowles, James and Edith and Harry Bowles
P53atDocPeople and EventsBlanks’ Family History - notes from 1999 Parish of the English Martyrs, Danbury Parish MagazineLazarus Blanks, Sarah Rumsey and children
P53auNewspapersPeople and EventsNewspaper report of wedding of Reginald Ernest Lightfoot and Marjorie Norah Medley
P53awNewspapersPeople and EventsNewspaper report of wedding of Maude Smith and Fred Nunn
P53azjDocPeople and Events'Nottingham Lace to Essex Willow' by John Bundock, 2006Benjamin and Walter Warsop
P53azkDocPeople and Events“Holybread Farm”, notes from Jill GoodsonFor her book “Around Danbury and Little Baddow, Volume 2, 2006
P53azlDocPeople and EventsCopies of c1920 Humphries family photosNorah Humphries, Gertrude Humphries (nee Eady), Percival Robert Humphries, Edith Mae(Cis), Charles Frederick Symington, Helen Harriett (Daisy) Humphries , William Harvey, Frederick George Humphries, Helen Ramsey (nee Short), Juanita Daphne (Nita or Pete), Millicent Eady (Bob)
P53bDocPeople and Events1973 Newsman Herald article “In Little Baddow…best of both worlds”Rev J Geyer and children, Percy and Edna May, Elsie Marshall, Harry Bowles, S Rowley
P53bcNewspapersPeople and Events1933 The Times article “Young Woman Shot in Wood – Verdict of Accidental Death”Account of death of Nancy Leigh Woodhouse - Arthur Lionel Woodhouse, Peter Woodhouse, Ethel Kennedy, Dr S Storr
P53bdNewspapersPeople and EventsNewspaper article “Festival of Calm in Pocket of Peace”Re Little Baddow Hall Festival, 1971 - Joan Clifford-Smith, Jonathon Clifford
P53beDocPeople and EventsBlanks family tree by Christine PotterShowing descendants of Lazarus and Sarah
P53bfDocPeople and EventsNotes on family history of Lazarus Blanks from Tom Croucher, 2011Including "The Story of Lazarus Blanks” by Tom Croucher (Lazarus Blanks, Sarah Rumsey and their children Charles, William, Lazarus, Arthur, Sarah, John, Joseph, Mary, John, Thomas, Jane and Edward) and “The Story of Jane Blanks” by Tom Croucher (Jane Blanks, Charles Thomas Blanks, Charles Palmer, John Mackiah Collins, George Banks, Jonathan Beckett, George Herbert)
P53bgDocPeople and EventsFamily tree for Paterson Family with notes and photographs
P53bhDocPeople and EventsFamily history notes “The Paterson Family at Little Baddow” - Herbert May Paterson and his children
P53byNewspapersPeople and EventsCopy of 1950 photo of Geoffrey Pyman and family when he received an MBE
P53cDocPeople and EventsQuarter Session Reports 1556-1621
P53ciNewspapersPeople and EventsNewsman Herald article, 20 Jan 1970Photo of Jack and Joan Constable outside Generals Arms
P53ciiDocPeople and Events1970 Newsman Herald article 'Out of Town in Little Baddow'Jack and Joan Constable
P53diNewspapersPeople and Events1990 newspaper article “One World Event”Rev Rowland Joiner, pictured at Moulsham Mill
P53diiNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “Valley of gravel”, 8 June 1990Gravel extraction in Chelmer valley
P53eNewspapersPeople and EventsNewspaper article “Ross Rides High!” – Ross Parker
P53fNewspapersPeople and EventsWedding of Jane Gilhesby and Gareth WatkinsNewspaper photo of wedding, 13 July 1990
P53gNewspapersPeople and EventsPicture of Peter and Margaret Martin on a visit to European Parliament, 1990
P53hNewspapersPeople and EventsNewspaper articles on retirement of Dr Ted Nottidge, 4 Jan 1990
P53iDocPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “Sue’s Brave Fight”, 29 April 1989On Sue Corhell's award as a Health Achiever
P53jNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “G3 EDM’s life saving call”, 9 Feb 1990Geoff Mills
P53kNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “From Bali to Baddow by Bike!”, 18 Nov 1988John Stewart
P53lNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “Patricia: architect of her own success”, 30 June 1989Patricia Stewart
P53mNewspapersPeople and Events1989 wedding of Lisa Balaam and Chris BurtPhoto of wedding
P53nDocPeople and EventsWedding of Shaun Walsh and Hilary BaxterPhoto of wedding
P53pNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Weekly News article 'Composer's biography', 13 Feb 1992Appeal for information about Dr Armstrong Gibbs
P53qNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article 'Goodbye and thank you to our correspondent, 5 Oct 1990Retirement of Eva Digby as village correspondent
P53rDocPeople and Events1991 East Anglian Daily Times article "Pair launch into career of floating holidays", 23 March 1991Hugh and Caroline Turner
P53sDocPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article 'Energy Bottled', 3 Nov 1989Article and photo of presentation of award to Brian Bourn
P53tNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “World Cup Cash for CHARMS!”, 3 Aug 1990Generals Arms
P53uNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Countryside letter on Blake’s family of Bassets, Aug 1976From Roy Warsop
P53vNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Chronicle article “Marconi’s story – by his old friend", 25 April 1969Eric and Lucy Payne
P53wNewspapersPeople and Events1950 newspaper articleOn retirement of Miss Emily M Everett as Parish clerk,
P53xNewspapersPeople and Events1975 newspaper cuttings – Alan BaconAppointment of Alan Bacon as managing director of Cramphorn Ltd
P53yNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Weekly article, 6 June 1980Photo of Geoffrey Pyman on award of MBE
P53zNewspapersPeople and EventsEssex Weekly article on Murray MacLaren, 22 Feb 1979
P54Folder100th Birthday and other anniversaries100th Birthday and other anniversaries
P55AaDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesWing Commander Wilf Sizer 1921-2006Obituary, Daily Telegraph 4 Jan 2007
P55AcDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesWilliam Ward P Johnson 1790-1880Obituary, The Times
P55AfDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesWilliam CalcraftObituary, Essex Standard 27 December 1879
P55aDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesWilliam Albert Sargeant 1889-1990Obituary
P55asDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesGladys Muriel Richardson 1900-2000Notes, Order of Service
P55atDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesRobert Page Speakman 1894-1940Newspaper report of death and funeral
P55auDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesGeorge Praed Collins 1871-1934Newspaper report of death
P55awDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesAlbert Edward Speakman 1863-1939Newspaper report of death and funeral
P55axDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesAdolphus Pledger 1857-1937Newspaper report of death and funeral
P55ayDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesFrederick Lindsell 1859-1949Newspaper report of death and funeral
P55azDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesLucy Margaret Boldero 1867-1940Death, funeral and details of will
P55azd1DocObituaries and Memorial ServicesCharles Yell Obituary
P55azd2DocObituaries and Memorial ServicesRobert Charles Shortt 1914-1936Account of drowning, Essex Chronicle 7 Feb 1936
P55aziDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesBetty Opie died 1995Obituary
P55azlDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesRememberings by Joan BarkerNotes on Chris Muir, Marian Gregory, Helen Black, Jo Laver
P55aznNewspapersDeryck CollingwoodObituary of Rev Deryck Collingwood, Methodist Recorder 22 July 2004
P55azoDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesPauline Woodhouse died 1993Address from Thanksgiving Service
P55bDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesEvelyn Neeley 1891-1981Obituary
P55cDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesMr St.John Brice died 1959Obituary
P55dDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesRay Bernard Warsop 1903-1990Notes
P55fDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesMr Tom Barker 1907-1988Obituary, Order of Service
P55gDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesLord Rayleigh 5th died 1908Notes
P55hDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesJohn William Strutt 3rd Baron Rayleigh 1842-1920Obituary
P55iDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesMr John Soloman died 1959Obituary
P55jDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesMrs Barbara Opie died 1985Obituary
P55lDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesDr Armstrong Gibbs died 1960Obituary
P55mDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesKenneth M Baskerville Cross 1890-1968Obituary
P55rDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesHelen Black 1896-1981Notes
P55tDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesPeter Leigh Woodhouse 1906-1987Notes by Peter Lush, Order of Service
P55uDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesHarry Stebbing 1913-1984Obituary
P55vDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesNotes on People who died 1958/59J Solomon, Mrs A E Ager, Mrs M E King, Mrs L Marvin, Percy Peacock Mrs F L I Woodhouse
P55wDocObituaries and Memorial ServicesMary Martin 1915-Oct 21st 1997Notes by Peter Andrews
P55xNewspapersWilliam Washington ArchiveR.J.Washington Obituary, The Times, 13 December 1997
P56FolderConservation SocietyConservation Society1970-1987 paperwork of Little Baddow Conservation Society minutes, newsletters etc.
P56AFolderAldermanburgh Site RedevelopmentAldermanburgh Site Redevelopment1977 redevelopment plans
P57aNewspapersCrime in Little BaddowDaily Telegraph article "Gangster pair jailed over beheaded body in wood", 4 Nov 1989Beheaded body of Bernard Burns found buried in wood in Little Baddow
P57azmDocCrime in Little BaddowJulia Gertrude Sorrell 1889-1978Obituary
P57bNewspapersCrime in Little BaddowParagraph from Weekly News January 3rd 1991 re jewellery stolen from Tofts
P57nDocCrime in Little BaddowPapers on William Calcraft.William Calcraft "His Honour the Finisher of the Law" by Mary Klaber, LBHS Mar 1999. "Great-great-grandfather's other job" by Richard A Jeffery, Family Tree Magazine Sept 1995. "Hangman's great grandson catches up on the family", Chelmsford Weekly News 20 Jun 2002. Birth and Baptism records of Calcraft family (ERO). "The executioner who never quite got the hang of his job", Chelmsford Weekly News 25 Apr 2002. Notes from dictionary of National Biography. "William Calcraft - The Hangman of Little Baddow" by Jane Rigler
P57rNewspapersCrime in Little Baddow"Tracing your roots", Essex Chronicle 3 May 2002Article about Fred Feather, ex-curator of Police Museum, Springfield
P57sNewspapersCrime in Little Baddow"Escaped 'spy' prisoner may be Baddow bouncer", Essex Chronicle, 15 Jan 1999Mark Rothermel
P57tDocCrime in Little BaddowNotes on shooting of Herbert Edward NichollsHerbert Nichols, a Little Baddow resident, was shot in Pitsea in Sept 1940 by Thomas Harris a member of the Home Guard
P57uNewspapersCrime in Little Baddow"Beauty spot gay sex fury", Essex Chronicle 11 Oct 2002Waterhall Meadows
P57vDocCrime in Little Baddow"Mostly Murder" by Fred Feather, Family Tree Magazine, Jan 2001Mentions William Calcraft
P59AabDocHistorical Notes on Little Baddow‘Going Back to Little Baddow’ by Mrs Phoebe Peacock (nee Everett) re her memories of life in Little BaddowWith covering letter by Mel Thompson
P59AacDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes by Leonie Golding about life in Little BaddowIncluding Stracey's bus
P59AadDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowLetter regarding the history of John and Olive Gibson from Simon Johnson, no datePhoto of prize cup for poultry
P59AaeDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowList of villagers 1905/6 and where they lived
P59AafDocHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"The Little Baddow Poultry Farm 1925-1965" by John Gibson
P59AagNewspapersHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"Lady Shrewsbury's £24,000 House", The Times, 28 February 1963Old Riffhams
P59AahDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowLittle Baddow Newsletter dated March 2011Tofts, Cricket Bats, Heather Hills, History Centre
P59AaiDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the history of Alfred Boyd Memorial Sanatorium Bowling Alley House – no author no date
P59AajDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowCigarette card of 2nd Lieut. Geoff H Wooley VC, The Great War Series II - No 37.
P59AalDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDescription from Patricia Stewart dated 10th Sept 2005 of Fern Cottage and Bowling Alley House
P59AbDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowOrigins of Little Baddow place namesBaddow, Aldermanburg, Colam Lane, Riffhams, Patentees, Cloggers, Cock Farm, Hen Cottage, Wickhay Cottage, Holybread, Old Riffhams, Graces, Tofts, Bassetts, Blakes Wood, Town House Field, Aspfield Cottage, Phillows
P59AcDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowList of vicars, rectors and patrons of St Mary’s from 1300’s until 1966
P59AdDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowTour of Village 1979 by R Warsop
P59AeDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowFamily Tree of Horth Family (teachers at National School)
P59AfDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDetails of Little Baddow Notables – no author or dateLeonard Woolley, Anthony Arkell, N.E.Davies, Sir Eric Eastwood, Henry Mildmay, Israel Langwill, Leaky, Woodhouses, J.D.Morell
P59AhDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on wills relating to Little BaddowLawrence Broome of Little Baddow, Nicholas Warren of Little Baddow, Sir John Smith or Smythe, John Brette of Broomfield, Richard Blake of Little Baddow, Thomas Blake of Little Baddow and list of miscellaneous name and burials at the back.
P59AjDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Commons of Middlemead
P59AkDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowBrief notes on the Post Office
P59AlDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes from T.R.E.Lewin on Little Baddow Hall Manor, Lords and Tenants, Riffhams, Middlemead, Graces
P59AmDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on ‘The Post Office before 1914’ by Roy Warsop. Also notes on the Scout movement and J Berridge.
P59ApDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowVarious notes from Pat Herniman on the village life c1910
P59AqDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowVarious notes extracted from different volumes of Archdeaconal Records regarding Little Baddow together with a letter to Rev Berridge from W Pisney of the Vicarage at Margaretting, 1926
P59ArDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowList of people and where they lived in1905 by Cyril Warsop
P59AsDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDates of buildings or first mention of some older houses in village by Roy Warsop
P59AtDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on people and houses dated 1976/1977 by Roy Warsop
P59AuDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowExtract from "Letters from the East Country", 1889Report of visit in 1888 by the Inspector for the Royal Hospital for Incurables to Little Baddow to meet one of its pensioners, Mrs Phillips. Also met Miss Morell, granddaughter of Rev S Morell. Excerpt from electoral list for 1889 showing Sarah Phillips in a cottage at Cuckoos.
P59AwDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowHistory of the Boy Scout Movement in Little Baddow from 1917 until 1928, no author
P59AxDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes by Olive Berridge on Little Baddow HistoryTofts, Strutts, Woodhouses, LB Mill, Papermill, W Calcraft, St Mary's Church, Graces, Old Riffhams, Gibbs, URC, Cottage in the Bush
P59AyDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowShort note on Albert Everett by Mr H L Stracey
P59AzDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on 2nd Lieutenant Geoffrey H Woolley, VCIncluding photo as a teacher at Harrow School, 1927-1939 and excerpts from "Sometimes a Soldier"
P59B1aDocPeople Entitled to Vote in the South East 1832 Election in Little Baddow
P59B1bDocPeople Entitled to Vote in the Danbury Polling District in Little Baddow in 1889
P59B1cDocPeople Entitled to Vote in the Danbury Polling District in Little Baddow in 1900
P59B1dDocParish of Little Baddow Occupation Electors (other than Lodgers) 1914
P59B2aDocRegister of Electors 1991 for Little Baddow
P59B2bDocRegister of Electors 1992 for Little Baddow
P59B2cDocRegister of Electors 1993, Draft 1994 for Little Baddow
P59B2dDocRegister of Electors 1991 for Little Baddow
P59B2eDocRegister of Electors 1977 for Little Baddow
P59CbDocCensus and Population ListingsAnalysis of names and occupations 1801
P59CcDocCensus and Population ListingsAnalysis of kinship links in Little Baddow, 1989Details of families and location
P59CdDocCensus and Population ListingsAnalysis of names and occupations 1831
P59CeDocCensus and Population ListingsAnalysis of names and occupations 1821
P59CfDocCensus and Population ListingsDetails of Land Tax Assessment 1830
P59CgDocCensus and Population ListingsWitchcraft and trials in Little Baddow, 1560-1680Thesis by A.D.J.Macfarlane. Extract from Sheila Rowley History of Little Baddow, Part II, Page 44. Abstracts of indictments 1569-1570.
P59ChDocCensus and Population ListingsCopies of page from Overseers of the Poor account book 1751
P59CiDocCensus and Population ListingsRent Rolls of Little Baddow Hall Manor 1677 and Tofts Manor 1688
P59CkDocCensus and Population ListingsTranscript from Parliamentary Gazetteer for Lt Baddow 1843-44
P59ClDocCensus and Population ListingsNotes on inhabitants of ToftsCalendar State papers Domestic 1595-97 (Sir John Smythe)
P59CmDocCensus and Population ListingsNotes on Middlemead in Henry VIII time
P59CnDocCensus and Population ListingsNotes from early Parish Magazines 1921-1926
P59CoDocCensus and Population ListingsCopy of Civil War Proclaimation
P59CqDocCensus and Population ListingsUndated list of owner / occupiers of village
P59CrDocCensus and Population ListingsPre-publication notes for Sheila Rowley book
P59DaDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowIndependent Chapel, notes from public recordsIncluding Indenture details of 1707, License for building 1708, Stephen Morell notes on chapel, extract from 1851 ecclesiastical census,
P59DaviDocHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"Monumental Inscriptions at Little Baddow United Reformed Church, Essex" by Survey of United Reform Chapel Inscriptions 1995, The Essex Society for Family History, 1995Notes on church, index of persons, index of places, index of occupations, map of Churchyard and church interior, monumental inscriptions
P59DbDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDetails of Charities from EROIncluding the Pledger Foundation ERO D/P 35/25/22, Butler’s Charity, Unknown Donor, British School, School Managers Minute Book 1903-1948 ERO D/P 35/28/3
P59DbviiDocHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"Mistress Edmund Butler of Little Baddow Hall"About schools in village probably by Deryck Collingwood
P59DcDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowArchdeaconry Records from Browne’s transcripts 1589-1584
P59DdDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Watts 1650-1671, ERO D/DRa T36
P59DeDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Middlemead and Little Baddow Hall ERO D/DRa T21
P59DfDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Tofts copyholders 1620-1649, ERO D/DRa 670
P59DgDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Bassetts Court Rolls 1558-1563 from PRO
P59DhDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Tofts Manor Court Rolls from PRO
P59DiDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Tofts Court Rolls, ERO D/Dra T21, D/DRa 764-772
P59DjiDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Hall Rent Rolls 1677 and 1688, ERO D/DRa 764-772
P59DjiiDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Court Rolls 18th century onwards from PRO
P59DkDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Hall Court Rolls 14th - 17th century from PRO
P59DlDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Hall Court Rolls 1650-1702 from PRO
P59DmDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Court Rolls 1647 and 1712 ERO D/DRa T21
P59DnDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Graces 1691-1637, ERO D/DPL 8,7 etc
P59DoDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Ballsomes 1628-1671, ERO D/DRa T21
P59DpDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Gibbs and Middlemead 1699-1852, ERO D/DRa T45
P59DqDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Wickhay Cottage 1656-1809, ERO D/DRa T40
P59DrDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Cloggers 1550-1776, ERO D/Du 239/1 - 239/21
P59DsDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Pledger Lands, formerly Sawards, 1596-1826, ERO D/DDw T205
P59DtDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Gattons, ERO D/DRa T21
P59DuDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Handanburys alias Barbers 1735-1824, ERO D/DRa T35
P59DvDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Tofts Manor Rental 1819, ERO D/DRa 523
P59DwDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Court Rolls of Graces and Riffhams, various ERO sources
P59E1aDocExtract re LB in the History of Essex 1848 and 1863 by William White
P59E1bDocExtracts for Little Baddow from various directoriesKelly’s 1886, Pigot & Co. 1832, Kelly's 1845, Summary of Kelly's 1841-1937, Summary of Kelly's 1886-1933
P59E1cDocList of names regarding the Hearth Tax of 1672
P59E1dDocNotes from the Parish Registers 1628-1788
P59E1eDocDetails of the New Poor Law re Board of Guardians first meeting on 15th August 1835
P59E1fDocTyped notes on Little Baddow namesPossibly by Roy Warsop
P59E1gDocDetails of Wills from 1505-1811, ERO D/ABR 27
P59E1iDocExtracts from Church Wardens Account 1742 – 1813, ERo DP 35/7/3
P59E1jDocExtracts from Overseers of the Poor Accounts 1722-1774, ERO D/P 35/12/3
P59E1kDocExtracts from Overseers of the Poor Accounts 1775-1793
P59E1lDocExtracts from Overseers of the Poor Accounts 1774-1816, ERO D/DRa 625
P59E1mDocExtracts from Overseers of the Poor Accounts 1793-1839
P59E1niNewspapers"Stickers" The Farmers Week, May 12 1944Article about older men who have returned to work on the land, mentions Shadrach Unwin, Ted Bickmore, Bill Bickmore, Arthur Smith
P59E1niiNewspapersShort article including photo of Shadrack Unwin, The Daily Sketch 5 July 1944
P59E1niiiDocNotes on Shadrack UnwinIncluding letter about Frederick George Barker, PoW.
P59E1pDocVillage TourExtracts from Parish Magazine 1966-7 by Joan Barker
P59E1qDocDomesday Book extracts about Little Baddow taken from The National Archives, 2006
P59EbiDoc"Groceries and Draperies" by Peter Came, Danbury ContactArticle about Upson’s shop in Danbury regarding ownership by the Hollingsworth family
P59FbDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowSurveyors Accounts 1814-1834
P59FcDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowPauper Examinations 1772-1809, ERO D/P 35/13/1,4
P59FdDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowSettlement Examinations 1814-1842, ERO P/CPa 1-
P59FeDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDetails of Militia January 1826, ERO L/DCr 10Returns of males with ages, occupations and liability to serve
P59FfDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDetails of Vagrants 1766-1812, ERO Q/RSv 1/1
P59FgNewspapersHistorical Notes on Little BaddowAdvert from Chelmsford Chronicle 3 April 1795 about absconding of James Sweeting
P59FhDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowBastardy in Little Baddow, ERO D/P 35/13/1,4Orders for child maintenance Mary Beadle (1702), Sarah Harvey (1814), Mary Skingley (1816), Elizabeth Nunn (1820), Mary Boosey (1789), Sarah Freeman (1795), Elizabeth Foster (1818).
, Jane Blanks (1818), Sarah Bevis (1782). Bastardy agreement for child of Mary Wilks (1807)
P59FiDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowAlmshouses and gift of Unknown DonorMemo to Poor Law Commission from Committee 1846, Minutes of meetings 1849, 1887
P59FjDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowAbstracts of Parish Council meetings 1894, 1895, 1896, 1898, 1922, 1925
P59FkDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowEnclosure by consent Little Baddow 1810, ERO Transcript No. 450
P59FlDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowApprenticeship Records 1625-1817, ERO 35/13/1,2,4
P59FmDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowVestry Minutes Extracts 1759-1806
P59FnDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowProcedure for holding a manor court 1718, ERO Transcript No. 444
P59FpDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the manors of Little Baddow from Holman's manuscript of the 18th century
P59FqDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the origin of Little Baddow names from Reaney's Place Names
P59FrDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowExtracts from Archdeacon's Records 1826
P59FsDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowExtracts from William White History Gazetteer and Directory of Essex of 1863 for Little Baddow and Boreham
P59FtDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowExtracts from thesis at Essex Record Office by Elizabeth G Farrell 1969 on Essex Rural Settlements
P59FuDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowExtracts from Court Papers 1696-1806, ERO D/DRa 630-634
P59FvDocHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"Boundary of Little Baddow May 8th 1777" from Essex Review Vol XL
P59FwDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowExtracts from Court Papers referring to Little Baddow 1720 -1835.
P59GaDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on History of Congregational Church from book by E Eldred Marks
P59GaaDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowMiscellaneous Notes on VillageDomesday, Miles, Lindsell, Ferguson, Peacocks, Scarfe, Rugg, Mecklenburg, Wright, Nicholson, Arnold, Rait, Pyne, Marks, Scotchman, Over 60s Club, Woolleys, Rectory, vicarage, Terrier
P59GabDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowReports concerning Ann Campion and the murder of the infant Edward Campion by Ken Harrison
P59GacDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the Clench family of Little Baddow
P59GadDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowReminiscences of Mr Bowles and Mr Mead at Over 60’s Club, 1973
P59GaeDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowLetter from Beryl Wilson nee Martin about growing up in Little Baddow in 1940s/50s
P59GbDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the house The Brambles by Mr Ager in 1988Boreham, Marriage family and Mott families
P59GcDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on overflowing brook 1851 and letterbox in General's Chase
P59GdDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowLetter dated 1916 to Rev Berridge from Mr Young at Herongate describing the village chestAlso various newspaper cuttings 1727 to 1850s
P59GeDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Ecclesiastical History of Essex by Harold Smith
P59GfDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes from Essex at Work 1700-1815 a book by A F J Brown
P59GgDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowDescription of how women worked the land in 1915 at Little Baddow Hall
P59GhDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowGoing Northwards essay by R WarsopNotes on houses in lower North Hill
P59GiDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes from History of Essex by Muilman 1771
P59GjDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowLetter from Patricia Ryan dated 4 April 1974 about Tanners and Tanning in Woodham Walter
P59GkDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowListing of Berridge documents in the ERO T/P 85/1-16
P59GlDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Warren Cottage and the Cranfields and Bowles families
P59GmDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes from Ministry of Housing and Local Government on Listed Buildings
P59GnDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Little Baddow Houses by Warsops
P59GoDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes from DNB on Smythe and Strutt families of Tofts
P59GpDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Gunbies from Mr H Humphries
P59GqDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes LB population etc from 1671-1870 author unknown
P59GrDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the Sturgeon Family 1740s unknown author
P59GsDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Millers, Firtree Cottage, water supply, Apsfield by Mr Stracey, 1971
P59GtDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Strutt family from Ninety Years of Family Farming by Sir William Gavin 1967
P59GuDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Tofts by R Warsop
P59GvDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Bramstons family
P59GwDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Mowden Hall
P59GxDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the Pledger family
P59GyDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Terling
P59GzDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowTranscription of a few entries from the Parish Register Burial and Baptisms by R WarsopHorth, Phillips, Lindsell, Peacock, Porter, Lewin
P59HaDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Little Baddow Hall Manor Court 1811-1819Details of tenants and occupies
P59HbDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Little Baddow Hall Manor Court, 1573, 1584 and 1591John Sammes, John Smythe
P59HcDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Hellens Lands and Pearces CroftJohn and Mary Smythe, Thomas Vessey
P59HdDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Holybreads, c1450Thomas Glover, Thomas Tenderyng, John Fanner
P59HeDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on The Cock, 1550John Hawes, Peter Foster, John Pake
P59HfiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Bowling Alley House, 1593Sir John Smythe, Thomas Heath
P59HfiiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Bowling Alley House, 1770-1810Benjamin and Laetitia Dawson, Richard Orton, Benjamin Campin, Jeremiah Pledger, John Turner, Taversum Nunn, Henry Buttle
P59HfiiiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Pledger Lands, 1810-1819Jeremiah Pledger, Joseph Pledger, John Adee, J S White,
P59HfivDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Langores or Jopps, 1738-1761John and Elizabeth Pettit, Samuel Brown, John Nicholson
P59HfvDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Great Gunbies or Millers, 1746-1776Samuel Orton, Ann Perry, Thomas Wiltshire, Ann Nightingale, Susanna Orton, Hannah Foster, Elias Pledger, Thomas Aylmer
P59HfviDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Jopps, Millers and Pilborrows, 1799-1907Lydia Pledger, Anne Barnard, Richard Sea, Robert Elliott, John Barley, Pledger
P59HfviiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesMap of Bowling Alley House and surrounding area (The County London Electric Supply Co, Ltd, 1937)
P59HgDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on various propertiesTofts Manorial Court (1803-1816), Wickhay Cottage (1807-1842), Lees Wickhay Green (1709-1817), Wickhay Green 1723
P59HhDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Glovers 1720
P59HiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesSales particulars of various properties1921 Little Baddow Mill. 1925 Cockleys Cottage, Belle Vue, Longmead, Flett Cottage. 1953 Monks Garden. 1920 Heards, Livermore, Cloggers. 1917 House and Cottage opposite Pilgrims. 1912 Cuckoos. 1931 Phillows, Whitewells Cottages, Apsfield Cottages, Hammonds Cottages, 1918, Cottage in the Bush, Cherry Tree Cottage, Mill Cottage.
P59HjDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesParsonage, Glebe and Tithes, 1765Manors of Bicknacre
P59HkDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesTitle DeedsGreat and Little Birch Field Birch Wood, 1810. Meadow, Huskard Mead, 1825
P59HlDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesLittle Baddow MillViscount Barrington, William Johnson, 1777
P59HmDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesPylshrines alias PygleesThomas Radley, John Owghan
P59HnDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesPowleas/Powletts - Titles 1773-1900
P59HoDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesContents of Tofts 1824Fields, measurements
P59HpDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesTenements on manor waste land 26 Nov 1656Gobert Barrington, Sir John Smythe
P59HqiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Puddephat and Dame Alice Owen School
P59HqiiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesVarious spellings of HuskardsHurscardesmell 1272, Huskaidesmell 1404, Huskendes Medowe 1523
P59HqiiiDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesExtracts from Survey of Mugthon or Mugden Hall 1589 (Mowden Hall)ERO D/DBd M6/1,2
P59HqivDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes on Waste, 1802-1823Ann and Taversham Nunn, Henry Buttle, William Lawrence, John Pullen, Samuel Saward, W G Strutt
P59HqvDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesList of tenants' names, acreages and rents c1780Thomas Taylor, Elias Pledger, Richard Sorrell, Sarah Pledger, William Gladwin, John Mays, James Jordan, Thomas Hodges, Rev Evan Jones, Thomas Saward, Andrew Bowles, William Bentley
P59HrArtworkNotes on Little Baddow HousesEdwin Shuring’s Drawings of house details on LB housesPilgrims Pargetting, Waterhall, LB Hall, Cuckoos West Gable, St Andrews School Bell, Tofts Staircase, Old Riffhams
P59HsDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesExtract from Essex Journal, 1968 on Badewe
P59HtDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesExtract from The Rivers Chelmer and Blackwater by Stan Jarvis, 1990
P59HuDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesNotes from "Images of Essex, Photographs of Alfred Wire 1875-1913" by D Maunder 1995Vestry House, Old Rodney, National School, LB Church
P59HwDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesExtract from "The Strutt Family of Terling, 1650-1813" by Charles R Strutt, 1939
P59HxDocNotes on Little Baddow HousesAnalysis of Title for Powletts (Poleighs) 1773-1858Richard Sorrell, Susannah Sorrell, Mary Ann Gurnwood (nee Hart)
P59HyDocNotes on Little Baddow Houses"Little Baddow - the story of a rural village", Family History Society Newsletter, March 2004
P59aDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowMemories of Little Baddow by mother of John and Olive GibsonGibson's Poultry Farm, Air raids in Essex, Roads in the Village, Coronation 1953
P59akPhotoHistorical Notes on Little BaddowOld Riffhams and Woolley family
P59bDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowItems of interest from Parish Magazine 1930-31Print of sea battle (Saintes) lost in Memorial Hall fire, Bronze age urns, retirement of Miss Sorrell as post-mistress, Miss Turner and school, Miss Thrift and school, great gale, retirement of Miss Hammond from teaching, Little Baddow artists
P59cDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on Saward family by Roy Warsop
P59dDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowShort note on teaching in village school
P59gDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowMemories of Little Baddow before and after WWII by Gemma Cockrell (then of Mill Mead), 2004Charles Gosling, Mrs Gheury, Mr Rolph
P59hDocScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldHistory of Little Baddow Sports Club (Cricket and Tennis)Notes on the sportsground and cricket by B Warsop, notes on the tennis club 1920-1934.
P59iJournalHistorical Notes on Little BaddowTufts Kinsmen, Vol XI, No 2, Summer 1885Visit of American descendants of Tofts
P59jDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowLetter on Windmill field (north of Hollybred Lane) from Patricia Stewart to Olive and John GibsonIncludes photocopy of abstract of Title Deed to field, 1885
P59kDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowHistory of Little Baddow by Olive Gibson
P59lDocHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"Little Baddow 'Did you know ...?'", Historical Society, Spring 1986Taken from Kelly's directory of Essex
P59mNewspapersHistorical Notes on Little Baddow"To get the best don't dash up to Danbury and then down the hill", Essex Chronicle, 13 May 1977Article about Little Baddow by S Jarvis
P59rDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes on the Village Policemen in the early 20th century
P59sDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowNotes from "A Ghosthunter's Guide to Essex" by Jessie PayneRiffhams ghost, Alice Mildmay,
P59tDocHistorical Notes on Little BaddowBrief notes on Captain Wenger Peacock by Roy Warsop
P60EaiDocFestival of Britain 1951Newspaper cuttings for Little Baddow “Essex through the Ages” pageant (June 1951)East Anglian Daily Times, Essex Newsman-Herald, Essex Weekly News, Essex Chronicle (photo of Alex Merritt playing Henry VIII)
P60EaiiDocFestival of Britain 1951Programmes and posters for Little Baddow “Essex through the Ages” pageant
P60EbDocFestival of Britain 1951Festival of Britain receipts
P60EcDocFestival of Britain 1951Festival of Britain planning, letters etc.
P60EdDocFestival of Britain 1951Programme for Little Baddow Festival of Britain Celebrations – draft and final versions
P60EeNewspapersFestival of Britain 19511951 newspaper advertisement for Festival of Britain Dance at Longwood
P60GFolderLongwood Country Market 10 July 1954 in aid of Church Tower FundLongwood Country Market 10 July 1954 in aid of Church Tower FundProgrammes, accounts, correspondence.
P60KbDocLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsLarge posters
P60KcDocLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsSmall posters
P60KdDocLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsArticle on market including photo of “Friar Tuck” signing autographs, Essex Weekly News 4 July 1978
P60KeDocLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsPlanning material
P60KfDocLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsAccounts
P60KgDocLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsNewspaper cuttings
P60LaDocCoronation 19531953 Little Baddow Coronation Celebrations – programme of eventsOld People's Dinner 1 June, Children's Tea 6 June
P60LbiDocCoronation 1953Planning papers from Ministry of Local Government and Housing and Ministry of FoodExtra rations for event, TV screen in Memorial Hall, Sale for Coronation Fund
P60LbiiDocCoronation 1953Little Baddow Parish Council Fund Sale Poster, 2 May 1953For Coronation Fund
P60LcDocCoronation 1953Accounts
P60LdDocCoronation 1953Souvenir Programme
P60LeDocCoronation 1953Listings of entertainments and commemorative material on offer to council for celebrations
P60LgNewspapersCoronation 1953Times newspaper for 2 June 1953 with news on ascent of Everest
P60MaDocChelmsford Events and Rodney RoundupChelmsford Centenary Celebrations 1988 Launch Material
P60MbDocChelmsford Events and Rodney Roundup“100 Not Out” a Centenary of Service” Essex County Council 1889-1989
P60McDocChelmsford Events and Rodney RoundupChelmsford Borough Council Leisure Diary 1986
P60MdDocChelmsford Events and Rodney RoundupRodney Round-Up Receipts/Payments 1962
P60MeDocChelmsford Events and Rodney RoundupRodney Round-Up Receipts/Payments 1965
P60aDocEventsPoster and Programme for 17th Century Faire, Cuckoos Farm 1990
P60aaDocEventsOpen Gardens 2004 Programme
P60bNewspapersEventsAdvert for 17th Century Faire, Cuckoos Farm 1990
P60cDocEvents17th Century Faire Newspaper CuttingEssex Chronicle 15 June 1990
P60dDocEvents1975 Parish Church Fair Newspaper Cutting
P60eDocEventsTickets for Council for Protection of Rural Essex and Lt Baddow Conservation Society Garden Party at Walters Cottage, 1970s
P60fDocEvents1954 Little Baddow Fete Programme and AccountsOn the Playing Field
P60hDocEvents1957 Sportsfield Fete Programme, Accounts Invoices etc.
P60iNewspapersEvents1977 Shakespeare Fair newspaper cuttingWith photo
P60jDocEvents1970 and 1986 Little Baddow Festival of Flowers and the Arts – newspaper cutting, programme, posterSt Mary's Church (flower arrangements), art exhibition (Johnson's Barn), refreshments (Little Baddow Hall)
P60kDocEvents1974 Leaflet for Finn exhibition of sculpture, drawings, paintings, games boards, dolls at Goodday Cottage
P60lDocEventsOpen Gardens 2000 Programme
P60mDocEventsOpen Gardens 2001 and 2002 Programmes
P60nDocEvents1975 advertisement for “Common Market” (Parish Church Sale)
P60oDocEventsOpen Gardens 2003 Programme
P60pDocEventsPosters for Coronation of George VI and Silver Jubilee of George V
P60qiDocEventsProgramme for Pageant of the History of Little Baddow held at Tofts in 1922Mrs Gregory Nicholson, Rev J B Plumtre, Mrs Puddephatt, Basil Marriage, Trv Canon F W Galpin, Rev J Berridge, D Berridge, Chancellor, F Durham, Nicholas Paterson, Thomas, R Warsop,...
P60qiiNewspapersEvents"Down the Ages" Essex Chronicle 7 July 1922Review of pageant
P60uDocEvents1982 Harvest Supper plans
P60vDocEvents1967 Danbury Autumn Fayre Programme
P60wDocEvents1985 Programme for Chelmsford Rally of Boats, Kings Head Meadow
P60xDocEventsPoster for lecture “The Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation and its History” by Peter Crane1989 Danbury Village Hall
P60yDocEventsPoster for film show by Conservation Society and History Society at Memorial Hall“Essex Cricket Bats” and “Essex Railways”
P60zDocEventsEssex Strings Concert, undatedFreda Mary Seales, Grace Powell, Gladys Martin, Mr Woodhouse, Jean Paterson, Canon Berridge, Albert Prior, Roy Warsop, Christobel Martin, Kathy Paterson, Kenneth Paterson, Basil Marriage, Harry Shortt, Hugh Brooke, Mamie Puddephatt
P61aDocMothers' UnionList of pre-school age children and parents invited to 1966 Christmas Party (names and addresses)
P61bDocMothers' UnionSpring and Summer Programme 1967
P61dNewspapersMothers' Union1978 Newspaper cutting of 50th anniversary service of thanksgiving
P61eDocMothers' UnionMothers' Union expenses Feb-Sept 1955
P61fDocMothers' UnionAutumn Programme 1966
P63ADocLittle Baddow and Woodham Walter Nursing Association
P63aDocDanbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society1998 and 2000 Danbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society membership cards
P63bDocDanbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society1998 Danbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society Spring Show Programme
P63cDocDanbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society1998/1999 Danbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society Newsletter
P63dDocDanbury and Little Baddow Horticultural SocietyW.E.A Day School Gardening Question Time ProgrammeLittle Baddow Hall, unknown date
P63eDocDanbury and Little Baddow Horticultural SocietyReport of 1904 Show, Danbury Ruridecanal Parish MagazineJ Wood, J W Pledger, J Everett, J J Speakman, G Ager, G Collins, A E Everett, W Wood, W Spokes, C Courtman, H Pryor, G Burr, H Medforth, C Parmenter, W Mulley, J Bowles, C Dowsett
P63fDocDanbury and Little Baddow Horticultural Society1954 final correspondence of Little Baddow and Woodham Walter District Nursing Association
P64FolderNewspaper Reports of Parish Council MeetingsNewspaper Reports of Parish Council Meetings1979 Essex Chronicle article reporting meeting of 7th February.
P65aDocPolice“Police March for 150th Anniversary”, Essex Chronicle 6 April 1990
P65bDocPolice“The Police in Little Baddow”, transcript of a tape by Roy WarsopPCs Hagger, Hammond, French
P65dDocPoliceInstructions to constables from 1802-1815Extracts from ERO D/P 35/10
P65fDocPolice"William Calcraft - His Honour the Finisher of the Law”, Mary Klaber, Historical Society 1999
P65gDocPolice“The Coggeshall Gang”, Martyn Lockwood, Essex Police History Notebook No 29
P65hDocPolice“Officers Behaving Badly”, Essex Police History Notebook No 30Charles Calcraft
P65iDocPoliceEssex Police Museum leaflet
P65jDocPoliceExtract from ERO File J/P1/1-30, Little Baddow and Danbury Police
P65kDocPolice“Too Many Cooks”, Fred Feather, Police History Notebook No 33
P65lDocPoliceInstructions to constables from 1802-1815Photocopies from ERO D/P 35/10
P65mDocPoliceExcerpt from “Hangmen of England – The History of Execution from Jack Ketch to Albert Pierrepoint”, Brian BaileyBrian Bailey, William Calcraft
P65nDocPoliceLetter from Essex Police Museum regarding information they hold on Charles Calcraft, 6 Nov 2008
P66A1NewspapersNewspapers of Interest to EssexDaily Telegraph of 7th August 1945 (First Atom Bomb)
P66A2NewspapersNewspapers of Interest to EssexDaily Telegraph of 25th January 1965 (Death of Churchill)
P66B1NewspapersNewspapers of Interest to EssexDaily Telegraph of 14th August 1961 (Berlin Border Sealed)
P66B2NewspapersNewspapers of Interest to EssexDaily Telegraph of 21st July 1969 (Landing on the Moon)
P66C1NewspapersNewspapers of Interest to EssexDaily Telegraph of 11th December 1936 (Abdication of Edward VIII)
P66D1NewspapersEssex Newspapers of General InterestEssex Chronicle of 5th August 1988 (Visit of Queen to Chelmsford)
P66F1NewspapersEssex Newspapers of Historic InterestEssex Chronicle of 9h June1978 (Chelmsford Central Bypass)
P66F2NewspapersEssex Newspapers of Historic InterestChelmsford Weekly News of 8th June 1978 (Chelmsford Central Bypass)
P66G1NewspapersEssex Newspapers of Historic InterestCopy of article “Soldier Drowned at Little Baddow”George Barrett Peacock, Percy Walter Dyer, William King, Louis Peacock
P66aNewspapersHistoric Essex1989 East Anglian Daily Times article “Mayflower settlers brought back to life”
P66bNewspapersHistoric EssexCopy of the Chelmsford Chronicle of August 10 1764
P66cJournalHistoric EssexEssex Archaeology No 4, Sept 1987Caesoromagus - Roman Chelmsford
P66dJournalHistoric EssexEssex Archaeology No 11, 1994WW2 Pillboxes
P66eDocHistoric EssexUndated letter from Alan C Gifford “Mark Stones of Essex”
P66fDocHistoric EssexLocal sources information c1988
P66gDocHistoric EssexBeeleigh Premonstratensian Abbey, Maldon Archaeological Group Report, 1985
P66hDocHistoric EssexEastern Countries Railway Timetable, 1845
P66iDocHistoric Essex“A Year’s Farming at Great Bentley, 1631-2”, ERO Transcript No 448
P66jArtworkHistoric EssexReproductions of Old Engravings (Corn Market, Colchester and St John’s Abbey, Colchester), Essex Countryside, 1973
P66kDocHistoric Essex“The Story of James Morrill”, Bowen Historical SocietyJames Morrill (1824-1865) was born in Maldon and emigrated to Australia.
P66lNewspapersHistoric Essex“Is Caesaromagus? The Case for Heybridge”, Essex Chronicle 14 Oct 1994Discusses whether Heybridge was the site of Caesaromagus
P66mNewspapersHistoric Essex“Farming will never be the same again”, Essex Chronicle 15 Feb 2002Foot and mouth outbreak
P66nBookHistoric Essex“A Heritage Protection Policy for Essex”, Essex County Council, 1992 Booklet
P66pDocHistoric EssexLeez Priory Leaflet
P66qDocHistoric EssexEssex Heritage News, 1993-1995
P66rDocHistoric EssexThe Victoria County History of Essex Appeal Fund papers, c1995
P66sDocHistoric EssexCressing Temple Programme of Events c1995
P66tDocHistoric EssexERO Update, No 29, 1996
P66uDocHistoric EssexFriends of Chelmsford Museums Newsletter, 1993
P66vDocHistoric Essex“Essex Prepares for Invasion, 1796-1805” by J L Cranmer-Byng, The Essex Review Vols 50 and 51 1951-52
P66wDocHistoric Essex“On Roman Roads in Essex” by Miller Christy, Transactions of Essex Archaeology Society, XV Part III 1920
P67FolderParish Council Financial Statements 1917-1925Parish Council Financial Statements 1917-1925Parish Council Financial Statements – 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920(2), 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925
P68FolderParish Council Financial Statements 1926-1934Parish Council Financial Statements 1926-1934Parish Council Financial Statements – 1926, 1927, 1928(2), 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934(2)
P69FolderParish Council Financial Statements 1935-1943Parish Council Financial Statements 1935-1943Parish Council Financial Statements – 1935, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940(3), 1941, 1942(3), 1943
P70FolderParish Council Financial Statements 1944-1952Parish Council Financial Statements 1944-1952Parish Council Financial Statements – 1944(2), 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952
P71FolderParish Council Financial Statements 1954-1958Parish Council Financial Statements 1954-1958Parish Council Financial Statements – 1954, 1955, 1956(2), 1957, 1958; Note about Rev Arthur Johnson and Woodlands
P72FolderParish Council Financial Statements 1910Parish Council Financial Statements 1910Parish Council Financial Statements – 1910
P72AFolderParish Council Financial Statements 1985-1990Parish Council Financial Statements 1985-1990Parish Council Financial Statements – 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990
P73AFolderParish Council Financial Papers 1950/51Parish Council Financial Papers 1950/51Parish Council Financial Files, Receipts, Invoices etc – April 1950–Mar 1951
P73BFolderParish Council Financial Papers 1951/52Parish Council Financial Papers 1951/52Parish Council Financial Files, Receipts, Invoices etc – April 1951– Mar 1952
P73DFolderParish Council Financial Papers 1952/53Parish Council Financial Papers 1952/53Parish Council Financial Files, Receipts, Invoices etc – April 1952–Mar 1953
P73EFolderParish Council Financial Papers -1953/54Parish Council Financial Papers -1953/54Parish Council Financial Files, Receipts, Invoices etc – April 1954-September 1954
P73FFolderParish Council Financial Papers -1954Parish Council Financial Papers -1954Parish Council Financial Files, Receipts, Invoices etc – April 1953-March 1954
P73GFolderParish Council Financial Papers 1955/56, 1956/57Parish Council Financial Papers 1955/56, 1956/57Parish Council Financial Files, Receipts, Invoices etc – March 1955-September 1957
P74aDocParish Council Reference Booklets relating to Little Baddow and South East Essex Water and Southend Water1920 South East Essex Water Book of Reference for Little Baddow
P74bDocParish Council Reference Booklets relating to Little Baddow and South East Essex Water and Southend Water1924 Suthend Water Book of Reference for Little Baddow
P74cDocParish Council Reference Booklets relating to Little Baddow and South East Essex Water and Southend WaterCorrespondence relating to Southend Water Bill
P74dDocParish Council Reference Booklets relating to Little Baddow and South East Essex Water and Southend Water1920 South East Essex Water Bill
P75A-GFolderCivil Defence Instructions to Local Invasion Committees 1939-1945Correspondence relating to Parish Invasion Committees; List of properties and number of inhabitants; 1924 Book of Reference for Little Baddow; Handwritten minutes of LB Parish Invasion Committee 14th January 1942; Two schedules for manning of JI Sector from 1943 and 1944; Instructions for Little Baddow Fire Guard; Map showing hydrant locations; Map of Sector JI (Little Baddow);
P76AFolderGravel Extraction 1928-1953Gravel Extraction 1928-1953
P76BFolderGravel Extraction 1954Gravel Extraction 1954Further correspondence relating to Gravel Workings at Hollybreds Farm and Wedlock Green; Handwritten letters from Constance Turner and others residents; Notes on Parish Meeting 29th September 1954; Letter from John R Owles headed “Town and Country Act 1947 Proposed Sand and Gravel Working Act Little Baddow, Essex Appeal by Mr C Stubbings dated 7th October 1954; Letter from Parish council to the Minister of Housing and Local Government headed “Gravel Workings in the Parish of Little Baddow, Essex” dated 9th October 1954; Handwritten draft of former letter; Replies from Tom Driberg MP, Rural District of Maldon, Maldon Division Conservative Association, Hubert Ashton MP, Bernard Floud, The Nature Conservancy, The National Trust, CPRE, The Ramblers’ Association; Minutes of Little Baddow Parish Council Ordinary Meeting, 30th November 1954 – R St John Brice, B&M Martin, J Pheby, H Stracey, C Turner, C G Vanstone; Minutes of Little Baddow Preservation Society 21st December 1954 – N E Davis, F E Thorrington, J R Owles, Mrs D S Thompson, Peter Baker, R St John Brice, Rev W F G Mitchell, B Martin; Notes on Public Meeting held 7/12/54 to discuss Gravel Workings – N E Davies, J R Owles, F E Thorrington
P76CFolderGravel Extraction 1955-1958Gravel Extraction 1955-1958
P76bDocMiss Everett, Clerk to Council
P76cDocLitter in Village 19561956 correspondence with Rural District Council regarding emptying of litter bins in village
P76dDocLitter in Village 19571957 correspondence with Charrington Brewers regarding state of land around General’s Arms
P76eFolderCaretakers for Village Hall
P77aDocParish Council – Trees1966 Essex Weekly article “Flattened trees anger Rector” (Rev Arthur King); 1942-1958 correspondence re tree preservation in Little Baddow
P77bDocParish Council – Woodland Letter Box1957 correspondence re Woodlands Letter Box
P77fDocParish Council – Sports Field Pavilion1957 estimate for work to Sports Pavilion from S.A. and A.S.Willett
P77hDocParish Council – Naming of Roads1957 correspondence re standardisation of road names.
P77iDocParish Council – Tithe Redemption Commission 19571957 correspondence with Tithe Redemption Commission
P77jDocParish Council – Wolfenden Commission in Sport 19581957-58 correspondence
P77kDocParish Council – Little Baddow Playing Fields1957 estimate for work to Sports Pavilion from S.A. and A.S.Willett including plan of proposed work.
P77l-pDocParish Council Insurance1942-1965 documents relating to Parish Council Insurance
P78AaDocMemorial Hall as Polling Station
P78AbDocMemorial Hall Branch Library1951 correspondence re hire of Memorial Hall room as a branch library.; 1958 correspondence relating to condition of library floor
P78AcDocMemorial Hall Repair and Redecorating 1950, 1953/41953 estimate for repairs and decorations to Memorial Hall.; Photo of Memorial Hall interior showing decorative glass panel; 1964 correspondence re replacement of glass panel; Illustration of glass panel
P78AdDocMemorial Hall used as child welfare centre 1953-1957Financial correspondence; 1954 correspondence regarding provision of a cupboard to store Welfare Foods.; 1953/4 correspondence regarding provision of a trolley for weighing scales
P78AeDocMemorial Hall Drainage
P78BaDocMemorial Hall Hire Charges 1949-1955
P78BbDocMemorial Hall Hire Charges 1956-1957
P78BcDocMemorial Hall Hire Charges 1958-1959
P78BdDocMemorial Hall Hire Charges 1950-19521951 correspondence re hiring of Memorial Hall with Essex County Health Services (Little Baddow Child Welfare Centre), Essex Education Committee, Women’s Institute, Conservative Association
P78BeDocMemorial Hall Hire Charges 1931-1949
P78BfDocMemorial Hall Hire Charges 1985-19901984/1987, 1985/86, 1986/87,1987/88 and 1988/89 Hall accounts;Scale of charges;Balance of accounts at 31.3.86 and 31.3.87;1984-1988 Little Baddow Hall Bookings
P78CaDocEducation and the Memorial Hall 1950
P78CbDocEducation and the Memorial Hall 1951-1952
P78CcDocEducation and the Memorial Hall 1953-1954
P78CdDocEducation and the Memorial Hall 1955-1956
P78CeDocEducation and the Memorial Hall 1940-1949
P78DcDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1956
P78DeDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1954
P78DfDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1950-1953
P78DgDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1940-1949
P78DhDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1931-1939
P78EaDocMemorial Hall – Parish Council General Correspondence / Minutes 1920-19391922 correspondence re purchase of Hall from British School;1927 letter from H B Luard re providence of Scout Hall;1932 correspondence re repairs and decoration to Memorial Hall;1933 list of light fittings for Memorial Hall;Letting charges and rules;Caretaker duties;1933 correspondence re electrical lighting installation work;
P78EbDocMemorial Hall – Parish Council General Correspondence / Minutes 1940-1949
P78EcDocMemorial Hall – Parish Council General Correspondence / Minutes 1950-19551950 correspondence re water supply and gift of land at rear of hall;1954-55 receipts
P78EdDocMemorial Hall – Parish Council General Correspondence / Minutes 1956-1960
P78/1aDocMemorial Hall Extension 1945-53
P78/1bDocMemorial Hall Extension 1958
P78/1cDocMemorial Hall Extension 1957
P78/1dDocMemorial Hall Extension 1956Correspondence regarding extension to hall; Plans of existing hall and proposed extension
P78/1eDocMemorial Hall Mortgage 19361936 documentation relating to Parish Hall mortgage
P78/2FolderMemorial Hall Extension 1973-1976Photographs of Model of proposed Memorial Hall; Correspondence regarding changes to Memorial Hall (enlarged kitchen, separate bar area, improvement to toilets); Plan of proposed changes to Memorial Hall
P78DaDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1958License for public performance of Stage Plays;License for purpose of public Music and Dancing;Terms and conditions relating to licenses;Correspondence relating to licenses
P78DbDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1957
P78DdDocMemorial Hall Entertainment and Licenses 1955
P78/1fDocMemorial Hall School 1919-19201919-1920 documentation regarding mortgage for purchasing the Old School and School House for the purpose of a Parish Hall
P79FolderParish Council: Almshouses 1923-1961Parish Council: Almshouses 1923-1961
P80Dd-gFolder1988-2005 Parish Council Papers
P82FolderParish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1954Parish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1954Removal of Scout Hut
P83FolderParish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1955Parish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1955Tunstill’s Wood, W F G Mitchell
P84FolderParish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1956Parish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1956
P85FolderParish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1957Parish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1957Bus Service for children attending Sandon School, Playing Field Swings, Battening of Chairs, Flooding in Wickhay Cottages, Fire Extinguishers
P86FolderParish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1958Parish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence 1958Rules for Notices exhibited on Parish Council Board, Letter from Ursula Gregory (Bassetts) re donation of R J Washington sketch “Black Bridge”
P86AFolderParish Council: Meetings, Newspaper Accounts,Parish Council: Meetings, Newspaper Accounts,1950-2001
P86BFolderParish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence, 1970 - 1976.Parish Council: General Proceedings, Correspondence, 1970 - 1976.Tree Planting on verge below Church and Gypies, Proposed routes for Chelmsford A12 Bypass, Low Flying Aircrafts
P87FolderParish Council: Specific TopicsParish Council: Specific TopicsParish Council dealings with - Cricket Club 1948-1955, Hockey Club 1953-1956, Question to Local Electors 1933 re Playing Hockey on Sundays, Best Kept Village Competition 1955-1956, Refuse Collection 1945-1956
P87AFolderParish Council: Essex Association of Parish Councils, 1936 - 1954.Parish Council: Essex Association of Parish Councils, 1936 - 1954.
P87BFolderParish Council: Essex Association of Parish Councils, 1956 - 1986.Parish Council: Essex Association of Parish Councils, 1956 - 1986.
P87CFolderParish Council: Essex Association of Parish Councils, 1987. 1991Parish Council: Essex Association of Parish Councils, 1987. 1991
P88FolderParish Council: Specific TopicsParish Council: Specific TopicsEastern National Bus Company 1953-1958; Women's Institute; Ministry of Agriculture; Recreational Committee, Anglo-American Association 1947; Telephone in Little Baddow (1923-1949); 1950 correspondence re temporary Post Office
P88AFolderParish Council: Footpaths 1925-1950Parish Council: Footpaths 1925-1950
P88BFolderParish Council: Footpaths 1951-1958Parish Council: Footpaths 1951-1958
P88CFolderParish Council: Footpaths 1963 onwardsParish Council: Footpaths 1963 onwardsIncludes 1963 and 1985 definitive map; 1980s correspondence re footpath 22; Public Right of Way Evidence forms;
P89FolderParish Council: Planning Problems. High Pastures and others.Parish Council: Planning Problems. High Pastures and others.
P89AFolderParish Council: Planning, Listed Buildings, ReportParish Council: Planning, Listed Buildings, ReportBuildings of Special Historic Interest – Bassett’s Farmhouse, Chelmer Cottage, Church of St Mary’s, Cock Farmhouse, Coleraines, Congregational Chapel, Cuckoos, Forest Lodge, Gibbs, Great Graces, Hammonds Farmhouse, Hollybred Farmhouse, House at Warren Farm, Little Baddow Hall, Little Graces, Mill Cottage, Monks Garden, Old Riffhams, Paper Mill Lock, Phillow’s Farmhouse, Pilgrims, Poleighs, Thatched Cottage, The Manse, The Old Rectory, The Return, The Rodney Inn, Tofts, Walter’s Cottage, Water Hall, Woodlands, Yew Tree Cottage
P89BFolderBorough council Planning Applications 1984 - 1991Borough council Planning Applications 1984 - 1991
P89CFolderBorough Council Planning Applications 1991Borough Council Planning Applications 1991
P89DFolderBorough Council Planning Applications 1991Borough Council Planning Applications 1991
P89EFolderBorough Council Planning Applications 1991 - 1992Borough Council Planning Applications 1991 - 1992
P89FFolderBorough Council Planning Applications 1993 - 1994Borough Council Planning Applications 1993 - 1994
P89GFolderBorough Council Planning Applications/Appeals 1993-1994Borough Council Planning Applications/Appeals 1993-1994
P89HFolderBorough Council Planning Applications/Appeals 1993-1994Borough Council Planning Applications/Appeals 1993-1994
P89JFolderBorough Council Planning Applications 1993-1994Borough Council Planning Applications 1993-1994High Pasture
P90DocParish Council Specific Topics - Playgrounds 1961
P91aDocParish Council Specific Topics - Playgrounds1964 correspondence over Spring Close Play Area
P91bDocParish Council Specific Topics - Playgrounds1980s Playground Equipment
P91cDocParish Council Specific Topics - Playgrounds1961-62 Playing Field CorrespondenceIncluding "That Playing Field you want", National Playing Fields Association, 1962
P91dDocParish Council Specific Topics - Playgrounds1963 Playing Field Correspondence
P91eDocParish Council Specific Topics - Playgrounds"Planning for Play in a Rural Area", National Playing Fields Association, c1970s
P92aDocParish Council: General Proceedings 1918 - 1939Parish Council Letters 1918-1924
P92bDocParish Council: General Proceedings 1918 - 1939Parish Council Letters 1925-1932
P92cDocParish Council: General Proceedings 1918 - 1939Parish Council Letters 1935-1936
P92dDocParish Council: General Proceedings 1918 - 1939Parish Council Letters 1937-1939
P94aDocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1985Minutes of first meeting of Historical Society, 23 July 1985Plus constitution of new society
P94bDocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1985Letter concerning organisation of Hooker 400th anniversary celebrations
P95FolderHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1986Historical Society: General Proceedings 1986
P95aDocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1986Historical Society Newsletter Spring 1986Kelly's directory, Thomas Hooker, Morells, William Parry, Little Baddow's Churches
P95bDocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1986Letter from Roy Warsop, 1 July 1986 concerning inaccuracies in Spring NewsletterAlso information on Warsops, Millsoms and Blakes
P96FolderHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1987Historical Society: General Proceedings 1987Letters, minutes, constitution, accounts
P97bDocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1988The Essex History Fair Booklet, Tilbury Fort June 1988Plus Great Armada Pageant leaflet, August 1988
P97cDocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1988Letter from Olive Gibson on Parish Chest contents
P98FolderHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1989Historical Society: General Proceedings 1989
P99FolderHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1990, Minutes 1985-1990Historical Society: General Proceedings 1990, Minutes 1985-1990Essex Chronicle Publication, Essex Archaeology #7 "Roman Villa at Boreham" 21st September 1990
P100aDocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society 1991 NewsletterSome Outstanding People of Village – Peter Chamberlen, John William Strutt, Thomas Plume, Cecil Armstrong Gibbs, Eric Eastwood
P100bDocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyPoster for lecture by Arthur Humphrey "Baron Rayleigh – Scientific Genius"
P100dDocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society Aug 1992 NewsletterChelmer / Blackwater Navigation by Alastair Stewart, The Great Mortality by John Daniels, American Visitors to LB by Pat Herniman
P100eDocLittle Baddow Historical Society"Haven for Holy Ones" by William J T Smith, Historical Society Newsletter July 1993
P100fDocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society Correspondence 1991-1997
P100gDocLittle Baddow Historical Society"John William Strutt, Third Baron Rayleigh - The Last of the Great Victorian Polymaths", by A T Humphreys, GEC Review Volume 7, No. 3
P101hDocLittle Baddow Historical SocietyHistorical Society Aug 1994 NewsletterComments on The Intelligent Pilgrims Guide to Thomas Hooker’s 1586-1647 by Brenda Hooson, J D Morrell, Wall Paintings in St Mary’s Church
P102DocHistorical Society: General Proceedings 1996-1997, 5th April 1997 exhibition of items from the Parish Chest.
P103AbNewspapersHistorical Society 2000-2006"A successful year", Essex Chronicle, 22 Sept 2000Note on LBHS
P103AeDocHistorical Society 2000-2006LBHS Programmes 2000-2001, 2001-2002
P103AfDocHistorical Society 2000-2006LBHS Newsletter 1999-2000
P103AgDocHistorical Society 2000-2006LBHS Newsletter 2001
P103AhDocHistorical Society 2000-2006"Welsh Gold, Myth or Reality", lecture by B Bourne 22 Nov 2001
P103AiDocHistorical Society 2000-2006History Exhibition on occasion of 17thC Fair, 8 June 2002List of exhibits
P103AjDocHistorical Society 2000-2006LBHS Newsletter 2003
P103AkDocHistorical Society 2000-2006Jubilee Calendar 2002Including draft notes
P105aDocThe ForgeEverett family records. Forge accounts 1917-1918 take from ERO D/F/7/1
P105bDocThe ForgeMss of article on Forge taken from “Little Baddow – a century of village life”
P105cDocThe ForgeIndex from Forge Account Book 1928, 1934, 1938 and 1956-1958
P106aDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIILB Church of England Primary School - The War Years.Mss or article for Village book
P106bDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIIExtracts from school log books - 1874-1945ERO E/ML 208/1-6
P106cDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIIHeadmistress reports for school managers 1935-1960From ERO D/Du 936/1
P106dDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIIMss on village schools from 17th Century to 1960.
P106e1DocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIILB School Concert 1950Accounts signed by Mrs Turner
P106e2DocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIINotes by Alan Ashford on Manse School, 19thC Village School.
P106fDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWII"Unwillingly to School" by Christine Jemmeson, July 1999On provision of elementary education in rural parish in the 19th Century
P106gDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIILittle Baddow Voluntary School - Instructions for pupils and parents given to children when admittedERO D/Du 936/4
P106hNewspapersThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIINewspaper cutting regarding retirement of Keith Parson as Head at St John’s Primary School 2006.
P106iDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIIAdvert for Heathcote School, Danbury, 2006
P106jDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIINotes on Little Baddow’s Educational History by Jill Goodson
P106kDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIILetter from Mrs Farrow describing her time in Little Baddow as a WW2 evacuee from TottenhamThorrington family, Tofts
P106mNewspapersThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIIReport on annual treat to The Rodney by St Andrews School, Essex Standard 19 July 1890
P106nNewspapersThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWII"War raged all around but I was living the good life", Essex Chronicle 30 June 2011Memories of Tottenham evacuee Audrey Warrington
P106oDocThe National Schools Little Baddow & Danbury and Evacuees during WWIILetters and notes etc from Aubrey Warrington, Tottenham evacueeMrs Hood, May family, Mason family, Short family, Arthur Lillywhite, Sidney Saxon, Edna Jordon
P107FolderGood NeighboursGood NeighboursLittle Baddow Neighbours scheme 1984;1990 invitation from Chelmsford Assoc of Community Care Groups to join. To be called Little Baddow Community Care Group;The Good Neighbours scheme was initially sponsored by the communities of the 2 churches.
P109aDocWeather RecordsRainfall Little Baddow 1972-1997 provided by D Briggs, Hen Cottage
P109bDocWeather RecordsFlood Report Essex Chronicle 10 Nov 2000
P110FolderParish Council: Specific Topics - ByelawsParish Council: Specific Topics - ByelawsGeneral principles of making byelaws for recreational grounds; Byelaws for the Heather Hills and their preparation; Byelaws of Great Baddow recreational grounds; Byelaws under Food and Drugs act 1938 (1950); Draft version of byelaws accepted by council on 22/10/96
P111FolderNational Savings Group 1940 - 1941National Savings Group 1940 - 1941Notes on the initial formation of the group in Little Baddow in January 1940 following the suggestion of the WI; 3 Register books for 1940/41
P112FolderParochial Church Council Finances 1940 - 1941Parochial Church Council Finances 1940 - 1941
P113aDocVarious CensusesCopy of 1851 Census
P113bFolderVarious CensusesInformation from Little Baddow 1851 census
P113cDocVarious CensusesExtract from 1881 Census
P113dDocVarious CensusesTranscription of 1881 for Phillips FamilyWhereabouts in East Anglia
P113eDocVarious CensusesTranscription of 1841 Census
P113fDocVarious CensusesCopy of 1901 Census, 2 pages including Little Baddow HallLittle Baddow Hall, Church Cottages, Manse, Bell House, Hill House, Rectory, Aldermanburgh, Well House
P113kDocVarious Censuses1911 censusSample of some of the census forms, mostly North Hill
P114FolderAbstracts of Wills, 16th, 17th 18th centuriesAbstracts of Wills, 16th, 17th 18th centuries
P117FolderTranscripts of tapes of conversations on memoriesTranscripts of tapes of conversations on memories
P118FolderParish Magazines - now called Little Baddow News, Cash BooksParish Magazines - now called Little Baddow News, Cash Books
P119FolderWalks and WalkingWalks and Walking
P119aDocWalks and WalkingThe Little Baddow Circle - A Recreational Walk in the Borough of ChelmsfordLeaflet / Map. Published Chelmsford Borough Council
P119cDocWalks and WalkingLittle Baddow Footpaths Map, undated
P119dDocWalks and WalkingLittle Baddow Walks Report 2004
P119eDocWalks and WalkingLittle Baddow Parish Footpath Map, 2008Jean Sargeant
P120DocLittle Baddow Guild of Arts Minutes
P121/4DocSpeakman Family papersPhotocopy of testimonial presented to Joseph J Speakman on retirement as People’s Warden of St Mary’s 1928
P121/5DocSpeakman Family papersBill from Messrs Copeland & Sons for arranging mortgage on New Lodge Farm 1928
P121/6NewspapersSpeakman Family papersAnnouncements of death of J.J.Speakman, Essex Weekly News 1933
P121/7NewspapersSpeakman Family papersAnnouncement of death of J J Speakman (newspaper unknown)
P121/8DocSpeakman Family papersAccounts from Messrs Copland and Son re sale of New Lodge Farm 1929
P121/9DocSpeakman Family papersLetter to J.J.Speakman dated 10 March 1931 from Emily Everett, Parish Council, on his retirement from Parish Council
P121/10DocSpeakman Family papersRural District Council of Chelmsford, Summary of Attendance of Members 1930-31 (including JC and JJ Speakman)
P121/11DocSpeakman Family papers1921 Letter from Grepp and Sons, solicitors, to Mr J Ketley re proposed purchase of land from estate of late Col H N CrozierRuth and Dorothy Ketley (sisters) married Charles and Jack Speakman (brothers)
P121/12DocSpeakman Family papersSale particulars Springfield and Little Baddow 1951 Pease Hall Farm, Huskards Mead, Rowans
P121/x13DocSpeakman Family papersCopies of 2 photos of wedding of Charles Speakman and Ruth Ketley 1922Ketley family lived at Little Baddow Hall where photos taken
P122FolderBazaars in aid of ChurchBazaars in aid of Church
P123/1-7DocBundock and Burchell Family Research NotesHistorical research notes on Burchell family (1520-1886)Transcriptions of wills including John Burchell 1710, John Howard 1785, John Burchell 1826, Mary Burchell 1857, Drusilla Burchell 1913
P123/8-9DocBundock and Burchell Family Research Notes2004 correspondence between P J Burchell (researcher) and J Rigler re Burchell family
P123/11-13DocBundock and Burchell Family Research NotesGenealogy of Bundock family in Chelmsford (rootsweb)
P123/14DocBundock and Burchell Family Research NotesBundock CriminalsDetails of criminal proceedings involving Bundock family in 15th and 16th century (rootsweb)
P123/15DocBundock and Burchell Family Research NotesNotes on the Bundock Family of Terling and Little Baddow, Essex in the Nineteenth Century, John Bundock 2016
P123/16DocBundock and Burchell Family Research NotesExtracts from letters of Edith Chaplin regarding the Bundocks, 1903
P124FolderLectures and TalksLectures and Talks“The Parish Chest” by Jane Rigler for Little Baddow Open Group 2004
P126FolderParish ReportsParish ReportsReports from Parish correspondent to Essex Chronicle, 2002-2004
P127/1DocThe Rodney Public HouseCopy of 2004 email re history of Rodney
P127/2DocThe Rodney Public HouseList of publicans 1828-1937
P127/3DocThe Rodney Public HouseNewspaper article describing retirement of Jessie B Munnion 1959
P127/4DocThe Rodney Public House"The story of The Rodney Little Baddow" by Stan Jarvis 1993
P127/5DocThe Rodney Public HouseHMS Rodney Association notes
P127/5aDocThe Rodney Public HouseMemories of George Buckingham, tenant in 1940s
P127/6PhotoThe Rodney Public HousePhoto of Harry Cooper behind the bar
P127/7PhotoThe Rodney Public HousePhoto of SS RE ALF 1931 (later renamed Athelmere)
P127/8DocThe Rodney Public HouseCopy of 1677 map of LB showing area of Wickhay Green
P127/9PhotoThe Rodney Public HousePhoto of Rodney pub sign
P127/10PhotoThe Rodney Public HousePhoto of HMS Rodney battleship
P127/11DocThe Rodney Public HouseNewspaper cutting showing HMS Rodney ship’s bell
P127/12PhotoThe Rodney Public HousePhotos of naval ephemera from The Rodney PH
P127/14DocThe Rodney Public HouseExtract from “Crime and Criminals in Victorian Essex”, Adrian GrayDescribing a disturbance at the Rodney pub in 1839 involving Mr and Mrs Jonathan Perkins (publicans) and Lucking family
P127/15NewspapersThe Rodney Public HouseReview of "The Years Between, vol 2 of the Eastern National Service"Mentions Rodney Bus Service
P132/1DocWell HouseHistory of Well House by J Barker
P132/2DocWell House1989 letter from Adam Price re history of Renney family at Well House in 1881 plus photographs of house and gardens
P134/1DocGenerals ArmsList of publicans from 1855-1937As posted on Baddow/generals.htm
P134/2DocGenerals ArmsEssex Chronicle article re 2003 re-opening
P135/1PhotoWalter's CottagePhoto of Walter's Cottage c1950s
P135/2PhotoWalter's CottagePhoto of Walter's Cottage in 1955
P135/3PhotoWalter's CottagePhoto of restoration of village well at Walter's Cottage
P135/4PhotoWalter's CottagePhoto of restoration of village well at Walter's Cottage completed and pumping water
P135/5PhotoWalter's CottagePhoto looking down village well at Walter's Cottage during restoration
P135/6PhotoWalter's CottageLittle Walters in April 1968, when Elsie and Harry Humphries were tenants
P135/7PhotoWalter's CottageAerial photo of Walter's Cottage c1981
P135/8PhotoWalter's CottagePhoto of orchard at Walter's Cottage, Christmas 1993
P135/9PhotoWalter's CottageAerial photo of Walter's Cottage August 1954
P135/10PhotoWalter's CottageAerial photo of Walter's Cottage June 1970
P135/11PhotoWalter's CottageAerial photo of Walter's Cottage Winter 1980/81
P135/12PhotoWalter's CottageAerial photo of Walter's Cottage Winter June 2000
P138aDocAdmiral John McHardyOutline of the life of Admiral McHardy
P138bDocAdmiral John McHardyCorrespondence of Sir Alastair Stewart re McHardy family
P138b1PhotoAdmiral John McHardyPicture of Horatia Victoria Elizabeth Atchison McHardy, wife of Admiral McHardy
P138cNewspapersAdmiral John McHardyEssex Weekly articles on retirement of Admiral McHardy (1881) and his death (1882)
P138dNewspapersAdmiral John McHardyArticle on the loss of Admiral McHardy’s eldest child Mary in the River Chelmer in 1844
P138eDocAdmiral John McHardyMcHardy family tree
P139FolderValuation List c1910-1915Valuation List c1910-1915For properties in village – includes occupier, owner, name and description of property, rental and rateable value
P142FolderVillage Design Statement Photo SurveyVillage Design Statement Photo SurveyExhibition sheets from the Photo Survey Day and area route map
P144FolderMarven Family InformationMarven Family InformationMarven family lived at Sandford Lock; Family tree; Copy of inscription in family bible; Copies of photographs, census and BMD certificates
P145FolderHarry Humphries DiariesHarry Humphries DiariesDiaries dated 1930-1932 and 1950 detailing Harry’s working day
P147aArtworkLocal ArtistsOriginal sketch of Old Woman by Geoffrey Burnand (Prix de Rome)
P147bDocLocal ArtistsLeaflet with biographical details and self portrait of Geoffrey Burnand
P148FolderOf Sound and Disposing Mind - Little Baddow Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1800-1858 by John Bundock, 2009Of Sound and Disposing Mind - Little Baddow Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1800-1858 by John Bundock, 2009Book plus copies of wills of Jeremiah Pledger (1857), Susannah Sorrell (1837), Frances Ward (1845), John Raven (1840), Frances Burgess (1818), John Simmons (1819), William Johnson (1830), William Goodday Strutt (1848)
P149aDocJean Bardwell’s (nee Brazier) Personal ArchivePhotographic collection and notes Little Baddow down at the Canal, People and school, Memories of trades and House History of Leigh BrowBrazier, Siggers, Cranfield families
P149bDocJean Bardwell’s (nee Brazier) Personal ArchiveThe Copper Beech Tree – a year in the life of Jean Bardwell age 10 (1956)Memories of living in Little Baddow and attending the Village School
P149cDocJean Bardwell’s (nee Brazier) Personal ArchiveWork time sheet used by employees of Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation c 1930
P149dDocJean Bardwell’s (nee Brazier) Personal ArchivePhoto of Bakers of Danbury undatedRobin Stockwell, Brian Linnett, Maurice Bardwell, Peter Linnett, Charles Edward Brazier
P152FolderWilliam Washington ArchiveWilliam Washington Archive
P155FolderRoman and Pre-RomanRoman and Pre-Roman
P156Folder2021-20232021-2023Notes on derivation of names – Wickhay Cottage, Holybred Farm, Old Riffhams, Graces, Tofts, Bassetts, Blakes Wood
P163FolderJesse Dell BerridgeJesse Dell BerridgeInformation about WWI service
T1Tape1986 Rev A Maclean introducing D Collingwood talk; 1975 Miss Black talking to Joan Barker, E Warsop; Peter Woodhouse c.1975; Cyril Warsop, Harry Bowles; 1986 St Mary's Church bells after restoration
T2Tape1975 Miss Black; 1975 Mrs E Warsop; 1975 Cyril Warsop.
T3Tape1986 Harry Bowles wartime experiences
T4Tape1986 Newly restored bells of St Mary's Church (BBC)Recorded from BBC Radio 4 broadcast 9 Sept 1986 7:45am
T5Tape1986 Peter Woodhouse
T6Tape1989 George Hart; 1989 Edith Hunt
T7TapeRoy Warsop, Roy Warsop policePartial transcription P65b (police)
T8TapePeter Woodhouse
T9TapeCyril Warsop; Harry Bowles memories of LB
T10TapeNorah Shipman
T11TapeHarry Bowles - leisure, shops, transport, first employment (Seabrooks)
T12TapeTalk by Tom Barker on Spirituality of Man (Alistair Hardy); Harry Bowles
T13TapeCyril Warsop March 1933; Elizabethan songs and prose
T15TapeHarry Bowles
T17TapeHooker lecture by Pastor RT Kendall
T19Tape1988 Marion Gregory reading Helen Black's lettersAbout flying bomb and Duke's Orchard 1944
T20TapeRev Robin Turner Rector 1981
T21TapeInterview with Mel Thompson and Jane Rigler on Essex Radio 26 Oct 1999
About "A Century of Village Life" book
T22TapeHelen Black an appreciation; Betty Opie; Jo Laver wartime experiences of a single mum.Recording by Joan Barker
T23TapeAt the Village School (Little Baddow)Voices of Beryl Thompson, Nora Shipman, Vera Clark, Dolly Coppin, Mabel Debney
T24TapeJoan Barker's account of a visit to USA Oct 1986Pilgrimage to the area settled by Eliot
T26TapeCyril Warsop on village lifeInterview by Joan Barker possibly
T27TapeTalk by Michael Herniman on Hooker and EliotJune 2007 at Cuckoos
T28TapeNora Shipman interviewBy Chris Day and John Bundock 2007
T29TapeNora Shipman interview re Emily Mulley and other family recollectionsBy Chris Day
X1aiiPhotoCricket1921 Cricket TeamBack Row (L to R) - G Joslin, Charles Vanstone, A Smith, John Bowles, A (Sid) Enefer. Middle Row (L to R) - H Shortt, Ted Enefer, T Andrews, W Wilde, L Tonbridge. Front Row (L to R) - C Davies, F Ager.
X1biPhotoCricket1920 Cricket TeamBack Row (L to R) - Ingless, Ted Andrews, Gompetz, George Joslin, Tom Buckingham, Ted Enefer. Front Row (L to R) - Frank Ager, W Wilde, W Warsop, L Tonbridge, Harry Shortt.
X1biiPhotoCricket1924 Cricket TeamBack Row (L to R) - ???, W Wilde, ???, F Ager; H Shortt, ???. Middle Row (L to R) - G Joslin, W Warsop, Ted Andrews, T Enefer;, L Tonbridge?. Front Row (L to R) - Sid Enefer, B Warsop.
X1cPhotoCricket1934 Cricket TeamBack Row (L to R) - E Arnold, Mrs Warsop, B Vezey, M Collins, F Ager; A Duff, Fortune, Sid Enefer, C Vanstone. Front Row (L to R) - Lawrence, Andrews, G Joslin, M Currie, M Wilde.
X1diPhotoCricket1957 Cricket Team
X1eiPhotoCricketCricket Team, year unknownBack Row (L to R) - K Harrod; P Linnett; J Bowles; J Enefer?; M Warsop; T Ketley; W Linnett. Front Row (L to R) - W Green; G English; T Enefer?; B Hornsby
X1eiiPhotoCricketCricket Team, year unknownBack Row (L to R) - ???, ???, C Vanstone, J Bowles, ???. Middle Row (L to R) - ???, G Enefer, Warsop, ???, ???.
X1eiiiPhotoCricketCricket Team, year unknownBack Row (L to R) - E Arnold; R Warsop; B Warsop; Lew Peacock; Joslin Senior. Front Row (L to R) - G Enefer; G Joslin; M Wilde; Mordaunt Currie; Eldred Marks (United Reform Minister)
X1kiPhotoCricket1980s Cricket MatchMatch in progress
X1kiiPhotoCricket1990s (?) Cricket Match
X1lPhotoCricket1970s (?) Cricket MatchIn progress
X1pPhotoCricket1940s Cricket Club MembersBack Row (L to R) - Mrs Petit; E Knight; D Brazier; Mrs Dancer; Mrs Stebbings; Mrs Coppins. Front Row (L to R) - Mrs Hurd; Mrs Bowles; Mrs Barker; Mrs Willett; Mrs Enefer.
X1rPhotoCricketPicture of Walter Warsop bowling 1907
X1tPhotoCricketJohn Enefer in 1996His 56th year of playing for the Little Baddow Cricket Club
X1uPhotoCricket1950s Cricket Club DinnerFive photographs. Old Memorial Hall. Rex (Hovenden?); Mrs Ph?; Ager; Mrs Enefer; T H M Baker; G Joslin; D Brazier
X1v1PhotoCricketCricket Centenary July 2004
X1v2PhotoCricketCricket Team July 2004
X1v3PhotoCricketCricket Club Centenary 2004
X1v4PhotoCricketCricket Club Centenary 2004At Cricket Field
X1v5PhotoCricketCricket Team at Audley End 2004
X2PhotoWomen's Institute1985; Anniversary Lunch; Nita Sizer (President); Miss Everett (organist at Church); Dorothy Thompson (left lower corner);
X3aPhotoHandbell RingersRowan Tree Planting, Aldermanburgh, Feb 23rd 1985 to honour Francis Thorrington (1901-1984) for services to Little Baddow18 photos
X3aiiiPhotoHandbell RingersRowan Tree Planting, Aldermanburgh, Feb 23rd 1985 to honour Francis Thorrington (1901-1984) for services to Little BaddowSylvia Stout; Barbara Hurniman?; Edwin Shuring; Mr and Mrs Bacon; Simon Johnson;
X3axviiiPhotoHandbell RingersRowan Tree Planting, Aldermanburgh, Feb 23rd 1985 to honour Francis Thorrington (1901-1984) for services to Little BaddowB Leakey; David Percival; Mrs Brindley-Hnes; Rusty Brindley-Jones; Marion Gregory; Peter Page; Joan Baker; Michael Gough; Bob Alston; Eric Thompson (Chairman PC); Sylvia Stout (daughter); Barbara
X3bivPhotoHandbell RingersView of Aldermanburgh farmhouse;
X3ciiiPhotoHandbell RingersAldermanburghmodern view or Aldermanburgh site; 1990
X4aPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowBernard Ager in the garden at Well House, June 1936
X4bPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowStorm Damage 1987
X4cPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowPhotocopy of two photos of W Sizer and P Sergeant by the river
X4dPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowMarriage of Peter Sergeant and Jean Ager, April 1946 - main participants outside churchMr and Mrs Sargeant; Janet Mott; Bernard Ager; Peter and Jean Sargeant; Betty Ager; Pat Sargeant; Mr and Mrs Ager;
X4ePhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowOlive Gibson 1953
X4fPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowJohn Gibson 1953
X4fiPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowBob AlstonAt the planting of his tree at Aldermanburgh; 5th Dec 1992;
X4fiiPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowBob Alston with Margaret MartinAt Aldermanburgh; 5th Dec 1992;
X4gPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowGranny Stankovitch smoking her pipeNewspaper cutting
X4hPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowMadonnaSummer 1949; Pilgrims;
X4i1PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowWedding of Claire Baker 1960Alf Ager; Mrs Frank Ager; Mrs Fennor; Miles Baker ?;
X4i2PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowWedding of Claire Baker 1960Members of the wedding choir: Mel Thompson; Elizabeth Warsop; Mrs Puddephatt; William Read; Edith Hunt
X4jPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowCanon David King's retirementOctober 1979; Memorial Hall;
X4kPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowElizabeth (Tibby) Tubbs on horse 1960sRiver by Paper Mill Lock; flooding;
X4lPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowMary Gibson on horse 1950sPilgrims Farm
X4nPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowRobert ShorttDrowned himself in the river
X4oPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowHarry ShorttWith two others unidentified
X4pPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowBetty and Jean AgerSisters with Janet Mott (cousin) ; Christmas 1935;
X4qPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowJoyce Lightfoot
X4sPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowDavis Opie on boatWells Next the Sea c.1959-60
X4tPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowWedding Group at Congregational ChapelN Sizer; Mrs Johnson; Mrs Turner; Mr Turner
X4viPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowStracey's first bus 1922Ford T type; 1 ton 14 seater Hackney Carriage with left hand drive; Maldon High Street; (details given by Mr Stracey)
X4viiPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowStracey's busIn Maldon High Street; 1920s
X4viiiPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowStracey's busIn Maldon High Street, 1920s;
X4wPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowAlbert MayAt Holybred Farm; 1915; photo taken by a land girl
X4xPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowJ Knight working with horsesIn field behind Gibbs; 1938?;
X4z6PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowGeorge Enefer on his wife's memorial bench at LB cricket field
X4z7PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowGeorge Enefer with grandaughter Debbie Haynes on his wife's memorial bench at LB cricket field
X4z8PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowGeorge Enefer with son-in-law Don Howe at Walters Cottage at one of Sir and Lady Stewart's functions
X4z9PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowJarvis family group, walking after the Millenium Sign ceremony
X4z10PhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowDavid Beckwith 1834-1906Copy of a photograph from c1870 with some biographical details
X4ziPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowShopping expedition to SouthendMr Everett's village outing; national bus; 1920s
X4ziiPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowPostcard view of Little Baddow4 views - St Mary's Church, Cows on Rodney, etc. c.1935
X4zivPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowPhoto of Wedlock Green
X4zvPhotoPeople and Events of Little BaddowSpalding photo of Little BaddowThe Ridge looking north; Woodlands (home of Mr and Mrs Luard) is on the right;
X5aPhotoWoodhouse Family2 photos of Tofts fishponds1991;
X5bPhotoWoodhouse FamilyTofts fishpond1991;
X5cPhotoWoodhouse FamilyTofts House1991;
X5dPhotoWoodhouse FamilyTofts House1992;
X5ei-iiPhotoWoodhouse FamilyTofts conservatory1916?; (two copies of photo)
X5fPhotoWoodhouse FamilyLionel and Mosley WoodhouseFlight Sub-Lt Mosley Gordon Woodhouse, RNAS, killed in action 9th Aug 1917, aged 18; Capt Lionel M Woodhouse, MC DFC, RAF, killed in action 27th Sept 1918, aged 21; also photo of their gravestones in Grevilliers, France
X5gPhotoWoodhouse FamilyWoodhouse family at Tofts, 1916Left to right - Nancy, Pauline, Peter, Barbara, Jack, Mosley, Lionel
X5hPhotoWoodhouse FamilyOld road by ToftsRoad diverted by General Strutt when he rebuilt the Manor House.
X5iPhotoWoodhouse FamilyMosley WoodhouseFlt sub-Lt Mosley Woodhouse RNAS; killed in action in France 9th Aug 1978, aged 18;
X5jPhotoWoodhouse FamilyLionel WoodhouseCapt L Woodhouse RAF MC DFC; killed in action France Sept 27th 1918, aged 21.
X5kPhotoWoodhouse FamilyEntry to Tofts Chase from North HillAlso Pauline Woodhouse in 1992 at home, with photo of Mosley and Lionel on wall;
X5k2PhotoWoodhouse FamilyFoot and Mouth signTofts Chase; 2001;
X5pPhotoWoodhouse FamilyTofts Chase looking West1996; Betty Ashford;
X5qPhotoWoodhouse FamilyEntrance to Warren FarmFrom Tofts Chase; 1996;
X5rPhotoWoodhouse FamilyMosley WoodhouseHis original cross, which has a plaque in Lionel's memory; Little Baddow Churchyard;
X5sPhotoWoodhouse FamilyTofts from Tofts Chase
X6aPhotoOver 60s Club Christmas Dinner 1974Over 60s Club Christmas Dinner 1974left side front to back: Miss Spittle, Mrs W Arnold, Mrs E Digby, Mrs Joy Read, Mr and Mrs C Hunt, Mrs H Debney, Mrs V Cridland, Mrs L Lewis; right side from front: Mrs Pennack, Mrs Chapman, Mrs S Enefer, Mr and Mrs H Bowles, Mr and Mrs E Basham, Mrs N Barker
X7aPhotoVillage PeopleJohn Matravers 21st birthday party at Memorial Hall, 1938Wilfred Sizer, Mrs C L Turner, Doris Tunstill, Mr C L Turner, Mrs Humphreys, Nita Humphreys (Sizer), Charles Hunt, Beryl Vanstone (Thompson), Edith Stokes (Hunt), Ron Puddephatt, Archie Cameron, Jean Ager (Sargeant), Bernard Ager, Eva Mason (Woodcraft), George Simpson, Norah Shortt (Taylor), Harry Shortt, Maud Nunn, Fred Nunn, Jack Pheby, John Murril, Ivy Mason (Clarke), Ron Joslin, Kitty Matravers, Grandpa Roote, John Matravers, Grandma Roote, Kitty Matravers brother and sister-in-law
X7cPhotoVillage PeopleGirl GuidesSteps of old Memorial Hall; front l to r: Valerie Reeve, Valerie Mead, Jill Mead, Dorothy Enefer, Violet Enefer, Margaret Mead, Margaret Tyler; back l to r: Sylvia Bowles, Diana Mason, Sylvia Russell, Denise Cooper
X7dPhotoVillage PeopleRevd HonniballIn a Gilbert and Sullivan play.
X7ePhotoVillage PeopleRevd Honniball with Robin WarsopAt the Old Rectory
X7fPhotoVillage PeopleGroup outside St Mary's ChurchHarry Shortt is on the far right;
X7gPhotoVillage PeopleDinner groupIn old Memorial Hall; names, but not in order, are: Mrs Enefer, Mr and Mrs Bowles, G Enefer, Roy and Elizabeth Warsop, T H M Baker, C Joslin, G Joslin
X7hPhotoVillage PeopleMr and Mrs DancerCedric and Doris Dancer with children Reggie and Rosalind, outside their cottage on North Hill, backing onto the Heather Hills
X7iPhotoVillage PeopleMrs Cranfield (?)At Warren Cottage (?) - present Mrs Cranfield says that this is not her mother, nor is it Warren Cottage, so ???
X7nPhotoVillage PeopleWalters Cottage Garden1980s; Jack Wisdom (lived in Cock Farm); Frank Johnson; Mrs Coop (who lived in Admirals)
X8aiPhotoSunday School outing to Walton-on-the-NazeJesse Berridge, rector; Miss Greening, Sunday School Teacher; children are: Beryl Vanstone, Nita Humphreys, Isabel Enefer, Connie Luman, Joan ?, Emily Everett, Better Ager, Phyllis Lightfoot, Jean Ager, Phoebe Everett, Olive Targrass
X9aiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColerainesChristmas card
X9aiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColerainesPolaroid photo, c 1970s
X9aivPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColerainesOpen gardens; c 1990; side view of house;
X9avPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColerainesBack view of house; Open Gardens; c1990
X9biiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North Hill57 Hillside Cottages and The ReturnHillside Cottage was formerly Miss Langford's shop; photo dated 1991;
X9bivPhotoProperties and Residents - North Hill57 Hillside Cottages and The ReturnBlurred photo, from some years earlier than X9biii; note smaller size of the tree to the right side of The Return.
X9bvPhotoProperties and Residents - North Hill57 Hillside Cottages and The ReturnLarge mounted copy of an original Fred Spalding postcard of 1905 with concise history; road unmade;
X9bviPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillView up North HillFrom point near Rodney public house; 57 Hillside Cottages on the left;
X9bviiPhotoProperties and Residents - North Hill57 Hillside Cottages and The ReturnJun-05
X9bviiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillNorth HillView up hill near Rodney; 57 Hillside Cottages and The Return are on left; Entrance to Pledgers (then North Hill Cottage) is on right
X9ciPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPledgers CottageNorth Hill; 1997; view from the road; previously called North Hill Cottage (up to 1970s) and known as Millers in very early reports.
X9ciiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPledgers CottageSide view from road
X9ciiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPledgers CottageBack view, taken in 1993,
X9civPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPledgers CottageFront view, 1998
X9diPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillView down North HillTofts Chase entrance on right; Jarvis field entrance on left further down; 1997;
X9diiPhotoProperties and Residents - North Hill57 Hillside Cottages and The ReturnFred Spalding postcard of 1905
X9diiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillEntrance to Tofts ChaseTaken from North Hill, after the felling of oak trees, October 1999;
X9divPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillEntrance to Tofts ChaseAfter felling of oaks, October 1999;
X9dvPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillEntrance to Tofts ChaseView from the Chase, looking towards North Hill; after felling of trees, October 1999;
X9eiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillCock Farm1997;home of Tracy and Peter Nichol until 1998; home of Jack and Olive Wisdom until 1994;
X9eiiDocProperties and Residents - North Hill2002 two photos of remains of Wickhay Common
X9eii-iiiPhotoRemains of Wickhay GreenIn front of Cock Farm; donated to the Parish by Jack and Olive Wisdom, formerly of Cock Farm
X9fiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillOld Track from North HillLeading towards Hen Cottage and beyond to Pilgrims (formerly Wickays); known locally as Gravy Lane (on account of the amount of cow muck washed down it); December 1997
X9fiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillOld track by Pledgers CottageOld track leading from North Hill to the Rodney PH; 1997;
X9fiiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillOld track by PilgrimsLooking down from Pilgrims (on right) towards North Hill; Hen Cottage and Cock Farm are on right further down; lane known locally as Gravy Lane; December 1997;
X9fivPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPilgrimsLooking from Holybread Lane; December 1997
X9fvPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPilgrimsView of back of house, c 1970s;
X9giPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillFern CottageView from North Hill, December 1997;
X9gii-vPhotoFern CottageOld photo shows Miss Fleet standing at her door; she later married A Everett of the Forge (?)
X9gviPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillFern CottageFront view, May 2005
X9hiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillWalters Cottagec 1920s or 1930s
X9hiiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillWalters Cottage1920s or 1930s, showing the 4 Miss Cookes,
X9hivPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillNorth HillLooking up the hill from the remnants of Wickhay Green outside Cock Farm; 1990s;
X9hvPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillWalters CottageOpen Gardens, 1999
X9iPhotoProperties and Residents - North Hill1985 photo of Milk Race on North HillInternational Milk Race; North Hill rear entrance to the Heather Hills, 1985
X9jPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPoleighsView from North Hill, 1970s
X9jiiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillWillow CottageNorth Hill, Willian Calcraft (hangman) lived here in the 19th century
X9jivPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPoleighsMedieval window; oak mullions
X9jvPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillPoleighs, 1927Photo taken by Mr A.H.Trigge and sent same year from Canada to Mr Stracey then occupying the house
X9kPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillRodney PH and Warren CottageAn old Christmas card showing the Rodney, coloured with Pastels. Note building in the position of Pledgers Cottage garage.
X9liPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillThe Rodney Public House dated 1991 - taken from the footpath by The Return
X9liiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillBlack and white photograph dated c 1970s of the Rodney Public Inn.
X9liiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillThe Rodney Public HouseColoured photograph showing a group outside the public house celebrating the home coming of Dean after the Falklands war. dated 1982
X9miPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photo of the Post Office Stores, North Hill, 1990
X9miiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillBlack and white photograph of the Post Office Stores, North Hill, dated 1998.
X9n4PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photograph of the Post Office, North Hill, dated 1960s or 70s.
X9niPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photograph looking towards the Post Office Stores from the corner of High Pasture, dated 19??
X9niiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photograph of the Post Office Stores and looking towards the corner of High Pastures, North Hill.1991
X9piPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photograph of The Post Office Stores c 1990.
X9piiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillBlack and white photograph of post office dated 1953 (original in school scrapbook)
X9piiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photo of the Post Office Stores, North Hill, with Liz Sheriff (back left) and assistant ?
X9qiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColour photo of the Almshouse (Mount Pleasant), North Hill, being double glazed, 1987.
X9riPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColam Lane / Spring Elm Lane cross road, top of North Hill taken 1990 showing sign to Danbury and Hatfield Peverell.
X9rivPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSpalding photo of Sorrell's shop and corner c.1910
X9rixPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSorrell's Corner Crossroads1913 postcard send to Mr P Shipman from Mother and Father; 1913;
X9rvPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillView towards Colam Lane / Spring Elms Lane crossroads.Looking up North Hill; old Memorial Hall on left
X9rviPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSorrell's Corner1990; shop now a private house
X9rviiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillNorth Hill showing School Roomsc 1920s;
X9rxPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSorrell's ShopEarly 1900s; 3 women in picture - Edwardian dress;
X9rxiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillNorth HillView north towards St Andrew's Hall; formerly School; 1998;
X9s4PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSorrell's crossroadsWinter scene; no date;
X9s5PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSt Andrews HallPossibly still a school (1960s?); shows the School House; North Hill;
X9s6PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillNorth HillLooking north from near entrance to Spring Close; shows Vica Cottages and Shouldersticks;
X9s7PhotoProperties and Residents - North HillJohn Vale's butchers shopNorth Hill; 1960s or 70s ?;
X9siPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillJohn Vale's butchers shop1990; North Hill;
X9siiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSorrell's Corner1998;
X9tiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillFir Tree CottagePossibly same image as X9ti; this is dated 1921 ??;
X9tiiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillFir Tree CottageEarly 1920s; cottage bought by grandmother of Janet Shave (nee Stracey) in 1920;
X9uiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillRose Cottage from Walter's CottagePhoto taken by Patricia Stewart, winter 1954-5;
X9vPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillWarren Farm1991;
X9viiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillWarren FarmLarge picture; c1950s
X9wiiiDocProperties and Residents - North HillPhoto of Little Baddow Stores (The Brambles)
X9wivPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillHill CottageNorth Hill; illuminated view of front after dark;
X9xiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillLower part of North Hill1998; taken near entrance to Spring Close; shows Vica Cottages and Shouldersticks
X9xiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillJarvis Field1998;
X9xiiiPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillSpring Close1998;
X9yPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillHill Cottages
X9zaPhotoProperties and Residents - North HillColoured postcard of North HillLooking up hill from the Rodney bend;
X10aiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneCockleys, Colam LaneTaken from entrance to Ryefield; 1990s
X10aiiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneColam LaneHouses east of Cockleys; 1990s
X10aiiiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneTop of Colam Lane1998; Hill Cottage is on the right
X10aivPhotoProperties in Colam LaneEntrance to Colam LaneHill Cottage; 1998
X10biPhotoProperties in Colam LaneRyefield Houses1990s
X10biiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneRyefield Houses1990s
X10biiiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneEntrance to Ryefield
X10bivPhotoProperties in Colam LaneColam LaneCoskleys (opposite Ryefield entrance); 1998;
X10cPhotoProperties in Colam LaneChestnut Cottage1997; Junction of Colam Lane and Holybread Road
X10d2DocProperties in Colam LaneCopies of Paterson sketch of Cuckoos Farm
X10diPhotoProperties in Colam LaneCuckoos FarmFrom Chapel Lane
X10eivPhotoProperties in Colam LaneColam LaneOld photo marked Coldham Lane
X10evPhotoProperties in Colam LaneColam LaneEntrance to Rectory on left; 1998
X10fPhotoProperties in Colam LaneColam Lane
X10giPhotoProperties in Colam LaneSpalding photo of the Old Rectory c.1905 (No.1745) Rear view
X10giiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneSpaldings postcard of The Old Rectory c.1905 (No. 1745)Rear view; Colam Lane;built in 1859, the architect was Butterfield
X10giiiPhotoProperties in Colam LanePhoto of Old Rectory (front view)
X10givPhotoProperties in Colam LanePhoto of Old Rectory (rear view)
X10hiPhotoProperties in Colam LaneSpalding photo of the intersection of Holybread Lane and Colam Lane (No. 571)Chestnut Cottage on left, Cuckoos ahead
X11aiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesGreat Graces
X11aiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesGreat Graces
X11aiiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesGraces WalkTaken in 1978 by Ian Chalmers
X11aivPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesGraces WalkTaken in 1978 by Ian Chalmers
X11bPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesLittle Graces
X11ciPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld RiffhamsLarge copy of Spalding postcard No.568; c1930s
X11ciiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesFlower ShowPostcard; 1907; Danbury and Little Baddow flower show at Riffhams
X11ciiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld Riffhams (close-up looking down Riffhams Chase)Fred Spalding postcard labelled Old Riffans, Little Baddow
X11civPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld Riffhams
X11cvPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld RiffhamsOpen Day c 1990s
X11cviPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhamsFrom Spalding postcard No.564
X11cviiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld RiffhamsHM Paterson sketch
X11cxPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesView from Riffhams Chase towards Riffhams
X11cxiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams ChaseView of Long Wood from the Chase
X11d5iPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesOld Riffhams4 photos, April 2005;
X11diPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesWater Hall
X11diiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesWater Hallc 1990
X11diiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams Chase and Longwood
X11divPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesNew Riffhams
X11eiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesNew Lodgec 1970s - 2 copies
X11f6PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesGenerals ArmsTaken in the 1960s or 70s (I think this is later - by the look of the cars - Mel)
X11fiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThatched CottageThe Ridge; c 1990
X11fiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThatched CottagePostcard - no date
X11fiiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThatched CottageThe Ridge; detail of chimneys and thatch
X11fivPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThatched CottageEntrance to Riffhams Chase; gate at entrance; c1920s ?
X11fixPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThe RidgeLooking towards the crossroads and Colam Lane; 1999
X11fvPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThatched CottageThe Ridge; roof detail; new thatch; 1990
X11fviPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesGenerals Arms1998
X11fviiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThe RidgeFrom near 'Jocks Lodge', looking south towards Danbury
X11fviiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesThatched CottageRiffhams Chase; gated entrance; Spalding Postcard
X11giPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams ChaseBlack and white postcard; uncertain of exact position, possibly Riffhams Lane?
X11giiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams Chase 1950s
X11giiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesMill Lane
X11givPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesRiffhams Chase in winter
X11hiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesMill Cottage
X11hiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesMill LaneJun-05
X11hiiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesMill Cottage, Mill Lane1905-1909
X11hivPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesMill MeadShows drive from Mill Lane to Mill Mead. To the left is where Oaklea now stands.
X11hvPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesMeadows, Mill lane
X11jiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesPatenteesTaken after 1920
X11jiiPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesPatenteesJun-05
X11k2PhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesDanbury and Lingwood CommonNational Trust sign
X11liPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesPulcherines
X11miPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesBack of the Luard's house, The Ridge
X11niPhotoProperties - Ridge, Mill Lane, Riffhams, GracesCottage in the Bushc 1900; A concise history is given below the photo - Humfry Hedge, Daniel Cornewall, John Burchell, Mr Wackrill, Dr C Armstrong Gibbs
X12PhotoJ. Berridge, Heather Hills
X12aPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsFrom Pillow Barrow to outside earthworks to the North; 1997;
X12bPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsTaken from just east of the earthworks; 1997
X12cPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsDitch between inner and outer ramparts
X12dPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather Hillsfrom inner rampart looking at ditch; 1997
X12ePhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsTaken from ditch (and showing Simon Johnson in it), and showing inner rampart running in front of seat; 1997
X12fPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsOuter rampart; 1997
X12g1PhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsPossibly on mound, facing WNW; 1997
X12g2PhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsFrom inner rampart; Possibly B on map; 1997
X12g3PhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsOuter rampart; Possibly B on map; 1997
X12g4PhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsFacing south; outer rampart; Possibly D on map; 1997
X12kPhotoJesse Berridge Papers1960 opening of new Memorial HallRev Berridge; Mrs Hood; Mr R Hovenden (Chairman of Parish Council)
X12lPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather HillsMounted map by Jesse Berridge (from the Essex Review, 1923); this is the reference map for photos X12g1 - g4; 1997
X12mPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather Hillsphoto of the two ramparts separated by the ditch; 1997
X12nPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather Hillsview near Hill fort; 1997
X12oPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather Hillsview near the Hill fort; 1997
X12pPhotoJesse Berridge PapersEarthworks, Heather Hillsnear Hill fort; 1997
X12qPhotoJesse Berridge PapersHeather HillsOld track, known as York Street; 1997
X12rPhotoJ Berridgephoto showing him as a young man, c 1894
X12sPhotoRev Jesse BerridgePhoto showing him as an old man c1945
X12tPhotoJ Berridgephoto taken in 1918, out shooting
X14aPhotoMillennium LunchUnveiling ceremony; new Village SignEaster Monday 2000; Shows Nora Shipman
X14bPhotoMillennium LunchUnveiling ceremony; new Village SignEaster Monday 2000; Shows unveiling by Jenny Atkinson
X14cPhotoMillennium LunchUnveiling ceremony; new Village SignEaster Monday 2000; Shows unveiling by Jenny Atkinson
X15aPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsDuke Street, ChelmsofrdPostcard, c1910 - 20
X15bPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsTindal Square, ChelmsfordPhoto c 1910-20
X15cPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsMoulsham Street, ChelmsfordPostcard c 1900; looking towards the Stone Bridge
X15dPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsEve's Corner, DanburyPostcard; 1952
X15ePhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsPhoto of 2 menMid/late 19th century; men are unidentified
X15fPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsOld Baddow Mill, EssexOld postcard of painting, previously listed as 'unknown landscape', but top left it says 'Old Baddow Mill, Essex'
X15gPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsThe Griffin Danbury c.1908Photocopy of Spalding photo of Great Eastern Railway bus outside the Griffin Inn, Danbury with concise history
X15hPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsDanbury Palace c1860Copy of painting of Danbury Palace with concise history
X15jPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsMain Road Danbury c.1905Photocopy of Spalding photo with concise history
X15kPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsDanbury Church c.1905Photocopy of old photo with concise history
X15lPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsThe Old Bakery, Danbury Common c.1905Photocopy of old photo with concise history
X15mPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsMain Road Danbury, looking west, c.1925Photocopy with concise history
X15nPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsAdams Cottages, Eve's Corner, Danbury
X15oPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsNew BassettsPostcard of Bassetts, c 1920s; Bassetts was one of the 5 manors of medieval Little Baddow; New Bassetts was built in the late 16th century by the Blake family, the Lords of the Manor
X15pPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsBassettsOak room panelling, late 16th century
X15qPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsBassettsPostcard view, c 1920s
X15rPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsBassettsPostcard, 1920s
X15sPhotoDanbury postcards, BassettsOld BassettsJun-05
X15tArtworkDanbury postcards, BassettsWatercolour of Griffin at carnival time by Jill Goodson.
X16aiiiPhotoThe Old RodneyOld Rodney
X16aixPhotoThe Old RodneyOld RodneyBefore the extension; copy of Spalding original
X16avPhotoThe Old RodneyOld RodneyLarge photo of Rodney before extension
X16aviPhotoThe Old RodneyOld Rodney1918; photo of house with pony and trap
X16aviiPhotoThe Old RodneyOld RodneyPostcard of Rodney after the extension had been built; from original pen and ink drawing
X16axPhotoThe Old RodneyOld RodneyCopy of postcard; taken before extension; labelled 'Rodney House, Baddow Rodney'
X16bPhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyView from the Heather Hills; copy of postcard, labelled 'Baddow Rodney'
X16biPhotoThe Old RodneyEntrance to Heather HillsPhoto dates 1970 - 1980s
X16biiiPhotoThe Old RodneyHeather HillsPostcard, labelled 'The Celebrated Beauty Spot of Essex... Little Baddow' and 'The Olde Rodney'
X16bivPhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyRodney showing drive, before extension. Copy of Spalding
X16ciPhotoThe Old RodneyOld RodneyPostcard labelled 'A corner of the Tea Garden, The Olde Rodney'
X16ciiiPhotoThe Old RodneyOld RodneyDogs in old Rodney, 1930; rear is marked 'Pat and Jock' also 'Tea Veranda and shop ??
X16civPhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyView from the garden; copy of postcard labelled 'The Rodney, Nr Maldon'
X16cvPhotoThe Old RodneyHeather Hills
X16diiPhotoThe Old RodneyHeather HillsAdults and children; postcard labelled 'The Old Rodney'; probably taken from behind the school looking eastwards
X16diiiPhotoThe Old RodneyThe Heather HillsPostcard labelled 'The Old Rodney';
X16dviiiPhotoThe Old RodneyMill LaneShows sign to 'The Old Rodney'
X16eiiPhotoRodney House, Baddow RodneyPostcard 28th April 1904
X16eiiiPhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyColoured photograph; postcard sent in 1906
X16eivPhotoThe Old RodneyRodney House from Heather HillsPostcard 1904
X16fiPhotoThe Old RodneyRodney HouseB/W postcard
X16fjPhotoThe Old RodneyRodney GateB/W postcard
X16flPhotoThe Old RodneyThe RodneySpalding postcard No 68; possibly Edwardian
X16fmPhotoThe Old RodneyThe RodneySepia postcard; Gowers Ltd of Maldon, No 282; misprint says 'Baddon Rodney'; postally used 1919
X16fnPhotoThe Old RodneyThe Old RodneyPostcard; shows family with dog sitting on grass
X16fuPhotoTennis Courts at the Old Rodney, c1930
X17a1ArtworkProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallCopy of old sketch of ForgeCopy of old Sketch
X17a2PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallAlbert Everett and Mr HaywardAt Forge: Hayward known as 'moon man' because he was affected by the moon, and once assaulted Albert Everett at that time of month.
X17a3ArtworkProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB Hall1957 sketch of forge
X17a4PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallFarm cart with Albert Everett beside it
X17a5PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe ForgeThe Forge as a private house, Holybread Lane, 1997. Home of Shirley Cope and Charles Cope at that time.
X17a7PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Hoppet, 1920s
X17a8PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Hoppet1920s
X17a10PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Old Forge2005
X17b1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallHolybread LaneLooking east, with Holybred wood on the left; december 1997
X17b2PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallHolybread and Colam LaneLooking westwards towards Cuckoos Farm and Chestnut Cottage; original Spalding Postcard
X17b3PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallHolybred Wood1999
X17b4PhotoHolybread Wood1999
X17b5PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallPhoto of junction of Holybred Lane and North Hill, Summer 2001
X17c1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall c.1910 with concise historyEntrance to Hall, Church Road
X17c2PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall1989; shows north wall with proposed fireplace / oven ?
X17c3PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall (Aerial view)Taken from top of Church tower. 1950s (but after 1952, since the field top left was a meadow until then)
X17c4PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow HallSketch of Hall as an Arts Centre, c. 1975
X17c5PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hallphoto c. 1980s
X17c6PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Halltaken from the orchard, 1989; 2 copies
X17c7PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hallc. 1950s
X17c9PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall2002
X17c10PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall2005
X17d1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallHall CottageChurch Road; 1991
X17e1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallChelmer Cottage
X17e2PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallChelmer Cottage
X17e3PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallChelmer Cottage
X17f1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall Fruit FarmGrubbed out fruit trees
X17f2PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall Fruit FarmDisplay board at entrance
X17f3PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall Fruit farmPick your own strawberries
X17f4PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallLittle Baddow Hall Fruit FarmFruit Trees - end of 20th century
X17g1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallHoppet, Chapel LaneFrom the Hoppet Collection
X17g2PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Hoppet, Chapel LanePhoto plus photocopy; 1930s
X17g3PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallThe Hoppet, Chapel Lane
X17g4PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallJoyce Thornton (nee Briscoe) at the HoppetFrom the Hoppet Collection
X17g6PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallS Cope and her FatherAt The Hoppet
X17g7PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallFamily photo at The HoppetFrom the Hoppet Collection
X17g8PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallFamily at The HoppetFrom Hoppet Collection
X17g9PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallDog at the HoppetFrom Hoppet collection
X17h1PhotoProperties - Holybred Lane, Chapel Lane, Forge, LB HallRose CottageHolybread Lane; 1999
X18aPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool class photo c1915At side of Village School (St Andrews); postcard undated
X18bPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool class photoWith teacher; postcard undated;
X18cPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool class photoUndated
X18fPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool pupils 1928[L to R] Row 1: John Murrell, Archie Cameron, Charlie Parmenter, Leslie Winger, ?, George Brazier; Row 2: Basil?, George Kemp, Edith Scroggins, Doris Knight, Gladys Spooner, Irene Wright, Norah Shipman, Peggy ?, Graham Dawkins, Peter Sergeant; Row3: Isabel Hodges, Kathleeen Stubbings, Dolly Winger, Beryl Vanstone, Margaret Parmenter, Emily Lock, Lily Westwood, Jean Ager; Row 4 Lesley Joslin, Don Sergeant, Ken Wright
X18gPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool Class photo c1890s/1900sOutside the National School; Miss Clench on left, Mr Thomas on right
X18iPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool class photo c.1910Mr Taylor on left
X18jPhotoSchool PhotographsSchoolPhoto of school and side entrance; 1940s or 50s ?
X18kPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool group photo, undated possibly 1930s
X18lPhotoSchool PhotographsEvacuees from Tottenham1939; outside the Congregational Chapel
X18mPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool Class photo, undated possibly 1940s
X18p1PhotoSchool Photographs1931-32 Little Baddow School Country DancingNita Humphries, Joan or Dorothy Wright, Lily Westwood, Beryl Vanstone, Jean Ager, Phyllis Lightfoot, Ron Hunt, Monty Peacock, Tom Lock, George Brazier, George Kemp, Ken Winger
X18p2PhotoSchool PhotographsFlower Fairies of Spring 1938Including Glenys Scrivener, Pat Willett, Joyce Lightfoot, Peggy Baines (Miles) Olive Enefer (Hughes) Wendy Taylor Peggy Smith Edie Rolfe Geoffrey French.
X18p4PhotoSchool Photographs1931-32 Little Baddow School Country DancingEmmie Lock, Phyl Lightfoot, Jean Ager, Nita Humphries, Beryl Vanstone, Kathy Stubbings, Lily Westwood
X18p5PhotoSchool Photographs1931-32 Little Baddow School Country DancingDorothy Wright, George Kemp, Jean Ager, Tom Lock, Ron Hunt, Beryl Vanstone, Nita Humphries, Ken Winger
X18p6PhotoSchool Photographs1931-32 Little Baddow Stool-Ball TeamPhyl Lightfoot, Joan Wright, Norah Shipman, Lily Westwood, Margaret Parmenter, Nita Humphries, Emmi Lock, Kathy Stubbings, Florence Waite, Jean Ager
X18qPhotoSchool PhotographsSchool class photo 1910/1912Back row: far left is Alec Smith; 2nd row: 6th left Una Bickmore (married Beckworth); Bottom Row 2nd right, Hilda Smith, 1st right May Smith
X18sPhotoSchool PhotographsLittle Baddow School Class photo c1927Back Row: Leslie Joslin, Ron Wiggins, Run Puddephatt, Roger Joslin, Charlie Parmenter, Monty Peacock, George Kemp, Peter Sargeant; SecondRow: Phoebe Everett, Norah Shipman, Stella Woodhouse, Frances Wright, Nancy Wilson, Peggy Ramsey, Doris Knight, Gwen Rolfe, Jean Ager, Cathy Stubbings, Miss Thrift; Third Row: Ken Wright, Joan Wright, Vera Coker, Gladys Spooner, ? Patrick, Margaret Parmenter, Isobel Hedges, Dorothy Wright, Hilda Brown, Lily Westwood, Irene Wright, Phyllis Lightfoot, Beryl Vanstone, Emily Lock; Front Row: Tom Lock, John Webb, Don Sargeant, John Brown, Billy Wright, Lenny Wright, Basil Ramsey, Ken Winger
X19aPhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldScout HutIn Edward VIII Scout Pack, Little Baddow; Essex Countryside, Winter 1952/3
X19bPhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldFootball Team 1917
X19cPhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldScouts with Jesse Berridge (Scoutmaster), 1915-1919? Sargeant, Lew Peacodle, Percy Enefer, R B Warsop, Anthony Allen, Fred Durham, Jessie Berridge, Bill Stubbings George King, Sid Enefer, Ernie Smith
X19dPhotoScouts at Osea Island, 1935Names are given on original mount; August 1935, with visitors.
X19ePhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldHockey team 1950sBack row l to r: Peter Thomason, Nigel Burch, Norman Pinder, Tubby Webb, John Fowler, Roy Hallowell, Mike Parker; front row: ?, Noel Taylor, John Munro; Bob Upson
X19fPhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldHockey Teamearly 1950s ?. some names listed
X19gPhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldGuides' playing fieldsFrom Riffhams Chase entrance by Ann Poulard
X19hPhotoScouts, Hockey and Sports FieldGuides' Camp SiteOpposite Old Riffhams
X20a1PhotoLittle Baddow InnsGenerals Arms garden1999
X20b1PhotoLittle Baddow InnsRodney InnSaloon bar, 1999
X21a1PhotoProperties Spring Elms LanePheasant House FarmGladys Knight demonstrating water carrying; photo c. 1990
X21a2PhotoProperties Spring Elms LanePheasant House FarmMrs Gladys Knight (and Doris Long) demonstrating water carrying before the advent of piped water; photo 1990
X21a3PhotoProperties Spring Elms LanePheasant House FarmAdditional copy of photo in X21a2
X21a4PhotoProperties Spring Elms LanePheasant House FarmAdditional copy of photo in X21a1
X21a5PhotoProperties Spring Elms LanePheasant House FarmMr Knight
X21b1PhotoProperties Spring Elms LaneGibbsPostcard; Spring Elms Lane before the road was made up;
X21c1PhotoProperties Spring Elms LaneSweeps CottageSpring Elms Lane
X21d1PhotoProperties Spring Elms LaneRodney GateCorner of Mill Road and Spring Elms Lane
X21fPhotoProperties Spring Elms LaneTwo photos of slaughter house (pre-1958) now Ridge House behind Well House garden, Spring Elm Lane
X22a1PhotoWildlife, Nature ReservesEssex Wildlife TrustVolunteers in one of the Trust's reserves; Geoff Pyman on right;
X22a2PhotoWildlife, Nature ReservesEssex Wildlife Trust reserveVolunteer strimming bracken
X22a3PhotoWildlife, Nature ReservesThe Heather HillsManaged by the Essex Wildlife Trust; photo c 1998; used in "Little Baddow: a century of village life"
X22a4PhotoWildlife, Nature ReservesEssex Wildlife Trust reserveProbably between Woodham Walter Common and the Ridge; one of the Danbury Ridge reserves; photo c 1998
X23dPhotoAlfred Willett, POWSports day at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett memorabilia; Alfred Willett is ringed
X23gPhotoAlfred Willett, POWCanadian War MemorialVimy Ridge
X23hPhotoAlfred Willett, POWFuneral of Soldier at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett memorabilia
X23iPhotoAlfred Willett, POWFuneral at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett memorabilia
X23jPhotoAlfred Willett, POWFuneral at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett memorabilia
X23kPhotoAlfred Willett, POWFuneral at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett memorabilia
X23l1PhotoAlfred Willett, POWFuneral at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett memorabilia
X23l2PhotoAlfred Willett, POWFuneral at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett's memorabilia
X23mPhotoAlfred Willett, POWPOW group at Stalag VIII-BFrom Alfred Willett's memorabilia; Willett is ringed on photo
X23nPhotoAlfred Willett, POWPOW group at Stalag VIII-BAlfred Willett's memorabilia; Willett is ringed on photo
X23pPhotoAlfred Willett, POWPOW group at Stalag VIII-BAlfred Willett arrived
X24aPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottagePatricia Stewart
X24bPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; Patricia Stewart and Margaret Martin;
X24cPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's Garden Party; 3rd September 1988
X24dPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; September 3rd 1988
X24ePhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters Cottage Garden PartySeptember 3rd 1988
X24fPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChilden's garden party; September 3rd 1988
X24gPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; September 3rd 1988
X24hPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; September 3rd 1988
X24iPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; September 3rd 1988; ? John Gibson? ?
X24jPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; September 3rd 1988; Rector (Robin Turner); Ted Grace; Sheila Turner; John Lowe
X24kPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; September 3rd 1988; Ted Grace; John Lowe
X24lPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWalters CottageChildren's garden party; 3rd September 1988
X24mPhoto1977 Silver JubileeSilver jubilee garden party6th June 1977; for children; tea in the garage at Walters Cottage
X24nPhoto1977 Silver JubileeChildren's Jubilee party6thJune 1977; Walters Cottage; Dennis Gill (Chairman Parish Council); Norman Claxton (Parish Councillor); Patricia Stewart (Parish Councillor)
X24oPhoto1977 Silver JubileeChildren's Jubilee partyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977;
X24pPhoto1977 Silver JubileeJubilee Children's PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977;
X24qPhoto1977 Silver JubileeJubilee Children's PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977
X24rPhoto1977 Silver JubileeJubilee Children's PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977
X24sPhoto1977 Silver JubileeJubilee Children's PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977
X24tPhoto1977 Silver JubileeSilver Jubilee Children's PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977
X24uPhoto1977 Silver JubileeSilver Jubilee PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977
X24vPhoto1977 Silver JubileeSilver Jubilee PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977
X24wPhoto1977 Silver JubileeSilver Jubilee PartyWalters Cottage; 6th June 1977; Alastair Stewart;
X24/2gPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997; Linda Bradley;
X24/2tPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; Bet Ashford; Bric a Brac stall;
X24/2uPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997;
X24/2vPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997; Geoff Pyman; John Daniels (in doorway);
X24/2wPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997; John Daniels; Mary Klaber;
X24/2xPhoto1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997; Margaret Coppell; Margaret Dowley; Linda Bradley; Ted Grace;
X24/2z1Photo1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997;
X24/2z2Photo1977 Silver JubileeWorld's Biggest Coffee MorningWalters Cottage; 3rd October 1997; Jean Gray; Margaret Coppell; Brenda Hoosen; Ten Grace; Linda Bradley
X25bPhotoWorld War TwoHarry Shortt and Peter SergeantHarry Shortt was killed in the war
X25cPhotoWorld War TwoRoll of HonourIn the Memorial Hall
X25dPhotoWorld War TwoCharles ThompsonPhotocopy of photo: served with the 5th battalion, Essex Reg, 8th Army in North Africa, Sicily and Italy, 1940-46
X25ePhotoWorld War TwoKenneth WingerCopy of a photo of Kenneth Winger (R.E. in uniform) and another unnamed man
X26PhotoWWII Memorabilia17th Century Faire and History ExhibitionSet of photos with no details attached; 2002?;
X28a2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSpalding postcard of The Navigation (No. 387)Postcard dated 1907; barge near bridge;
X28a4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationChildren near Paper Mill Bridge
X28a5PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFloods in fields near Church Road Bridge
X28a6PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFloods in river near Paper Mill bridge
X28a8PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Bridge c.1930sPostcard labelled Ye Olde Bridge, Little Baddow
X28a10PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSpalding photo of Bridge at Paper Mill Lock (No.386) with concise historyShowing barge carrying timber and bargees
X28a12PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Bridge in backgroundMrs Mary Martin; taken in the 1960s
X28a13PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lockwith Navigation Company office boarded up; 1970s?; Note no pleasure boats; modern slipway not yet in place; compare with X28d4
X28a14PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationOld Wooden BridgeWith pedestrians; 1905; Old Black Bridge for pedestrians; near Little Baddow lock; modern footbridge has replaced this; footpath goes to Boreham
X28a15PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Bridge 1997
X28b2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationLittle Baddow MillAlso known as Kings Mill; view from Boreham side of canal, just below lock;
X28b3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSandon BrookFrom Church Road just before the brook joins the Chelmer; Children playing in stream, cows in field, caravan park in background;
X28b4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSunken barge near Little Baddow Lock c.1970Possibly Susan (since restored) in the coal wharf
X28b5PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationKings MillPhoto from Boreham bank; date unknown;
X28c2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper MillDate on reverse is 1910; problematic - when was it burnt down?;
X28c3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationCopy of sketch of Paper MillNo date or further details;
X28c4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill LockPen and ink sketch; 1999;
X28c5PhotoChelmer and Blackwater Navigation2002 Paper Mill Lock SignPhoto of plan showing islands;
X28c6PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill LockWatercolour by Rod Brown; postcard;
X28c7PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock and VictoriaWatercolour by Rod Brown; postcard; shows the barge 'Victoria' in foreground
X28c8PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock 2002New coffee shop table
X28c9PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock 2002Canal pleasure boat ready for refurbishment
X28c10PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock 2002Canal pleasure boat ready for refurbishment
X28c11PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock 2002
X28c12PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock 2002
X28d1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Lock HouseShows boy with cat and female sitting on lock beam
X28d2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationMarven Family outside Lock houseLocation uncertain - possibly Sandford Mill or Little Baddow
X28d3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill lock area1998;
X28d4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill lock areaUndated; shows the Victoria and slipway;
X28d5PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill lock areaUndated; taken at same time as X28d4?;
X28d6PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill lock areaTaken from below lock; 1998;
X28e5PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill Bridge c.1920s
X28e6PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill BridgePrinted photo; c.1950s ?
X28f2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationRowing boat on ChelmerBetween Rushes and Paper Mill locks (Locks 4 and 5) c.1914-1918;
X28f3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPaper Mill lock area 1998
X28f4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationNavigation Office at Paper Mill Lock 1998
X28g1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationWeir at Rushes Lock (Lock 4)
X28g2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFlooding and weir at Paper Mill lock
X28h1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationMt and Mrs StraceyPaper Mill Bridge, 1928
X28h3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationBoy fishing on River Chelmer at Little Baddow
X28j1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationWeirs at Paper MillNo date given
X28j2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationConfluence of Sandon Brook and ChelmerMelting ice
X28j3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationRiver ChelmerEarly postcard
X28j4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationWeir at King's MillSepia print, no date, 'R Chelmer Back Water Weir King's Mill'
X28j5PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFloods near Paper MillNo date
X28j6PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFlooded field near Paper Mill LockNo date
X28k1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPermanently flooded area near Paper Mill LockNorth side of navigation, 1998
X28k2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPermanently flooded area near Paper Mill LockNorth side of navigation, 1998
X28k3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationPermanently flooded area near Paper Mill Lock with boatLooking north over the navigation, 1998
X28k4PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationFloods March 1947View from below the Church across Sandon Brook (along line of elms) towards King's Mill
X28l1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationBarnes Mill, Springfield
X28m1PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSmuggler's Barn 2000To the east of Paper Mill Lock on the north bank of the navigation
X28m2PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSmuggler's Barn 1996To the east of Paper Mill Lock on the north bank of the navigation
X28m3PhotoChelmer and Blackwater NavigationSmuggler's Barn 1996To the east of Paper Mill Lock on the north bank of the navigation
X29bPhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsRiver Chelmer at Paper Mill weirLarge photo
X29dPhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsPaper Mill lock gatesLarge photo
X29ePhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsRiver Chelmer near Paper Mill BridgeLarge photo
X29fPhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsChelmerPostcard posted 23rd June 1911; shows river immediately below Little Baddow lock house
X29hPhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsThe FisheriesPostcard dated 1911, north side of pool below Paper Mill Lock
X29iPhotoRiver Chelmer PhotographsBarge on navigationSpalding postcard, looking east from Paper Mill Bridge
X30a-lDocWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921B&W photos of a wooden model of Water HallIncluding a letter from D.C.Hurley from Danbury of DH Photography dated 27 January 1986
X30mPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30nPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30pPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30qPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30rPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30sPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30tPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30uPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30vPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30wPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of wooden structure of Water Hall
X30xPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X30yPhotoWater Hall Model + National School personnel c.1836-1921Model of timber structure of Water Hall
X31PhotoKathy Paterson's wedding1927, LHS scouts Alf Parmenter and Willy Martin, RHS scout Reg Lightfoot, choir women: (left to right) Mrs Wright, Edie Hunt, Mrs Puddephatt, Mrs A Ager Miss Shipman
X32Aa-cPhotoUnited Reformed ChapelURC ceremony to honour Miss Marven3 photos of the ceremony; Miss Marven, Mark Rowland, Lynn Coppell, Laura Ashford, Andy Coppell, Mrs Opie, Revd Collingwood, Peter Wiggs,
X32Ad1-9PhotoWedding of Rev Margaret Thomas and Norman Ashby12/7/1997, (also pic of Jennifer Mead); Alan Ashford, Bet Grace, Elizabeth Bourn, John Gibson, Heather and Margaret Coppell, Hazel Rowland, Shirley Gibson, Pat Herniman, Bet Ashford, Brenda Hoosen,
X32a-dPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURCGale damage, 1987, roof east side, exposed roof timbers,
X32aaPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURCMounted copy of a sketch of the Congregational chapel by Godfrey Hall, 1889
X32e-fPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC demolition of chimneyMarch 1988, south-west view of church, X32f has view before demolition
X32gPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC roof repairsEarly 1988
X32hPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURCView of west roof, November 1987
X32iPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC west side window1987
X32i2PhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC North wall window1987
X32j1PhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC window west side1987
X32kPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC window west side1987
X32lPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC inside view of west window
X32mPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC north wallInside view
X32nPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC west windowsInside view
X32p-qPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchURC lampsOriginal oil lamps converted to electricity
X32tPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchManse and URC chapelSpalding postcard, late 19th century; note picket fence around churchyard
X32v-wDocUnited Reformed ChurchCopy of sketch of church after alterations made during incumbency of Rev J H StanleyThe pulpit had been returned to its original position, the gallery removed and the north wall door bricked in, Alterations included the provision of a wood block floor and the present seating.
X32yPhotoUnited Reformed ChurchCopies of old photos of Chapel and Manse
X32zPhotoUnited Reformed ChapelURC interior15 photos taken in 2000
X33aPhotoAerial PhotographsRiver near Paper MillAerial view taken Aug 13th 1989, shows North Hill to left and Hatfield Peverell Road to right
X33b-fPhotoAerial PhotographsNorth Hill aerial viewTaken Aug 13th 1989
X34PhotoClubs and GroupsToddler Group - unknown date
X36ciDocLocal Charity Appeals including Holybred Wood AppealColour photograph of 4 people holding a sign saying ‘Holybred Wood Appeal’
X36ciiiPhotoLocal Charity AppealsPurchase of Holybred Wood5 photos at meeting announcing the successful purchase of the wood. 2001
X37PhotoSale notices and newspaper cuttingsGrace's Walk3 postcards, two of them coloured, dated 1904
X38a1-11PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureSt Mary's Church wall painting conservation 1994Set of 11 photos of conservation
X38b1PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsCrack repairs, NW corner of nave
X38b2PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsNorth west buttress crack. June 1992.
X38b3PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsBeam to be replaced. June 1992
X38b4PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsBeam replacement. June 1992
X38b5PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairs.North west buttress repair completed. June 1992.
X38b6PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairs.North side beams and flooring. July 1992
X38b7PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairs.Beam. June 1992.
X38b8PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsReplacement oak beam. June 1992
X38b9PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsCrack repairs in porch. June 1992
X38b10PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsPorch and adjacent wall, stage 1 of repairs, June 1992
X38b11PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsScaffolding to ceiling of nave, June 1992.
X38b12PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsOrgan being protected, June 1992; Ted Grace
X38b13PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsScaffolding in nave. June 1992
X38b14PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsRoof details, June 1992
X38b15PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsRoof details, July 1992
X38b16PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsLion on roof. October 1992
X38b17PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsRoof. July 1992
X38b18PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsRoof. June 1992
X38b19PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsNew roof, south-west corner. October 1992.
X38b20PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsNew roof. North West corner. October 1992
X38b21PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsNew beams in roof. July 1992
X38b22PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairs2 beams to be replaced. July 1992
X38b23PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairsArrival of new beams. June 1992
X38c1-12PhotoSt Mary's Church ArchitectureChurch repairs
X39a1PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, South ViewLarge B&W photo, B Martin c1955
X39a2PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, view of porchBernard Martin
X39a3PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, view of porchAnn Poulard
X39a4PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, entrance gateAnn Poulard
X39a5PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchView from road.
X39a6PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchPostcard, south east view.
X39a7PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchPostcard, view from road
X39a8PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchWall detail
X39b1PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, South ViewSmaller version of X39a1
X39b2PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchPorch view
X39b3PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, South ViewColour photo by Mr Ager, 1983
X39b4DocSt Mary's Church1924 print of St Mary’s Church lit by oil lamp by W G Thomas
X39c1PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, view of porchB Martin, c 1955, Smaller version of X39a2
X39d1PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchSouth East view of Church.
X39d2PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchView from road.
X39d3PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church1970's coloured picture.
X39e1-4PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchAssortment of images from Church.
X40a1-4PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's Church, 1984View of inside south door, view of nave after collapsed floor repaired, view of nave and chancel, view of St Christopher mural
X40a5PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchNave and chapel
X40a6PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Christopher wall paintingPostcard.
X40a7PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchAlter.
X40a8PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchOrgan and pews.
X40a9PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchWall paintings
X40a10PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchView of on-going service.
X40a11PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchBack of Church
X40a12PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchRoll of honour. 1914-1918. Photo 1999
X40a13PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchTomb of Sir Henry Mildmay in Chancel
X40a14PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchPhotos of notes on the old Register Chest.
X40a15PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchOld Register Chest
X40a16PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchView of altar, taken by B Martin about 1955
X40b1PhotoSt Mary's ChurchURCFlower festival
X40b2PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFlower festival
X40b3PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFlower festival
X40b4PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFlower festival
X40b5PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFlower festival
X40b6PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFlower festival
X40b7PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFlower festival
X40b8PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchFestival, Christmas 1989. Robin Turner.
X40c1-2PhotoSt Mary's ChurchSt Mary's ChurchPicture of note signed by Jesse Berridge 1924 concerning list of rectors and vicars
X41aPhotoMemoriesJohn Vale’s Butcher ShopNorth Hill 1950s and 1970s
X44cPhotoRobjohnsFront field with stooked oats 1940's-50
X44dPhotoRobjohnsHouse 10 July 1955
X44ePhotoRobjohnsHouse with apple tree Pinus Malus with pig sties in the background
X44fPhotoRobjohnsStable with pony and jersey cow
X44hPhotoRobjohnsAerial photo of house and garden
X45PhotoWorld War OneC&G Co 8 Northamptonshire Regiment Little Baddow Camp
X46k1PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryHist Soc/URC Little Baddow/American visitors to Little Baddow for the celebration; July 1986
X46k2PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryService in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
X46k3PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryBrownies at Cuckoos Farm July 1986
X46k4PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoos house July 1986
X46k5PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryPlaque on Cuckoo's wall July 1986 (2 copies)
X46k6PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
X46k7PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
X46k8PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
X46k9PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryGroup in Cuckoo's garden July 1986
X46k10PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryLunch at Little Baddow Hall July 1986
X46k11PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryLunch at Little Baddow Hall July 1986
X46k12PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryLunch at Little Baddow Hall July 1986
X46k13PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryLunch at Little Baddow Hall July 1986
X46k14PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryLunch at Little Baddow Hall July 1986
X46k15PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryChelmsford Cathedral Celebration July 1986
X46k16PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryChelmsford Cathedral Celebrations July 1986
X46k17PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryChelmsford Cathedral Celebrations July 1986
X46k18PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryChelmsford Cathedral Celebrations July 1986
X46k19PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryChelmsford Cathedral Celebrations July 1986
X46k20PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker's birth 400th AnniversaryChelmsford Cathedral Celebrations July 1986
X46t1PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker and EliotRev Maclean's Hooker birth 400th Anniversary Annual Lecture 1986 Memorial Hall
X46t2PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker and EliotRev Maclean's Hooker birth 400th Anniversary Annual Lecture 1986 Memorial Hall
X46t3PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker and EliotRev Maclean's Hooker birth 400th Anniversary Annual Lecture 1986 Memorial Hall
X46t4PhotoCuckoos, Thomas HookerHooker and EliotRev Maclean's Hooker birth 400th Anniversary Annual Lecture 1986 Memorial Hall
X47iiPhotoFramed photograph of Village Sign
X49a1PhotoPast and Present57 Hillside, North Hill and The ReturnTaken in the 1930s, Bill Marsh is shown outside The Return, where he lived. Shows weatherboarding.
X49a2PhotoPast and Present57 Hillside, North Hill and The ReturnTaken in 1997 (cp X49a1)
X49b1PhotoPast and PresentSpalding postcard of Coleraines c.1910Photo appears to be the same as that in 2000:0026 and 2020:0165 except no figure in doorway
X49b2PhotoPast and PresentColerainesTaken in 1997
X49c2PhotoPast and PresentNorth HillView down the hill from near Warren Cottage, showing Hillside Cottage
X49d1PhotoPast and PresentChurch RoadBetween the Church and LB Hall
X49d2PhotoPast and PresentChurch Roadbetween Church and LB Hall. Taken in 1997.
X49e1PhotoPast and PresentCongregational ChapelURC. Taken c.1910
X49e2PhotoPast and PresentCongregational ChapelURC. Taken in 1997
X49f1PhotoPast and PresentMill LaneLooking towards Old Rodney. Taken c 1910
X49f2PhotoPast and PresentMill LaneLooking towards Old Rodney. Taken in 1997
X49g1PhotoPast and PresentNorth HillNear Coleraines; shows Kitty delivering milk; taken c 1910
X49g2PhotoPast and PresentNorth Hilltaken near Coleraines; 1997
X49h1PhotoPast and PresentColam LaneTop end of lane; looking towards Sorrell's Corner; shows Aldermanburgh on right; taken c1910
X49h2PhotoPast and PresentColam Lanelooking towards Sorrell's corner; taken in 1997
X49j2PhotoPast and PresentNorth HillTaken from near the Rodney in 1997
X49k1PhotoPast and PresentOld RodneyPhoto c 1905
X49k2PhotoPast and PresentOld RodneyTaken in 1997
X49l1PhotoPast and PresentOld RodneyTaken c 1905; shows pony and trap; labelled as Rodney Common
X49l2PhotoPast and PresentOld RodneyTaken in 1997, showing same view as X49l1
X49m2PhotoPast and PresentWarren CottageView down North Hill, showing Warren Cottage; taken in 1997
X49n1PhotoPast and PresentThe Rodney PH1930s; licensees were the Goldlays; often took fishermen
X49n2PhotoPast and PresentThe Rodney PHTaken in 1997
X49p2PhotoPast and PresentSpring Elms Lanelooking towards top of North Hill; taken in 1997; shows Well House on right
X49q1PhotoPast and PresentNorth HillLooking up the hill from by the Rodney PH; taken c 1910
X49q2PhotoPast and PresentNorth HillLooking up the hill from by The Rodney PH; taken in 1997
X49r2PhotoPast and PresentSorrells CornerShows top of North Hill; taken in 1997
X49s2PhotoPast and Present57 Hillside CottageOn North Hill; taken in 1997
X49t1PhotoPast and PresentThe ForgeCopy; c 1920s; Holybread Lane
X49t2PhotoPast and PresentThe ForgeHolybread Lane; taken in1997
X49u1PhotoPast and PresentThe ForgeTaken in 1923; Albert Prior; Miss Everett; Archie Everett
X49u2PhotoPast and PresentThe ForgeTaken in 1997; same view as X49u1
X49v2PhotoPast and PresentColam LaneLooking towards Sorrells corner; same view as X49v1; taken in 1997
X49wPhotoPast and PresentThe Forge, 1904
X50PhotoMemorial Hall after the fireEnvelope of various slides and photos of the morning after the fire and also of the model for the new hall and some of the new hall.
X50aPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fire, 12 April 1959Newspaper cutting
X50aqPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fireColour photo
X50arPhotoMemorial Hall FireMemorial Hall after the fireColour photo
X50asPhotoMemorial Hall FireMemorial Hall after the fireColour photo
X50atPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fireColour photo
X50auPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fireColour photo
X50avPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fireColour photo
X50awPhotoMemorial Hall FireModel of new Memorial HallColour photo
X50bPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fire, 12 April 1959
X50cPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMorning after the fire, 12 April 1959
X50dPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fire, 12 April 1959Smaller version of X50p
X50ePhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fire, 12 April 1959Smaller version of X50r
X50fPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMorning after the fire, 12 April 1959
X50iPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialThree photos of model of new Memorial Hall, 1960
X50jPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialNew Memorial Hall
X50pPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall morning after the fire, 12 April 1959Larger version of X50d
X50qPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall morning after the fire, 12 April 1959
X50rPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fire, 12 April 1959Larger version of X50e
X50sPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialMemorial Hall after the fire, 12 April 1959
X50tPhotoMemorial Hall FireInterior of new Memorial Hall, 1960
X50uPhotoMemorial Hall FireInterior of new Memorial Hall, 1960
X50vPhotoMemorial Hall FireExterior of new Memorial Hall, 1960
X50wPhotoMemorial Hall 1959-1960, fire and re-opening – exhibition materialNew Village Hall, 1960
X52aPhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubThe Poltergeist, 1956
X52b1PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubLove from a Stranger, April 1958
X52b2PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubLove from a Stranger, April 1958
X52c1PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubEdwina Black, April 1955
X52c2PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubEdwina Black, April 1955
X52d1PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubSeparate Tables, November 1961, Act 1; Mrs Andrews, John Robinson, Rosemary Harwood, Eva Faulkner, Wilfred Garrod, Mary Martin
X52d2PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubSeparate Tables, November 1961, Act 2; John Robertson, Rosemary Harwood, Van Dupuy, Mrs Andrews, Juliet Eley, Eva Faulkner, Wilfred Garrod, M.E.G., Mary Martin
X52d3PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubSeparate Tables, November 1961, view of set
X52d4PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubSeparate Tables, November 1961
X52ePhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubUnder the Sycamore Tree - Beth Grigsby, November 1963 - 4 photos
X52f1PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubThe Caretaker, October 1977; Warner, Hunt
X52g1PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubWaltz of the Toreadors, March 1983
X52g2PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubWaltz of the Toreadors, March 1983
X52g3PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubPaul Cornel, Julian Riddle, Pam Towell, Pam Seear
X52g4-6PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubWaltz of the Toreadors, March 1983
X52g7-9PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubWaltz of the Toreadors, March 1983; Maurice Hurrel, Hunt, Paul Cornel
X52h1-5PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubCharlie's Aunt, December 1983
X52j1-3PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubBlack Coffee,1999; John Richardson, Patsy Page, Patricia, Anne Chambers, Peter McManus, Jac O'Keeffe
X52k1-12PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubThe Happiest Days of your Life, April 2000; Rita Ronn, Jane O'Keeffe, Lindsay Lloyd, John Peregrine, Paul Randall, Ken Rolfe, Trevor, Jill Peregrine, Mike Phillips, Annabel Lloyd, Andrew, Kenton Church, Patsy Page, Sharon Ridley, Dick Higby
X52k13-19PhotoDrama ClubDrama ClubThe Happiest Days of your Life, April 2000; Mo Bright, Sally Lowe, Barbara, Lindsay Lloyd, Jane O'Keeffe, Ken Rolfe, Allison Woolard, Tom,
X52l1-5PhotoDrama ClubEssex Through the Ages Pageant, 1951Sylvia Thorrington, Lucy Payne, John Burgess,
X52l6PhotoDrama ClubEssex Through the Ages Pageant, 1951Jean Sargent, Ivy Clark, Archie Cameron, Mrs Gregory Nicholson, Eva Mason, Mrs Pheley, Miss North, Miss Puddephatt
X52mPhotoDrama ClubDrama Club - When we are MarriedNovember 2002; 15 photographs; Allison Wollard, Brian Greatix, Sally Lowe, Barbara Newton
X53amPhotoPeople and EventsPhoto of Harry Humphries RN
X54aPhoto100th Birthday and other anniversariesFuneral of Frank JohnsonCortege on old parish bier, led by Rev Geyer, August 29th 2000, 6 photographs; Frank Johnson, Rev Geyer,
X55PhotoObituaries and Memorial ServicesDanbury CarnivalCarnival c 1950, 6 pics a-g, a. Viking float, b. Wolf Cubs float, c. Sea Cadets marching band, d. Maldon Carvinal Queen, e. Marching pipe band, f. Horticultural Society float, g. coloured postcard of the Griffin
X59n2PhotoHistorical Notes on Little BaddowArthur Smith, Bailiff of Holybred Farm and his wife MargaretPost 1928, outside Holybred farmhouse
X59n3PhotoHistorical Notes on Little BaddowWedding of Hilda Smith and Alf Freeman, who were married on 4 August 1928 at the chapelPhoto of wedding party at Holybred farm where the bride's father was Farm Manager. Front Row (L to R) - Arch Freeman, Ron Smith, Jane Freeman, Gwendoline Freeman, Groom, Peggy Smith, Bride, Blanche Gilder, Margaret Smith, ???, ???, ???. Middle Row (from R of Groom) - Arch Freeman, Arthur Smith, May Smith, Jack Collins
X60KaPhotoLongwood Country Market 1958 in aid of Memorial Hall ImprovementsLongwood Country Market28th June 1958; held in aid of the Memorial Hall Improvement Fund; 15 photos; pic 15 shows Alexander Gauge (TV Friar Tuck) signing photographs after opening; (pic 4) Macdonald, Leakey, Moody, Hovenden, Stamford; (pic 9) as pic 4 + Mrs Puddephatt; (pic 10)
X60mPhotoEventsLunch at St Andrews, Open Gardens1999; Michael and Anne Gough, John Mudd
X60/1PhotoEvents17th Century FairCuckoos Fields; June 1990;
X60/2PhotoEventsRodney Round Up, 19624 copies of a photograph
X60/2aPhotoEventsFlower Festival1986; St Mary's Church; arrangement depicts the Annunciation
X60/3PhotoEventsRodney round Up, 19627 black and white photos
X60/3a-bPhotoEventsDuck RaceAt Waterhall Ford, 2nd September 1989
X61cPhotoMothers' UnionPhotograph of Mothers' Union members 1978 with names1978; Mrs Targrass (original member 1928), Mrs D Wells(sec), Jean Bothwell (Vic Pres), Grace Henry (Vice Pres), Ann Newman, Elizabeth Warsop, Evelyn Neely.
X65PhotoPoliceEssex Police 150th Anniversary Walk(pics a to g) outside St Mary's; (pic h) outside Church Cottage; (pic i) crossing field; (pics v and w) by Generals Arms; (pic x) old police uniforms on display at Generals Arms; September 7th 1990
X70aPhotoParish Council Financial Statements 1944-1952Coloured postcardTwo girls picking wild flowers; two copies; caption 'At Little Baddow near Chelmsford
X102a1PhotoHistory Exhibits 5th April 1997In St Andrew's; Beryl Thompson
X102a2PhotoHistory Exhibits 5th April 1997Beryl Thompson, Nita Sizer
X102a3PhotoHistorical Exhibition 5th April1997Alan Ashford, John Daniels
X102a4PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997St Andrew's, coffee and tea area in background
X102a5PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Margaret Martin, Alan Ashford
X102a6PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Sally Lowe
X102a7PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Doris Dancer
X102a8PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997John Lowe, Alastair Stewart,
X102a9PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997held in St Andrew's
X102a10PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Shows board displaing 1677 and 1777 maps; Doris Dancer
X102a11PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Elizabeth Bourne, Doris Dancer
X102a12PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Geoff Pyman, John Lowe, Alistair Stewart
X102a13PhotoHistory Exhibition 5th April 1997Margaret Martin, John Lowe
X102a14PhotoHistory Fair, Maldon 19912 photos
X121x1PhotoSpeakman Family papersWill Wild of Cuckoos and Charles Speakman of New Lodge
X121x2PhotoSpeakman Family papersLittle Baddow HallPostcard
X121x3PhotoSpeakman Family papersSpeakman Family at new Lodge 1888J J Speakman (died 1933), Anna (nee Page), 6 sons (Hugh died in 1886), "girl" is Charles Speakman, born in 1886
XM34PhotoRev Deryck CollingwoodTaken at the wedding of Garry and Helen Clarke, 6th April 1985
XM35ArtworkPen and ink sketch of Thatched Cottage, Riffhams Chase by Ralph Arnold
XX29PhotoAerial photograph of Smuggler's Barn, c1980s
XX39fArtworkBlack and white pastel drawing by W.G.Thomas 1924Framed with handwritten excerpt from "The Guiding Star" by Jesse Berridge

Last Updated : 2025-03-08 10:28:50